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I want to quit. I want out.

And I can tell some others on this chan do too.

Everyday I read posts about how many of us likely have some form of mental illness. How blatantly immoral this fetish is, especially in its more extreme forms.

I’m not trying to shame anyone. I get it. But if you’re like me, and you’re fed up with this fucking fetish, and find yourself coming back even though you consciously hate it.

I find myself trying to use other porn-quitting resources but they don’t jive with me partially because I specifically struggle with the urge to see weight gain. Its become detached from habits of masturbation and porn usage, and a type of addiction unto itself.

If you’re in a similar condition, get in here.

Share your story, share resources to help, and encourage eachother to quit.

For everyone not on the same page, please be understanding and tolerant.

There has to be a healthier way. For all of us.
I'm tired of looking at porn, but it's the curiosity that keeps pulling me back in. Even when I'm not horny, I still just feel the urge to look. That's what bothers me. I have a fat wife that I really enjoy have sex with, it's just not often enough. I don't really feel bad about the fetish anymore though, people do all kinds of stupid, unhealthy things without encouraging. With my wife, she'd still be fat without me, probably just alone, maybe a bit thinner, or maybe even fatter from loneliness. I've talked to enough feedees over the years to be able to tell that some are actual feedees and would probably be fat without us. Some girls do it for the attention alone, and wouldn't be fat without the "community" or Tumblr or whatever, but maybe they'd end up doing something else that equally or more dangerous. Life's messy, I wish you luck bro, porn is evil in lots of ways, but in terms of this fetish, life/love/lust is very messy for everyone.
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Well, I don't knock anyone for trying to get out, but I also liken it to a right-handed person trying to learn to write with their left, or a person with asthma since birth trying to run a marathon. Sure, those people COULD do that, but it's going against their very genes. If you are actually, truly attracted to fat flesh, "turning off the parts of your brain" that cause it is going to be an exercise in futility. You yourself are 'young', while the biological imperatives that caused you to be attracted to fat bellies and plump tits in the first place are ancient. Imagine, for example, trying to will yourself to change your favorite color, or favorite food. Again, you COULD, it's possible, but you have to question why you feel this way in the first place. Life is short, and there is really no time to be ashamed of your fetishes, preferences, or ideals. Unless you subscribe to some weird theories, those things ARE YOU. If you want to leave this part of yourself behind, you'll need the equivalent of a nicotine patch. Get a woman, any woman, hold her tight, and never let go. Bring all your energy into focus on that one woman, and make that relationship the best inter-human interaction you've ever had. You'll find your previous desires will wither on the vine when you are tending to the garden of your future. Good luck.
I'd file wanting to see depictions of weight gain under porn usage. If you find it sexually stimulating it's porn. I've had several streaks of "sobriety" over the years, the longest being 60 days so nothing too crazy. What always helped me was reading articles about what porn does on a molecular level on yourbrainonporn.com and just treating it like it was an addiction. A lot of times I'd break my streak because I'd take a peek here and there because I was curious and didn't think it would lead to anything because I had overcome my addiction. Yeah...never worked out well for me. Treat it like an addiction and have a zero tolerance policy.

As for fetishes, I don't know the extent of yours, but I can pretty confidently say that if your attraction to fat women wasn't porn induced, then it's probably never going to go away. With all of the endless dopamine boosting novelty in porn out there, people can develop fetishes that they wouldn't otherwise have. Cutting off porn can get rid of fetishes that fit that category, but if it's a preference you've always had it's here to stay. For what it's worth, I will say that when I cut out porn in the past I noticed that I found BBWs on the smaller end more attractive and I wasn't so much interested in SSBBWs. I've always jerked off to BBWs and SSBBWs, but when I was younger I preferred BBWs and would only escalate to SSBBWs when I was running out of dopamine haha. So I'd say that's the default settings for me and cutting porn out helps me get back to that. I don't have any fetishes related to being an FA so I can only speak towards the attraction to big girls because of the way they physically look.

At the moment it's hard for me to get motivated to quit because I'm single and porn doesn't really affect my life that much. I jerk off like 3 times a week and it's to the same stuff I've been looking at since I was 14. I do want to stop though because I'd much rather not be a coomer. Good luck anon. I'll probably hop on the wagon myself here in a few days or so.
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I think it's important to make the distinction between being turned on by fat women and being turned on by feedism. I've found that spending time around "regular" BBWs and having satisfying vanilla sex takes a lot of the edge off my extreme XWG/USSBBW/immobility fantasies. At the end of the day, real life sex with an engaged partner is a lot better than even the most intense and elaborate jackoff fantasy. I know I'm always going to have an exclusive attraction to fat women and will never be able to get it up for a skinny partner (around 250 is my cutoff point), but when I'm interacting with someone physically in a satisfying way, those extreme fantasies suddenly seem a lot less important.

Also, the "fatter in person" effect is very real. If you're looking at SSBBW porn exclusively and fantasizing about rising 500+ numbers, it's easy to lose sight of how fat 300 lbs. actually is in real life.

Getting regular exercise is a good way to get a handle on porn addiction. I'm trying to get in shape and making slow but steady progress. I expected I'd be hornier than ever because I had more energy, but I actually find that when I'm in a better and more stable mood, I'm less likely to crave the easy dopamine hit of a wank.

>If you want to leave this part of yourself behind, you'll need the equivalent of a nicotine patch. Get a woman, any woman, hold her tight, and never let go. Bring all your energy into focus on that one woman, and make that relationship the best inter-human interaction you've ever had. You'll find your previous desires will wither on the vine when you are tending to the garden of your future.

