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Curious to hear other people’s stories on how it happened. For me personally, I was browsing YouTube at a young age and stumbled upon a short video with weird yellow lighting of a pudgy woman trying to put on a pair of jeans.
Totally Spies episode, then searched up fat pokemon girls in my 3DS internet browser. Fell into a Rabbit hole and i loved it.
Hard to pin it down to one event, but it was certainly something I saw online, like one of the many gross-out shock images of morbidly obese women posted on ebaums or similar.
More likely it was a video I vaguely remember called "Carcan". I assume it was some kind of art film since it was in grayscale, and even though it had no full nudity, was still a bit too risque and weird for anything else. It involved a (seemingly) thin woman fully clad in bondage gear, slowly stripping, revealing more of her immensely fat body with every piece she took off. I tried searching, but haven't been able to find it. If anyone has it or is able to find it somewhere, I'd really like to see it again.
Well, I just found it.
For those curious, "Carcan" is a French art film by Stéphane Levallois, produced in 2002. It's also weirder than I remember.
No idea through what mechanism let me stumble upon it in my formative years, but here it is in glorious 320x240.
Weird, the MP4 upload didn't work? I'll try WebM.
Depends who you ask.

If you ask me it's this:

There weren't really any fat women around here growing up, and if there were, they were either older, or very ugly. No one really stood out.

That changed in 8th grade when a girl joined our class. She was the first girl I ever saw that was fat. Also she was first girl I ever knew to have a big butt. no others ever did.

Of course, I didn't think anything of it until we had Gym class. She was added to the group I was in, and while doing the relay warm up, I watched her entire form, including her ass jiggle. From that day on I made sure every time we had gym that I sat behind her so I could get the perfect view.

Though despite this, it didn't dawn on me 100% that I liked fat women until around my 17th birthday.

Porn wise, I would have found out a lot sooner I liked bigger women had I known what BBW meant. For a long time, the fattest porn stars I knew ware Anna Rose, and Nikki Santana. Never really cared for model sites when I was young.

Now if you ask my mom:

It was a fat baby sitter I had. When I was young I couldn't keep her hands off her apparently, and she was the only one they could leave me with without a meltdown occurring.
There's no incident I'm aware of, I feel like I was an FA from birth. One of my earliest memories is being at my dad's office and entranced by the legs of a fat secretary there. I remember playing on the floor and looking at her calves.
>watch cartoons as a kid
>anytime someone was transformed into something gradually, it made me super uncomfortable
>adolescence begins, have morbid curiosity about these scenes/concepts and look them up
>become turned on by them
>animal TF/furry fetish
>get disgusted with myself at age 11
>use all willpower to swear it all off
>try to fap to normal porn
>it sucks and i can't
>slowly realize weight gain/chub turns me on a lot
>gravitate toward that slowly
>accept it
>get GF that gains weight
>fetish solidified
Being attracted to fat women, particularly lazy and pampered fat women, is one of my earliest memories of sexual attraction, dating back to when I was between 3 and 4 years old. I started masturbating very early, and some of my earliest memories from doing so were of very fat women on a couch eating huge amounts of junk food while watching TV, conjured completely from my imagination afaik.

I don't know if this was influenced by media, my environment or what. I do remember being fascinated with the infamous fat cartoon scenes at a young age like most people with this preference who grew up in a similar time frame do, but I want to say that this fascination was pushed by a preference that was already there and not the other way around.

I've thought about this allot, and I just can't come up with a concrete answer. It all gets mistier as I get older. Best to just roll with it at this point.
One of my earliest memories and awakenings was watching a video on youtube when i was young where may from pokemon gained weight. From there i went down the rabbit hole
When I was seven there was this behemoth for a kid(4'10 and as wide as a stump). It was the first "weird feeling" I had, afraid but intrigued. I think she moved for a few years or I never paid attention but I saw her again in middle school and damn did she blow up. Almost 6ft and probably over 270. She wasn't too bulging in any place but she was BIG. I didn't have too many classes with her but the sports fields were close to each other. So I saw her play goalie in soccer and lacrosse because she took up like a third of the net. I was on the path running track and every time I passed by, I saw that fat ass paunch and wiggle.
i was sitting next to a fat girl on a school bus
we where chatting about something idr
she needed to move a bit up the seat and when she did her belt popped and i think her button did as well but probably not anyway a little embarrassed she joked it off "guess i ate a bit much huh"and slaped her gut then she asked "feel how full i am"
as soon as my hand digged into her doughy flesh thats when it awoke in me she wasent that full cause her gut was plush,soft and warm
after that i wanted to ask her for that feeling again days later but i was way to embarrassed to ask

