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Ever looked in there? It's like 10% asses and 90% dudes arguing about nothing. That sort of shit is on every board, no doubt, but /booty/ is something else.
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It's full of MEs who barely speak english, that's why
>>7786 (OP)
It's entirely comprised of porn addicted black dudes, draw your conclusions from there
FOH racist
Based Dutchman. Wow a rare sight mijn bruder
Like coonwork
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Porn is for Black Men who don't want to watch BET because it's terrible, and didn't watch MTV. Backstreet Boys, NSYNC, Eminem, Beastie Boys, and Linkin Park did more to help the Black Community
I remember I used to talk to a black fucker like that
I always remembered how much of an simp they were to tyler the creator.
that fucker is still a coward to this very day for not even having the guts to speak to me.
ay, tyler ain't the worst. WOLF is still a solid ass album to this day, and CALL ME IF YOU GET LOST is alright too. sounds like your friends a shit tho
>says something racist
>gets called a racist
>"wow so predictable that someone would be pissed by this obviously racist thing i said, fucking gotcha!"

Booty is a looney bin. It’s actually pretty hilarious to have a scroll through there now and then. It takes nothing at all to set those dudes off. Watching guys threaten each other for not having identical taste in women is a hearty kek
At least he's not dutch
low effort
everyday i thank god i'm not one of those orange bastards
>booty page on a BBW/SSBBW chan
>75% of women posted on booty arnt fat/bbw/ssbbw
Bitch I’m not broke like you pussy mofo and the rest of you on here. I’m a pay $40 or more for a hair cut to look nice, I stay looking nice suppose to bitch. Not give a fuckin whore money I was never that dude that’s what makes me stand out from you sucka ass niggas. You making that statement means nothing stupid ass mofo only you a straight cold whole ass nut mofo. You a Vick a sucka!!! I already got the whole video, you trick ho nigga
>australian flag
>terribly inaccurate use of AAVE

white person detected 🤖

You a dumb muthafucka if you don’t think Australia has black people
Ello there ya dumb abbo
But yeah, I’m white. I copypasta’d that comment from a thread in /booty/ because I felt it fit with the theme of this thread.

Well done, Sherlock. Cracked another case.

Holy shit, a Dutchman who threw out an insult without adding something about cancer in there. That’s new lol.
I'm not even Dutch I just take their money
Honest answer. Would help you build windmills and plant tulip bulbs
>>7786 (OP)
Look up Boondocks "nigga moments" and you will understand
You spoke the truth and they weren't ready.
don’t you got better things to worry about, like your country getting bombed and shit by Russia 😂
Damm bro, some of you on here must be absolutely and mentally retarded to make some of these jokes that are accross the line insensitive. I mean it's your mouth say what you want but dammmm bro. Not cool.
I’m kinda shocked people are surprised by this, the government literally had to redefine the IQ threshold for mental retardation because so many groids would have been labeled as retarded.
Except that did not happen.
I’m sorry Tyrone but it’s true, they changed it in 1992. I guess it wasn’t the government but it’s a major nonprofit that deals entirely with intellectual disabilities. Too many tarded groids.
Based thread
Ah ok now it’s not the gubmint but a mysterious nonprofit, and still no link. I googled a bit trying to find wtf you’re talking about and nada.
>Enter /booty/
> 9 times out of 10 a thread starts with begging and not sharing
>Filled with people who have never been on a chan site
>Some dumbfuck's idea of sharing content is decoding a preview video that everyone can literally just google
>Threads either derail into retards flinging shit at one another or some dumbfuck posts an offtopic girl and proceeds to flood the topic with said girl.
The ESLs in the latinass threads save that shitty board.
there are some nice suprises (https://bbw-chan.nl/booty/res/224655.html) occasionally that make it worth browsing somewhat. I wouldn´t have known about girls like tiffany days and mia dior if I just sticked to BBW&SSBBW boards.

Don´t forget the threads where a anon uploads a random picture of some karen or a favela women without a name prefaced by ´drop´.
Tyrone, we know you can barely read, let alone google.

