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This will mostly apply to the SSBBW lovers, but I imagine the sentiment is probably relevant to everybody here on a relevant scale.

My girlfriend is around 150kg (330lb). She’s fucking huge. But it recently occurred to me that girls of that size in porn seem small. It’s bizarre. I’m rarely even interested if the girl is under 400 and I’m not truly excited until 500+. For whatever reason, I seem to forget how big 300-400 really is. I’ve been with girls around the 400 mark and they’re impossibly enormous.

How about you?
>>9833 (OP)
Agreed. Mine is 5ft4 and 330lb. Every time I see her I'm thinking "damn that's a big woman". Half the time we catch an Uber she doesn't put the seatbelt on and if she does, it's close to the limit. Belly covers up most of her thighs. Honestly she's usually the biggest person in any venue we go to. I guess at that weight you're like in the top half percentile by weight and many higher than that just don't go out very much.
It's about scale, ironically/naturally. In a lot of clips and videos of SSBBWs, they're alone, and while you can get a rough idea of their size compared to everyday items like furniture or a chair or whatever, your brain is trying to compare her body to another human shape, so they inevitably look "smaller" without another human frame of reference. This definitely isn't the case in clips like Kellie/Roxxie with Odette, or similar.

Ever heard the saying "the camera/video adds 10lbs"? The opposite is true for really huge women.
Seconding both of these.
I think this phenomenon is 50% talking about fat women in the abstract, and 50% that they generally look smaller on-screen (especially a phone screen), and even moreso when there's no other human being in the frame. To elaborate on the "phone screen" comment; on the rare occasions I bother casting a SSBBW porn video to my TV, I start to realise just how BIG those girls are. So there's a nice tip for the permavirgins among us, try that one out lol.

My heaviest ex was about 5'6" and 350lbs and I have to second what my British friend said about his girlfriend. That doesn't sound like much when you're just reading it on a forum, but she was absolutely gigantic in person. I never saw anyone anywhere near her size in any venue/out on the street while we were together, and I still almost never do.

I've just recently started seeing a girl who's about 5'8" and 230ish lbs. I remember looking at her photos and thinking she was merely chubby. But when we actually met face to face, it was another story.
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>>9833 (OP)
i dont think so, 160lbs on an average height girl still sounds huge to me lol
in videos huge girls definitely look smaller than in person for sure
Sensible posts in this thread, I don't have much to add. My partner is 5'7" and a butt-heavy 275. I wouldn't complain if she were a little (or a lot) heavier, but she's the fattest person in the room in just about every real life situation we find ourselves in. It's only on the rare occasions that I encounter a much bigger SSBBW in real life that I start to think about what ifs.
It has, probably the on screen effect and just the fact that 500 or 600 lbs is just huge and your brain or whoever does it tells you this is the real deal.. Since it looks more like maybe 400+ real life we don't really seem to realize what we see.. ;)

My gf for example, she's about 410 now (330 when we first met) is the biggest person around no matter where and to me she appears almost similar in size to on screen 600

When you now think about the fact that real life 600 is a lot more than her, that's just mindblowing..
Slightly chubby, fair enough, but huge? 160lb at 5ft4 (average height) is a BMI of 27.5 - approximately the median BMI in the USA so I guess maybe 60th percentile in the UK. Like a third of women are almost certainly fatter than this. And fuck, my girl's is double that 😯.
All I can say is height matters; a 300 pound butterball at 5’2” for example is going to look a lot fatter than a 6’0” Amazon at the same weight. Less places for all that weight to go when you’re shorter, so they expand outward a lot more than taller people who can more distribute the weight.
I think the "bigger in real life" meme is a real thing; when you don't have another person to go off of for comparison (or just because the camera will never be a replacement for your eyes) your perception of the girls weight is way off. I've been with a 250ish lbs, 110ish kg girl, easily the biggest I've been with, and she was pretty damn huge IRL; in nudes it definitely didn't come off as much (probably because phone cameras suck ass)
>casting ssbbw porn on the telly
I still can't help but feel a little bit depraved for doing this lmfao. I'm definitely rolling my blinds down
Which is where BMI comes in.
I dated two women around 310 lbs, one 5'8 and the other 5'3.

The taller one was beefy and curvy, with an overfed hourglass look, and she looked big but not so big that it was shocking. Except for probably shorter girls since she was so tall and fat together.

The short one was just wildly obese, panted when she walked, jiggled all over, was right on the cusp of losing all her body shape. She looked amazingly fat irl, even being short I'm sure people were stunned to see such a fat person, especially in her 20s.