now im a man looking for a women that is ether completely embarrassed or confident in her fat
They're generally great and generous with blowjobs.
I'm going to be honest, I don't really fuckin know, the only serious crush I had in highschool was for some rail thin metalhead girl. Hell I even encouraged bullying of some fat girl(I didn't directly bully her, but she was also kind of a piece of shit so it was karmatic, though older me recognizes that she probably had issues with being part of the "popular girl clique" despite being like over 200lbs and was desperate for attention.). I think I can potentially thank the time I went out of state for a convention with my mom and one of the vendor's daughters who was pretty thick and I hit it off because we both liked pro wrestling. Shame I haven't seen her since. Bleh, I hope she's happy cause god I wanted a piece of that.
Did your mom want to go to the convention and she dragged you along or was it the opposite?
I have a lot of stories based around this but here are just a few

I think my very first experience was young staying in a hotel with a water park attached to it, we were at this hotel at the same time as another family we happened to come across multiple times. My family mostly just ignored their existence but i noticed everyone in that family was quite large.

The whole family was fat and the parents were huge. The father had a huge gut and an equally large ass, i had never even seen people this big before and they were half naked right in front of my developing young mind. And the mother was even fatter because she was much shorter, she was just fat all over and bulged out everywhere, but her ass was the largest thing on her for sure.

One day my parents just let me go down to the water park alone because why not its pretty safe. While i was going down the elevator the large woman got on alone and I stood behind her wobbling ass for the whole ride down and watched her shift and wobble as the elevator stopped and she waddled over to the park to meet her family.

Right then and there I am positive is the reason I have an incredibly strong attraction to them, its almost a preference rather than a fetish.
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>>7457 (OP)
Around 1979, I saw a hustler mag with a BBW who later was called "Layla" in BUF magazine.
Shortly after that, I saw a MAD magazine short called "Ruin a Farrah Fawcett Look-a-Like" where this chubby girl was feeding one boxes of cereal. It fucking struck a chord that hasn't stopped vibrating since. It spiraled out of control after that. By the time I was 25, I founded feeder.com. Picrel, my artwork back in the day.
Seems like the prevailing thing that turned people on to fat women here was... noticing fat women. With a couple people starting with cartoons.

Seems to me like there was always a predispisition if this is the case.
It was neither my mom is a celebrity who signs at cons, though I'm not going to say whom because that's getting a bit too personal for an imageboard
I wanted to go too. So yeah
That's nice to hear.
Is she fat?
asking the important questions
Then I do not care for her.
What kind of cons, anon?
when I was younger, wonka, totally spies, and spy kids fucked me up and ended up giving me an inflation fetish, which of course, as a kid with unsupervised internet access, let to me goin on DA. I noticed a lot of DA artists would also draw wg shit too, and that got me learning about like ss/bbws. i kinda rationalized it as getting fat is kinda like inflating but with food. eventually i ended up just liking them as is
A bit rude ain't that?
Even if you said it, no one would believe you.
It's why I spoilered it and chose not to elaborate too much. We're all anonymous here and you don't have to believe me. OP asked for the reason why so I gave it and those details were important, beyond that really means diddly shit.
> lazy and pampered fat women
I have same preference for lazy and pampered fat women, and I can remember a children's comic I read at the age of 10: A fat hen is lazy and laughs at a busy magpie, then it is caught by an hunting eagle because of being too fat. Since then I realized my special fetish to lazy fat women being punished.
My favorite fantasy is that a spoiled princess is fed everything she wants and so well pampered by servants that can hardly move her big body on her own. One day enemy invade, kingdom is destroyed and fat princess is caught. The bossy princess wants to stay arrogant but soon she finds that her fat body is too heavy to react against enemy's humiliation and her well fed belly cant stand any little bit of hunger. Finally she yields and gives up all the dignity, shaking her fat on all fours to beg for food, like a pig.

I don't have that humiliation aspect. I'm turned on by the idea of spoiling an already spoiled woman with food and sex to their heart's content. I also don't like the idea of being a manipulator in this situation, they have to want this.

The ideal for me is a women whose already pretty lazy, spoiled, has a high sex drive, and either likes being fat, is indifferent, or at least likes eating to the point where they tolerate being fat. In this scenario I'm not forcing them to lay on the couch touching themselves all day while slowly working through a family size bag of M&M's; that's what they want to do and I'm not fighting them. Asking me to do little things they could easily do themselves but simply don't want to because lifting their body is too much effort is cute, and getting them to orgasm multiple times per day is also a major plus.