Lt. Barclay, you're the best admin this imageboard has ever had, I love you from the bottom of my heart (no homo), and out of respect for opsec I won't press you on how old you are or whether you've ever actually been married... but speaking as a middle-aged married guy, this is fucking terrible advice.

Pinning all your hopes and dreams on a single person is a recipe for long-term unhappiness. Even if you have a strong relationship and an active sex life, you'll still discover that your partner is flawed in ways you didn't realize, and they'll discover the same thing about you. When that happens, finding long-term happiness will depend on your both having balanced lives with connections, friendships, and meaning outside of your relationship.

And if you don't have a strong relationship or an active sex life, you can end up in hell. I grew up on the Dan Savage sex advice columns where he made it all seem easy ("if you're honest with your partner and willing to try new things, you can have a satisfying sex life no matter how extreme your or their kinks are"), but it really isn't. Desires don't go away that easily. For us as FAs, we each have to find a balance that works for us between the sizes we fantasize about and the health and lifestyle realities of extreme obesity. And I learned the hard way that women's desires work the same way. If she has an extreme fetish that she's suppressing or downplaying at first because she likes you romantically and is trying to muster up the enthusiasm for vanilla sex, this will come out eventually and cause you both a lot of heartache. There's some truth to the idea of "wife goggles" making a long-time partner look more physically attractive than she would otherwise be, but the idea that romantic love will automatically lead to good sex is a dangerous pipe dream.

Sorry for the harsh words, but I come down hard on this kind of romantic traditional relationship stuff because I used to believe in it and learned the hard way that it doesn't always work out.

Artist of the gif is Paul Robertson
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Ah, get where you're coming from. I didn't mean 'pin your entire ethos on one woman, forever, for long term happiness'', more like, divert/devote, for as long as you deem necessary, as much time and energy into a relationship that works traditionally as you can. Not built on fetishes, not built on feederism/gaining, just a nice, normie relationship. Doesn't have to begin or end with marriage. When something like that excites you just as much as a 'fantasy' of being with a woman who can barely fit through a doorway, you'll know you are at least partially coming down from the precipice of "fat porn addiction". Give yourself time to get perspective on your preferences and how they may or may not fit into any relationship. Thus the nicotine patch analogy.... people rarely continue to make use of the patch forever, it's a transitional thing. That's kind of where I was going. Didn't come out super great. Kinda hard to talk about this sort of thing heh.

I was married. Before marriage, porn everyday. During marriage? Nah didn't have the time for it. She was only a little chubby but enough for her real-life jiggle to outshine those on the screen. It didn't last long, and after marriage, yup back to porn everyday. For me, masturbation is just kind of a valve release. Pressure builds, I release. Do I feel sad sometimes afterwards? For sure. Wish I didn't. But it's not a "I'm so pathetic woe is me" sadness, it's the sadness of missing the women I've been with. That after the release, there is no one there to collapse against. No one to take a shower with afterwards. Just the sadness of longing. In my teenage years, there was none of that, because I hadn't actually been with a woman yet, so after jacking off it was just tired, not sad. Once you've been with a few though, it's hard to ignore how 'empty' a lone jack-off session feels. It's like the fast food of sex: quick, cheap, unhealthy in large amounts, not particularly satisfying but gets the job done.
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>more like, divert/devote, for as long as you deem necessary, as much time and energy into a relationship that works traditionally as you can. Not built on fetishes, not built on feederism/gaining, just a nice, normie relationship

Ah, gotcha. I see what you mean now, and I think we're pretty much on the same page. I went through the same process when I was coming to terms with my gaining fetish. I dated women from 250 to 600+, some of them feedees and some of them not, and concluded that I didn't actually need this stuff in real life, as long as my partner was fat enough to get me going in the first place and we had a satisfying vanilla sex life. (And on the other hand, actually dating USSBBWs and seeing the reality of their lives made me realize that if cared about my supersize partner's long term well-being I would have to be prepared to eventually support her losing weight for her health.)

What blindsided me, after a few years with the woman I thought was "the one," was that she had been downplaying her own extreme kink needs and wasn't interested in the vanilla sex I was offering. I can live without feedism, but living without normie sex is brutal. The signals were obvious enough in hindsight, but I talked myself out of noticing them (along with some other serious lifestyle incompatibilities) because I had the romantic image in my head of a traditional, till-death-do-us-part lifelong romance.

We're staying together for the sake of our kids, but it's a bitter road to walk.

All that said... I've been with my partner since before modern smartphone culture, and as much I fantasize sometimes about being single again, the modern dating market seems so brutal that I feel sorry for younger guys and can understand why so many of them give up and settle for porn addiction.
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>>8515 (OP)
I encourage you, anon. Take control of your life and quit this if you feel it is negative for you.
But do not feel so guilty. Everyone is addicted to something these days.
I quit for extended periods just to exercise control over myself, and it feels good.
The best solution in my experience is to replace the behavior. When you want to wank, do something else instead. Read a book, exercise, learn a foreign language. Even just do house cleaning. Have something positive that you do instead, otherwise you will just be bored and thinking about what you wish you were doing. You must get active with something else.
Most importantly, do not beat yourself up if you don't succeed right away or if it takes a while. It is a process, the important thing is just that you keep the effort up.
Also, the "fatter in person" effect is very real. If you're looking at SSBBW porn exclusively and fantasizing about rising 500+ numbers, it's easy to lose sight of how fat 300 lbs. actually is in real life.