So its interesting how BMI effects everything. The taller girl turned heads because of her figure, frankly she would have been "conventional" sexy at 200 lbs, but the short round obviously had people stare at seeing someone so fat, particularly in her 20s. And even having both on top of me,they basically weighed the same but I perceived 5'3 as sooooo much heavier.
Outside of "fatter in person" being a thing, I think another factor is that most women won't bring up their weight, especially if they're fatter, which can kinda fuck with really "visualizing" weight. I've only ever hung out with two women where I ever learned their weight. One was around 310 or so, and looked like what one would normally imagine 310 to be. Granted, she had a fair bit of muscle under her fat, so that probably contributed. Without it, she likely would have been upper 200s. Another one was 375, and she looked MUCH bigger. I watcher her drive into the parking lot of where we first met, and completely filled the driver's seat of her car, which was a decent sized vehicle to begin with. If I hadn't known her weight and saw her on the street or something, I easily would have presumed 400+. Yet, in her photos, she looked closer to lower 300s.
Yeah, all the comments about scale not translating through film are on the money. In my estimation the camera subtracts about a hundred pounds. Mary Boberry looked 500 when she was at 600. MzFluff looks 800 but weighs 900.. And every single woman I've met off the internet was way fatter irl than any pics or video chats let on.

I once dated a woman who weighed around 700lbs. I knew her weight before we'd met. I saw her pics. I saw her videos. None of that accurately conveyed just how immense she was in person. I'd talked all types of shit about how I could handle squashings. I just assumed that I could. When she got on top of me, I literally thought I was going to die. Like my ribs started to cave in and I couldn't get any oxygen. And she wouldn't get off because I'd talked so much shit. Fun memories. God, I miss her.

But yeah, I think years of needing an ever fatter woman on film has distorted my standards as to what is fat enough. Long term porn fasts have been able to reset it to more moderate fat fetishism in the past. But the discipline to maintain a porn free lifestyle evades me
My gf was around 280 at her highest and she was massive in UK terms. Was always the biggest in a bar/restaurant, I can't even fathom what a 600lb woman would be like in bed.
Thinking back to all the fat girls that I knew of during my 18-24 yr old days they could have only been around 250lbs at most, and they were always HUGE compared to the smaller girls we used to hang around with.
I'm tempted to take a trip to the US just to understand how big a 600lb really is.
Same, the UK only really has small fats like Bonnie and Jodie off the top of my head.

Porcelain in Scotland would be an absolute monster of a woman if you saw her though. Just seeing her in a UK style of house really shows how fucking enormous she is.
As an Ameribro these posts from people in other countries kinda crack me up. In most parts of the US, you're pretty likely to see a 280lb+ woman at any restaurant you go to. If you pick the town and the restaurant right, there might not be any women UNDER 280lbs
Being from asia, seeing a 280lbs woman is next to impossible...It's the worst fucking place for a FA. You guys are the luckiest :-(
Makes me nervous to go to Asia with my 330lb gf, ngl. She doesn't seem to anticipate any issues. We'll see!
Height and camera trickery all plays a big role in it. It's relatively normal to see a short girl that's fat, however a girl that's six feet plus and over 300 is very rare, even for the US.

I just moved out of California to Colorado. The amount of round ladies has doubled, at least.
> just moved out of California to Colorado. The amount of round ladies has doubled, at least.
> thinnest state in the country

where in Colorado? The front range is still full of athletic outdoorsy types.
What kind of towns would I need to visit to avoid the pain of having lay my eyes upon a woman that is not obese?
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Take me home
Country roads
To the place where I belong
West Virginiaaaaaaa
Like >>9948 said, West Virginia. Small towns in the rural midwest/south are probably the "fattest". Of course, there's really no reason to visit those towns as a tourist, they'll have pretty much nothing to do

This 100%. Distribution matters, as well.

I've dated women hundreds of pounds apart, but a height difference of only 5 inches made one shorter 230lbs girl I was dating somehow feel fatter than the taller, and nearly 400lb woman I'm dating now.

Distribution matters just as much, as the shorter partner was apple shaped, and the current has more fat limbs with a decent belly, but I would say it's still small for her deceptively large size.

As for the main question, absolutely this fetish has warped my sense (and tastes) in size. I used to date "chubby" women, but I think I started to become almost de-sensitized to smaller fats, and after over a decade of dating, I'm almost exclusively into superfats.