Them being a bit if a slob and kind of rude or bossy also can play in but is far from necessary.

damn, are you me? samesamesame
>>7457 (OP)
I've talked with my therapist about this a bit and this is what I arrived at. I am a twin and before my mum was allowed to leave the hospital I was underweight, so over the course of the day, my mum fed me until I was heavy enough to be allowed to go home. I take the role of my mother in the fantasy, which makes sense considering the way I interact with this paraphilia and in how the thoughts I have about it differ from others.
My shits embarrassing as hell, but I watched a let's play of the Sims 4, by DanTDM, and he like made a weight gain potion in the game, now little 11 year old me gets curious as to what the maximum size a sim can be is, because I was curious, I guess, so I looked up "Sims weight gain potion" and then I got reccomended some fake weight gain stories. Now I religiously look at this board, gotta love old minecraft youtubers, starting fetishes.
I made a super shitty sims 3 weight gain video in like 2013 when I was 12 or something and for a long time it was the first YouTube video that popped up when you searched "Sims weight gain", so in case you saw it, sorry for contributing to you getting this fetish lol.
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A multitude of media.
> the scene from Ben 10 where Gwen temporarily fattens up into a sumo
> the scene from Foster's Home where Frankie eats a fuckton of cookies
> passion patties, of course it's always fucking passion patties
> pic related game's concept as a whole

I hope we get a remake with fatter princesses.
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Fat Princess was definitely one for me. I remember watching game play on my garbage old phone when I was 12.
who knows? maybe they'll bring it back to appeal to the battle royal fortnite kids. and with more teams! like Green, or Yellow...
Fat Princess was actually a great game, the feederism part was just a bonus
Chances are low since they made a sequel that I don't think sold well since it wasn't really advertised and the studio dissolved into a new one that hasn't made a game in almost half a decade.
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For me it really became clear as I was 13 and watched Road Trip. The scene with the gorgeous Mia Amber Davis made me feel things no woman had ever done to me before.
My first "God I wish that were me" moment.
>was on vacation in a old house in ashville north carolina
>bored out my fucking mind
>an idea popped in my head
>google "anime weight gain comics"
>was not disappointed
>found deviantart and the rest was history
Let's start with proper fan art though.

>>7457 (OP)
>Rhino School
The prettiest villain girl gets fattened despite being having magnetic body superpower.
>Freaky Stories
A cartoon series that still holds to this day, a model who was paranoid over her perfect hourglass body, ruins it by taking sponge pills. Her sequence is total fetish fuel, the camera focused on her breasts and hips.
>Biker Dawgs some dumb cartoon with bikers on it
Pretty girl gets puffed up, animators focused on her important womanly parts
>Earthworm Jim
You already know this one, Whatshername had a fair amount of fanart of that particular scene. I wish talented fetish artists focus on canon overweight girls.
Saw it on Facebook, how the fuck did they do that?
Similar story to me, at least as far as I can remember. My first true memory of searching out fat girl content was being home alone while my parents were out at a dinner party around Christmastime, I went on DeviantArt and found DwarfPriest’s Peach/Daisy drawings and from there some pregnancy stuff. Instantly hooked, it all suddenly clicked lol.
I also remember some janky ass site that had maybe 30-40 weight gain/blueberry/pregnancy stories on it and being totally mindfucked that you could just find this stuff for free lol
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I think I was always fascinated by fat, I don't think any piece of media implanted that in me but they did make me more aware of it and add other aspects to it.

I don't see many people talking about the frenchfry episode of the lilo and stitch tv cartoon. That episode did so many things right to lodge in my mind as fetish fuel:
>the character's weight gain and fatness brought social judgement from others upon them, the "be healthy and have a good diet" aesop was pushed on the characters from every authority figure they encountered, and lilo at one point was shamed for being unable to hula dance.
>physical limitations brought about by their new-found girth. pleekly was literally immobile at one point and filled his room with so much fat that other people couldn't open his door.
I'd imagine other characters from other series growing to that size which wasn't a fantasy I commonly indulged in before iirc.
>food addiction. the conceit of the frenchfry creature was that it made addictive food people couldn't resist that was massively fattening but never made people full.

