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As the days get shorter, the weather gets colder, and the second-wave COVID case rate ticks up, so does the "X,000 users online now" number on Omegle. Share your funny encounters here.

And yes, "Oh my! Larissa has gotten so fat!" is still around and sharing their particular brand of obsession on the BBW and feedist tags.
wtf is Omegle
Which one of you is the guy that just says “23 year old male here, 1,013 pounds and hopelessly addicted to food and swelling up more” and then just immediately disconnects every time? It’s so strange
years ago the "Larissa" character (I'm 100% sure they're actually a guy and probably a frequent lurker/poster on here) showed up here to defend herself after a bunch of people were clowning on them in a thread. it ruled.

I admire that guy's commitment to the bit. He's been doing it since the beginning of the summer when he was "678 pounds" and has been slowly incrementing his weight as time goes by. Obviously it's fake but I wonder what he gets out of doing it since he never sticks around long enough to actually chat.
Is that the same guy that claims he lives in California or something. But his writing style is 100% Russian and disconnected when asking about it. )))
>that gay guy who always opens with "Fine with male/male plots?" instead of just saying he's gay
>all the gay guys in general (no offence)
>that guy who obsesses over his weight loss fetish on WG tags (bruh moment)
>that guy who types backwards smiley faces like a fucking psycho
>all the guys with absolutely 0 creativity/originality. you're a 22 y/o 5'6" 300lb girl with blue eyes and brown hair? so is he. etc
bonus round: non-fat tags (though some do apply)
>all the people with incredibly specific fetishes who often (but not always) open with a wall of text
>all the people who want you to RP as a celebrity
>all the unnecessarily rude/brusque people
>all the people with atrocious spelling/grammar, a good % of whom actually do have english as their 1st language
>all the 40+ y/o men (seriously wtf are you doing nigga)
>all the guys looking for someone to RP as all the women in a FFFFFM orgy
>last but not least - the dumbasses who unironically think there are actual women on rp/fetish tags and ask for snapchat/kik/etc
I feel like I vaguely remember that, but I don't think I've ever seen him LARP *as* Larissa. his whole shtick is a peculiar blend of cuckoldry+feedism where he wants us to fatten up his oneitis. I might be misremembering but I don't think he ever even actually dated her lol

>all the guys looking for someone to RP as all the women in a FFFFFM orgy

Never run into this one, but one of my favorite extremely specific requests is the "18/F/lesbian feedee" who only wants to talk to other lesbian feedees who are already in the lifestyle, so that "she" can learn more about what it's like to be in a hot girl-on-girl feeding relationship. You know, for research.

>guys who ask for kik/snap

The worst is the guys who are literally running a bot to post their copypasta in the desperate hope that some day an actual female will take the bait. Bruh, if you were an actual take-no-prisoners daddy dom, you wouldn't need to recruit submissives by spamming an anonymous website with a message that ends "send me a message if you like this but if not have a nice day... GIRLS ONLY"

As of this afternoon he's now "2284 pounds"
2311lbs as of now
Older Millennial with a question for the Zoomers. Is opening a conversation with "hiya" or "heya" acceptable slang now? It sounds weird and Ned Flanders-ish to me, but maybe that's just because I'm old.
>>5700 (OP)
At least the Larissa chick was hot
Did she ever send a pic of herself?
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What makes a great RP for you? Personally, I like it when it's just treated as if it were a real conversation.
Is that Anorei Collins? Where were her breasts?
Lol, never thought of it as flanders-y, but I can see how. It's kinda just a cutsey way of saying hi, and it kinda stands out from the usuals
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I can stand "hiya" and "heya", but if I see a "heyo", I get the fuck out of there.
Former BC Sable

What in the world is that interface? Is there a CLI Omegle client?
I knew someone would ask this question lol. I use an android app called "yOmegle". it's not on the app store anymore but you can find the apk pretty easily.
I use it for 3 main reasons:
>auto-reconnect when the other person disconnects (though this doesn't actually work half the time)
>you can set up automated canned responses and/or auto-disconnect when the other person says a certain word/phrase
>instead of timing out when it can't find someone with a shared tag, it just keeps looking
if anyone knows of a better alternative for android or windows that has the same features, do let me know

Wait, this just clicked for me. Was that actually the Larissa guy? Is he evolving to a higher level?