>The threshold I.Q. level for a diagnosis of mental retardation has been progressively lowered over the years, in part because of awareness of the damaging social prejudice suffered by those labeled "retarded."
Medical professionals literally had to stop considering most groids retarded. Now we see the fallout of that decision of course, our urban centers have been warzones for years and our educational systems are overloaded with feral groid children but hey! At least you’re not a Literal Retard by medical definition anymore, right?
The "Dutch" guy is right. Surprisingly, there wasn't any of this when ThickBBWForum was around. People shared, thanked and gtfo.
Interesting article but there's nothing about race in there. Anyway urban centers had exponentially higher levels of violent crime 30-50 years ago — dropped like a rock in the mid-90s, which is after this was implemented.
>Interesting article but there's nothing about race in there.
groid cope. A map of world IQ values shows who’s disproportionately retarded.
>Anyway urban centers had exponentially higher levels of violent crime 30-50 years ago — dropped like a rock in the mid-90s, which is after this was implemented.
Lmao it’s so much better now that a black woman is only being murdered every 5 hours! God I’m thankful for gentrification cleaning up these shitholes.
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he's obviously trolling. any refutal of their points they will "logic" into actually supporting their argument or being irrelevant. don't feed the trolls

>>Interesting article but there's nothing about race in there.
>groid cope. A map of world IQ values shows who’s disproportionately retarded.
Ok, professor, gotcha lol. This is what happens when white mediocrities like yourself get called on to prove their work. They've got nothing but mindless grievance, which, ironically, is their accusation against minorities.

>>Anyway urban centers had exponentially higher levels of violent crime 30-50 years ago — dropped like a rock in the mid-90s, which is after this was implemented.
>Lmao it’s so much better now that a black woman is only being murdered every 5 hours! God I’m thankful for gentrification cleaning up these shitholes.
You're not laughing your ass off, you're sputtering nonsense, trying to change the subject as your "argument" falls apart at the lightest touch. This is why you can't afford to live in any of those gentrified apartments you crow about.
>Ok, professor, gotcha lol. This is what happens when white mediocrities like yourself get called on to prove their work. They've got nothing but mindless grievance, which, ironically, is their accusation against minorities.
IQ has been repeatedly shown to be lower in Africans. The “social stigma” around retardation was because of how low the average groid IQ is.
>You're not laughing your ass off, you're sputtering nonsense, trying to change the subject as your "argument" falls apart at the lightest touch. This is why you can't afford to live in any of those gentrified apartments you crow about.
I’m not “sputtering nonsense,” groid violent crime rates remain exceptionally high, especially compared to White rates. The FBI stats don’t lie Tyrone.
In conclusion, seethe, cope, dilate. Groids provide nothing of value to the country and I’m glad your women are aborting more babies than they’re having.
At this point, I think I know why there’s so many racists like this dickhead: jealousy.

Some black guy must’ve fucked his wife at one point and hasn’t been the same since. It’s ok Jerry. You don’t have to lash out on a whole ethnicity/race.
Yes yes, everybody knows your subpar dick is all you have to offer the world, too bad it can’t get the women to actually want to stay with you, eh?
I wanna know, would you keep this same energy and say all this racist stuff around actual black people?

