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anyone got a embarrassing story of yourself inflating?
i'll start, a couple of years ago i did inflations almost every 2 days, i live with my father so i got to do it late at night or in the shower, one day i decided to inflate right before showering, the door of the bathroom doesn't close all the way so i told my dad "hey, im taking a shower!" he said ok and i went in, i starting to inflate slowly but then i got super horny and decided to pump faster and faster, i got HUGE! I feel like i was going to burst, I was going to start deflating to release some pressure when... KNOCK KNOCK* Son, i need to use the bathroom, im comming in! FUCKFUCKFUCK! I quickly close the shower curtain and hide the pump and tubes away, I'm super inflated, my belly hurts fom the pressure, my father enters and sits on the toilet to take a shit, I'm there, with my belly BURSTING with air, trying to hold in the BIGGEST fucking fart ever! He starts to make small talk with me about the neighbors or something like that and I'm there just responding with "oh, um ok, yeah, sure" trying to hold in my asshole close with all my fucking strength, he finally finish and leaaves, i wait a couple of secounds so he gets a good distance away and start farting the most slow and silent way possible, now i look back at that experince and laught but at the moment i feeld I was going to die lol.
this is a good way to reflect on the direction our lives are going
>>103492 (OP)
I understand that you wanted to make a thread for this,but we do have a confession thread if you're interested. This would all probably be a bit more fitting there. Just a suggestion.
>>103492 (OP)
Should have let it rip and name a food you dislike as the cause of it. Hed probably make sure you'd never eat it again
>>103492 (OP)
Only thing I can think of off the top of my head is the time I was dumb, did a water inflation followed by an air inflation.
>did my usual long setup for water inflation in the bathtub
>filled pretty close to my limits
>step out onto the floor and feel my gut's new weight
>got curious and wanted to find out what it would be like to bubble air through the water in my gut
>get footpump
>attach nozzle to tubing, tubing goes up ass
>begin pumping, feeling the funny gurgling inside
>realize the foot I'm not using for the pump is getting wet
>realize I'm so full that my gut's putting out enough pressure to push the butt water back down the tube and into the pump itself
>the pump is leaking in a few spots, spreading cloudy water all over the floor, teeming with germs probably
>panic, knowing I'm not alone in the house and I really don't want to have someone check on me
>take tubing out and stick pump into the tub so it's not making any more of a mess
>pump itself sloshes, it's half full
>empty myself in the toilet so I'm not waddling around
>bag the pump up in the trash since I know there's no way I'm getting those butt germs out of there
>clean up the water off the floor
>trash the pump entirely
>don't do any inflation at all for several months
>never get caught

A less-bad story:
>inflate self with air pretty close to my limits
>get dressed, still inflated
>clothes are pretty tight, belly is actually stretching the shirt out a bit
>realize that long-term inflation is probably one of the better ways to increase limits over time
>decide to go out on a walk while inflated
>wear baggy jacket to hide the belly
>on the walk, I'm getting really horny, but I've pretty much got ED so I'm not sporting a boner or anything
>pass a neighbor's house, they start asking me a bunch of questions about small-talk life stuff, nothing important. If they knew me more personally they might think I'm "fat", but I rarely interact with them
>remain calm, succeed in not raising any suspicion, despite the precum running down my thigh
>conversation ends
>continue my walk on a scenic route down a back road, my prostate feels like someone's somehow managed to stick a vibrator onto it, I can feel an actual trembling sensation and the precum just keeps coming
>decide I can't take it anymore, so I slowly let the air out over the course of the next mile, and continue my walk long enough that the precum is all dried and evaporated
>check self, no sign of any lewdness
>walk home feeling like one of those overused balloons that have stretched out and gone limp
>next time I inflate, my max has gone up by like 40%
dont like posts like these most of the responses are from men or gender not specified (men)
Well yeah, there's a lot more male inflators than female ones mainly because men have prostates and being inflated enough puts a ton of pressure on it, causing a lot of arousal pretty quick.
The only physical response female inflators get from inflating is... nothing, all women get out of it is fulfilling a fetish if they have it.
>anonymous imageboard is mostly filled with men talking about what gets them going
Shocking, isn't it?
male inflators exist and no ones making you read it man, only you are
>>103492 (OP)

I mean yeah, /inf/ is basically a self-hating LGBT board at this point.
Old /d/ would disagree about which gender had more inflatees.
dude you have no idea, the girls just hide away because they think it's even more fucked than guys typically do, but they're out there.
this isn't really funny nor embarrassing but i tried inflating myself for the first time and wow.
>>103492 (OP)
One day I was really horny and I keep looking at inflation videos the whole day, then my father says: "I'm going out, I'll be back in a couple of hours" Perfect! now I can pump myself up to my max and don't have to worry about him, so he goes out and I immediately get naked and start pumping myself up with my bike pump, I got pretty big, but then I thought: "I got a couple of hours for myself... Fuck it! let's go all out!" and plug my aquarium pump and I start inflating even more!, I get massive and super tight, I actually started to burp out some air! then I hear something... The front door! my dad came back in less than 20 minutes!!! I jump up, unplug the pump and get dress in a second, I peak out of my room and say "hey, you are back?" he says: " yeah the car started malfuntioning, so i decide to get back insted" Me:"oh too bad, I'm gonna sleep now I fell tired, night!"and there I am in my room trying to deflete as silently as possible but even then I couldn't help but make some noice with each fart, it took me hours to deflate completely.
Not gonna lie some hot shit anon! You need to try that water and air combo to a 9 month pregnancy size then go out on the town and see how long before your butt starts leaking/you have to fart it into the bushes or something.

Also need to know if there's any time a accidentally fart occurred? Like did you get into a conversation with someone just to let out a earth shattering conversation wind breaker? I've done air inflation before myself and I KNOW that shit sounds long and hard as it comes out!

But I dare you to try water out in public! Me I wouldn't be able to take it. The only time I did water inflation it shot out my ass like a Blastoise sneezing! Id probably flood my damn pants with diarrhea water! But maybe I just have some weak ass limits.
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Kinda sad isn't it. Only men were built to derive true pleasure from this kink. Women get the shit end of the stick.
Ironically there's so many fucking fetishes that are worse too! Scat and vomit and tons of gross stuff

>when you honestly think hard being into balloons or balloon people is more normal than even feet!
this is factually wrong. compressing the inner clitoris such as applying pressure to the lower abdomen or repeated deep massages can get women off. that's why some women get orgasms from pumping up alone. others feel stimulation stronger when blown up and become "quickshots" who can quickly and repeatedly get climaxes. it's like women getting off breasts getting manhandled.
>read believable stories by 3dpd on Dis cord
Disharmony is the cancer killing image boards.

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