
Not a full story, but something to kick this off.

In middle school there was a guy, that i played some games from time to time. Nerd lvl over 9000, he started dating a girl, solid 5/10, and around 60-70 kg. Fast forward few years, maybe 4-5, I was student and found this guy and his girl in bus. And, oh my god, she was huge! At least 140 kg, barely fit in seat. They left bus and i saw they were heading to her home i think and guy had bags full of food and snacks. Taking to account, second meeting was like 5 years from now, I wonder now if they are still toghter and if she gained more.
Girl I'm seeing went from about 140lbs to 330lbs in about eight years.
>friend from my hometown
>meets girl when we’re around 20 years old
>she’s a dancer and has the small, athletic build you’d expect
>over the course of a few years they get married and have some kids
>I move away
>maybe ten years later I’m back in town to see my folks
>go to local mall
>hear somebody calling my name
>turn around and see a huge flabby arm waving at me
>who the fuck is that
>didn’t even recognise who it was until I saw him nearby
>it was her
>SSBBW proportions
>heavy breathing, slow waddle, the whole bit
One girl was around 190kg when I was seeing her. We were fucking for a while but we had pretty much nothing in common so it never became a thing. I still see her around now and then and she just has not stopped gaining. She has easily gained another 30kg or so.
>family friend always fat growing up
>in high school finally sheds the weight through sports and becomes thin
>after graduating though the weight starts creeping back on
>30-40 pounds over 3 years
>very chunky if not fat already
>gets pregnant
>starts blowing up
>a few months after her pregnancy she is probably a hundred pounds heavier than her high school days
>fat ass, big tits, jiggling soft arms, and a flabby, hanging belly that has to be stuffed into whatever pants she’s wearing
>stays around that size for almost 10 years
>around 2-3 years ago starts following body positivity people
>starts posting memes about failed diets and her inability to lose weight
>weight begins to pile on again
>now around 300 pounds and still not slowing down
>has a giant muffintop whenever she wears pants now, her round belly looking like it could turn into a double soon
>double chin is fat enough to appear in every photo no matter the angle
>any hug from her you can feel her giant belly squishing into you
>completely unable to fully wrap arms around her
>still not restricting her eating and regularly makes heavy desserts full of empty calories
>her mom was 400 pounds at one point before WLS
>at this point it seems like SSBBW status is an inevitability
IRL? Most likely my current partner. She's not the fattest person I know or have dated by any means, but she has gained the most weight in the time I've known her more than anyone else I know.

She started around 260 lbs with an hourglass shape when we started dating, where I would have considered her extremely curvy, not even really fat or chubby.

Now? She's now very close to 400lbs. She used to be able to fit into standard sized clothing- men's medium t-shirts, stretchy women's L and XL sizes, but now, she's starting to get too big for even most of the plus size retailers. She went from an hourglass figure to something looking more akin to Roxxie's figure. She's sized out of Lane Bryant, and if she keeps it up, she's going to size out of Torrid too. It's fucking awesome. I think my favorite change in the gain isn't even the usual belly or ass (which are admittedly wonderful), it's her face. Her cheeks are round af, and she has a constant double chin that's both cute and sexy as hell.
This one is kind of a twofer.

I worked at a coffee shop with a woman who was very short. I don't know how much anyone here knows about how many calories are in your average venti anything, but there's a lot of them. She worked with me for two years, and went from very slim to kind of chunky.

Typical stuff, right?

Okay, so she gets a new job because ours didn't pay enough. We stay in touch through social media, but don't see each other a lot because now she works on the other side of town.

We go to a house party for a to-be-wed couple. Not anything too terribly interesting going on there. The bride is my ex-coworker's best friend, she's cute, but officially to-be-married. So who cares.

I get a new job outside of my state, and am moderately sure that that would be the end of this story.

>fast-forward three years.

I moved back home, caught up old friends. My old co-worker is now bona-fide shortstack. Certifiably round. Gains up top, big breasts, thicker than a molasses milkshake. Awesome.

That's when she says the magic word that every creep like me wants to hear:

"So really, me being fat is [best friend's] fault - she's a bad influence now that her marriage is falling apart."