Very true. My wife is 280-290 pounds, and one of her upper thighs is about as wide as my torso. I'm an average weight guy.

400-500 pounds in a porn shoot looks like 300-350 pounds IRL. I suspect allot of these women are either very tall or exaggerate their weight to an extent.
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I think it's a combination of flattering angles and being the only subject in a photo, usually. You get two women of the same size together, they're going to look normal. You get a contrast and it's apparent some of these women are downright huge. Hell, that's why it's jarring when you have something for reference in a photo or video that you can compare size to, like a standard door frame or a school desk.

First pic? She's not abnormally skinny - Mary is ACTUALLY five times her size. Her arm is the size of her waist. Try to comprehend that without seeing it. It's tough. Second pic? Passion looks just chubby until you realize she's, what, 350lbs in that pic? And she looks almost acceptably normal. Even Jae I'm told pictures don't do it justice.

Also, hello - this is a roundabout way of saying I need help getting out, I think about this fetish too often, and if it weren't for me constantly taking the bait on this board and others I would seriously want to be a mod with how often I visit here if it weren't for the fact that I jerk it more than anyone else I know. Seriously, it's sickening. All of this. I truly know what addiction feels like.
im just tired of it altogether. I'm tired of losing money to crappy videos. whether I buy them on a site or if I have them custom made they almost always suck. I've been in this for close to ten years now and I have maybe three good custom videos to show for it. the models themselves told me that they sold very well. I'm happy for them. the rest of the videos are trash. most of the content is trash. the models aren't even trying any more and they have the nerve to complain on various sites about not making money. yes it is a pandemic but many people are in the house bored. people like me get bored and look at porn. if they aren't making money thats their own fault. I get tired of seeing obvious bbws whipping their breasts out then getting offended when I ask to see belly. I hate to be rude but you're a cam girl. its just your belly. if you're that sensitive maybe you should find another field of work? my true fetish is pregnancy. have you any idea how many women lie about pregnancy? I know of two right now. one woman gave birth in feb and tried to tell me in may that she was 5mnths pregnant. another supposedly gave birth to twins a month ago. she vanished then switched user names. now she's in another room claiming she's 7mnths pregnant. its so hard to find a new model and it seems all the good ones quit entirely too early or just vanish for years at a time. I'm tired of it. I'm tired of losing money. I'm tired of spending hours searching for one good video of a bbw burping or a pregnant woman with a nice belly. I'm tired of asking cam girls to do something as simple as show belly and them getting offended. its all just a colossal waste of time and I'm sick of it.

and this is without all of the guilt, btw. I had a girlfriend and couldn't get it up with her because of the fact that I masturbated to pornography too much. that isn't helping anything either. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that seeing the woman I love crying because I told her that she's beautiful to me, huge belly and all, and not being able to get it up as we have sex tore me apart.

porn isn't worth all of this. it never was. it never will be.
Reading through these, to be clear: what most people want out of is porn addiction more than a sexual preference for fatter women, right? Even OP starts by talking about his fetish then immediately pivots to how he's quitting porn? Porn addiction isn't exclusine to being attracted to fat women.

If you're trying to break a porn addiction, what works best for me is humanizing the actresses. Remembering that what you're watching is loterally just someone's career move and has no bearing in the realuty of who they are. I've seen enough to know that no matter what their online persona may say to the camera, most of them are trying to make ends meet in a dark point of their lives.

In 5 years this person is going to weigh half as much, and be vlogging about how much they hated themselves during this point in their lives, how unhappy they were, how much better they feel with less weight and a balanced diet, how much the surgery has helped, etc.
>biological imperatives
Stuffing or coercing someone into health problems, stink, limited or loss mobility and deforming their figure for the sake of carnal urges is rotten and depraved. The fetishes that have emerged in the past 20-40 years came about from the internet becoming a toilet or reinforcer of abnormal behavior from a society that lost its ability to make bonds, not to get off topic with sociology. If it is biological then OP is right that something could be wrong with at least some brains.
>>8515 (OP)
OP I would suggest slowly deescalating instead of trying to quit cold turkey. It sounds like you're into some of the more extreme forms of this stuff, so I would recommend limiting yourself from those.

The main problem with porn addiction is the brain gets addicted not to porn but to variety. Studies have shown that it's actually the habit of rapidly switching between images and moving on the moment you get 'bored' of them that causes a lot of the problems.

It's that same phenomenon that causes 'boredom' during the day that leads to the urge to look at porn

Next time you are looking to get off, open up less tabs. Find your favorite image and stick with it. Imagine its a porn mag that only has a few pages like our ancestors had to deal with.

Focus on other aspects than just her weight or fat (belly, ass, thighs..) . Pay attention to the model and focus on other elements like face, breasts etc that a 'normal' man would be thinking about

Use your imagination a little more. Studies have (not conclusively) shown that it's less use of imagination when looking at porn that leads to addiction and 'boredom'

>stuffing or coercing someone
Way to take away any responsibility, consent or free will the feedee has in a relationship. I am a feedee myself, nobody is coercing me. Believe it or not, humans have the ability to make their own decisions. Unless you are literally locking them up or psychologically abusing them into conforming, then they are responsible for their own body. Most of these women would have been fat anyway whether it be genetics, greed, laziness, or choice.

