
(97 KB, 326x381, F_GEs0sa0AAYs7h.png)
I swear to god i remember there being a thread talking about if goosworx had a nsfw private twitter, probably months ago but I can't seem to find it now. Was I trippin or just remembering wrong?? Of course her twitter was related to fetishy stuff, maybe one or two being inflation related that's why I remember it being on this board.
I mean yeah, she DOES have one. It's called @Gooseworse

She tends to keep it private most of the time, though.
I remember someone from the last thread mentioning that Doobus Goobus might've had an inflation fetish? I dunno,I think they were bullshitting since their only proof was 'he said it in the chat of somebody's stream' without specifying who said streamer was that he commented on.
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Doubt she'll unprivate it now since people on 4chan and twitter got real pissed over this. She may have been doxxed over it if memory serves me right, but my memory is shit so maybe not.
If you're gonna be transphobic at least be fucking creative and not post the same reply every NPC on this site does. That chunk of gray matter in your skull must be useful for something unless you to have a drill fetish and fucking lobotomized yourself
>one word sets you off this much
Don't play dumb you fucking retard. Kys for the benefit of everyone who's known you
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Make like the rest of your disgusting kind and blow your head off with a firearm

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