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Just for shits n giggles: What small things do you see in BBW content you would otherwise be into that is an instant boner killer for you? I'm kinda interested in seeing how varied the answers will be.

Obviously everyone has different preferences so don't be spergs and start pointlessly arguing. Just have fun describing why xyz makes your dick shrivel like a dried slug. Bonus points if you're witty enough to come up with funny/clever phrasing and associated images.

For me there are two which will probably be unpopular but fuck it:

When girls gain to the point their jawline and neck become one continuous entity. I am definitely a face guy and I prefer it when they don't look like they've been drawn on a giant thumb in a wig. Second thing is belly folds/rolls, or really excessive rolls in general (aside from on the hips for some reason). Reminds me of a melting candle or something when chicks get really fold-y. I like my bellies round. Nothing against people who like dat shit, but a lot of gainers I think were smokin cross the event horizon for me before they even get popular enough for me to discover them lmao
For me it's a BBW/SSBBW with absolutely no ass. It just baffles me that some women can have huge tits and bellies but then they turn around and their ass is smaller and flatter that mine. I know different body types and all, but it's still an immediate disappointment and boner killer for me.

I also, unfortunately, have some racial preferences. My brain acknowledges that women of any race/ethnicity are objectively beautiful and I mentally find them attractive, but my dick tends to disagree.
Burping. Unbelievably hot in real life. However I get this twitch whenever there's burping in a video. That is why I don't like/buy eating videos. Being from the uk, you will probably know how a four cylinder diesel starts. I got my work hilux and I shiver exactly like that thing whenever a girl is burping in a video. I never have understood why, because again, i like that A LOT irl.

Also, this second one is such a vanilla answer but: small breasts on an otherwise well-proportioned body. Again, the same thing, my ex had an ass so wide she had to sit in the backseat of my car (not a big car, so not a boberry-tier ass) but one of her breasts completely fit in my hand. I absolutely loved that, but when watching porn I feel that's just not right.

Definitely I have the same preference about that neck thing.
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Squinty eyes that look beady and compressed from brow and cheek fat. I love fat cheeks and double chins otherwise (think Ivy or Luna Love), but some women accumulate fat in their forehead and end up with a slort of sloping Neanderthal brow that starts to cover their eyes. That's an unfortunate look.


>I also, unfortunately, have some racial preferences. My brain acknowledges that women of any race/ethnicity are objectively beautiful and I mentally find them attractive, but my dick tends to disagree.

I have the same issue sometimes with smaller BBWs. I don't think it's a sign of racism to react to the way in which women of different races tend to carry their weight in different ways. At fat but not supersize weights, a lot of black women tend to carry more of their weight in their thighs and ass -- like, if you put a 250 lb. black woman next to a 250 lb. white or Hispanic woman, the black woman is more likely to register as just "thicc" rather than FAT, because of how she's proportioned. To feel attraction I need to see jiggle all over, not just in the booty. But then once you get to SSBBW tier that problem disappears and I have no trouble feeling attracted to a black woman of that size.

>some women accumulate fat in their forehead and end up with a slort of sloping Neanderthal brow that starts to cover their eyes

Example? I can't picture this.

I won't post a pic here and kill any boners even further, but google the Slaton Sisters.

I see. Although I must say, they're also incredibly ugly to begin with. Even if they didn't have the caveman brow, I'm not sure it would be much of an improvement
Damn. I thought being too fat to fit into cars was just meme. Fattest girl I ever banged, a bit shy of 400 pounds drove a fucking Starlet. She had no ass thought which I guess explains it. We also actually had sex in my Carina and while it wasn't good.. it still somehow worked.

Also one woman in my town that's really large, at least 450 drives a lowered Lupo. That being said, once she steps out of it it's no longer lowered.

Yeah it's a thing. One of my exes couldn't fit in the front seat of my car. I mean, she could just barely but it wasn't comfortable for her at all and it was impossible to use the seatbelt. So back seat it was.
I get the idea behind it but messy eating is pretty bleh for me. Like girl go take a shower Jesus Christ.
And I mean when they fucking rub it all over their body, it’d be different if it was on their face bc they’re eating too fast, but 99% of messy eating content is girls covering their whole body in cake or some shit. That’s not even eating really. I can’t jerk off to something like that, no matter how hot the girl is, it’s just too weird.
Agreed, especially if it is something sticky, like some sort of sauce. That just makes me uncomfortable in a weird way.
Anything to do with pregnancy. Not just not into pregnancy fetishwise, but when dudes are like "wow she gonna gain so many weight now she pragnant" and my brain just goes there's a baby in there, she's gonna push it out her vagina, she's gonna be a mother, she's gonna be thinking about potty training and daycares and first words. Hard to get excited about whether she keeps those 20 eating-for-two pounds after she shits out the kid and her life becomes entirely about it.