She tells me about all of these troubles that her best friend has been having in their marriage, like him messaging other girls and how he's controlling or whatever. Sad.

>"Heyyyyyy [ex-coworker's name]!"

We ran into her while we were getting lunch and goddamn.

She had put on like a hundred and fifty pound since I had last seen her. Fat gut, thick legs, out of breath from walking from the car and everything. She held out her arms for a hug from my ex-coworker, and I got to see the whole tummy.

>Moral of the story:
Don't marry anyone before you're twenty-one.
>But also:
Keep in touch with your friends who get fat. Because they might have friends who get even fatter.
These two were amazing~ Thank you for sharing
Two girls I used to work in the same building with almost 10 years go, and may have contributed to my fetish...

One started out with your average feminine build, 5'-6"ish pretty cute brunette. We had uniforms consisting of dark slacks and a button down shirt, of which we were given two weeks worth when we were hired in. A few months go by and I notice her uniform is looking a bit tighter, and then I move to a different part of the building where I don't get to see her as much. After a few more months I'm working near her again and notice that her face is chubbier and her uniforms are looking super tight. Every day she had this pronounced muffin top from her tight pants, and her ass and thighs were threatening to bust through the stitching. All the buttons on her shirts were straining and the hem of her shirt was constantly folding up to reveal her waist. She never got a belly, it's like all the fat was distributed evenly. She could have requested larger uniforms but I think she was in denial, shit was straight out of a weight gain story.

Another girl was a bit older, very short, very cute, VERY pear-shaped. When I started her ass was big (for her height) but when I left 6 years later her ass was huge. It's like all the fat went to her ass. I saw her again a few years later and her ass was gigantic, and the rest of her had expanded as well. I always tried to be friendly to her but she was never interested, still an incredible gain that I wish I could witness again.

There was another girl who started in the last year I worked there, probably in her mid to late 30s, and she had a massive gut. It was so round and she didn't appear to be gaining so I seriously thought she was pregnant so I asked when she was due and she replied that she wasn't pregnant. Was rather embarrassed, but wishing I could see her again.
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>staff are coming back to the office as lockdown is lifted
>pre-lockdown chubby girls are coming back even bigger
a friend of mine in college went from like 120 to 200 in like two years. She was pretty oblivious to her gain, or just lazy so she rarely replaced her clothes. She was constantly spilling out of tight jeans with gratuitous muffin tops. This happened a long time ago, but I still remember when she stood up and her pants and underwear were like halfway down her ass. She did that little shuffle as she tugged them up and I saw it all. I'll never forget it.
A relative of mine and her brother have both put on at least 150 lbs, if not 200, in the past 4 years or so.

For context, they come from a family of big people. Both parents are 300-400 lbs. Father with massive beer gut, mother with huuuuge bingo wings, drooping double belly, and a fat ass/thighs. Admittedly she's lost a good bit of weight recently, but I digress.

A few years ago this relative and her brother were chunky, but nothing newsworthy. Cut to today, and it's startling. Both the brother and sister have huge double bellies that go more out than down. Their faces are fat enough to where they're completely round when front-facing, and their cheeks and double chins make it look like they're always squinting.

The sister is admittedly the smaller of the two, but not by much at all. Her ass doesn't stick out far but it's slightly squarish and dimply. Her thighs are jiggly and dimply, and they spread out lots when she sits. I rode in her car not too long ago, and, with the wheel all the way up, and the seat all the way back, she was still squeezed in. We're the same height, but she was a few inches taller than me sitting down. Her thigh was surrounding the shifter and handbrake. Last, she can't buckle up both because the lap belt won't fit over her, and because her thighs eclipse the buckle clicker. I should reiterate that her stomach and chest are still the biggest parts, as they stick out really far in front of her.

This summer some friends and I were in a pool doing chicken fights, and I got cocky and tried to put her on my shoulders. I consider myself strong, but it didn't go well lmao. When she hopped on my shoulders there was a wave of pops down my back. I could barely get standing upright (her buoyancy helped) and she'd fall off right away, since we were too top heavy. My shoulders and arms were stiff and sore for the next week. She used to wear a bikini (what a sight to see) but she now wears a skin-tight one piece. Still can't hide how jiggly she is! She gets exhausted after one flight of stairs, too.

