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I'm a touring musician, producer & wilderness survival skills or first responder when not. I've literally been unable to pay attention to this other than occasionally. I pop back in and there are all these apps and sites, yet they're all scams or getting taken down. It inspired me a touch, then the usual "WTF seriously again with this behavioral pattern?" thoughts kicked in.

Personally I just go with my gut either way no matter the size of someone as it's more of the confidence as well as proportion. Doing that has led me consistently to women that ppl say are of the attributes for prime reproductive health/genetic reasons. As I'm in the entertainment industry I have heard tons for years on the growing acceptance of curves, both from extremely positive & negative outlooks. One gets in their focus & head with this type of work in designing the audio to visual etc and closes things out without realizing. Apparently I have done that again. Is it just because the "usual"? Now that its more desirable popular it's just being shredded by the money piranhas that I know that type of personally? (MASSIVE correlation in studies done between high success in these industries with being a sociopath, narcissis and other personality disorders but due to success they never have to deal with it). I'll leave it there other than, now that I have the time it would be nice to even chat with a confident curvy woman who isnt just trying to get their work published or something from me. I've heard mention of feabie or something & oui others but supposedly their no good. I'm either, touring, in studio lockdown mode or in a forest so that isnt conducive to meeting anyone but generally no good for me women.

P.S. excuse the general unusual for internet way I speak/write. It's not at all been my format since 2009 to the point where ppl don't understand me and I dont even know the acronyms and "app language" used, also just typed havent reread lol
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>also just typed havent reread lol

You might want to give that a try next time. Most of the craft of writing is really about the craft of editing, just like making an album involves putting effort into mixing in addition to recording. I think I can see what you're trying to say, but it does read like word salad. Here's my attempt at a translation, the parts in square brackets are where I'm not sure what you mean:

>I have a busy career as a musician and outdoorsman. I don't spend a lot of time focusing on my attraction to BBWs, but sometimes the urge hits me. I'm attracted to women for their confidence even more than their size, which means that I often end up with women who are more conventionally sized. I just let a relationship [with a BBW?] slip out of my hands because I was too focused on work. Now I'm looking for a fat partner, but it seems that women just want to use me for money or for my industry connections rather than looking for a relationship. I hear that curvy bodies are becoming more acceptable lately, a topic on which many people have strong opinions. Does this change in culture explain why it's harder for me to find a GF? My busy job schedule makes it hard to meet BBWs who don't have a lot of baggage. Is the [BBW dating scene? BBW porn industry?] being taken over by the same kind of money-obsessed sociopath that I often encounter in the music industry?

Assuming I've interpreted your words correctly, the answer to your question is "yes."
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Good fucking lord man have someone proof read what you write, this is a hot fucking-mess! Luckily >>9799 saved the day.

I share their sentiment, by the time I became of age and joined Feabie it was starting to get an influx of models, last time I check most of the women on that site are models, most profiles having links to stuff like ManyVids, Cash App, OnlyFans, etc. You can definitely try Feabie but it'll be hard, more so if that is your profession.

You could go around ask friends or acquaintances if they know how to find a BBW to date.
If you're trying to find a curvy woman, I'd personally try bbw dating apps. If you want to date a feedee, you can try Feabie but avoid anyone who sells content for a living.
Much appreciated anyone that replied. 9799, thanks for that, I flow write, then hole up to edit. As I'm doin that for work, I'm kinda time crunched. Refreshing nonetheless to have a reaction other than along the lines of Bruh internet much? Or some smartass keyboard cowboy!
okay but whose the girl in the photo lol
Looks like Otoni

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