Even seeing a pic or vid of a bbw looking very round and yummy, if I find out after the fact she's actually pregnant it totally ruins it. I remember there was a Plump Princess clip like that years ago that totally turned me off of her when it came out that she was using her pregnancy to make people think she'd reached a new size plateau.

I'd put foodplay alongside things like pregnancy, vore, and farting where having a feedism fetish or just liking really fat women shades into totally different sexual territory.

I get why that venn diagram has an overlap, but when a model I like starts rolling around in ice cream, I'm like "No, I just like greedy hungry hot fatties, you've lost the plot!"

Yeah, they're an extreme example but the only well-known ones I could think of offhand. There are definitely women with a more mild version of this, but usually you don't see them modeling.

>I'd put foodplay alongside things like pregnancy, vore, and farting where having a feedism fetish or just liking really fat women shades into totally different sexual territory.

Inflation's another one like this where I've never quite understood why it gets put in the same category as fat and feedism, especially in art communities. The idea of a woman being pumped full of air and blowing up like a balloon has nothing at all in common with what I'm into. I guess it's because if you're an artist, drawing a fat woman and drawing an inflated woman overlap somewhat in terms of skill set, so you might as well do one if you're going to do the other.
Really oddly disproportionate bodies. How are you gonna have a sphere for a stomach and no tits or ass? I can usually overlook that one though.

Burping or farting, no thanks. That's some niche shit that seems to have gained unusual prominence. Talking about being gross and smelly doesn't do it for me.

And, of course, the tried and true Pornhub favourite "I'm fucking my sister/mother, hyuck, boy howdy" Sorry, guys, I know fetishes are just electrical impulses misfiring in the brain but fucking your family is so far beyond the pale. I know they're actors, they're not really related but even appending "step" doesn't make it less gross. I just find it difficult to masturbate to sex crimes.
For me it would be:

1) Mutual gaining or "feeding encouragement" vids where the BBW is the feeder, especially when they make no reference to their own size. I don't have a problem with people who are into both sides of the fetish or BHM content but these vids always just kill it for me; I think it's because I like the contrast/power imbalance aspects to the fetish and because I feel like the second type of video often comes at the expense of a BBW producing content focused on her own gain.

2) I like most elements of slob (burping, sweating, even farting) but extreme messy eating is a turn-off for me. There was a curvage model who literally poured butter on herself (don't remember her name) and the pic almost made me gag, not because of her but just from the concept and the look of the butter.
Maybe I've just had bad experiences but a lot of fat chicks I've been with smell absolutely awful down under. They get overheated easily and sweat the fuck out under folds. It smells atrocious, I can't stand it.
This isn't even just in BBW content, but the word "Daddy" on its own and ESPECIALLY DDLG stuff.
Just gives me the absolute rawest sense of disgust. I really don't want to imagine some sort of Electra shit when I'm trying to get off, you keep your weird incest roleplay to yourselves thanks.
Shit, if I ever have kids they're gonna have to call me "mate" or something.
This. This right here is how you ruin a good JOI video.
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>I guess it's because if you're an artist, drawing a fat woman and drawing an inflated woman overlap somewhat in terms of skill set, so you might as well do one if you're going to do the other.
Reminds me of those "breeding" people. Feels like 90% of users on fat related discords are into that crap.
Yoo why is my flag listed as unknown. That's cool.
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Fetishizing the negative aspects of severe obesity. There's stuff like general unfitness which is fine, but then you got people fixating on hospitalisation, needing aid breathing when sleeping, even fucking diabetes. Yes I know that being fat comes with some risks but to put those as the point to fixate the extremes, to say that you want your own fucking partner to get diabetes... it's fucking insane. (To clarify, don't give a shit if we're talking about fics or drawings. Just people talking about real life people, the sort of shit you saw on /r/dyingtobefat when that was active).

