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For those in serious relationships, how do you manage your porn habits? Do you keep a stash on your hard drive? Do you sub to OF? Do you keep it to yourself or does your partner know? If they know, what do they think?
My gf and I are about to celebrate our 4th anniversary in July. I still look at porn, probably not with the same frequency. She knows all my kinks and stuff I know hers. Sometimes we talk about hot stuff we have seen but mostly we don’t bring up specifics when we talk kinky stuff. As she’s gotten heavier, fatter, and lazier I find myself having to jerk off more again but it’s not an issue yet. She cums and then just collapses on top when she’s riding me, sometimes we will start again, but sometimes I’ll just wait for her to nod off rubbing her belly and then jerk myself off to groping her or if she’s laying in the bed so I can’t access any fun bits I’ll load up something on my phone. I find myself coming to porn forums and pic sharing websites for the community of kinksters as much as I come to these places for the porn itself.
Been married for over 5 years - wife knows about my porn stash and also is a BBW and a gourmand, as feedee isn't really applicable to her. She's fine with all of it and has been for years, but we're both extremely open and honest about what we like and our habits. Also as a guy, sometimes you just have to bust a nut which in my opinion is almost like having to use the bathroom / scratch an itch etc. Had an OF account which she was OK with, but wanted to see who it was to kind of see what aspect I was interested in. Now that I think about it she's put on some weight since I started that sub (which I cancelled last month fwiw)... Openness is key for me, YMMV.
Married 2 years, together 6.

I still use porn pretty often. My wife knows about this and also uses her own porn. Neither of us keeps a stash downloaded anywhere, it's basically what you can find on the internet at any given time.

We generally use porn when one person wants to get off and the other person doesn't feel like having sex or can't have sex. We keep our porn viewing to ourselves and it doesn't generally interfere with our sex lives.
I have a partner of 7+ years, at this point. I'm very much deeply in love with her, but her health is so poor that we barely have any kind of sex life. She's either physically unable, has too much chronic pain, or when her body feels okay, her medications have entirely robbed her of any sort of libido. We maybe have actual sex once every six months, and even then it's precarious, gentle, and neither of us finish.

Genuinely, it sucks. A lot. We're monogamous, and I love her more than anything, and find her irresistibly attractive- but I can't express or even show much in the way of affection. I also have an extremely high libido, so that mixed with a high desire to be affectionate with a partner who just can't even engage with it makes things difficult.

Considering this, unfortunately my relationship with porn is pretty toxic. I would say I've had to entirely replace intimacy with porn- I absolutely seek it out every day, and I use it at least three times a day, if not more.

Unfortunately, I need to hide my usage. My partner has some sympathy for me and empathy for how our relationship is effected by her health, but I think her complete lack of libido (she says sexual thoughts don't even occur to her anymore) means that she doesn't understand what I go through as someone who needs regular and substantial intimacy and affection. I know she's been already depressed due to her health and its effects on both of our lives, and I can't bring myself to make things any worse for her by telling her.

So after many years (5 years of her health being particularly awful), I've built up a substantial collection of pron on my hard drive. Almost all of it is SSBBW softcore stuff. I've had a couple onlyfans subscriptions, and have bought a few clips4sales in my day. Sites like this also provide substantial content, too.

So yeah, to answer the questions, I don't manage my porn habit- I find myself obsessed with it due to lacking any sort of affection or intimacy with my ill partner. I can't even tell her since I know she already feels awful about not being able to have a normal relationship already. It kind of sucks all around. Some days I'm tempted to delete everything, but then I realize I would have nothing accessible that I can interact with sexually. Porn helps, but it's also a source of a lot of misery.
>>7521 (OP)
13+ year relationship. She knows I watch porn, I've always been open about this. She doesn't watch any as far as I'm aware. My sex drive is insatiable though, we probably only have sex once a month.
Wife and I have been together 4 years, married 3.
She reads smut casually and doesn't care what I look at as long as she doesnt catch me or come across it on my phone on accident. (ex, I show her something or she looks over while we're in bed and sees something in my camera roll)
You guys are really pathetic if you still watch porn while you’re in a relationship. Is having someone to love you not enough for you coomer freaks
>>5 (Dead)d5143
I wish it were that simple, it's unfortunate, but very often my wife doesn't want sex or doesn't have the energy required to be a fun partner. I'll seek out porn to feel a connection and fantasize about being with that girl for a few minutes. It's lame, but it's better than being an actual cheater. Before porn was so easy to find guys would fantasize about their secretary or even cheat with her. It's not ideal, but neither are most things in life.