>The fetishes that have emerged in the past 20-40 years came about from the internet

You really are a fool, you know that? There is very clear evidence of feedism being around for hundreds of years. And some less reliable evidence of it being around for tens of thousands (venus of willendorf, for instance, which is debated whether or not its just warped from age)

There are poor villages in Mauritania that force feed young girls to make them attractive so they can be married off

There are tribes in Ethiopia who believe a man with a bigger belly is more powerful and fatten young men in a contest to be the fattest who then lives a privileged life among the tribe

Did you know that 35% of americans are obese? This isn't exclusive to americans either. People can make bad choices without being coerced. You're probably one of those people who think its the governments responsibility to 'solve' the obesity 'pandemic' and don't give a shit about freedom of choice,
We need resources for recovering from this fetish specifically. I'm all for kinks, as long as they're safe. And I think we can all agree that we've been exposed to the dangerous effects of this fetish. I'm thinking of maybe starting an ex-feederism subreddit community or something. I can quit porn, but I can't quit my addiction to these softcore videos for some reason.
This fetish has totally ruined any hopes of having a healthy, normal relationship. I hate having to hide my addiction from partners. I spend way too much money on this shit and I've tried to stop but the progressive aspect makes it nearly impossible to quit. I feel compelled to check in on how much the models have gained and that's literally the only thing that prevents me from being free from this. Any other fetish would be easy to quit compared to feedism
Finally someone else who feels a similar way. I’ve been trying to get out of this fetish for a couple years now. I’m at a point in my life where I just don’t relate to the lifestyle and don’t want to be associated with it anymore. Real-world experience with fat girls and generally changing as a person has dulled the fantasy a lot. I don’t want some fetish fantasy, I think I’d rather just have a normal relationship with a normal girl at this point .
I tried to make another fetish that I don't like to go away. Nothing I did could ever make it happen. I have not any piece of psychology that helps people remove a fetish. The best they can do is suffer through it.
I wonder why so many people with this fetish end up addicted to it. Is it something in the nature of the fetish, or is it just a general porn addiction? In my mind, the fact that feeding/obesity in general is kind of taboo probably contributes to the addiction. It feels cathartic to release the sexual feelings and urges we hold back inside on a day-to-day basis, living in a world in which the standard for beauty is so misaligned with our own. Getting addicted to that feeling parallel to the existence of the modern porn landscape, which even people with "normal" sexualities get addicted to, creates a unique situation. There's also the fact that for most fetishes, you can participate in them and enjoy them in a safe way that doesn't endanger you or your partner. But that's just not the case for this one. That dissonance, the simultaneous activation of the feeling of sexual arousal and the feeling of actively harming someone, well, it's probably not mentally healthy, and something in there could create a mental environment ripe for addiction to take hold.

Another thing is secrecy. Again, for pretty much every other fetish, what you do in the bedroom is between you and your partner, but it's easy to notice if someone likes big girls. Most of us have probably resolved that little issue by this point but it's something everyone here has thought about and even if you're unashamed now it's still something you gotta deal with. Basically my point is that there are so many psychological factors in this fetish that kinda fuck with your head, and it's easier to become addicted when your headspace isn't quite alright. Honestly, I find it easiest to cope by just not thinking about it.
>I wonder why so many people with this fetish end up addicted to it.

It’s not unique. People into other fetishes get addicted too, but you don’t see it because you don’t scroll through forums associated with other fetishes, and hence you don’t see these sob stories.
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The reason thousands of people follow feedee's social media is to see them get progressively fatter. Even people who aren't into feedism are fascinated by this phenomena.

I have had several other fetishes that I was able to let go of without any problem, but weight gain is the only one that I'm finding impossible to extricate myself from simply because it is extraordinarily tempting to keep checking in to see if a girl has gained, how much she has gained, etc. The longest I've gone is 2 months, but I'm always compelled to "just peek" to see just how much weight my favorite models have packed on.
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>The reason thousands of people follow feedee's social media is to see them get progressively fatter. Even people who aren't into feedism are fascinated by this phenomena.
doesn't that guy have an OF? it's weird watching people react to his content not knowing the sexual element to it lol
christ this motherfucker
talk about being so disgusting and obnoxious that it rubs off on the fetish itself
Wait - is he catering to the gay male feeders?
>[WARNING] We will SUE YOU if you leak these vids/pics. Our I.P. Attorneys have filed 2 lawsuits this year. The copyright of the material contained on this OnlyFans page (Including All Images & Video material) is owned by network, NIKOCADO AVOCADO. You do not have permission to Use, Copy, Reproduce, Print or Play any of this material outside of this OnlyFans page. Failure to comply will result in strict Legal action taken against your banking details at sign-up, in fines up to $150,000 per infringement; a judgment will be placed onto you until legal penalty is met.

haha even his description is over the top and self important. what idiot would seriously fear getting fined $150k for leaking a random disgusting dude's OF
He's on Grommr
I completely agree. This is the unique problem with quitting the fetish.
Im listening to your stories, of how bad it is for you guys, but it just makes me wonder: how bad am I down?

>first be introduced to the fetish with fat art of mei from overwatch
>binge an entire night on fat oveverwatch art
>up to this day never have "coomed"
>warm up to bbw models
>warm up to ssbbw models
>still prefer drawn to live action, the fantasy of a really fat woman for some reason gets portrayed much better than reality (weird, isnt it?)
>never be interested into anything directly sexual, just the bodies are fine enough
>scribble a bit, the anatomy is allot of fun
>years later not much has changed, besides taking a slight liking to slob
>still havnt spent a single cent on paid content

The most this "fetish" has done for me is raise tents, but alas, I want your guys opinion on what should do
I've seen some good discussion in this thread... best of luck to you guys trying to pull away from the struggle.

