
Truly a philosophical dilemma for the ages.
Same way you fatten up a boy.
check your terms, carry the one, and show your work
i have written many such instructionals as the best method to fatten a woman. there are several ways.

in these modern times, the easiest way is to feed the woman with many such processed foods as are widely available and inexpensive to the public. while this is effective, she will run into health problems much earlier than with traditional methods.

my prefferred way to fatten a woman is to feed the subject with massive amounts of high glycemic natural foods like honey and dried fruits to induce insulin resistance, and to fortify this with high caloric foods like nuts and full fat milks and creams fresh from the udder. this should be in addition to standard meals, so feed her these throughout the day every time she is not eating a full meal and encourage large and frequent meals as usual.

if she is thin she should reach the stage 1 of fatness very quickly. the later stage of fatness she is at, the longer it will take to reach the next level. think of it as leveling in an MMORPG: the early levels are fast and easy and the later levels take patience and expertise.

I recommend the traditional methods of fattening because while she may not fatten as quickly as she would with the standard modern methods, she will stay alive substantially longer, allowing you to fatten her for many years to come.

when you detect that she is about to die, and this may be the same for all of us with global nuclear destruction being at our front doorstep, you can throw all caution to the wind and just feed her, feed her, feed her more and more calorie dense foods.

i recommend doing this with cannabis and alcohol

i also recommend using products like this https://corroshop.com/products/10506 to further accelerate the weight gain.

good luck and best wishes to you in this most worthy of duty of man
Anon: Literal PHD in feederism jfc godspeed
>>8536 after glancing at the ingredients there doesnt seem to be anything that *is definitely* harmful, just nutrients, a lot of fier, and some bacterial and yeast colonies, which I do not know the safety of ingesting.
Don't give your partner products designed for animals. I was drinking and thought that was a funny addition, but re-reading it now, I completely revoke that last part. It might be safe, but I don't want to cause harm to anyone.
>>8476 (OP)
who's the artist of the drawing OP
Skimming through this I thought cannabis said cannibalism, which could work too, I guess
make her fall in love with you

tell her you have a stuffing fetish

ask her to indulge at least once a week or once a month

stuff the shit out of her with high calorie foods

this dulls the reward receptors in her brain

she'll start to crave it regularly even if she was previously skinny with a small appetite

i've witnessed this first hand in a girl who was 5'3 100 lbs who everyone joked "she only eats tea"... after this strategy she was 160 within 4 months and getting fast food at least twice a day by herself
a lot of this seems extremely morally dubious
If I had to guess, probably trinityfate62
Seems like this gets asked every other week on here.

People get fat when they consume more calories than they expend. That works for everybody.

If you're from the US, why bother? 2/3rds of women are already obese. Why not just date someone whose already fat? The numbers are on your side here.
>make her fall in love with you
Basically this.
Let her know you like fat chicks. Ask her if she wants anything to eat often.

Truth, JUST DATE FAT WOMEN. I gotta figure the guys asking this are like 18 yrs old and wanna fatten a skinny girl so they can say to their bros "damn bitch got fat" and act all blameless.

Date a fatty and make her even fatter, if thats the part that gets you off. Works for me. And girls already big are more likely to gain a other 30 tha some 120 lber.
find girl that you like and likes you back

fall in love

tactfully tell her your kink and that you love her either way and won't press it

she'll either dabble or reject it, but won't leave you

ask her to indulge you in fattening food stuffing sessions just for your kink maybe once a week

dulls reward receptors in brain and makes her crave high calorie food (first hand witnessed this 3 times, once from someone anorexic that became obsessed with fast food)

keep liquid calories around, i.e. soda

tell her health is important and she should do cardio so she doesn't just get belly fat but gets even spread of 'fat chick' physique



Literally just keep lots of junk food around, OP. Girls get fat by grazing on shit all the time. You don’t need a god damn ten step long play like this motherfucker.

Also, like somebody else said above - just date fat girls. Job done

most girls i know are super health conscious but k

Well they’re probably not the kind of girls who would be into this are they, biatch?

Simple, meet new girls. Don't bother with meeting thin fitness girls. Simple.
>>8476 (OP)
feed her like, really fatty foods like fast food (McDonalds, Wendy's, BK, Taco Bell, etc)
also feed her a lot of heavy desserts like banana pudding for example
make sure she does coke and mentos
oh and drink heavy cream and other fattening liquids

might be poor on my end but that's how I would fatten up a girl

If you're aiming for a heart attack speedrun, sure. Do that.

