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I'm just wonderin' if we can be slightly more polite to one another and stop calling each other names. I don't see it adds anything to the wonderful experience of sharing porn. If you insist on being rude, instead of calling my pipe hittin' brothas, I'm gonna sic this enforcer in the black skirt on ya.
>>7406 (OP)
I'm not sure. That sounds, like... ultra gay
its only as gay as you want to make it. however hard you take it i don't judge
Complete waste of a board.
Fuck you, you dribbling mongoloid cunt.
this site is full of emotionally stunted edgelords, so i really would not hold your breath on this one (as evidenced by the above replies)
but this was probably bait anyway so idk why i even said anything lmao
While I agree that the constant projectile-bile-spewing exchanges on the chan don't actually contribute anything to the boards, I find them hilarious to observe most of the time.
Yeah, it's fun to watch the wierdos scream bloody murder at each other but BBWChan really needs to be kinder to itself. The self-loathing of most of the community could be cut with a knife, and it's not the constant piracy that keeps women in the community away from here anymore.
You ain't wrong. That's a thing to talk about women's body like you would of sports cars (and I'm not the last guilty of it), but all the screeching at models doing it only for money when it's straight up their work is pretty ridiculous. Reality of it is that it's not that most of the pros are completely out of the fetish, but rather that they push themselves way past their zone of comfort to make a living out of it. Not all girls into weight gain and stuffing aim to become litteral balls of lard, and at one point they just have to retire because they're constantly pushed to gain more.
>>7406 (OP)
Fuck you coomer nigger, I do as I please
yeah, it's almost comically obvious how much a lot of the users here hate themselves even more than they hate everyone else. i don't expect good behavior from anonymous people, but this shit can't even be enjoyable for them
To be fair, we have come a long way from boards coming to a screeching halt because 2 mentally unstable monkeys decide to call each other dumb, fags and then going "You're projecting!" "Nu-uh! You're projecting!"
Misread the post. My initial reaction was to say "yes. Part of this kink is about general rudeness. Fat spoiled couch queens belching without a care and demanding you bring them more snacks with one hand down their pants idly masturbating and another in a popcorn bowl while binge watching mindless television all Saturday are incredibly hot."

I guess this works too.
The problem is that you guys absolutely suck when it comes to insults.

It's always one of these items:
1. A variation of the words "fag", "retard", "cunt" or a racial slur;
2. An attempt of making up a new slur by joining any word with "fag"
3. "No, fuck you"
Literally the best thing you can do is not respond.

Anonymity is a two way street. Stop giving nobodies attention.
i am GAY

>Expects retards on the internet to come up with original insults

Clearly you misunderstand the purpose. They aren't trying to win an award for best prose, they use those words because for 80% of "normies" words like fag, retard or cunt will trigger an angry or upset reaction because those are the "no no words" of our society.

>2. Newfag, oldfag etc. are internet tradition and so are most of the spawned terms. It's not people coming up with "new slurs" it's mostly referential in nature.

>3. ...No, fuck YOU.

Most trolls are looking for the Goldilocks zone of least effort invested for most anger. If you can keep someone wasting their time spewing out paragraphs and you respond with short shit-tier replies that's even funnier to them
don't know how i fucked the formatting so bad but w/e the point is made
I want a thread about this instead. More spoiled bratty bitches please

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