Anyone who wants a girl to gain to the point where she has severe health issues is a monster. It honestly makes me a little sick seeing people praise Echos hospitalisation as an achievement. Whenever I think of the models who died early due to health related complications I feel uneasy about this community, but I tend to just stick to drawings and written works anyway.

Oh my god, this. As a feedist, I totally understand being turned on by a taboo fantasy that normies are horrified by. But why do "littles" insist on loudly oversharing about their fetish in contexts where other people don't have it? No other kink community does this. I wouldn't go to a foot fetish or rope bondage site and start telling everyone about how I get off to the thought of a person who's too fat to stand, because I understand that most people would be disgusted by it.
Most BBW content turns me off, so I'll start with what actually turns me on.

My specific fantasy preference is for fat, lazy, hedonistic, spoiled women who spend most of their time lounging around, eating, and having sex. Even better if they're putting on weight and getting fatter, lazier and more spoiled over time. Most of the content I consume centers on that theme.

In porn or other erotic content, I mostly look for stories that somewhat realistically portray a women letting herself go over time or a short story in the life of a fat, lazy woman. I can also do alternate reality type stories where this type of lifestyle is common or glorified. I also like weight gain comparisons, both real and drawn if done well, as well as very fat women just being hedonistic in general. Basically, content that celebrates a large women's body, as well as the lifestyle she lived getting that body.

The biggest turnoffs for me are weird body morphs and unrealistic proportions (like giant belly but nothing else), vore, furries, traps, bhms, and scat. Force feeding an manipulation generally turn me off, because in my ideal fantasies the woman either doesn't care or actively enjoys being very large.

Slob stuff is a mixed bag. It plays well into being fat and spoiled/lazy so if it's done in a way that it isn't the central focus of the story it's a turn on for me, because it can provide some realism. If the story is focused on the woman burping and farting, with the rest being an afterthought, it's a turn off.
Wait what are your favorite stories and vids? You preference is very similar to mine and I'm always on the lookout for good spoiling stuff.
When girls stop gaining weight, or even worse start losing weight.

It sucks, even the mot dedicated feedees eventually hit a plateau. I can't get hard if they haven't gained any weight in over, say, a week.

This has been a big problem for my love life, because even when a girl claims she has no weight limit and just wants to be stuffed, fucked, and spoiled... eventually reality hits in.

The biggest chick I've been with ALMOST hit 600 pounds. We were together for about ten years. She started at around 250. She was 330 by the time we got married, then kept gaining steadily until about 8 years into our relationship. Then it became sporadic. She was getting really big, it's true, but it seemed like she lost heart in gaining. Our last year together, she lost 30 pounds. Sex just didn't work anymore. I no longer found her attractive.

We split up, and after that, I decided not to marry someone else unless they promise to never stop gaining, and put that into their vows. It's been six years so far, and no one else has even broken 450. I might have made a mistake divorcing my wife.
You fucking think?
You divorced your wife because she lost 30lbs?
>I decided not to marry someone else unless they promise to never stop gaining, and put that into their vows.
Either this is the greatest bait post I've ever read, or you're actually delusional on a grand scale.
No. I divorced her because I was no longer attracted to her.
Explain. Bitches claim to never want to stop gaining all the time. I'm sure there's one that is true to her word.

I have standards. I value myself and my needs. You need a serious redpill if you think you need to change for your bitch, Mr. Cuck.
>I decided not to marry someone else unless they promise to never stop gaining, and put that into their vows.
if my fetish ever gets this extreme I'm going to see a therapist 0_0
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>You need a serious redpill if you think you need to change for your bitch, Mr. Cuck.

You almost had me with that first post, not gonna lie.
Don't Fat Girls usually get Alimony, and Custody. I vividly remember Dre having to pay 300 K to his wife, and De Neiro paying being broke because he has to pay his way.

Here's another example, @thefatposipunk on Tiktok and Instagram. That's the squinty eye effect I was talking about, but not as "omg wtf" as the Slatons.
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Yes, but it's worth being poor for 5 years to be able to fuck whatever you want.

See attached picture.
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I am aroused by most signs of extreme obesity. Not so much this...