I myself am on that journey as we speak. Had to walk away from Feabie, OF, and Curvage this year to get myself going in the right direction, but still need to work on getting the discipline to stay away for an extended period of time and not just commit to a week without porn only to fall back in after one day.

I just graduated from college and need some urgency in my life right now to do better for myself. Wish me luck, guys.
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Yep, I'm in the same boat as a lot of you guys, and thanks to OP for making this thread.

I'll just warn you all there's a lot of self-pitying bullshit in this post.

I've actively wanted to stop this fetish since I reached the end of my 20s a few months ago, and it's been a thing for about 20 years. I actually wanted to stop before then but I thought the end of a decade of my life was a perfect marker for it. I can't take this shit any more. It's ruined any sort of relationship I would ever be able to have although I've not wanted one for quite some time anyway, because I am a certified retard and at one point it was even affecting my working life for quite a while to the extent I was jacking off in the toilets on a regular basis.

I've wasted so much money and time on this nonsense for no reason other than pleasuring myself. I even went down the furry route which makes it fucking worse. I never went full fursona or anything like that though, that would have been irreversible and irredeemable. I always feel fucking disgusting after it.

I moved every single fat fetish thing I downloaded to an external HD which I stashed away so I can't immediately get to it. I'm going to delete them at some point because I don't want any further part in this. I almost lapsed earlier today when I downloaded a load of videos but thankfully the model in question Randalin if you were wondering isn't attractive to me any more. I immediately deleted them once I'd viewed them, and even then I scrolled through them quickly.

Binning this in my view is one step on the way to improving my life for good. Just have to make sure I can get the rest of it in order.
The first step in solving a problem is recognizing it as a problem. Is it a preference? Or is it a fetish? Or is it an addiction?

If you look at porn for a while, then you turn on the local news for an hour, then after that you cook dinner, that's a preference. If you look at porn, and then go back to looking at porn in between commercials, that's (almost like) a fetish.

I think what a lot of you guys are describing is an addiction. If you are doing something (anything), and you can't consciously control or stop yourself from doing it, and it is having a detrimental effect on your life, that's an addiction.

If that's the case, it may be a good idea to seek professional help. Use the mental health resource number at your job. That's what it's there for. Open up and talk to somebody about it. Going it alone rarely works.
Yeah... I've been having these thoughts lately. Less that I'm worried about a porn addiction (I'm pretty happy with my porn usage), more so the immorality part of this.

I think it's one thing to get off to overweight women who are reasonably healthy and not trying to gain tons of weight. But paying money to women who are morbidly obese and continuing to gain, or who are morbidly obese and happy to stay that way... it becomes a question of how much of an enabler you want to be. To a certain extent, giving someone who is living out an immobility fantasy money is like giving a heroin addict money for smack. We know where it's going to end up eventually, even if we tell ourselves otherwise.

So yeah. I'd like to work on dialing things back. Even if the 500lb woman wants to keep going (or even just maintain their current lifestyle), I don't have to be the one helping her essentially with an assisted suicide. It's a tough pill to swallow because my dick wants what it wants, but I think it's time I start to reflect a bit more.
I'm the opposite - totally into death feedism and have zero problem with helping someone eat themselves to death. I just don't like the financial drain and the fact that my porn usage negatively impacts my finances and relationships.
I've tried to move away from porn since 2017. It's a real struggle because you can just get triggered by very little things and then you're obsessed, constantly aroused, and every little thing reminds you of it for the next week and a half. Frankly I think it's a mental illness thing, I have other problems Hopefully I'm on the downturn for good now.

>never coomed
If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? I'm 23 and I thought I was the only one. I don't think it's just a bad thing though, I'm bad enough at impulse control for other pleasurable things (internet, videogames, etc.) that the endorphin rush could be way too much and I'd be one of those 3-times-a-day guys real quick.

For me, I believe I'm in a place where it's not a full-on addiction, but it's not something to take lightly as if I have things under control.

I'm gonna date back to 2016, when I found myself growing more and more invested into porn and sometimes fapping many, many times a day. Trying to break away from porn on a daily got harder and harder with the years. Not to mention, I was in the midst of an on/off relationship with my now ex-GF for a year. These days, I'm a little bit better, but as I said in >>10869 , I got work to do.

As of late, I've just had a good stretch of staying away from porn for a good 2-3 days, but I went on StufferDB the other day looking to fap, so time to start over again. Next challenge right now is to at least try to stop fapping for a week period. I've found myself getting off to pics on social media at times, so that is the next step. I'm unfollowing models and muting girls I've met in person posting IG thirst traps to keep the temptations down. I just need to disicpline myself to not open the search bar to put in hashtags and usernames where I can find those kinds of pics and videos.
Just turned 19 a few months back, got into this mess when I was 14.
But yeah, I get what youre saying, I have too many other hobbies to spend all my day cooming, but if I lose that, that could be what I could get reduced too. Not a nice thought, not at all.
How are guys doing here? Quick update on me: I'm still in an up and down with fapping daily and trying not to go after porn, but it's only been at night or in the morning before work, so not too crazy.

