
(11 KB, 300x300, discord-icon-new-2021-logo-09772BF096-seeklogo.com.png)
Any good discords for sharing content or general weight gain chat? I used to be a part of a couple but they were always full of the Feabie-brigade or overbearing mods and anti piracy.
I knew a couple good ones but they got shut down real fast. I still don't know what happened to them.
I see very little BBW content, and absolutely no weight gain content?
More of a trad version of Feabie and a place for FA to hang out.
Already dead? Would've loved an invite.
But here is mine.
(19 KB, 284x144, Screenshot 2022-01-19 123548.png)
"Catholic FAs", seriously? A no porn discord being pushed on a porn focused chan.

I think I'm just going to set up my own server at this point.
I've decided to set up an Element server.


Element is a decentralised and end-to-end encrypted alternative to Discord. Thought it would be better for privacy and sharing content.
Man, this shit really doesn't exist anymore, does it?

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