The reality is that you love someone, you love someone. You don't want to love anyone else, spend time with anyone else, and you don't want to fuck anyone else either. But your dick still works and hot is hot. Just a dopamine button. Plus, some of us are wired to this since as far back as we can remember, you can't just shut it off. You don't want to kill your partner feeding them to 800 pounds, so you watch someone else do it for you.
Bit judgemental for someone posting on a porn chan, no? Everyone's relationship is different, and everyone's relationship with porn is different.

I've been with my girlfriend for 10 years, we have sex about once a week, and she indulges/enjoys some aspects of feederism (although isn't a full blown feedee). We're both very satisfied, but my sex drive is a lot higher than hers. Once a week is enough for her, but I need a release every day or two. On top of that, this is the real world, sometimes we're tired from work, too busy, too drunk/high, etc. But when we make the time it's great sex.

I have a stash of porn on my hard drives, and occasionally subscribe to an OF (but usually only for a month and then mass-download it). My girlfriend is aware of my collection, and doesn't mind, we've occasionally watched some together.
>We've occasionally watched some together

Yes this is a good thing. It got my wife to eat one of those mini cakes on all fours while I got it from behind. I don't know how I could of brought that topic up or explained it verbally, but a video we watched did the trick.

It can be a good thing.

It's 100% normal for people with different levels of sex drive to be in relationships, or for one partner to want sex while another isn't in the mood.
I was exactly there bro, this is what the death throes of my longest relationship looked like. My girl had nearly all of those issues including the lack of libido allegedly from her medications. The most valuable thing I can tell you is that women like this have a sexuality like a feedback loop, if you’re choosing pornstars instead of her and only fucking twice a year she’ll stop sexualizing herself and tune out. Trust me dude you need to detox from porn and start fucking her again, it’s literally up to you to reignite her sex drive by sharing your own sexual energy with her, which you described as welling up and overflowing in her absence. She’s yin and your yang, you need to literally inject her receptive femininity with your active masculine principle.
My wife and I have a healthy sex life with each other, but also know that we can't do everything that the other fantasizes about. She's not 800 pounds, I'm not David Beckham, it's life. I'm all for her masturbating when she needs the release and she's all for me doing the same, as long as we're both making efforts to keep our own sex exciting and regular. Honesty is key. Sexual health with your long-term partner is a marathon, not a sprint.

If you don't want to look at porn when you're in a serious relationship, more power to you if it's healthy for you and your partner. Everyone is different. But it's also perfectly healthy for porn to be a part of your life, as long as it's in moderation and you/your partner have a shared understanding of needs and sexual goals.
Married 2 years, together 7.

We both use porn when the other isn't in the mood for sex or can't have it. It hasn't impacted our sex lives in a negative way. If anything it's a positive impact.

In my own experience, porn for women works very differently than how it works for men. While men are usually more drained after each orgasm and need time to recuperate (how much depends on your age and sex drive), women can go at it pretty much as long as they feel like with no reprucussions other than soreness, and even that's only after a really long time. Watching porn or touching themselves doesn't necessarily mean orgasm for them either, it can just be passive stimulation.

From what I've seen, porn use in my partner generally makes her want more sex, not less. Whereas for me, I'd use porn to take the edge off while we're not having sex, like when she's on her period.

Point is, there's no downside to your lady watching porn. It gets her more horny in my experience. There's no downside for men either, as long as you don't have a long refactory period and can keep up with your partner's sexual needs.
Should clarify on my above point, since I sort of said that she uses porn for two different situations.

When she's not in the mood for sex, I'm using porn to take the edge off.

When she is in the mood, I'll only use porn if I know that I have enough time to recharge.