Her brother weighs a bit more, due to him carrying an unusual amount of his fat in his ass. It's to the point where if he sits down while wearing jeans w/ a belt, the jeans buckle in the rear at the belt loops, bc everywhere else they're being pulled down.

Both are very pale, and just spherical. I believe they've gained like 200 pounds in the past few years, and have to be between 350-400 at this point, with no sign of stopping. Both eat NO vegetables (whole family doesn't), and I saw the sister put away a whole plate of nachos like it was nothing
Sort of relevant here

>girl I know
>not a fat girl
>haven’t seen her for probably close to two years (thanks covid)
>she rarely posts photos on social media. Usually just shares a bunch of bullshit
>posted selfie today
>EPIC double chin
>her neck has disappeared completely
>just a big sack of fat hanging below her face
>can’t wait to see the rest of her
My wife has easily had the best gain I’ve ever seen. Over the course of our relationship I’ve basically enabled her to gain nearly 200 pounds (~200->390) and it is wonderful. She’s really well proportioned so she wears an I cup bra now and size 26 pants to accommodate her low hanging belly, wide hips, and fat ass. Honestly I think shes hotter than the vast majority of ssbbw models out there.
I haven’t seen her weight in a few months so it’s possible she’s created 400 but I think she would’ve told me about it. She’s already having a hard time getting around, she definitely can’t fit in one seat on an airplane, and she’s broken a couple chairs now.
It’s simply the best, god I fucking love her.
Tell me your ways my gf is 200 and has a huge ass and thighs
I’d die if they got any bigger lol
What ethnicity was the last girl?
I pretty rarely outright feed her. I know she doesn’t like it that much but sometimes she’ll throw me a bone and eat some cupcakes while I play with her fat or whatever.
The real key is enabling. I ply her with food at every possible moment. Good day? Cool, let’s go to Baskin-Robbins and get you a 2000 calorie milkshake. Bad day? Aww I’m so sorry, let’s get your favorite takeout for dinner. Road trip? Guaranteed eating out and lots of snacking. I try and supplement this with extras too. Coffee drinks are shockingly bad for you, and chicks love em. If we go shopping at Costco I’ll suggest popping in to her favorite bakery and make sure we get an ice cream on the way out.
I got two to share. Both are tall women who grew very well, with that got pretty thick and the other...might just be a BBW in her own right.

One tall, slender girl I took a class with in my college freshman year had a nice gain leading up to where she is today; I only got to see it midway through before she peaked. By 2014-2015, she was notcably more curvy, but now more of an average shape than when she was looking more athletic in her early college years. She graduated before me, so I never saw her again until some bikini pics of her popped up on social media in 2017; that's when I saw her in a pic where I knew she definitely peaked out. I can't really nor am I a good judge of how big she was by guessing her weight from looking, so the least I'll say is that she looked more like Mal Malloy pre-pregnancy, but with chunkier legs and belly. Now-a-days, she's a little more bigger and is 6 months removed from her first baby trying to slim down.

The other I knew since high school and had much more potential from when I first met her. She grew even bigger than the girl I mentioned before. Most of her weight went to her ass, then her thighs and boobs eventually. Today, she's looking very much like post-pregnancy Mal or Val...well, I should say more like Val if she got more tattoos around her body. Last I saw her was in 2016-2017, and by then she was just halfway to her peak right now, but I can only wish I saw her in person any time soon just to see it in amazement.
My wife blew up from 165~180 to 430 over the course of our relationship. It has been very fulfilling
Does she like it? Where does her weight go? How long have you been together?

Fuuuck that is the dream
My wife went from 180 to currently 250ish, probably higher, that's just the number she says
The last 30 has been in the last year so I'm hoping this continues
But it's more that she likes that I like it, if that makes sense
When she's horney she will start doing belly things and say feed me and shit
But man...I dream about the number 430

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