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What do you think is the "golden era" of this fetish?
I figure it's probably just the past few years, but I have a particular liking for the 2000s/early 10s.
I think the decade represented a sort of "Lardass Event Horizon", where the obesity crisis suddenly worsened. It was also the decade when social media boomed, which meant getting your fix of this fetish was easier than ever.

My favourite quirks of the time were the amazing abundance of college girls who were easily willing to pull up their shirts to show off their beer bellies and food babies,all the seemingly oblivious girls walking around with muffintops in those low waist jeans, and all the beach candids.I remember stumbling on albums of girls partying through the decade and piling it on thru the years.Girls are too aware that it will end up on social media to do stuff like that nowadays

(I seem to remember there was a girl who signed up for a weight gain challenge, without actually being a feedee; she thought it was some sort of challenge against social norms, i don't see something like that going down without a hitch nowadays)
> the decade when social media boomed, which meant getting your fix of this fetish was easier than ever.

By that logic, right now is the best era. There is more social media than ever, more channels to access content and it doesn’t take fifteen fucking minutes to load a single photo like it did in the 00s.

I don’t know man. It sounds to me like you’re looking at the years you first started jerking off through rose coloured glasses. The 00s absolutely we’re not the golden era for this type of content. Don’t get me wrong, there was some good stuff, but compared to what was available five, ten, twenty years after the period you’re talking about was and is immeasurably better.

In conclusion: shut up
Yeah, It's acknowledged at the start that "its probably the past few years"
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>>9423 (OP)
90s. That's when America just said fuck it, let a fat guy rap and he turned out to be better than everyone else.
Depends on what metrics you go by.

>Purely fetish content
Easily now. The prominence of social media, in conjunction with ever-increasing obesity rates as well as the increasing prominence of "easy money" schemes (which low-effort fetish work falls into), means that virtually regardless of what aspect of the fetish you're into, you'll never be short on fresh content to indulge in.

>Fetish + Dating/Social
Early-Mid 2010s. By this point, fat fetishism had more or less become mainstream, so there was no shortage of fat girls who were more or less secure in their body, but not to a point where they developed a God complex. As an added bonus, political autism was still relatively spotty, and didn't really start kicking into gear around 2016 or so. And there was plenty of BBW-related events all over the place, which started declining towards the later half of the decade, and more or less got fucked by the Rona.

>Vanilla FA dating/social
Late 2000s-Early 2010s. Once again, no shortage of fat girls, and the fetish side of it wasn't quite mainstream yet, due to social media being still in a sort of transitional phase. Also means less entitlement complex, and less presumption of ill intent due to people having not poisoned the well as much yet.

Overall, all things considered, I'd go with around 2011-2015 or so.
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Interesting question. Like >>9429 said, it really depends on what metric you're going by. For what I'm personally into, which is softcore SSBBW and feedist content, I think around 2009-2012 was the golden era.

I'm an oldfag who had been fapping to this stuff for years at that point, so I don't think this is just my personal nostalgia. The late 2000s was when camera technology advanced to the point that a semi-pro model could easily deliver a high-quality video recording, not just still JPEGs and a grainy FLV. And in terms of content, this was when a lot of the classic Big Cuties and other SSBBW models were at their peak. Many of them were women who had come out of the bash scene (which was likewise in its golden era), genuinely had the fetish, and were still new and enthusiastic enough to put actual effort into their content. A few years earlier, SSBBW "models" were mostly older women posting candids, not younger women doing actual modeling, and a few years later, as technology continued to advance, there was a mass influx of women pursuing easy money by selling half-assed cell phone content.

So even though there's probably more content being made now than there ever was in terms of quantity, in my opinion the average quality is so much lower that it's fair to speak of the golden age being over, at least for this particular niche. There are fewer new SSBBWs (as opposed to BBWs) joining the scene, and model burnout seems to happen a lot quicker. And while this last point is more personal, I find the modern simp/egirl culture gross and depressing, and I don't want to engage with it. No thanks on direct-to-customer transactions, I'm not here to pretend I'm friends with the model, I just want to give my CC to a reputable payment processor and download my videos for a wank. I always say this, but as a younger Gen X, I really feel bad for the shit you Zoomer guys have to deal with.