Just keep snacks around the house and the fridge stocked with quick & easy foods. The mega huge people they make documentaries about don't get bedridden with artery-clogging foods three times a day - they get there by grazing.
(87 KB, 197x201, careful, he's a hero.PNG)
Gentlemen, modern architectural problems require cutting edge solutions.
How does one fatten up a vegan?

i like smart girls, which on occasion will have the awareness to be conscious about their diet

till i've entered the picture at least
(26 KB, 466x466, vegan heavy cream.jpg)
Lots of carbs, fats and sweets.
Vegan heavy cream is 1440 calories per pint.
A can of coconut cream is 1170 calories.
A pint of non-dairy ice cream is 980 calories.
Nuts and peanut butter are high cal as well
Since this is such a common question and I'm tired of repeating the old "no it's unethical" or "just date a very fat woman", I'm going to challenge myself to create a scenario. How do you get in a relationship with a woman who puts on the most possible weight and be as ethical as possible about it?

The only rules are that you have to be as ethical as possible when it comes to your partner putting on weight. You can be a scumbag in any other way, but if there's a way to choose not to manipulate your partner to gain weight you have to take it, all while ensuring that she does, in fact, put on weight.

You don't have to constantly encourage your partner to lose weight unless they specifically ask for help in this. If a partner asks you to help them get fatter you may encourage this behavior because this is what they want.

Finnlly, this will gloss over all of the obvious parts of dating, like that you should only date people you actually like and not just use them for sex, not lie or cheat, etc. We're just focusing on the gaining part.


Start by letting nature work for you; date a woman who is already somewhat overweight and (more importantly) hates to exercise.

Being extremely lazy since childhood is key: if they've been this way all their lives, then it's not really your fault if they put on weight. They'll most likely gain weight whether or not you're in the picture. Your ethics are intact!

The reason she should be a bit fat is so that putting on more weight isn't too much of a shock. Going from 130 to 170 pounds is a whole different ballpark than 220 to 260. Somebody at the low end of obese might be comfortable with having body fat, or at least indifferent, especially if they've always been that way. That said, if she's too fat then that isn't ideal because you're specifically looking for gain here, and eventually she'll hit a plateau. You want a woman that's 190-240 pounds who has no exercise habits, and is generally comfortable in her body.

Finding a woman like this isn't too tall and order in America. Try any dating app and filter on "chubby" or "curvy". Then just select on bios where she's into sedentary hobbies like gaming or reading.

Once you've found her, you'll want to date this woman, and feel her out. Since you're looking to be ethical and also have her put on weight, if she shows any signs of wanting to lose weight or being unhappy with her body during the dating phase, you have to cleanly break things off in the most ethical way possible. It doesn't matter if you're compatible on every other level; because of the arbitrary rules I made for this post, this is how it has to be. No talking her out of her weight loss goals; wish her the best of luck and move on.

If she's either completely indifferent or better yet, enjoys that she's putting on weight, you'll want to progress the relationship and move in with her.

Next, you just let her do her thing; lay around and eat. If she asks you for food, get it for her. If she asks you to fetch her stuff so she doesn't have to move, then fetch it. If she buys herself snacks, don't say a word. Take over as many physically demanding chores as you can. The entire time, reassure her that you find her extremely attractive. This is slightly unethical since you're technically enabling bad behavior, but remember: she's already been through a strict vetting process and we know for sure that she would've gotten fat anyway. You haven't created any new fatties. You're just doing favors for your partner when they ask you to.

By this point you should've slowly introduced her to the idea that you like the weight she's put on, if she hasn't pieced that together on her own. Because of our vetting process, odds are good that she'll at least play along in the bedroom, and maybe even embrace your kink and discover that she's into it. Luck will dictate how far this goes. Since we're still forced to act as ethically as possible you can never manipulate her into eating or force her, just let her know the truth about your preferences and see how it goes.

You might think it unethical that you kept your preference from her, and you're right to an extent, but that's tangent unethical behavior, which is allowed. Not jumping down her throat with your sexual preferences just made it so that she didn't leave the relationship, it didn't make her put on any weight. She would've been fat with or without you, remember? You only have to be ethical when it comes to her weight. It's my post and I make the rules.

If she ever does have a moment where she wants to lose weight and you're in a committed relationship, at this point you must help her lose the weight. Odds are, since she's so lazy, her interest in dieting will be short lived and she'll gain it all back anyway.

There you go. My biggest contribution to this thread. Good luck.

>How do you get in a relationship with a woman who puts on the most possible weight and be as ethical as possible about it?

