
(86 KB, 531x816, 01B9-R759.jpg)
it's hard to find this stuff
Why do you make new threads?
What "stuff" are you even referring to? It's not like this movie and its accompanying scene is considered lost media or anything. Pretty much anything that there is to see about the scene is already out there with a quick Google search.
the scene is on YTB fgs
sceen would have been better if we could have seen her in better light
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Yeah it's definitely a niche scene tbh. Probably didn't need a thread but, whatever.
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Listen,I know this thread probably needs to die,but does anybody know if there are any character ai bots based off of Brenda? Thanks for any feedback! (Or insults since I revived this thread.We should really get this problem fixed)
I'm so glad this thread was less horrific than I expected
You should've let it be bumped off the board, This is a thread with under 20 posts with virtually no purpose.
I hope you somehow step on a lego WITH EVERY STEP YOU TAKE
I mean to be fair. She does unfortunately pop. A sort of guro fate. Something that I personally wish did not happen.
A common rule of thumb for characters who inflate in horror movies is that it'll probably (unfortunately) kill 'em.
Ngl as useless as this thread is there is something absolutely hysterical about watching people completely flip shit every time it gets bumped. It's just a comment board dude, it's not the end of the world.
Same to be honest and why not have a Brenda thread I'm sure there's tons of stuff we can find laying around just contribute a image with each message I guess or start roleplaying ideas. It's ONLY useless if you use it for whining and nothing else
does anyone have any post-production content from the film and in particular, from that shot?

Shut the fuck up. There isn't tons of stuff, The majority of people are repulsed by this scene and the most you'll find is an odd commission here and there. Stop defending shit threads.

Imagine kink shaming on a site like this. Hahaha. Shut up you fucking clown.
Its not kink shaming, I'm just against the idea of having an entire thread dedicated to one scene that factually repulsed most people.
Listen new fag. I know your new here but ya gotta understand this whole fucking site most people (and I mean real most people not just this board) are repulsed by.
Get off your high fucking horse and just ignore this thread.
I'm not new at all lmao. I'm speaking the opinions of many. Nobody wants a thread that could easily fit into beg or lost media. Simple. No High horse, no nothing.
holy shit shut the fuck up there are literal scat and slob threads on this godforsaken site this shit is tame by comparison

contribute or gtfo
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Not sure what’s worse a Newfag who is new as fuck or an Oldfag who’s IQ is that of a Newfag.
>a gory body horror alien impregnation is tamer than a girl messily eating

Berryfag moment
And the best bit is his bitching is keeping the thread alive hahaha

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