Poverty and obesity are interconnected in America.

Rich neighborhoods in big cities are full of people with gym memberships, who go jogging before work, do yoga, eat sushi, shop at Whole Foods for organic, vegan, whole grain, artisanal, fair trade, asparagus water.
The working class and poor people eat crap. America is the Saudi Arabia of grain. Carbs are dirt cheap. One can consume a mountain of pizza and bread and Doritos and Cheetos and sugary foods for pretty cheap. Sometimes that's all that's available in poor neigborhoods.
A lot of America is poor and working class. When I go into a Walmart in these kind of areas in the Midwest, at least half of the women walking around in there are huge by foreign standards. But the place I've seen the most severely fat people is in the poorest areas.. Trailer parks and ghettos.

I wouldn't recommend most Americans walk through those places, let alone some curious British tourist on a quest to gawk at fat people.

But a tourist in America is going to see more fat people anywhere here than they will at home. I've been to Europe and I saw 7 kinda fat women in 2 weeks (I counted). When my plane landed back in America, in the 20 minutes I spent at airport I counted more very fat people here than I did in weeks in Europe.

tl;dr America is a fat country. Go anywhere regular people live and you'll see fat people.
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How did you meet Ms. Fatty McBoombalatty? I've been struggling to meet anyone over the 220lb mark although I suspect living in London may be part of the problem.

I've always known I am trans, trans-West Virginian.

>nothing to do
Plenty of mountain mamas to do. Booking my ticket now.

Interesting point that I hear very often although I believe it infantilises working class people. There is often stark cultural differences between working and middle classes and this excuse is used to conveniently ignore this fundamental cultural difference.

There are plenty of working class people in developed countries who manage to eat well and remain active (maybe not so much in the US) despite being from a low economic class. One does not need to shell out fat wads of cash on Wholefoods, organic vegan asparagus water fairtrade shit to remain healthy. I myself can cook a large yet healthy dinner that lasts for two days for not much more than a dollar.

Let's admit that people consume mountains of pizza and bread and Doritos and Cheetos and sugary foods because they want to and not because they are victims of their environment.

>I've been to Europe and I saw 7 kinda fat women in 2 weeks
Now that's what I call depressing.
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>There are plenty of working class people in developed countries who manage to eat well and remain active (maybe not so much in the US) despite being from a low economic class. One does not need to shell out fat wads of cash on Wholefoods, organic vegan asparagus water fairtrade shit to remain healthy. I myself can cook a large yet healthy dinner that lasts for two days for not much more than a dollar.

It's a complicated situation. I agree that people have personal agency, and that elites (even, or especially, elite leftists) don't really understand the lives and values of the everyday masses. But still... as a Brit who I assume has never spent any serious length of time living in a non-touristy part of the US, you might not realize just how much everyday life for a non-elite American is like a conspiracy designed to make you fat.

The money part is kind of a red herring, the real issue is lifestyle. Being able to walk or take functional public transit in your everyday life is a luxury that only people in a handful of major cities have access to, so a lot of Americans spend a huge chunk of their non-working time behind the wheel of a car. I was amazed visiting the UK and Europe as a tourist to discover the quality of everyday life that you guys take for granted. The car lifestyle is a huge time suck, and if you don't have a job that involves physical exertion, it leads to further physical deterioration because you're spending that much more time sitting on your ass and not getting any kind of exercise. (And if you're too poor to own a car, America outside of the top-tier cities is a humiliating shitshow -- either you rely on an underfunded public bus system that doesn't show up half the time, or you can't go anywhere at all.)

And as >>9952 pointed out, that's even before you get into the sheer amount of sugar, HFCS and refined carbs poured into every kind of American convenience food, even the stuff that's branded as "healthy." Yeah, if you're handy with beans and savory vegetables, you can eat meals that are healthier and cheaper than the convenience food diet. But it's not really about money, it's about the convenience and cheap energy spike that prepackaged junk food gives. I'm stably middle class and can afford high quality ingredients, but even for someone like me it's hard not to reach for the convenience of snack foods after a shitty day at work, a long commute, and the rest of my household and family chores. It's just a buck or two at any gas station, and it's right there with zero meal prep or cleanup, so why not?

With personal self-discipline you can push back against all of these things. But it means taking the path of resistance all the time in a way that's hard to sustain if you're not the kind of self-disciplined workaholic who'd be gunning for an elite spot anyway.

tl;dr if you're serious about moving to the US and marrying a heartland fatty, better develop a mutual gaining fetish because you'll end up as one of us
>How did you meet Ms. Fatty McBoombalatty? I've been struggling to meet anyone over the 220lb mark although I suspect living in London may be part of the problem.

