
(5 KB, 50x50, Robinieck (Profile).png) (5.2 MB, 3300x3433, off_to_the_popping_room_by_frankie_loompah.png)
Hello everyone. I was hoping there would be someone here that had Robinieck's old art that is no longer on his DA or Twitter. I have a bunch of the file names but not the files themselves because I saved them wrong. Here's his old PFP, which was part of an image that I don't have. Here's the names of images I don't have, but there might be more. Also, here's my favorite piece from him. He doesn't save his old artwork, but it's the best art I've seen involving this stuff. I do mean that.

Tawny and Trish
Blueberry Panel 1
Blueberry Panel 2
Blueberry Panel 3
Volka's Naughty Confectionary
Cupcake Girls
Greta’s Weight Woes
Project Demo: Blueberry Visual Novel Test
Trisha and the Chocolate Factory Tour
Jessie and Tiffany in the Chocolate Factory
Verrukaiser Commission
Violet in the Candy Garden Pt 1
Violet in the Candy Garden Pt 2
Violet in the Candy Garden Pt 3
Seconding the recovery of much of his old stuff. SPECIFICALLY 3 stories of his that got deleted a while ago.

One was about a mother and three daughters getting visited by a Wonka-like Salesman who gave each of the girls candy that inflated them. One turned into a blueberry, one turned into a chocolate bunny, and one into a gummy candy.

The next was a typical Wonka story, where a class on a field trip goes to the factory. One girl tries some candy that turns her into a blueberry, and soon everyone in the class becomes some sort of fruit.

The last one was tied to a picture (also missing), and was about a mom and daughter who both fall into the chocolate river, inflate with chocolate, and I believe eventually pop.

Would love it if anyone had any of these stories, as they were really great. I've been looking for them for a long time, and their loss has inspired (forced me) to make sure I back up everything I like so I won't lose it again.
>>100638 (OP)
Yet another pointless fucking thread...

I actually like frankie loompahs stuff, but there's a lost media thread. Use it however much you need.
We need to revamp the board.
Make a sticky with the rules so we can report bad threads.

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