Or you’d just act like the bitch you are behind the keyboard 😂
I hear what you're saying, dude, but to be honest with you I don't think you actually do want to know the answer to that question. If I were black I would probably stay as far away from that topic as possible.
Uh oh, he’s seething!
This is a trick question though, I’m never around groids in the first place. Big advantage of living rural and working in a highly educated, technical industry. I genuinely don’t even remember the last male groid I talked to. Thank God.
I've never heard the word groid before I guess you mean that you have a genuine dislike of black people? I haven't met too many people that feel the way you do or as strongly but I can tell you from experience my honest opinion is that even though I am certain without a doubt that good black people exist, infact I would even estimate that most black people are good people.. but even though that is probably the case at the same time the reality of life is that although I have met many black people throughout my life there isn't a single one that I can think back in my mind and say "Wow, what a nice guy. That was a nice black person." That is to say that the black people I have been most familiar with regretably have ranged from kinda decent to kinda crappy. Whereas most other people I can say that, I can say "man, what a cool white dude" and so on. So, I mean, it all depends really on a lot of things. But even then, if most black people were evil it would still be unfair to be racist becayse it would mean towards all black people. But ofcourse I have met many racists before in my life and they probably have their reasons
Well, it probably doesn't help that now the bottom of the barrel farts out the most children. If there were more Darwin Awards handed out, maybe the Idiocracy would slow the fuck down.
You just proved my point lol
The idea that I need to go around picking fights or I’m a “bitch” is extremely low-IQ groidal thought, which, interestingly enough, proves *my* point, that your species provides nothing of value to the world. What does calling a black dude a nigger get me other than my career ruined and potentially my life ended during the inevitable chimpout?
The reality is that, like 99% of humans, I simply avoid the groid. I don’t go to black nigborhoods, I don’t go to black owned businesses (thanks for the map of that by the way), I don’t listen to black “music” and so on. Yeah I guess I’ll never see the wondrous sites of burnt out groid hoods like in Atlanta or Baltimore, but I think I’ll manage.
I despise that shit, because actual threads with content get sent to the shadow realm. There's a "who is she" thread on almost every board for that reason.
Stuff like this is all over booty. A lot of new fags don't realize this site isn't virtue signaling Twitter or an xbox live chat. Just upload fat chicks and move on. Here on /gen/ it's fine but on other boards it shouldn't override the amount of content getting shared. At this point, we should just get rid of discussion and only allow images and lines of code. /booty/ would be 1000 times better.
Are there other sharing/image boards out there? Feels like one has kinda had its day.
You're a bad person.
I love how you can tell by the emojis (or lack thereof) how melanated the hands typing the post out are
A thread with genuine CP has been online for a few hours now.

Maybe just nuke it, if no ones going to mod it.
there's no point arguing with racists, they don't give a shit. if they cared about self-reflection or being a decent human being, they wouldn't be the way that they are. if people want to be edgelords on the internet, you really have no choice but to let them, because logic and reason aren't going to work on hate
Yep, just call him a retarded faggot and move on
The fuck is a groid
personally i don't even bother with that, insults aren't gonna affect them much either. the less you engage with them, the better imho
a shortening of "negroid", a term used to refer to the "racial group" that supposedly represents black people (basically pseudoscientific racism with a *twist*. my man went back to the 1800s to make a slur; you almost have to admire the commitment of finding new ways to be a shitty person)
I like how this thread just turned into a typical /booty/ thread
Who gives a shit if someone says nigger on the internet, what do you have glass bones and paper skin? You say move on, but you clearly aren't. Is this your first time on a chan site?
That thread was there for awhile and there are currently 3 Jade Vega threads up right now, that all have the same OP image. Mods have long given up on that board
It's actually a bit sad how often they come up with cutesy workarounds to come back to the same slurs. We have Google - you have the benefit of the doubt for a minute before someone looks it up.
>Oh my God, can you like just stop being a literal shitheel dirtbag piece of shit human being?????????

You sound like a woman, congrats
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>Studies also suggest that African-American men have higher blood levels of estrogen than do Caucasians men at all ages.
alright we got the "women bad" and "black people bad". now i just need "jews bad" and "gays bad", and boy howdy i'm gonna have myself a bingo

Gays are fine. Jews bad.
I need to replace the tile on my bathroom floor soon.
All true by the way.
Who said they weren't?
>>7786 (OP)
>OP's pic
>OP's title
my sides
Bruh this is getting funnier and funnier I swear. They're becoming more obsessed with cock than asses. May as well call it /cock/ at this point
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It always comes back to white male castration fears.

Nah its nothing to do with race. Every second comment is "who got backshots? Need to see her getting pounded by cock"
Black men have high estrogen rates that mimic females tendencies. I.e owning fashionable shoes and accessories.

