
(3.4 MB, 3024x1674, Screenshot 2023-11-21 154547.png)
Hello Guys and Gals.
Have you noticed the pure amount of amazing inflation videos on that site? Like hundreds of good content that I've never even seen. I have been looking at inflation stuff and been in the websites/forums for a long ass time, and there's so many on there I've never seen or seen talked about on here.
Lots of rare Japanese ladies pumping themselves huge and round. and women with big, fast pumps and compressors etc.
Now I know you need to make an account, upload a video, become their friend then maybe you might get a chance to see the unlocked content but, that's so much effort for something that might not even happen. and the the people who do that, never share and just make it private again. its not like its a paid clip site.

I thought maybe we could have a thread for videos that people have managed to unlock and share. possibly a contributory thing like some threads on here, or just giving back to the community I don't know. Maybe I could try my best to unlock some and make a public folder? Just spitballin here.
Has anyone found any gold on ThisVid? are the thumbnails just click bait?
Hopefully I'll get some cool people on this thread for a discussion or sharing. Seems this place has a lot of angry people here in the community nowadays. Thank you :)
Up for interest
>>100559 (OP)
What's the last and seconds last vid to the right of the bottom row?
Not worth it. Bunch of non inflations, he just labels it like an inflation.
>>100559 (OP)
Ive found alot of good inflations on Thisvid ive seen nowhere else.
Best bet is to grab your most obscure material, and use it as a key to bait people into accepting your friend requests. It will be a slow process, and theres no grantee anyone will still be active to friend you back.
what do you mean by "non-inflation"? fake stuff?
What if someone only has paid content? I can imagine it getting them into trouble. The original creator not being happy.
Yeah, they just have a pump in their vagina, literally impossible to inflate that way. Just women sticking their stomachs out.
Whats the original creator going to do about it? Piracy exists whether they try and stop it or not.
ah. I'd take it anyway, apparently my dick likes that shit regardless.
Will you make accounts?
Anyone wants any video just let me know. I have like 800 friends or something.
There's so many. Almost everyday someone uploads a video of a girl inflating thats never been uploaded anywhere before. I'm guessing most are from the Belly Expansion reddit page where girls post and sell via Dms.
Any donations would be greatly appreciated by all. Maybe people on this sub can upload MAB files on here of stuff they've "unlocked"?
But I don't know who would go out of their way for nothing in return.
I'll try adding friends and see what I can unlock. If any luck i'll upload here.
here's some recent ones that look good:

much more but I shan't link them all lol
(66 KB, 949x509, Screenshot 2024-01-15 at 03-29-38 Project 2025 - Wikipedia.png) (76 KB, 948x443, Screenshot 2024-01-15 at 03-29-54 Project 2025 - Wikipedia.png) (51 KB, 948x285, Screenshot 2024-01-15 at 03-30-07 Project 2025 - Wikipedia.png) (71 KB, 600x709, Screenshot 2024-01-15 at 03-31-04 project 2025 outlaw porn reddit - Google Search.png) (22 KB, 899x186, Screenshot 2024-01-15 at 03-40-44 Project 2025 - Wikipedia.png) (13 KB, 605x150, Screenshot 2024-01-15 at 03-41-42 project 2025 - Google Search.png)
Y'all should be concerned about pornography being gone when TFG returns and Project 2025 becomes implemented/active. For those who don't know, Project 2025 is a project made by The Heritage foundation, bunch of converatives people. The project aims to recruit tens of thousands of conservative people to replace our expert federal civil service works with loyalist. People loyal to TFG. The purpose of the project is to reshape of goverment to support the agenda of TFG. Project 2025 will happen if TFG or any rep. party wins the election. The plan is to slash DOJ funding, dismantle FBI & DOHS, immediatley invoke the insurrection act of 1807, deploying military for law enforcement and directing DOJ to pursue TFG's adversaries.
Project 2025, is being critiziced for being described as authoritarin, TFG attempt to be a dictator and the country being lead towards autcoracy. While also saying it's violating currect constitutional laws and would undermine the rule of law and separtion of powers. The project is also being criticized for NOT taking any actions on climate change. By that, I mean ends all action on stopping climate change. The project is also ending all Abortins rights for woman. The Project also seeks to place the entire Executive branch under TFG's control. Taking away independence of DOJ, FCC, FTC & other agencies. The LGBTQ+ people and community will lose their rights, protections & will be discriminzed. & any content they made will be declared pornography, which will be outlawed. Pornography being outlawed, including internet censorship. As said in the foreword of Project 2025's manifesto Roberts writes. This project also focus on christian nationalism.
Basically, for the pornography part, if TFG or any rep. party wins the election this year, it's bye bye pornography and internet censorship. TMC, BUG, C4S & other website will be gone. Which means no more seeing Inflation/expansion fetish, no more seeing our favorite models on the internet or in live action. You can find more details and help out stopping this project by spreading the message, ask people on social media & reddit, petitions, activist/protest & others to help stop project 2025. Even if it means voting blue. Voting 3rd party candidate, is a vote for TFG/Rep. party.
>>100559 (OP)
I don't think anyone would unlock videos on there and post them here. Not matter how rare or obscure the Inflation videos are, or how amazing they are sadly.
These are great, thank you. You're a legend. There are good people on this site apparently.
My favorite one was the whipped cream inflation. she got huge. I wonder if she did any more, preferably faster ones.
damn I blinked and missed it.
Your parents need to cut the bullshit they been fucked up and corrupt for years. I got you kid dont worry about anything
Those are all dudes, sorry.
Are you 100% sure it is a man how can you tell?
Miserable women on here to hating on light women per usual. And his wife got a beard.
If you wanna jerk off to faggots fine. I won’t though.
No one asked. No one cares.
Must be tough being so fucking gay
literally died laughing reading this last one lmao
Nah, just gotta use lube when I take your Dads dick. It ain’t so tough
(3.7 MB, 498x202, kv5m8gxi5gvb1.gif)
Every video is blocked and/or removed.