For weight gain fiction the early 2000s was the golden era. All you had to do was check the Dimensions Weight Room for updates and get fresh new "realistic WG stories" content every week. Later in the decade the scene got swamped by fan fiction, which is hard to enjoy if you're not into the franchise it's based on. Plus a lot of the action moved to DA, which is a good platform for visual art but a terrible platform for sharing and discovering written text.


I think you’re bang on as far as fiction. the fact that Dimensions is still up and running brings a tear to my eye lol.

Also agree on the direct interaction with your fat girl webmodel who needs $30 for a few minutes of your time. It’s been festering for awhile but it super bums me out; Feabie/Fantasy Feeder used to be a sausage fest but at least you had a shot of making a connection if you had a sense of humor or were good looking or just had generally attractive qualities, it’s depressing to see these dating sites turn into personal ads for OnlyFans pages and Amazon wishlists. I don’t care if you have a sex work (lol) side hustle but it bums me out to see how many of these, ostensibly, dating sites have changed. This can be a very lonely lifestyle, obviously some connections happen and it’s not all just thots and simps but now you get to pay for the pleasure of feeling a *little* less lonely. The “community” aspect doesn’t feel like it’s there anymore.

I got a taste of this from a relatively big name in the scene (*cough*starjelly*cough*) even after I made it clear I wasn’t going to pay for anything she kept sending me kik messages demanding payment for the messages we’d exchanged and when I told her to fuck off she got very publically mad about “fake feeders” lol.

I dunno I’m just on a tangent at this point, this is a long winded way of getting some grievances out while agreeing with you.
Heh, I had interactions with her as well. Sh even begged me for money to feed her kids. I was dumb as shit, so I sent her some money. All she did was ask for even more, so I told her no and she freaked out on me saying she thought I was the one and this and that. Such bullshit.
>I find the modern simp/egirl culture gross and depressing, and I don't want to engage with it.
> I really feel bad for the shit you Zoomer guys have to deal with.

No fucking joke dude, I refuse to participate in OnlyFans or anything like it, because I'm smart enough to recognize a trap when I see one. I want real connection without a credit card bein used for anything more than the trip and restaurant; Onlyfans to me, is just some kind of deep perversion. I'm hoping Wooplus is better than as >>9447 mentions about Feabie.
I kinda punted wooplus, it’s a lot of fat women who seem to want to lose weight lol. Live your life but landing a fat girl has never been the problem, it’s landing a fat girl who will get fatter and I don’t see a lot of that on the app. Feabie truly had a moment of “wait this could be awesome” when it first came out - lots of active users, a little less ratchet than FantasyFeeder - but I think even normie dating sites have issues with girls peddling their OF pages at this point, that’ll go double for us.

I met my current gf on wooplus, so I'll defend it by saying its probably not a great place to find feedee women, but you can find women who are comfortable with being fat. Finding a fat girl is not a problem, but finding one who isn't trying to lose weight and will accept that you're attracted to her fat body in all its hugeness, that can be a problem, even leaving out all the fetishy stuff.
>I met my current gf on wooplus, so I'll defend it by saying its probably not a great place to find feedee women, but you can find women who are comfortable with being fat.

I can second this. I met my now ex-GF on WooPlus and I've had a great experience overall.

In my experience, you'll be hard-pressed to find any fat girl who hasn't thought about losing weight. My ex wanted to lose weight at some point but not to the point of wanting to be slim. Just a bit less fat for health reasons. That is something I can get behind.

I tried Feabie years ago, naively thinking that I could date somebody from there. Then I realised that it's just a cliquey fetish site. Personally, I'm mainly wanting a fat girl who is happy with being fat and I think WooPlus is probably the best place for that.
>In my experience, you'll be hard-pressed to find any fat girl who hasn't thought about losing weight

No doubt, been there done that, I'm not here to tell fat people how to take care of their bodies but frankly, the type of fun I was looking for wasn't compatible with someone who was publicly stating they were on a diet and would be ordering the salad if we went out to eat. Do what makes you feel good but once you've scratched the feeder itch it's kind of a bummer to swipe through all of these profiles that say "NOT looking to gain".