This also brings out a lot of homosexual tendencies as well. But the black community is naturally conservative. That spurs stuff like this


They're essentially all homosexuals in massive denial; you've probably seen or heard about them engaging in gangbangs with 5-10 of them at a single lady, basically staring at each others dicks while one or two of them have their turn. And I'm sure you've heard of black fathers beating their own born children within an inch of their life for coming out of the closet.

That's why you see threads filled with these people begging to see a cock instead, focusing on the size and the skin colour of it, getting heavily invested into every detail of a man's penis
Now what colour of person demands something for nothing and types lik diz homie?
Rent free, btw I'm not Dutch
if you're not dutch then I'd have to change the ol' not sane image and I'm too lazy to do that. You are weird dutch dude :)

Lazy you are my friend. I don't think that is something you should be bragging about though.
>>16265 (Cross-thread)

I've heard this meme before, but I only now realized that it is a reference to project housing or welfare. It's fucked up on many different ways. When are we going to get these money loving government officials out so we can clean up our towns? To be fair though most of the problem areas around here are not projects. They are bought homes.... so they are private property
>>7786 (OP)
>Ever looked in there?
no, because I read about how awful and disorganized it is on almost every other board. I haven't seen it mentioned in this thread yet but I think /booty/ still has a useful function to an extent as a containment board
Lol mods are asking for somebody to volunteer as a dedicated mod for /booty/. Even they’ve given up on it
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“>Ok, professor, gotcha lol. This is what happens when white mediocrities like yourself get called on to prove their work. They've got nothing but mindless grievance, which, ironically, is their accusation against minorities.
IQ has been repeatedly shown to be lower in Africans. The “social stigma” around retardation was because of how low the average groid IQ is.
>You're not laughing your ass off, you're sputtering nonsense, trying to change the subject as your "argument" falls apart at the lightest touch. This is why you can't afford to live in any of those gentrified apartments you crow about.
I’m not “sputtering nonsense,” groid violent crime rates remain exceptionally high, especially compared to White rates. The FBI stats don’t lie Tyrone.
In conclusion, seethe, cope, dilate. Groids provide nothing of value to the country and I’m glad your women are aborting more babies than they’re having.”

I don't get why they don't just nuke it or at the very least perma-lock it. Unless they secretly like the blatant racism.
>I don't get why they don't just nuke it or at the very least perma-lock it. Unless they secretly like the blatant racism

Lol are you serious? Imagine if all those retards were no longer contained to /booty/ and they wandered into other parts of the board. It would be mayhem. All the normal people would abandon ship within a week. Containing them there is by far the best choice, blatant racism or not.
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MFW an underachieving white man's fragile sense of superiority hangs on a typo.
You might be the biggest case of “What no pussy does to a Motherfucker” I’ve ever come across. Congrats 🥇
>>17888 I hate niggers. I prefer dreams where I am shooting and hanging niggers, than the dreams when I am neing friendly with them.

Stop saying the word fragile; You remind me of my friends from middle school
niggers are faggots
I'm guessing that description of you hits a little too close to home, huh? Wonder why that is.
>>17919 ....what do you mean? What are you talking about? Are you capable of speaking coherent English? You guys hurt my brain
He's saying that you are Dutch
>it took him 4 months to incorrectly quote and greentext a post
typical groid things
Niggers mad they can't use a basic imageboard without looking like complete baboons lol
Yes you’re the image board king. I’m sure you get all the pussies wet
I actually fucked just earlier today, so yeah I do

What was his name?
Yup that totally happened
The amount of spread vajayjay on that board bugs me, yuck!
Black women grow up hearing the lame pick up lines and seeing the embarrassing lives most male groids live, so they’re far more immune and unaccepting of male groids trying to run this shit on them.
White women, in contrast, don’t have this experience, so what black women correctly perceive as scummy and dumb, white women perceive as cool. But both groups are getting the same groids, they don’t stick around to raise the kids and rarely become functional adults.
It’s why black women divesting from the black community is becoming so popular. Male groids just aren’t interested in building or improving the community.
People’s lives are a lot more complicated than this, moved by social and economic factors that we barely comprehend