Feabie. She didn't have her weight listed and didn't have full body pics (though she sent me some selective ones). Before I met her I was expecting her to be about 18/19 stone. Not nearly 24 stone.
It's pretty hot hearing just how geared for fatness America has become. What else is there?

When I move there I'm certainly intending on giving in entirely to the path of least resistance. Embrace the lifestyle fully and become one of you.
>>9833 (OP)


Wife is 300 pounds. She is one of, if not the biggest woman wherever we go about 9 times out of 10. It's rare to see someone significantly larger just out and about.

In the porn world, she would seem "middling weight."


Why do you weirdos still use this unit of measurement? Is almost as bad as America’s insistence on not letting go of the imperial system.
Cultural I guess. It's really only used when referring to body weight though.

Portion sizes are freakin' huge. If you're going out to eat at a restaurant (whether fast food or high quality) you can easily eat your entire daily calorie allowance in one sitting.

Already talked a lot about the car lifestyle, but one point to really hammer home is that outside of the coastal cities, most of America is set up so that there's basically no reason to leave your car at all except to walk from the parking lot to the entrance of wherever you're going.

Lol, I got the 10000 GET for this post

That’s a great point about accepting the lifestyle and just letting the weight pile on, unless you buy and prep everything yourself it’s virtually impossible to not be surrounded by high amounts of fattening portions, even more so if you do manage to land the fat girl of your dreams.

If you are truly committed to being in a relationship with a fat girl in America it’s much easier to embrace the fact that you will likely end up as fat as her eventually. In my case I had actually lost 120+lbs before dating my girl, and she had lost weight and was around 250lbs. Eventually she reverted back to her habits and I began to slack, next thing you know we recently weighed ourselves and are both over 300lbs. We recently both said it’s not worth trying to lose again and said we’re just going to enjoy ourselves and let whatever happens happen, so I wouldn’t be surprised if we’re both even fatter this time next year.
I can only get so erect. The American lifestyle has really been built to maximise weight gain.


>both steadily and unwittingly getting so fat as to weigh over 300lbs with no intentions of stopping
So beautiful it bought a tear to my eye. I can only wish to have a relationship like that some day.

I only have a very small 50kg Asian girl who has only grown a slight hint of a tummy since we've been together. Although I'm up by nearly 20kg.
Yeah it’s been quite a road, she said she just doesn’t want to exercise, which is music to my ears. Personally I’ve struggled between wanting to totally let go and be huge and trying to fit the mold of the ‘ideal’ male image, but clearly the hugeness is winning out. The sex has been absolutely mind blowing though, the feeling of two fat bodies enveloping each other is 100x more enjoyable then when I was at my smallest.

20kgs for yourself is a pretty good amount considering your with a small girl. Does she share anything related to the fetish? If so taking the plunge yourself and getting fat may be what she needs to finally do it herself.
I'd let go if I were you. A confident man that is a couple hundred pounds overweight is an even better male image.

She does share somewhat. And she understands it fully. She will often point out fat women for me and discuss fat related topics. Even her friends know what I enjoy.

We've discussed gaining weight together. Currently we are both in the UK where food is terrible and expensive. And because she's grown up in a country with amazing and cheap food she's never had to cook and is subsequently shit at it. Last year she visited her country for a couple of months and gained close to 4kg. She did nothing but lay around and eat all day because her mum enjoys feeding her (cultural mothering thing). But she quickly lost that weight after returning to the UK where she needs to work a lot.

So next year we will move in together next door to her parents house in her home country where food is cheap and everywhere. We don't need to cook, we will eat out all the time or enjoy her mothers food. We've agreed that we will enjoy this lifestyle fully and grow fat together. It's even expected that the male gains weight when he enters a new relationship where she is from.

Very nice. Looking forward to it.
I don’t really have the motivation to make the changes I’d need to if I wanted to lose weight at this point in time so I most likely will be continuing to let go, I mean why not at this point?

I’m glad to hear you and your girl are on the same page and understanding. What country are you two moving to? Either way best of luck to you, I hope you and your girl both reach the levels of obesity that you’ve always dreamed of
If America is so conditioned to creating fat people then it's inevitable almost.