I'm sure I'd feel differently if it were someone I were interested in having a long-term relationship with but at the time I was using these apps I was in it for hookups or short-term flings.

I had some really great meetups that checked all of my boxes from people I met on Fantasy Feeder and Feabie but could never find anyone on WooPlus who was down for the kind of stuff I got there. Glad to know it's worked for someone but I whiffed hard lol.
At least you guys can even get Wooplus to work. I've tried on and off for months to get past the blank screen when opening it, and haven't gotten shit.

I've had decent luck myself on Feabie, though. Most of the people I became friends with were long-distance, but I've met a handful of locals as well, some who I became long-term friends with.

oh as a piece of software wooplus is a flaming fucking shitpile. no argument there. if I wasn't so desperate for a cool 300+ pounder who doesn't mind crushing me and eating cake, id never let the fucking thing near my phone
If I didn't want to find fat chicks as well, I wouldn't have tried to get it to work on several different occasions.
Given the fact that US obesity rate has been climbing steadily every year for half a century, that women have recently been more impacted by men, and that the most recent reports from the CDC indicate that there was a huge spike in obesity in younger people since the pandemic... we have not yet begun to see the peak for people with this preference.

At this rate, fat is well on its way to being fully normalized. The average weight of a woman today is 5 pounds heavier than the average weight of a man in 1960. A woman that was considered fat in 2000 will be considered normal in the next 10 years, and the goalposts for what's considered a "fat fetish" will move accordingly.

I predict that we may see a golden age in the next 10-15 years, as younger people impacted by the pandemic age into adulthood.
The best period in my opinion was the late 2000s. The amount of models cresting 500 pounds increased rapidly, there was a tremendous proliferation of online content, and no onlyfans meant that many girls could be propositioned for content for free/incredibly low prices. Fat women were also just starting to get on to social media together so there were good spaces to find someone as they hadn’t really started to get suspicious of fat fetishes/feeders yet, and many were still desperate or lonely enough to let you proposition them just about anywhere. Definitely excited for the fatter future but 2008-2013 or so represented the best years of this fetish.
Early-mid 2000s, when feedees were documenting their entire gain on YouTube for free before ChubbyGirlVideos started selling content, then sex workers took over the fetish
I don't think it can be debated that it's now imo. when i was growing up throughout the 2000s i wasn't really looking at porn, but girls were obsessed with being unhealthily thin. it blows my mind people thought brittney spears was some blimp at the vmas when she looked like a normal person. until like 2015 plus size models were rare and now i can go at instagram and see hundreds of gorgeous fat chicks wearing lingerie and bikinis and shit. Lizzo is very fat and flaunts it. Like from a general perspective of society it's better.
then for fetish models it's still better. I really don't feel like in the 2010s there were so many models (i wonder if that has something to do with the absurd thinness obsession i mentioned earlier), and what I REALLY don't remember is so many girls being very into the fetish. so many girls have blown the fuck up bc they're obsessed with being huge. And now since COVID we've had so many girls balloon. We are in the golden age so far imo.
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Hardly anyone knew about feedism before CGV and other feedees started vlogging about their gain on YouTube in the early to mid 2000s. If that hadn't happened, the fetish would have never become popular.
Quality wise probably 2008-2012. Girls like Kellie Kay, Ash, Ivy visibly ballooning every month. The debuts of Boberry and Jae. the gigantic peak weights of Goddess Patty and Jiggly Bombshell. And darn near weekly updates from Jeshicuh, Imogenize, CGV etc. on Youtube.


Pick one. Quality content was pretty rare back then. Potato quality everywhere.
I definitely have a lot of nostalgia from the days when Kellie/Ash and Ivy/Violet were living together and just getting stupidly fucking fat

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