
(77 KB, 800x497, 3074.jpg)
The encoding has gone on for so long now you'd think everyone would know how to do it. Yet, just about every thread you'll have one ask "what do I do with this?" There's also the encoding with added (delete this) or (12x3=) or whatever. All that does more often than not is cause someone to post "link is broke" because they won't look at the code as they're decoding.
I don't know how to get it to stop. I'm not sure if it's that big of a deal even. I don't mind encoding once then posting it when sharing a link. I never have added anything extra into mine. Maybe the way it stops is for more non encoded links get posted instead? What's everyone's thoughts?

Also, has anyone ever noticed the encoding has a certain code for certain sites? The first 21 characters for wetransfer links always contain - aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90L

aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90L VE3SG9IWU8waHI=
aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90L ThlM0k3dGdISmE=
aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90L UtlckEzeUVFU2g=
aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90L VRRR214MkU4RTM=
aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90L UtzU3Y5VVRXUlgK
aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90L TZ4ckM5Zk1WVmc=
aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90L WMybDYxeThLaFg=
aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90L Wk0YzdNUktKUUs=
aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90L VgzaGpDVUk0SUo=
aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90L VFxYk1KanJrdkI=
9 out of those 10 example links have an " = " at the end, not needed for it to be a workable link. BTW these are examples and while a few might have content most are links with expired content so don't bitch like a stupid cunt when there's nothing to download in the link.

Mab links begin with - aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8v

aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8v cmNDZjZEUEp0
aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8v V2xWVFlpVE5v
aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8v UGwwUmtRN0VW

Mega - aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci
aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci 84QlFpWFlqTCN6bU1DOXpIMzdrOFV2YWp4N2l3TVVR
>>9478 (OP)
No, it's an IQ test, and if you're too dumb to figure it out, you should get nothing.

If you're worried that mab/wet/mega links all start the same, doubly encode the link.
It's not an IQ test.

You don't seem too bright. I'm not worried about the encoding.
That was an obvious joke
I just saw a thread with dudes putting math problems in their codes and then spending days arguing about the solution with each other lol ffs. Share the shit or don’t, man.
lol, exactly, just encode once maybe twice but all the other shit just causes confusion and dumb arguments. End up with a bunch of useless posts because of it.

I most likely started the math trend, although I did so specifically because wetransfer was instantly banning the ip address of anyone uploading to wetransfer and then posting a single encoded link in the katie cummings thread.

jdownloader2 even accepts single encoded characters as valid links

however the math I used was stuff like threesquared to replace a 9 without any {}() this was a humanity test that I doubted any spider would be able to beat and that meant dmca's would require a human being in order to occur, which meant links wouldn't be deleted in 5minutes and would likely last several hours.

I HAVE NEVER AGAIN see this wetransfer automated ban bot, and it stopped attacking us in 2020. like ya know... a year ago.

the original purpose of encoding was to prevent referral data from bbwchan from tipping off filehosters, but for 2+ years now bbwchan hasn't had ANY hyperlinks resolve on it, so this problem was and is moot.

the original purpose of double encoding was so that you could type whatever you wanted in between the two encodings. This is where all the {random} (stuff) came in. Putting math inside () serves virtually no purpose because a spider/scrapper can be trained to defeat them just as easily as it can be trained to regex {} themselves.

as of this moment today I see no reason to use any of the above methods (the ones that had a purpose, nor the ones that didn't). I currently post all the links I post entirely naked.

I doubt you can get people to change their behavior though.
Thank you for explaining it. I guess as more and more links are posted without encoding, the encoding will go away. Of course I have no expectation this thread will sway things much.
Perhaps some content providers are more willing to tolerate this site because encoding and files that expire in a few days are onerous enough that many people prefer to buy clips.
Some content providers may be more tolerant of this site because encoding and limited life links make many people prefer to just buy clips
>>9478 (OP)

I found a link that was dead after only 18minutes, makes me think a robot nuked it.


the link in that post was dead when I checked the link only 18 minutes later.

tl;dr it might not be time to quit encoding afterall :(

then here's my followup post


containing comparisons and contrasts of various filehosters and encoding methods in the same thread (as far as I understand it the robot is tasked to follow only a single thread usually).

in case these links to those threads don't work I'm referring to thread 55891 on /bbw/ and the instantly dead link is post 61187 and my essay including lots of links testing various other sites is post 61196
Well shit, we know certain models will get links taken down real quick. Is she one who has a history of doing so?
>>9478 (OP)
or we could just switch to something else, like encrypting the files themselves with openssh so takedown bots and brainlets will have a hard time. Cryptomator at the very least

If the bot is reading the thread, it doesn't need to verify the content of the files before submitting dmca takedown notices.

like you're right, in theory, the dmca is supposed to work that way, but in actuality it doesn't.

also I could be wrong about having detected a new bot, because i've found like one example from 2021, AND that example might've just been a coincidence.

i mean in theory a model could check a thread 10minute after a link is posted on random happenstance. it just seems a bit unlikely to me. but well.... feel free to try all manner of solutions you wish. I've tried like a dozen filehosters in the past couple of years trying to find ones that are improvements. (with mixed success).