I think a big positive is that I haven't spent a single penny on content this month, despite the fact that I still flirt with all the free content or previews of paid stuff on Manyvids and whatever these models can share of themselves on social media. I'm gonna say it now... I'm keeping that number at $0 at 11:59:59pm on 11/30.
I used to think you guys posting on this thread were just a bunch of faggots, but count me in I guess. I just met a great woman, someone I'd want to start a family with. She asked me out on a date today. Only problem: too thin. My brain won't let me be attracted to the best person who's taken an interest in me, and it sucks balls. Fuck this, I want out too.
Very based, good job king.
My recommendation, and that goes for all of us here: close all of your alt-accounts for fat stuff and try to repress the urge to wank at fat.

(Thats the ideal situation at least, its never that easy)

On the other hand...

11518 has a sexual preference which their romantic partner doesn't conform to. They're repressing their sexuality and hiding it from their partner. Isn't this sure to backfire down the road and cause much more grief for everyone involved in the long run?

You can't just "change" what you're attracted to by going cold turkey on your alt accounts. If you really love this girl you're going to have to make your preferences known to her, and be willing to accept it if she can't deal with them. A relationship requires full knowledge and acceptance of sexual preferences from both partys. To hise this type of information beyond the initial courtship phase is to start a relationship with someone you supposedly love on a bedrock of lies.

Personally, I've been around long enough to know that you can't just push this preference away. You either accept it and marry someone who you're attracted to, fibd soneone willing to accept that their not your ideal body type, or live your life in denial and misery.
My girlfriend of 9 years (5'3 went from 190lb to 300lb in that time) has confessed that she isn't happy and hates the way she looks and wants to lose weight. She has always known I'm a feeder, and I've always known that she isn't a feedee. She loves food, having her fat groped in the bedroom, and a little bit of feeding and humiliation at times, but she really doesn't enjoy being fat in general, especially day to day.

I love her, we've been together a long time, and work and live together as well. I've told her I'll still be with her no matter what size she is, I thought she was hot at 190lb when we met after all, and she said she doesn't plan on ever being skinny.

I'm just so incredibly bummed out and dejected about it all though, which is incredibly selfish I know. I want her to be happy, and I plan on helping her, but I can't describe how hot it's been seeing her weight creep up over the years, and how attractive I find her at this weight.

I don't really want to exit this scene, it's a part of me, always has been, and I don't know if I can ever get to a point where it doesn't lead my sex drive. But I really don't know what else to do.
Does she know you interact with feedees online?
Most guys with girlfriends that gain significant amounts of weight hit this at some point or another. Be supportive of her, and realize that 85% of women that lose weight end up gaining it back at some point. It takes the rest of her life eating to lose weight to stay smaller. That takes a ton of willpower that most fat girls don't have or they wouldn't have gotten that big to begin with. Play the long game my friend and she may end up bigger than before without even trying.
I don't?

Yeah I suppose that's true. I just want her to be happy. Fat and happy ideally, but just happy if that's not possible.
>>8515 (OP)
Okay, to be frank OP, nothing wrong with big girls but death feeding is probably on par with being into snuf. It's morally wrong.
Just be with your wife. Devote yourself to her.
I don't know if you are a Christian but you say The Jesus prayer.
IF you are interested I have a discord of FA who is Christian if you want to pin meme to break away from porn and degeneracy and focus on loving fat girls in a wholesome way.
You are welcome if you want in.
You need to go to confession and Mass
Marry her. And encourage her to be healthy.
It's worth it.
Especially if she is still heavy but thinner.
I apologize for the typos.
I have dyslexia.
Yeah I ain't taking any advice from you after that Christian bullshit. I escaped that brainwashing from when I was a kid, I hope you manage to do the same. I can lend you my copy of The Satanic Bible if you like?
Is this a joke?
No, it's genuinely a good read. Teaches you how to fulfil your human need for dogma and ritual without relying on oppressive and flawed religions. It doesn't teach that Satan is real (quite the opposite), and is very akin to hedonism and Randian objectivism. Also it's better than the Christian bible because it doesn't recommend stoning people to death for not agreeing with you.
Family Values Conservatives died out in the 80s. Now it's Hinduism, Shintoism, and Buddhism.
What are you guys doing to combat your habits with porn?

I feel like I've fallen off a cliff this month. Last month was no-spend November, which was a really good step in the right direction. This December, however, was a complete 180, and I've already spent more than $200 on content, been in and out of OnlyFans TWICE...and now I'm back in my circlejerk where I feel like I can never escape my horny ways, even when there's nothing to do at home.

Right now, it just feels like I'm showing that level of desperate to fuck that I'd probably let the ugliest woman in the world open her legs to me. I don't have a GF that I can run to and just dump cum inside of her to get my mind to relax; I'm either running to my ex and getting a hotel or dishing out money to fly to/fly in some girl I'm talking to that's distant, yet DTF after seeing enough of my nudes. Just need to find a way to settle myself down and get away sooner rather than later; I don't wanna step backward again after making some good decisions last month.
I unsubscribed to all Onlyfans and am just waiting for them all to expire after which I will no longer be frequenting any adult sites. May also join a support group online. Fortunately the model I was most attached to isn't even gaining so makes it easier to quit. There's also no new feedees so pointless to even be here
You’re fucking insufferable dude holy fucking shit. You’ve only gotten the most basic fleeting glimpse of what satanism and luciferianism is. Levay’s gay larp was obfuscation hiding the true nature of the dark undercurrents of occultism that are at play in our world. Ask me how I know you’ve never heard of the Order of Nine Angles, Church of Set, the Frankists, or the Sabbateans. Turns out satanism was evil all along, what a twist! Who would have fucking thought.

t. not even a worshipper of the jewish man-god
I don't even care for quitting porn but me having this kink and admitting it has ruined both of my actual relationships. I'm still young. But I want out more than anything. I want nothing more than to just be able to jerk off and be really attracted to actual skinny/regular women.
I honestly describe this fetish a little more like it's a sexuality to be honest. Hell I'm straight and stories or art depicting fat dudes get me going (as long as they're not hairy)

To run the risk of sounding like a defeatist retard I don't think it's possible for me to convert myself no matter how hard I want it. It honestly feels like this is punishment for something I must've done in a past life or my parents made some deal with the devil and now I've got to deal with the burden.