Fuck! Who came up with this stupid Idea?!
Why?! What is the purpose? Use a fucking cloud if you don't want to share Videos!
Same goes to "Private" Hub

Fucking Goddamnit!
Will we follow each other?
Quick question, is there a way to download videos from ThisVid ?
Thank you!
t. >111712 and >111713
FYI those are all a dude
Used to be able to do it just by inspecting the page source and downloading the MP4 directly from the network activity tab, but that stopped working for me months ago. The video download helper add-on for chrome has been good for me, though.

It's not a man I talked with her on Tumblr she told me
Oh nice, thanks a lot for that
Can we get a reup of the vids on this thread please?
I second; can we get a reupload please?
Sicilian women and chubby men always work out. Why? They love to cook. Like who fights after some fresh home made garlic knots
>>in history man has not argued after filling his belly. I never seen it lol
Thats why the bible said give your enemy food & water so you can live another day
Ppl just hungry out here
it says the source right there in the description.
Just download it please
That’s fertile and feral, just go on Kemono
This was just gold. The inflation was great, but her attitude was extra cute lol. Dancing around in the shower like a happy frog
It's really not as good as you think, you see the miniature is surprising but the inflation is not good at all :(
this private vid shit is cancer.
this is regressive.
there's content that is far more rare and unusual than inflation, the fact that this content is legal and so weirdly distributed makes zero sense.
it's really time that people just shared content like this openly on a torrent site, upload it to archive.org or whatever.

only reason people do this is precisely because of the private video collector cancer/meme which has already been game-overed for even content that is far more taboo than this.

the fact that it's easier to find zoo than this stuff just shows you how delulu people holding onto exclusivity/private collections reallly are.
as an aside, we're now at a point where this is just going to make people walk away, again.

content that should be seen will suffer bit rot in private collections. possibly to never be seen again.

your backups and raid arrays are not a guarantee that your exclusivity practices won't result in the permanent loss of content due to any of a number of reasons.
whats the best way to download videos from thisvid when you finally get access to them?
My account got deleted at some point in the past month and I have no idea why. I tried contacting support but they haven't emailed me back yet.
Ok, so start it. I’ll put 300gb of content into it asap.
start what? there's sites like empornium that would be ideal as a torrent host for this kind of content.
it's simply a matter of people here have consistently made terrible decisions how to distribute content here.
the best thing to do would be to create a torrent file with all your content in it, add a few open trackers to it and don't forbid DHT.
then you'd post the "magnet" link here for others to download it, then once a handful of complete copies have been distributed, the swarm should grow and become a reliable way of distributing that 300gb of content.
I myself have a gigabit speed connection with unlimited data, the moment someone starts to share magnet links instead of stupid file lockers, I'll download and seed for as long as I can, which in theory could be for years.

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