
Power fantasy goes both ways for both genders.
either hes gone for good or just really doesnt want his stuff to be found.
I correspond with him on and off. He mostly did this stuff for fun and got tired of being a twitter celebrity. Still draws new stuff from time to time.
Id ask to meet him, but that might be the exact thing he got tired of...
A quick, probably overdue rant: i saw a BPA thread about a year back the had the same purpose as this one - content preservation. BP themself actually commented and posted on it, though rarely. Few months pass, thread dies. I try creating a thread to reignite the flame, no success. this is the second try, but im looking at when i think to do so.

i dont think failing one thread breaks the rules, but im unable to create a thread in alt, got a pop-donw with "Auto Ban Triggered". i havent tried in inf, but inf isnt where it belongs, at least not strictly. Im able to comment, so i dont think im in hot water yet. i dont see a place to 1;1 an admin, so im stuck here in some confusion on what's going on.
The autoban seems to be linked to URLs.

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