
(98 KB, 300x300, ef28ba12-c8ed-46d4-838b-a4c95ef5b469-profile_image-300x300.png)
For your consideration I figured I'd had a funny story to tell. You see I'm a Morpher of sorts and well my target of choice was a peculiar request of a random twitch man. I went to work hard on what was asked of me finishing it within the night. I go to DeviantArt to post my masterpiece to come at a halt with a peculiar error. You see it's been more than three days now and I have tried uploading time and time again.. but Everytime I try to upload my pride and joy I get met with the most depressing of error messages to ever grace my screen!

>> File exceeds maximum capacity limit

My throat gulps. My heart sinks. all that work and alas I cannot share it with the world! Try and try as I might, I've tried to day and night! But I fear what might happen if I try three times thrice more.. I worry in fear, if I try one time too many? Will the da server's survive a crash of that size.. so for the safety of the community I have decided to lock away my beautiful masterpiece forever. Fearing the power it holds! Fearing as it may consume the world if I let it gain freedom.. Alas I feel heartbroken.. broken up over what very well could be the most beautiful thing in the world could ever see! And A tear comes to my eye as a wave goodbye I close the door..

>> I lock the demon away and it's cage where it belongs. A box of waffle and poutine at its size hopefully to subseed it's hunger for all eternity..

I leave this as a warning to those who dare search for it. be wary, do not try! For those who enter here enter hells feeding gates be fearful!!!! As the demon inside is hungry beast!
>>103511 (OP)
I don't think he's going to react to something posted of him on a glorified porn site if that's what your trying for.
I keep thinking that this board couldn't possibly get any more retarded, and here we are.
This is definitely a shitty caseoh copypasta lmao
Oh man the board haters are gonna have a field day with this one 😆
Yeah, because one it's a thread and two it's not even funny compared to the other jokes case oh fans can think of. Then again the majority of them are literally just jokes you'd tell to the fat friend.
I fucking hate this. I came here to fap to splatoon inflation, not read your autistic attempt at a shirt copypasta.

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