
(7 KB, 150x125, Brian Glasses.jpg)
Ever noticed how some models concentrate most of the negative attention while others seem relatively spared? Why would that be?

An individual exposed to childhood trauma will develop a sense of helplessness which will persist through adulthood buried in his psyche. When exposed to a "public" personality reminiscent of said trauma, the traumatized will relives vicariously through exposure the traumatic event. It will lead to develop a (mostly inconscient) strong disgust towards said personality.

tl;dr: if you had a fucked-up life, your primary instinct is to curb-stomp people reminding of your painful past.

Conclusion: if you see a model picked on, she's either troubles OR in trouble.

To end on a quote:

“Evil feeds off a source of apathy, weak in the mind, and of course you have to be. Less than a man, more like a thing, no knowledge you're nothing, knowledge is king.”

— Kool Moe Dee

Thank you for your attention.
It's much simpler than that.

“Not all women is bitches, but all bitches is hoes.”

— Silkk the Shocker
Most guys have trouble finding a woman to fatten in real life and probably resent having to settle for paying for interaction with someone they'll never get a chance to be with in person (and who is simultaneously flirting with hundreds of other men). Or maybe they just feel envious about the fact that sex workers make six figures taking selfies & posting one 15 minute video a week while they slave away at a shit job 40+ hours a week and are barely scraping by lol
I don’t care what the reason for it is. It’s fucking cringe. There are a handful of models who attract that attitude, but none more than BigBootyBeautyXXL. Holy fuck man. Any time she’s mentioned anywhere, there’s a train of autists ranting about what a horrible person she is as though it impacts them in any conceivable way.

Oh except in /booty/. That happens in every thread with every model, because it’s full of weirdos
/booty/ is just black people, there's your answer
Black People like Booty because of 90s Gangsta Rap, and 2000 Crunk Culture. The problem is that both have fallen out of favor due to 2010 Soundcloud Rappers mumbling into the mike.

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