Your explanation is like the casual stereotyping of a child’s sketch.
If nothing else it reveals some of the social tensions in the United State

Why does anybody want anything?
Some mixture of psychology and economics maybe. The mind leads us to strange places, like this website
Purely socioeconomic factors.
>>7786 (OP)
It's one of the fastest boards on the site, it's bound to attract shitposters and the occasional schizo or two.
My personal favorite are the retards screaming for bumps/wins, but never contribute. That and either getting mad when no one post the girl getting fucked, or start doing dick comparions/ratings instead.
Might as well rename that shithole of a board /cock/ or /dick/
>Why do black men want white woman so much?
They don't to the extent you think of (coveting women now I feel is a part of hustle culture), but its apart of the same revenge desires that made Blacksploitation films of the 70s. After decades of being second-class citizens and genuinely being stolen and robbed from in ways that simply involved ink (i.e. systemic racism, ect), Black men could finally take something back from their oppressor.
The Blackula films go into that a lot, along with how it intertwines with poverty and a loss of pride.
Also since I forgot, it's just population statistics. There's like 3-4 "white" women for every black woman in all of America, with cities and towns being huge mixes. My city has more mexicans than blacks.
And that's not even getting to the retard racism people have about it. You recognize whites with blacks because of the color difference even before that; it's all contrast. But you don't ask about white men with black women, because then we're seen as "conquerors".
Black women hate black men with white women just as much as white men do.

It's the thinking that races own themselves and that you're a traitor for not going for your own race(there will be someone that will say yes). Meanwhile WMBF doesn't get really complained about at all.
Adding onto this, the people who say that being a white man into white girls in this community are not wrong. I've just entered a nihilism about it and think it's just not worth complaining about because shit won't change.Complaining and being racist anonymously online won't change anyone's mind. People are going to fuck who they want to fuck. A lot of the time, these white women come from poorer, mostly African-American communities so black men are what they are used to because that's the world they grew up in. My biological half-sister only fucks blacks based on what I see(I am adopted and never met her in person, but we know eachother exists), a girl I crushed on was the same way and just said it was her upbringing.

It's really not worth it to fucking care. Go outside, touch some grass.

A lot of that comes from BF being mean and abusive to their man, and a lot of time they just aren't as fine as WF (wigs, fake nails, etc). I am not mad at anybody about who they want to be with, I think it's funny to see WM all angry about it.

Some girls just like the hustle better. I have seen girls that love the culture too - something different than they have been used to. I know they got a joke about it, but most times they don't go back.
Men desire, women want to be desired. It's how the species has functioned for however many million years. Fat white women, growing up in a white community, are rejected, told they're ugly and undesireable. A black man comes along and not just accepts but outwardly desires them, so they go with him. Case closed.
Exactly. As a white man into all of this. I used to be annoyed by this. But I realized everyone has their own tastes and it's really really not worth obsessing over unless it's that fucking dumb QoS, lets end the white race style shit.
Honestly i'm a white dude and some black women are just, 13/10 for me. I've never really thought about preference before (I'm from rural Midwest, the fucking opposite of black America) but I fucking love like, full diva black women as that dichotomy look. I had that with some coworkers of mine, where my partner was a classically loud "OH HELL NAW" black chick and I'd be my giggly ass, full chaos self and it's great, we become like a nuclear reactor of bullshit.
Because nobody wants black women
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Decided to take a stroll to /booty/ and post some highlights
There seems to be a guy spamming his dick on a lot of threads, but that's "normal" for most chans I find.
One thread is some 70+ post deep of 1 (one) man posting google images of random women
New shitposting craze is hiding Will Smith's apology video in gofiles. Kind of reminds me of when posting spoilers for Harry Potter out of the blue was a thing
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>youtube link at the end of the 2nd image links to Boondocks
kek, that other user was right. /booty/ is still useful as a containment board. Every imageboard needs them
Well, that certainly explains the high number of them sodomizing each other.
>It's not gay if don't kiss

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