My best successes have been using filehosters that don't support the dmca. but the problem is most of those have a low file limit size, and the average bbw-chan user cannot comprehend multi-part rar files. Of course I don't really blame them because sites like https://zz.ht/ randomize filenames. So you have to post like 8 links to 1 file, then the downloader has to download the 8links then rename all the files to have the same name (the extensions are perserved) then you unzip the 8files into 1 file. other examples like lewd.se ended up being slow under heavy strain.

I realized eventually that multiplart rar files were making everyone hate me and no one was even getting the files anyways because bbwchan users are too lazy for solutions?

But yeah man, I'm all for seeing someone else try whatever whacky solutions they can think up!


starting here


going here



starting here


going here



people encode way too much 99% of the time it's worthless, THEN when it actually matters a lot EVERYONE is using the encoding wrong anyways.

word search jumble has a measured effect, other usages I cannot prove or disprove them as having any effect whatsoever.

realistically you want to stop using (){{|] style clues, either make it HARDER or EASIER.
It's been a while since I posted this thread. I still see people not understanding how encoding works. They won't look at the code as they're decoding to find the (delete me) shit that gets added. It's all been explained over and over again within most threads.
While the site had it's own decoder/ encoder people still couldn't grasp what to do. It really seems time to encourage the coding to stop
my new conclusion is that wetransfer.com is accepting dmca claims from whiteknights and processing them within minutes or at very least an hour.

filehosters typically don't do this because in theory whiteknight's have no right to make this request.

that doesn't explain why whiteknights do not know the square root of 9 though. I'm willing to believe katie cummings or jessie minx know how to hire a dmca robot from a legal company that sells robots but all these curvage models? it's more likely an army of whiteknights making fraudulent claims that are then accepted.

alternate file hosts take days or a week to get to the mirrors I've made on them of these same models so presumably they're not accepting dmca requests from whiteknights and that's how long it's taking the model to get them to act

I'm not gonna bother explaining my reasoning or logic or showing my proof anymore because quite frankly no one cares, these notes are mostly for my own benefit I've realized.
Certainly possible there's white knights involved. I do think there's models who scan this board though. Which is why I say we need to discourage the encoding as it's totally pointless now. All models know what to do to decode them, it's just a few morons that haven't paid attention a long the way who still get confused with the simplest encoding. Now those who toss in math or weird characters are really wasting time doing so. Again, models can hit backspace and eliminate the characters. Hell, they can wait around and keep the link open on this site and wait for someone to give the answer to whatever then proceed to get it taken down. Someone ALWAYS solves it and posts it or just re-encodes the link. Again, the encoding is pointless and anymore if I share a link I don't encode hoping that people will slowly just go back to normal seeing a normal link again. I probably shouldn't give a shit though, lol, but seeing so many posts asking the same shit after all of this time still makes me shake my head because it's not like this place is hidden and hard to get too if you like a plump girl instead of a skinny one.
Has anyone attempted re-encoding video files or putting them in zip files? I swear Adeline is the most notorious for having her links taken down but I did both for her swimming vid and it stayed for a while. My honest guess is the filehosts scan what's uploaded and if it comes from a known clip store (partner?), it's taken down. Content scanning exists.
I'm not sure if there's any solution really. We know some models are quick while others either don't care or they're just slow. Best thing for anyone is to just check this site frequently if they want more content. It's not like most traffic here is from new people, they just need to be quicker than the models and snatch it up. Maybe using MAB more often would help.

sites like zz.ht don't accept dmca takedown requests and sites like

dosyaupload.com transfernow.net

do accept dmca claims but only weird ones in another language with another formatting style.

on top of all this wetransfer just processes the takedowns at lightning speed <1hour turn around time. other sites like myairbridge or ufile.io or gofile.io or whatnot accept dmca claims but usually take a day to run through them or whatnot

one user just made a torrent and posted the plaintext magnet link to the thread on bbwchan and for some reason it was deleted by a moderator.... but that's actually a fabulous way to handle giant mega.nz style dumps for models who send too many dmca claims for mega.nz to be worthwhile
There's a dude who patrols the board to send DMCA claims to spite us, he posted a couple of times when the Hayley thread imploded, i'm guessing that Adeline and Roxxie are among the models he files claims for.
Gofile.io is the superior file sharing site considering it has no constrictions other than automatic file deletion when shares don't get downloaded for a while (they don't specify a term). Within an hour you can upload 25GB.

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