Far East. She doesn't intend to intentionally gain but is just happy indulging, lazing and happy knowing that I enjoy her no matter size she is. Although I will certainly be intending to indulge to my fullest extent and expand by several dozen kilos which she is happy with too.
Random anecdote about the American car lifestyle and its effects on fatness, because I was back in my old neighborhood for the first time in years and it made me think of this thread.

I used to live in a pretty crappy part of the urban Rust Belt. I don't know the UK that well but it would probably be comparable to one of the smaller ex-factory cities in the North of England. My immediate neighborhood had a population of transient students (myself included) because it was on a bus line to campus, but other than that it was a poor and declining area. Once you walked more than a couple blocks in any direction away from the main road and its little cluster of retail shops, you were in the hood.

In this area, I hardly ever saw any attractive fatties around, just older people who were overweight in a deteriorated sort of way and the occasional "thicc" black girl.

Eventually my roommate moved on, our lease ran out and I didn't have another roommate lined up, and by that point I had a car. So I ended up renting a room way out in an exurb in somebody's suburban ranch house next to the local big box strip mall, where I did all my grocery shopping at Wal-Mart and Target.

All of a sudden I was seeing gigantic cuties every time I did my groceries.

What's interesting about this is that the second neighborhood was actually several steps UP the social class ladder. Mostly steadily employed working and lower-middle class homeowners, as opposed to struggling working poor and welfare recipients. It's the car lifestyle that makes all the difference.
>>9833 (OP)
My perception has been incredibly warped. I'm a feedee (male) who only started to gain in the last few years.

I'm about 330lbs now, and I feel small. Don't get me wrong, all the evidence points to me being huge, (normal) people treat me like i'm huge, buying clothes that fit is becoming difficult both in the amount of choices and just a lot of shops I used to go to don't carry my size.

But in my mind I can't help but feel small. I look in the mirror and don't think I even look that big. I'm used to seeing SSBBW and SSBHM when i think about fat people. I'm fixated on ending up 600+

For a while it never occured to me how fat I already was. Yeah i've got the gut and all that, but it barely fills my lap lol. It wasn't until even some FEEDERS started telling me I was already too big for their taste it or bordering on their limit that it really clicked in my mind. Obviously not all feeders want their feedee to end up a barely mobile blob, but in my mind that's obese, and i'm barely fat. Even though medically i'm morbidly obese already.
How tall are you?

The relationship you have with your gf sounds pretty hot tbh

What’s the biggest/sexiest woman she’s pointed out to you? What kind of fat things do you two talk about? Have you ever tried to get her involved with a fatty (i.e. threesome, squashing, etc.)
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Probably when my gf excitedly pointed out the approx. 500lb (extremely rare here) Indian woman we saw being carefully extracted from the back of a minivan by her concerned looking husband. As she moved around the car you could see the whole thing around dramatically. And when she finally emerged she was wearing a sari, a traditional dress that is just a long cloth wrapped around the body, so her huge belly free rein to swing around. She was being deposited in a busy area well known for its Indian food so one can imagine the damage she was about to do to one of those restaurants.

But the most recent one was only last week. We were being served by an approx. 350lb (considered massive here) Spanish waitress wearing a black knitted figure-hugging dress and a face accentuated by a beautiful double chin. My gf noted how when she arrived at our table, she had to pull up her underwear with that side jumping thing very well endowed girls do which of course set everything on her body jiggling. I asked my gf if she noticed that her double chin also jiggled whenever she spoke but she said she didn't as she was too mesmerised by her body.

As for fat things we talk about one of the most common topics is that fat women can be as beautiful and cute as a regular sized woman but people tend to dismiss them just because of the fat. She occasionally shows some of her friends Rikarika_707 to explain the kind of women I enjoy but most of them refuse to understand (a couple do) although they admit she would be cute if she was slim instead.
Also how fat women may get more attention than a slim one simply because they are more noticeable due to their scarcity (300lb+ women are still rare in this country) and their increased size.
There are too many fat topics we talk about to list really. Some of them also focus on men too.

As for a third person being involved, no neither of thus are into that.

Currently she's in her home country for a while and is busy teasing me about how much she's eating and how lazy she is. She is currently in quarantine so her friends are sending her food on top of the food provided by the quarantine site. And as she is stuck for two weeks she is doing nothing but lying in bed and watching TV. She's even noticed how fat women keep on appearing on TV. See picture for yesterdays snack pile.
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The desensitization is unbelievable. And it happens fast.