I do find it fascinating, though.
It looks like a tumor
For me it's actually girls getting 'too fat'. I like the smaller breed of fat girl,around 180-250. I especially like it when a girl looks thin generally but then surprises you with a well fed ball belly (around the 150-180 mark) . Over 250 my attraction wanes; the girls start to get real flabby and floppy, and I'm a guy who likes round af girls who jut out all over,past 250 too, is when the darker side of feederism hits. Major health problems and massive fatphobia.Its not this specifically which scares me off, but I'm glad to avoid it.
1. Tattoos. Don't cover up that beautiful fat with that shit. That's almost totally ruined Adeline for me.
2. Belly buttons that are in a weird place relative to the fat belly compared to most models. Ivy comes to mind.
3. The same fake trashy crap that thin women try to pull: long fake nails, fake thin eyebrows, excessive makeup, fake orgasms.
4. Scat

What appeals to me is the more genuine, natural "wife material" fatties. The kind that will plop on a couch with her belly hanging out, watching TV, inhaling food and belching. The kind that will lay back on a bed and ask for belly rubs and cuddling.
There's two things that turn me off from otherwise 10/10 fatties; Genuinely bitchy/spoiled/selfish attitudes, and fake enthusiasm for being fat/gaining/feeding.

I know women being lazy, selfish and hedonistic is a big aspect of this kink, but I simply can't look past a lady being a total bitch personality-wise. Introversion and avoiding going out, being a gluttonous couch potato who refuses to exercise, even delving into mild slob territory where she reeks from lack of bathing and belches all the time, that's all gucci for me, but if she's an asshole to others it's an instant "nope" even in porn. I can't even get into it in a fake roleplay "dominant bitchy girl" way, it just aggravates me to the point that not even my dick can override it.

As for the fake enthusiasm thing, I can't stand the insanely overacted "Oh my gosh, I'm so fat! Make me into an immobile blob and feed me until I explode, I wanna be a trillion pounds!" fake spiel a lot of models pull. I get that it's what sells, but it's incredibly obvious and grating when it's just said because it's expected, rather than her genuinely being a kinky fatty and getting off on it as much as the audience does. I'd even go so far as to say I'd rather have a fat model just be honest and say something like, "This doesn't do much for me, but I like having people jerk off to me and I like getting paid, so I'm gonna stuff myself and play with my belly on camera", rather than lying about it through her teeth. On the opposite side of things, I get hard as a diamond on the rare occasion I do find a fat girl who clearly is into it and feeding/gaining/playing with her body for her own satisfaction first and foremost, the fans and cash just being a bonus.

Ironically, I'm actually into a few things a lot of people don't quite enjoy; Fuck-tons of cellulite, fat rolls and stretch marks, disproportionate and asymmetrical body types, even non-fantasy blob/immobile girls. Hell, if I could find an immobile chick who was down to fuck, I'd be over there finding a way to get it into her while most chubby chasers were still debating if she's too big for their tastes.
>hunter eyes

What do I hate for the most part, or just plainly dislike? Inflation (if we talk about art) and stuffing without any weight gain. It's retarded and I find it also incredibly wasteful.
>I also, unfortunately, have some racial preferences. My brain acknowledges that women of any race/ethnicity are objectively beautiful and I mentally find them attractive, but my dick tends to disagree.
Dude, we all have types.
Nobody is going to think of you for being racist for having a preference for a specific race. Especially if just aesthetic appeal is all it is for you.
Speaking of which body fat distribution ratios are a bit different from each race.
For example we all know about black girls get really fat butts and thighs.

If anyone thought you where racist for having a racial preference, they probably find anything you do racist to begin with.
>>8998 (OP)
For me, anything involving men especially fat men are the worst. I am physically repulsed by other men who are not my self. After that probably followed by excessively poor hygiene or health issues.
And then just random political nonsense that has no place in a pornographic video about fat chicks.

So just to quantify them in no paticular order except the first too.

1. BHM
2. Mutual
3. Excessive Slob
4. Death Feedism
5. Man of any kind in video.
6. Serious health issues.
7. Face mask in video or photo set.
>he thinks masks are "political"
Face masks are political. The highest level of scientific evidence over the last 100 years clearly demonstrates that masks do not stop the spread of respiratory viruses in the community, and not only that, they put our health at risk.