I know the gears were turning in my head ever since I was very little before I even know what jerking off was. I knew that one scene from that one movie or that one episode from my favourite cartoon would give me boners I didn't know what to do with. Now I obviously know but it makes me think it's something I was just born with or somehow conditioned info enjoying and there's no way to change my brain.

If anyone has genuine tips I'd love to hear. Again I don't even really wanna quit porn I just wanna not get turned on by fat girls.
If fat dudes get you going, then you're not (completely) straight my dude. No shame in it, I've come to accept I'm bi. I prefer women and have no desire to be with a man romantically, but I'm not going to chastise myself for jerking it to a sexy fat dude now and then.

Anyway, that's not really the issue. You're not going to be able to get rid of this urge/desire/kink whatever you want to call it. Trust me, I've had it since I was about 10, and am in my 30's now, tried many times when I was younger to "cure" myself, still there as strong as ever.

Best thing you can do is learn to accept it as part of you. This doesn't mean you have to live a feedist focused life, it can stay in the realm of fantasy if that's what you would prefer, but you shouldn't try and deny it.

Not all women are going to be okay with it, especially if you tell them you need them to gain to be with them, but many are much more accepting than you might think. Start by finding yourself some big girls on regular dating sites, Tinder, OkCupid, whatever, and go on some dates. If you click with one, then open up a bit about it, tell them you really like big girls, a girl with appetite, etc.

If they respond badly to that, then you're incompatible, it sucks, but it happens, for many reasons. Keep going til you find someone who is at a least willing to indulge your desires in the bedroom from time to time. Doesn't mean gaining necessarily, but a chubby girl who is willing to bring some food into the bedroom, or have a go at some dirty feedist talk (even if it's just roleplay) will make you feel a whole lot more fulfilled.

I met my girlfriend on a normie dating site, she isn't a feedee, but she loves her food and the attention I pay to her body, and doesn't mind being big. She's happy to indulge my fantasies on occasions, and has gained a little bit of weight over the years. When I feel the urge for some monstrous SSBBW's I go and jerk it to some of my porn. I wouldn't want her that big in real life, but it's fun to fantasise about.

TLDR: Accept yourself, accept that you are going to be sexually incompatible with some people, go on some dates with bigger girls on normie dating sites, find a healthy outlet for your fantasies.
I have an easy solution: Get out of that poopy-pants mindset if you want to stop
I feel this way as well.

Ok but wtf do I do if I only find fat chicks attractive with clothes on and am grossed out by the actual realities of sex with them? And am not grossed out by sex with thin women but am not aroused by it either and therefore have erectile dysfunction with them?

Or, put your dick in the skinny girl and picture the real hot heifer in tight pants and a tank top.
>If fat dudes get you going, then you're not (completely) straight my dude
It's like being attracted to twinks only. Fat makes you more feminine and androgynous. It's one of those things that makes labeling kind of tricky.
What is a therapist going to tell me? I sincerely can't see how one could be more helpful than basically anyone on this board. Unless there's a therapist lurking here.

Have done the second but unfortunately that doesn't fix the ED.
What about naked fat chicks gross you out? You don't have to go to the extreme SSBBW end, you could just find a nicely plump/chubby girl that is fat enough to get your dick hard, but not so fat it grosses you out.
Yeah labels are tricky. I told myself for years I was straight, and was only attracted to fat guys because their bodies are more feminine. But I had to rethink that label when I found myself wanking to two fat guys fucking each other. No shame in it, the dick wants what the dick wants.
>>8515 (OP)
Easy. Stop running from it. Get the real experience, fuck whatever caliber fat bitch you can get, call a fat fucking pig. I garuntee you’ll feel less addicted once you get some.
Well this is my closure for this fetish guys…

- I’ve been a very long time lurker, I even remember when we had the IRC room and we could download any video on demand, or when we were not using encoding and the domain was not .nl… or even when I chatted with @barclay for a brief amount of time(chapeau if you read my message tho)… -

What I really think is that the people that we’re fapping to here, on the chan, are sick in a way or another.
So then, I was wondering, am I sick because I’m aroused by those people ? Probably, and this is sometimes hard to accept.
However, as many of you, I was always aroused by fat women, for as long as I can remember. Fat in general intrigued me and there had been times I wanted to fatten myself up just to play with it.
What I know for sure is that our bodies were never made to be as fat as the people we’re seeing on this Chan. And deep down, I know that this twisted fetish, as much as it can arouse me, it messes my brain up. I think I’m so messed up that in fact I always fapped to fat women for as long as I remember (and the first girl I fucked was around 240 lbs).
But I know for sure I could never date and present myself to my friends and entourage with a fat girl. Neither could I be fat myself, it would be a handicap for me.

In this thread some people thought that if you have this fetish you will never get rid of it. Or that you COULD change your preferences but deep down you will still be attracted by it. These are very valid opinions and maybe I will have a hard time detaching myself from it… but I will quit it anyway.