I started dating my 5'4 gf when she was at 260 and I thought she was fat as shit. We met online and in all the pictures she looked like she had no "depth" i.e. wide and curvy but not very big from a side profile view. Met up for the first time and I was shocked that she was essentially spherical — her gut and ass each stuck out a foot away from her.

Now we've been dating for a little more than a year and she's up to 320 and she doesn't seem very fat at all to me anymore. None of what guys dating girls her size like




say seems relatable. The only thing I really notice is how fat her face has become — she always had a round face but now her cheeks/double chin/neck roll are basically indiscernible. But everything else has lost its novelty. I want her bigger and I'm impatient too. She gained 40 in the first five months and I miss that pace.

Recently I met up with a friend who moved back to my state. Hadn't seen her since before the pandemic. Then she was around 250 at 5'8. Now she said she's battling to stay under 400. Holy fuck. Crammed into her top, clearly couldn't handle the chair on one side of the table (vice versa really), had to slide the table towards me for her to fit in the booth on the other side. Got embarrassed going up a flat Midwestern city "hill" because of how slow/sweaty/out of breath she was. Biggest plushest arms I've ever seen, covered in cellulite, basically the way I'd imagine Roxxie's to be.

Pic related. My advice to younger guys would be take it slow, work your way up, don't just immediately start dating huge girls. I'm sure most of you have better self-control than me, but still — it catches up to you a lot quicker than you'd think.
Good advice for all the nephews out there. I would recommend dating someone that is around 250-300 pounds. They are plenty soft and sexy, but will still be able to do most things, including sex positions. Once you get above 300 pounds, the differences become more apparent.

I've been with girls of all sizes, and let me just say that I have found the BBW's the best for relationships. Even though I wish I could have a 600 pound gf, I know that's just my lust talking. In reality, SSBBW's have loads of issues, both mental, physical, and financial. Dating one is extremely taxing.
>>9833 (OP)
Sometimes if I am talking to a woman, and she brings up concerns about her weight or body shape. I will reassure her she is not fat, sometimes with an accidental awkward analytical stare.

My brain really does not see a woman as fat unless her BMI is over 35.
One time i did see quite big woman in town, about 262lb. We did stair each other. I was married then. We did spot each other along the years pass. Then there was about more thatn half year that i didnt spot her.
Then i saw her, she was gained about to 380lb.. i was thinkig that whoa.. that is may be too big for me.. i thought she weighted 500-550lb she looked like that.
Nowdays we have dated few months, she had been losing some weight, when started to date she said she weighted 352lb she said then, that have been 380lb.. but not long a go she revealed, that she didnt measure her weight at her biggest becouse scale topped out 😁
So yes. To me she looks way bigger, than she is on scale or in pictures. She has muscle and good stamina. Big hanging doublebelly, barrel thighs and calves, and 85H cup size(eu) 5.38ft tall.
In car, seat is adjusted way back, low and still Belly touches the steering wheel, its close to her knees when sitting. Thigh fat allmost roll over her knees. Becouse belly is so heavy over thighs.
Doesnt consider her self feedee. I think she is foodee. But she have good self esteem, and likes way im touching and looking at her.
I think the worst that has happened is that artwork has made it harder to judge weight at first glance. When you think "500lb anime/furry girl" you probably get a very specific shape and size in your mind, but when you go ahead and see someone who is actually 500lbs you might be suprised that they seem smaller than you'd imagine.

Of course, height also plays a big part in this... so maybe they seem larger than you imagine too.

None of this is helped by me not being from a country that uses "pounds" as a weight measurement lol.

It's interesting how this evolved over time.

Back in the mid-2000s dimensions days, erotic literature and art tended to way, way overestimate weight. You'd get shit like:

"The next day Jenny woke up and was 300 pounds. Her once flat tummy was now a pot belly and her thighs started to touch."

Like... I was fifteen, and even I knew that they were way off in their estimates.
Ironically I've seen it sort of go both ways in the last few years. I definitely remember the exact sort of thing you're talking about. But I still see a lot of authors / roleplayers who think 300lbs is merely "chubby". They wouldn't write a story where a woman gets to 300 unreasonably quickly anymore, but they still don't seem to think 300 is very big.
On a semi-related note, any world-record-breaking (i.e. >1200) weight in a story just totally ruins it for me. Probably the wrong thread for this, but another pet peeve of mine is crap like "she needed a crane to get in and out of bed"
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>Probably the wrong thread for this, but another pet peeve of mine is crap like "she needed a crane to get in and out of bed"

European detected, in glorious Burgerstan this is a real thing

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