I don't see people talk about that episode anymore, which I guess makes sense since the characters are too young or alien to be commissioned much in fetish fanart and that cartoon is no longer being shown much on TV (the episode originally aired in 2004) so people are no longer being exposed to it.

also passion patties and just desserts, but frenchfry was my favourite when I was just discovering this part of myself because it covered the psychological aspect so well. I don't really get turned on by frenchfry anymore, it's a nostalgic piece of media to me now, but I'll always remember it as a sexual influence on me.
For me early on it was a pregnancy kink, I’ve always loved the round shape of bellies. Then after learning it was temporary and a crappy commitment after they popped, it flipped to fat since that stays as long as you want it to. Granted I still get off to preggos every once in a while, but big girls are forever.
I dont know if anyone watched the movie epic movie, its some fucking stupid Narnia knockoff that just rotated on and off tv when I was a kid, and there's a pretty wild fat scene with mystique and I just rember not understanding what sensation I was feeling. bros I was getting that fatty heartache you feel looking at some girl pull her massive belly out of some leggings. it was always little things like that. 2000's really didn't make it easy for kids to get out without a fetish. aint that a stinkah
I believe I was born with my fetish and it's a natural part of my sexuality. I do remember having mutual weight gain fantasies about becoming extremely fat with a wife as young as 4 or 5. I also remember being fascinated with the family guy episode where Lois gets fat and the idea of fat sex.
Epic Movie lol, I know the scene, I stole the DVD from a target when I was a teen and watched the whole movie front to back until the disk stopped working.

(here's the full episode, immobile Pleakley starts about 11:35)

I can't believe someone else remembers Frenchfry - even though I onyl saw that episode a few times as a kid, it definitely is burned into my mind haha, It along with Passion Patties and a couple other cartoons with fat theme episodes that weren't too grotesque messed my brain up. ;( Good memory lad
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When I was a kid in the early 2000s there was this show in the U.S and Australia called "The Biggest Loser" it was a show were basically they would get the biggest lard-asses they could and fat shame the shit out of them while they worked them like field cows till they lost enough weight for the week if they didn't they got sent home via voting.

Ironically this show made my baby-boner go tingly
when they showed the female contestants
I wondered why I felt this why whenever it would happen and before you know it I was watching bbw/ssbbw content on YouTube

But what's even more Ironic is that one of the trainers on "The Biggest Loser" Bob Harper had a Heart Attack due to high levels of lipoprotein in his blood stream and that contestants don't stay thin for very long.
The media was so obsessed with weight loss in the 2000s, whenever my mum brought me to the supermarket I'd check out the magazines by the checkout and there were often headlines about celebrities gaining or losing weight with accompanying unflattering pictures. I was always drawn in by the hyperbolic wording only to be disappointed immensely by the tiny weight difference displayed.

Still, this reminds me about nigella lawson gaining weight and the media coverage of it. I was already attracted to nigella lawson's thin/curvy body so when people around me in my household commented about her weight gain it picqued my curiosity. I scoured the magazines and then the internet for information of her supposedly massive weight gain and I was disappointed by the pictures but the coverage in words was very hot.

>Lawson, as anyone addicted to her cooking shows would have noted, has been creeping towards the less glamorous side of the scale, becoming more corpulent than carnal.

>One poster is quoted in the Daily Mail as writing: "There's no beating about the bush - she's a porker. And no wonder, when she was shovelling those candies down her neck the other night - before she got to her destination for dinner. What sort of an example is she with her weight and her appetite for high-calorie sweets and cream?"

I think I came across weight gain morphs of her. This was before the current big boom in feedism models so most "reality weight gain porn" was morphs or talk about people in the media. I think that's how I discovered the deviantart fat fetish community and the resulting bbw/weight gain comics and morphs as well as weight gain stories.

That was probably the earliest sequence of events that got me to type the phrases "fat woman", "female weight gain", and "obese woman" into google lol. Not the earliest thing that made me realise I liked fat, but probably the earliest that directed me to communities of people who liked fat.
That's because fad diets promoted by these reality shows don't work. King of the Hill is accidentally correct where Bobby and Bill are stout without needing these celebrity fat diets. The key is smaller portions and more athletics.
I'd say it's part they don't work, part people failing to realize that keeping weight off is a large part of things too. They get to a weight goal then will return to a lifestyle that caused them to get fat to begin with. The real solution really is what you stated, but people want fast, easy solutions, rather than actual effective ones.
First time was in secondary school. We were on a school trip and one of the girls at my table absolutely stuffed her face with fried food. I don't think I had a boner that time, but I found her lack of control over her appetite fascinating.
Ah yes Nigella we got her in America as well I always thought she was cute too but we didn't get her show in the U.S until later
I've been remembering some more early fat fetish experiences. There was this assistant in my primary school who worked with the downs syndrome kid, and she was fucking huge. Pretty young too, being in her 20s. She was short, as round as a beach ball and had really fat arms and legs, with the double chin of a total glutton. Always wore leggings and had a pretty face too. I wish I could tell that woman the impact she had on my sexuality.
I also remembering googling fat Samus and Peach a lot and scrolling for long periods of time.
Nigella looks fucking amazing for her age, especially considering her love of comfort food and cocaine lol
Fuck that's hot
Was basically brainwashed into finding fat women attractive via continued exposure to it on YT, Tumblr, etc. late in life