I quit because this does not represent me anymore. I think I grew up, somehow.

If you really want to quit this, do something with your life that you did not try before: I don’t know, move to another country for good (I did this and I think this triggered in me this desire to change) or join an organization that matters to you or simply start by wishing not to fap to this anymore…

I am sure that all of you can quit, if you really wish to.
I wish you all the best guys

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>the people that we’re fapping to here, on the chan, are sick in a way or another.
Caligula. The Decameron. Marquis de Sade. That video of Tifa in Italian Senate. I bet U.S. senators have Overwatch porn or something on their hard drive.
Perversion is a natural part of human history. It's just increased exponentially with the internet.
The REAL globohomo. 🕵️
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The only solution. It will literally change your life.
We have the fetishes and preferences we have and trying to rid ourselves of them is useless. Ask all those dudes who try to pray away the gay how that's going. You'll find them downtown on a tuesday night at the Roughneck, waiting in line for the glory hole in the bathroom, after telling their wives they were heading out to play cards with the guys.

I know people who used cocaine recreationally for a few years, then gave it up. I also know people who lost their families, jobs, and lives to it. There are people who enjoy a fast food meal a couple times a month as a treat, and also people who stuff themselves to 700 pounds and cash out from that. I can go to AC for a weekend, drop $300 playing blackjack and have a few stories to tell on monday. Meanwhile there are guys there with thrift store clothes and 3-day beards, sweating while they mechanically feed wrinkled dollar bills into the machine to refill their slot card.

I believe any kind of addiction is a symptom of depression and anxiety and not a disease in itself. We distract ourselves with things that make us feel good when we're otherwise miserable. So if you're spending too much time on this fetish, look into what's dysfunctional otherwise in your life. Fix that and the obsession will be minimized again, a part of your life rather than consuming it.
This except I was born into it but I never would have expected a post on here about Orthodoxy hahaha

In fact if you have a Twitter I think I can guess a chance of who you might even be, which would be really awkward though cool, but then again it's growing

I just want to go to Divine Liturgy with a wife I can go Pierce Brosnan on :( bless ya anon
TBH i think the biggest issue is being upset with yourself for any thoughts or you have.

Yes, this fetish can be taken to some unhealthy level and have negative impacts on people.

Is it like that for most of us? Definitely not. Its just a random hobby really.

Shaming yourself and being unhappy with something that you feel is just part of the cycle of reinforcing negative behaviors.
Just go to the gym and you will start hating fat people worked like a charm for me
>>14895 especially when you see fat people in real life who arent attractive like models it’ll ruin bbws for you
Also just fuck a few fatties, it’ll make it all seem like less a big deal. It’s america people are fat and have sex.
Otherwise find a big fetishy girl and make some of the fantasies a reality. I used to think so hard about cake fucking a bitch but after the third or fourth time it’s more a mess than exciting.
Must be nice, becoming a gym guy made me harder for fatties than ever. Contrast is a hell of a drug
This makes me think of how I had no preference for glasses when I never needed glasses. Once I needed glasses, I preferred girls with glasses. I got the opposite of that contrast effect.
Probably not the best place to come for legitimate advice, but what the hell. Maybe just typing this out will help me sort through it. Pretty sure if we are on this site none of us have successfully exited, but has anyone who was ever deep into this kink made it work with a skinny woman?
Blog post time- Been pretty much exclusively attracted to large women since I remember even noticing woman. I've exclusively gotten off to bbw/ssbbw porn my entire life and have never had sex with or been in a relationship with a woman who weighed less then 250lbs. I've even been to a few bash's. All this is to say, I'm deep into this shit.
Now I find myself good friends with a woman from work and devolving intense romantic feelings for her. We are extremely compatible on a level I have never been with a larger woman and I'm 90% sure she feels the same way about me. The problem? She is the exact opposite of what I have been attracted to my entire life. I'm talking tall and stick thin, small t & a. Conventionally she could be called beautiful, and I do find myself attracted to her because of my feelings for her, but its a sharp contrast to the landwhales my dick has been getting hard for my entire life. She even knows about my kink, has met my 400lb ex, and based off our interactions I'm pretty sure it hasn't changed the way she feels about me. I've resolved myself to just take a chance with her because YOLO, but is there any way this could actually work? I'm trying to refrain from porn in preparation and hopefully to make it easier to be more attracted to her, and have cut back significantly, but since I'm here again I obviously haven't been able to cut the habit entirely.
Feel free to call me a fag or whatever
you can hope that your fat fetish is less integral to your sexuality than you thought, but you'll only truly know when you try and get physical with her probably (and it might be awkward lol). If you're fine in a relationship where your partner doesn't fulfil your sexual needs and you just keep jerking yourself off you'd be fine too (big if lol). It's a pain in the ass having such a weird sexuality that prohibits you from being satisfied by conventional partners, but if it is that bad then you just have to accept it and let the romantic love fade.

Or maybe you can try and see if just spicing it up with roleplay and foodplay would make fucking a stick thin partner viable, even if they're never your physical ideal. Worth a shot at least, if you do end up getting with her
Everyone remember this, there’s a difference between fetish and preference. If you want to participate in that feedee stuff or watch a woman grow, then get help.

But if you’re naturally attracted to big/fat woman(my preference is big/fat women with curves) then that’s perfectly normal. Also, going out in the real world and seeing what you like will benefit way more than obsessing over the woman on here or on social media.

You should be approaching big woman in person more than you ask for the nudes online. Remember that!

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