Meanwhile, "XXX lbs. and mindlessly addicted to blimping up further" has reset his counter to a more believable 600.

>What makes a great RP for you? Personally, I like it when it's just treated as if it were a real conversation.

For me it's when the person on the other end is paying attention to my messages and using her "her", I know imagination to respond with ideas that I can then riff off in return. It's hard to find, but when you match up with someone who has the same set of kink interests and can get in the zone with a shared fantasy that you're both into, it's like a continually increasing positive feedback loop of hotness. I've had just enough encounters like that to keep me coming back and spinning the hamster wheel even though it's a pointless time suck most of the time.

Most people on Omegle are just kind of illiterate and boring, and even when you meet someone who can write and shares your general interests, sometimes they have a very specific scenario that they're determined to do and will keep steering the RP in that direction even if you're not showing enthusiasm for it. But the people who really grind my gears are the low-effort catfish. I know you're not really 19/F/immobile fattened up by your parents, but whatever, I'm a sick fuck and I'm not going on Omegle to make real life friends, so I'll play along if you're an interesting enough conversationalist to make things hot. But what's funny is that the people who want you to pretend they're real are almost never actually fun to talk to. It's like they want you to really believe in their catfish persona, but then they expect YOU to do all the work of keeping the conversation going.
Every time I try this out I keep getting people that are trying to hook up or some shit instead of rping.
Red text 100% types like Larissa guy.
Is omegle a good place to find a feedee? I usually end up just unadding girls there because of post nut clarity, but there's no other place I find more success then omegle. There's sports practice but im akward af and don't know how to approach women. What do you guys think would be better for getting a gf?
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Believe it or not, I actually dated a girl I met on omegle many years ago. She was a BBW but I didn't meet her on BBW tags. To cut a long story short, it went/ended pretty badly.

I think looking for a girl(friend) on omegle is a terrible idea tbh. The gender ratio on that site is probably 90%+ dudes, to say nothing of the fact that any girl looking for a bf on omegle is almost certainly nuts.
Since you mention "sports practice", I'll assume you're probably still in high school. In my experience, online dating just isn't viable for a guy at that age. Unless you're unusually attractive, girls are just gonna see you as pic related lol

Also, if you're actually trying to find a girlfriend on the internet, it's Nerf Tinder or nothing, especially if you're a young guy (more "serious" dating sites like PoF and OkCupid are viable if you're like 30+ and don't mind dating a single mom). Don't whine about how Tinder sucks. We all know it sucks and the game is rigged. But you're far better off putting the time, effort and patience into Tinder instead of omegle. Even though, as I said, if you're in your late teens/early 20s, girls are gonna see you as pic related unless you look like a Greek god or a mumble rapper.

>sports practice
Nigga what?
as someone who's never used omegle, can I get a crash course on how to get into using it for feederism n shit like this?
if possible, shit like >>6845 is talking about
Kik, Snap, and E-thots killed Omegle. Peak Omegle was back in the early 2010's, back when people on there were actually looking for roleplaying and conversation first, and you could maybe connect with them elsewhere if you really clicked.
Found the oldfag.

>in which Anon erps with another male
meh, who cares so long as the dialogue is good?
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Ok buddy.. I've spoken to literally dozens of women, I'm pretty sure I can tell if they are real by now.
bump, this thread almost got kicked off the board.
does anyone here use the vid section? theres this girl ive seen on the fat tag a few times and im fucking obsessed with her. i think she must be a model or something but she says no. dark hair, pale, great tits, sweet voice, anyone know her?

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