> Be me, at computer. Horny again.
> Google "bbw tumblr"
> The usual softcore links pop up. I've seen them a thousand times. They're not very good.
> Click anyway. Scroll down to same gif of ssbbw model struggling with her pants, belly flopping over the waistband. So hot. Imagine her laying on top of me while eating doughnuts.
> Get one nut. Not enough.
> youtube.com. "bbw eating sheet cake"
> Find a new video. Grainy, 2fps, woman 4/10. 42 seconds long with ad plastered across center.
> Don't care. Fap anyway.
> Finally enough. Wipe myself clean.
> Post nut clarity washes over me.
> "What's wrong with youtube and tumblr? Why did they make me click? I must've been brainwashed by their pro-fat agenda again! This is all their fault!"
> Go to fat fetish message boards to complain.
> Thread about origin stories. Perfect. Read some for a laugh.
> Everyone else was born with this preference, and had it woken up at some point or another. What a bunch of losers.
> Tell them my sad origin story. They'll show me the pity I deserve.
becoming attracted to fat women is so terrible, I feel you. Having your dating pool restricted to thin *and* fat women is so restrictive! I want to be disgusted by a portion of the dating pool and a common body type in my peers as they age but instead my pp gets hard! I wish I'd never been brainwashed by the liberal media showing me that fat people can exist in a sexual context. I was sucking my friend chad's dick the other night whilst he took a shit (spaghetti wednesdays amirite) and he made a joke about how disgusting my fat GF is and I could only think "If only I wasn't attracted to fat people, chad would respect my GF" (I couldn't speak because his cock was in my mouth ofc).
It’s awkward to admit, but the first time I really took notice or interest in weight gain was my mom. My parents separated at about the start of my teens and mom took it pretty hard. She got kind of depressed, started overeating and piled on nearly 100lbs in a short time, after being in good shape for her entire life.

I didn’t find it a turn on, it was still my mom after all, but I remember finding the whole thing fascinating in ways I didn’t understand. Normal people probably would’ve been shocked and worried, but I liked having a front row seat to watch her huge weight gain. It was weird seeing her suddenly start getting a round belly and then just noticing tons of changes to her body week to week. I’d seen fat women before but it was the first time I’d ever seen a slim woman become fat. She would often wear clothes at home that she had outgrown, I don’t know if it was denial or just being too lazy and depressed to go shopping for bigger clothes, but it definitely makes it easy to notice that someone is gaining weight when they’re literally bulging and spilling out of clothes that fit them just a few months ago. That was also the first time I realized that you can get stretch marks from weight gain and not just pregnancy. Mom didn’t say much about her weight gain at the time, maybe just occasionally complaining about something specific, and I didn’t want to bring it up for fear of saying something awkward or upsetting, so it was kind of just the elephant in the room.

Eventually her weight stabilized as she got back on her feet emotionally. Over time I realized that I had a weight gain fetish and that it was a whole ‘thing’, mostly because of the internet. I don’t think mom’s gain caused it, but that seemed to be the first hint I got.
>>7457 (OP)
I can't say what has explicitly made me attracted to fat girls, but I've been into stuffing/weight gain/inflation for the longest time, probably due to scenes from Charlotte's Web and Raggedy Ann and Andy, which I watch excessively during my youth.

Although some part of me wants to say that liking fat girls is genetic, because I know for a fact my older brother is into fat chicks, even though he never talks to me. He didn't know shit about clearing his browsing history, and literally all of his girlfriends and his wife have been fat.

Plus, I ended up marrying a super fat chick, and he always stares at her during family get togethers.
I should add that my wife is both fatter and hotter than his. It's one of the few bits of my life where I feel like I succeeded my brother.
Got me curious now, just how big are we talking? If you're willing to say, of course.
Congratulations! How much is she weighing in at? And did you feed her up or she already came this way?
She was around 250 when we started dating, but the last time she weighed herself a few months ago, it was 322. She says she's going to diet after New Year's (she says this EVERY New Year) and isn't going to weigh herself until then, but god damn she's been a piggy. She is officially out of pants that she can keep buttoned.

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