See: https://followthemaskscience.com/research-summary

Since then, there has been a great deal of research on masks. Meta analyses and systematic reviews [1 13 46 47 82 88 ] found masks in the community won’t prevent the spread of respiratory viruses. For those who don’t know, a systematic review and meta analysis occurs when researchers gather ALL of the research on a given topic. They analyze the data from the best quality studies to see if there is a strong trend. With masks and respiratory viruses, there was indeed a strong trend - they don’t help:

• In April 2020, Jefferson, of Oxford University Centre for Evidence Based Medicine, et al's analysis showed, "Pooling of all nine trials did not show a statistically significant reduction of ILI cases (Risk Ratio 0.93, 95%CI 0.83 to 1.05) or laboratory-confirmed influenza cases (Risk Ratio 0.84, 95%CI 0.61–1.17) in the group wearing a mask compared to those not wearing a mask." [46]
• In April 2020, another rapid systematic review conducted by Brainard, et al corroborated these findings, "The evidence is not sufficiently strong to support widespread use of facemasks as a protective measure against COVID19." [47]
• In May 2020, in Emerging Infectious Diseases, Xiao, et al concluded, “We did not find evidence that surgical-type face masks are effective in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza transmission, either when worn by infected persons (source control) or by persons in the general community to reduce their susceptibility.” [1]
• May 2020 The University of Edinburg Usher Institute Systematic Review that found , “This review found mixed and low quality epidemiological evidence on the use of face masks to prevent community transmission of respiratory illness,” and, “Based on the epidemiological evidence, the effectiveness of face masks has not been demonstrated." [88]
• September 2020 meta analysis [13] that also concluded, "Surgical mask wearing among individuals in non-healthcare settings is not significantly associated with reduction in ARI [acute respiratory illness] incidence in this meta-review."
• The massive November 2020 systemic review of 67 studies conducted by the independent Cochrane Collaboration that also concluded, "Pooled results from randomized trials did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection with the use of medical / surgical masks during seasonal influenza. There were no clear differences between the use of medical / surgical masks compared to N95 / P2 respirators in healthcare workers when used in routine care to reduce respiratory viral infection." [82]
>>8998 (OP)
Slob I don't mean burping and sweating which is hot, the other stuff isn't like gass, puking etc.

Having 0 ass

USSBBW, blobs are hot in fiction but IRL, I'll pass.

Overly asymetric folds, like when they get so big they have some random pocket of fat growing on one side and not the other.
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I'm pretty sure they have some other condition on top of being fat. Whats funny is that they are around the size of Boberry when she was at her largest and they look like freaks while Boberry just looked like an exaggerated human, some people just don't have the genes for extra weight.
Bimbofication. Women who actually have a weight gain fetish often have a bimbofication fetish that goes along with it. I can see why they would go together in the same basket of kinks (the idea of becoming a mindless eating machine), but as a guy, bimbofication does nothing for me.

Intox too. Like I said, I can get why they go together, but it doesn't turn me on at all.

This is one of those things that turns me on in fantasy, but wouod absolutely suck IRL. I need a functional human being as a partner.
Boner killer: Small flat ass, Too thin legs proportions. Too hangin flappy saggy skin empty looking belly... i like them looking and being full, and i like the fullness every place in a woman. Talk about diet. Behaving like dude more than me. Real thin lips, looking like she dont even have teeth. Stinking like shit or sour fish 😁
>>8998 (OP)
In softcore? Women who get tattoos on their ass. Why would you ruin a literal work of art with something that looks like skin cancer. Also poor angles, or the good scenes that show off booty are not long enough, or cut funny. There's a fantastic scene of Sugar Pear, and really the only part worth watching is the free preview because the best scene is in it, and even in the full version it's still only a 6 second angle.

Also, septum piercings. Gross.

In JOI videos, not having a countdown, and to a lesser extent not being clear if 1 or 0 is the last number (I always check to make sure, but it's a bit irksome). Also, would it kill some BBWs to do ass related JOIs instead of tits? And also, if you are doing porn, holy shit take your fucking clothes off. Stop straddling the line of "oh tee hee I'm still a good girl who isn't really doing porn since I'm not naked." No, either take it off or fuck off.

In hardcore? Any videos involving that creepy bald guy who looks like he has aids. Just creeps me out. Once I know a woman has touched that guy, I can't take look at them anymore.

And any scenes where you see that one position where it's all balls and male ass, but no woman. What a fucking stupid angle!

Finally, if you are going to do anal, FFS get a POV angle so we can see her ass. Insertion and all. What's the point of doing ass related things when no one can see her ass?

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