
(37 KB, 1032x774, my_perfect_size___breaking_the_lab__night__by_beachball_jay_dd8kbji-pre.jpg) (39 KB, 800x565, stacey_gets_jasmine_into_shape_by_beachball_jay_db2pstl-414w-2x.jpg) (78 KB, 900x637, real_raft___take_2_by_beachball_jay_d8skl9i-fullview.jpg) (145 KB, 827x1182, water_balloon_by_beachball_jay_dbc8u20-414w-2x.jpg) (138 KB, 659x1799, inflation_safety_by_beachball_jay_dbcaw7a-375w-2x.jpg)
Post some Beachball-Jay related inflation arts/morphs
These are pretty bad, Anon.
You just wanted to post inflation edits, and you like his work, I get it.
>>102927 Yeah I guess that is true
>>102870 (OP)
We need a rule that allows us to report threads when there are already generals for artists and morphers.
> are already generals for artists and morphers.
mmmm. not really, well for morphers no. yes we have the edit thread, but that's for cartoon edits. we don't have a proper morph thread. Morphers SHOULD have their own board tbh
>>103007 Agreed, so how do I delete my own thread
There is a fairly long standing morph thread if you just actually had a look through the catalogue

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