When I'm not in the mood, she'll use porn to touch herself passively, not aiming for orgasm or to key herself up (this is a foreign concept to men but is pretty common with women.)

If I am in the mood, she'll also sometimes use porn, but more towards gearing herself up, like pre-foreplay. This would be in a case where she's maybe only a bit horny and wants to be more horny before we get going. Other times she won't use porn, and we'll generally just have a longer foreplay session.

In her case she's generally using erotic literature, while I use more of a mix.
The progressive aspect of this fetish makes it nearly impossible to quit - despite being in a long term committed relationship even if one's partner is a feedee because one is always tempted to 'check in' to see if models have gained
Me and my gf have been together for almost 4 years. She knows about my kink but she has an eating disorder, so I don't ever push it on her. If anything it's just making sure she gets more than 500 calories a day. She knows about my porn habits and we both agree that porn is the best way for me to get out my sexual tensions without hurting her. I love her more than anything, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna let my fetish get in the way of our relationship.
None of my gf's have been into feedism so feedee models are basically my surrogate gf's (which is why my porn addiction has detrimental effects on both my sex life and relationships). I sub to OFs and my partner would leave me if she ever found out. Hihghly doubt I'll ever find a woman who is okay wiht me chatting with women while they masturbate on camera.
If you’re in a relationship you shouldn’t be watching porn at all. Stop being an ungrateful coomer cuck and just do something with your gf
The problem is that it's really hard to find a woman who's into this fetish. Hence the porn addiction lol
My fiancée is a bi woman with this fetish so we watch and discuss fat porn together.

what kind of porn do you two watch?

lol ok homie, enjoy church this weekend
Lmfao, shut up nerd
Ok faggot, enjoy watching videos to cope with your lack of female touch. Maybe if you close your eyes it’ll feel real
You are, it seems. Imagine having a girlfriend who you can have sex with but instead you need to jerk off to porn to satisfy your addiction. Rather pathetic
Cope and seethe limey. Do you need a license to jerk off too?
Holy shit dude, quit embarrassing yourself.
How am i embarassing myself? Everyone who jacks off to porn while in a relationship should be embarassed
No really, stop. Sex with a partner is a wonderful thing. Jerking it to a fantasy is cool too, if it doesn't take over your life and prevent you from relationships or ruin the ones you have. And it's great that you have really strict rules for the world and personal aspirations, enjoy them but STFU because you've obviously never been in a relationship longer than 48 hours, if that.
Ooooh somebody’s mad i touched a nerve. Normal people don’t need to constantly touch their dick because they just have a girlfriend to fuck instead to get the same amount of pleasure. Are you gonna cry?
Or, here's an idea, normal people don't expect one single person to fulfill literally all of their sexual needs and secure relationships aren't EPIC DESTROYED by masturbation to jpgs
Normally people literally do just that you weird faggot. I know you don’t talk to girls and you let a fetish dictate every part of your life, but most women think men who watch porn are really gross and they find it lame if you’re still watching porn even with them. I think you’re really just an insecure porn addict bud
I'm married you dumb nerd, lol
How ugly is your wife that you still have to watch porn?
Masturbation is normal and you are the fucked up weirdo who thinks everybody should live the exact same sad life you do lol
Keep telling yourself that you queer. You’re obviously that insecure type who thinks everything is a personal front against him. It’s even worse knowing you have a loving wife and you’re still rubbing yourself to fat porn because she can’t satisfy you
so tell us how your relationships have gone over the years bud
I have a gf who i like a lot :) we have sex and I don’t need to watch porn because i know she’ll satisfy me way more than my hand will. I’m sorry it’s not the same with you, praying for you bro :)
I'm all good my dude, been married extremely happily for over 10 years, trust me we're doin well!
Evidently not, or you wouldn’t be here
and you're here because...?
To make fun of you. I was the one who made that original comment about watching porn in a relationship being lame
Used to be a bit overboard on the porn, me and my GF agreed that we wouldn’t save any on our hard drives and would just use what we can find. She can get jealous if I fap to girls bigger than her though.
Thank you Pope Asshole for stopping by this porn sharing site to tell us we're doing it wrong lol.

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