>make yourself the best version of yourself you can possibly be
>pursue a career/skillset that makes relocation possible if necessary
>actively seek out women who have feedism as a kink
>use your male attraction powers to wife up the rare but not entirely nonexistent "actual wife material" girl who has this fetish
>because she's a responsible person with her shit together (and so are you), she understands that there are limits to the amount she can responsibly gain in real life
>take her to those limits and have fun doing it
You don’t need to, just date a girl that’s already fat. Don’t manipulate people for your own selfish desires
Nah, it's hotter when you turn a thin girl in to a fat pig.
(27 KB, 415x374, Fat Guy and Hot Wife.jpg)
Most Fat Guys are actually retired wrestlers or prizefighters who turned fat into muscle. Kevin James and Mick Foley used to be on the same wrestling team in high school
chasing this perfect dream wastes a lot of time you could spend making a fat girl fatter and leads to all the crying we see about fake feedees who never gain more than 4 pounds

truly, getting a 200+ lb girl to 350+ is more likely and at least as much fun as "ruining" some <150 lb girl by convincing her to break 200
Oh truly. The habits are all there to work with. It's playing the game on an easier difficulty than making a new Mochi Babii.
The key is to find someone who is addicted to food.
>>8476 (OP)
I myself am a tall femanon, have recently put on some weight being lazy and just enjoying food. Albeit being a NEET and thus imperfect hamper a handful of things.

I didn't realize how weirdly arousing it is to gain. I'm apathetic in a way to fixing it, if anything I don't think I'd care if it spiralled out of control and I gained 100+. As for more it depends on how it feels, morbid obesity would be a unique experience.

My problem always had been not feeling conventionally attractive face wise. That and being unsocial. I feel like people would just sorta not enjoy me because I'm not a fantasy ideal. I wanted to get into the kink but I'm a trash panda shutin. What do? Food is delicious but I guess I like the idea of humiliation and encouragement.
If you're okay sifting through the deluge of perverts and boundary-pushers on onlind dating sites, you could try something like feabie or wooplus
It sounds like you're worried about a lot of things that *might* happen.

I think the important thing to remember is you can always turn back. You can gain weight and if you get to a point where it stops being fun, you can stop and lose it.
I think you misunderstand. I don't have a problem with the gain, I'm just tall and my neet ass has limited food resources to work with.

Ya'll say it's as easy as Feabie or "dating sites" but it's the crippling social dynamics between me and others that feels like a road block. I was once abandoned by someone who said they love me and functionally I went to live with them to do as best as I could as a GF. Years of interaction online then a year in person. When you unconditionally love someone but...

They expected some perfect fantasy and they didn't click with you long term? It sucks. It sucks being dumped because they'd rather hit up some harlot with a husband already over the internet. I didn't know what I did wrong, if I didn't look attractive enough or offer sex enough. (Both of us were pretty low libido so we never fucked)

Sorry about the complaining or sharing. It took a lot for me to learn to open up and then the abandonment for not being good enough.
That sounds like the kind of social anxiety and fear of abandonment that's above what random internet commenters would be able to help you with tbh. That's the kind of stuff you'd be more easily able to navigate with a mental health professinal.
Guys hate prospects of engagement, you gotta go for it with a free spirit and accept that maybe you'll need a few tries to find the right guy. No one is irreplaceable anyway, it's just our dumb chemistry tricking us out.
Also most men are very fucking lazy when it comes to exiting a relationship, so if he did it's probably that the sex became far too mundane. Gotta keep the seduction on even once you're engaged.
He didn't even have a sex drive. Like I offered in case that was the problem but the dude was literally that dumb meme with the wojak soy face but over Farm Simulator...
>He didn't even have a sex drive. Like I offered in case that was the problem but the dude was literally that dumb meme with the wojak soy face but over Farm Simulator...

Pretty much why i don't get into a relationship i have no desire for sex i just want to fondle fats, but it'd be selfish of me to get a GF and not even satisfy her. I hope you can one day find a nice dude.
You can make her larger if you just get her fatter with healthier food.

The human body will begin to suffer congestive heart failure around 450-525lbs due to weight depending upon other factors like height, age, and overall health. It is a slow process and can take a decade or so if not dealt with.

But lets not death feed our BBWs mkay? I'd rather have a 350-400lb girl with me till the day I die, instead of having a a 1000lb+ girl who can't do anything and is unhappy for 6 months.
So true. I love the fantasy of fattening up some chubby slim sub-200 girl to huge obesity. But just as hot is maintaining a 350-400 pound whale in all the luxury and gluttony she's become accustomed to. I don't know if people appreciate how easy a small weight loss can be for people at that size if they change their diet at all or start doing simple exercises.

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