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This has been bothering me a lot lately, so I have a question.
How do girls with such big behinds and shelf asses wipe? There is no way they can do it without any assistance right?
Does it smell when you’re with a woman like this?
The fattest assed fat woman I was ever with used baby wipes and one of those reacher grabber tools with the claw and the trigger you pull. We first met up at a hotel and she came prepared lol. She wore a lot of perfume and did her best to be as hygienic as possible for a 400+ woman, so I never noticed any particularly bad smell. But I also never hung out with her intimately in a long term relationship when both partners don't put as much effort in to impressing each other daily.
I'm a bigger gal and if I go #2 I wipe as best as I can and then rinse off in the shower afterwards lol. Most of my fatter friends have bidets.
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>Five football fields of shit smelling foulness I can't even imagine, or maybe I just don't want to.

Jokes aside, I'm male, 5'7 and weigh 180 soaking wet, and even I have to adjust the showerhead to keep my butthole clean. From what I gather, the actul cause of odor is intertrigo, or sweat getting trapped in folds of skin and causing a rash. Something you may be familiar with if you have, or know someone with, large boobs.
So, this is anecdotal experience. But my wife is on the cusp of SSBBW. She's 5'2" 375ish lbs and has a 66 inch measurement for her hips. That said, she's nowhere near the weight/size of someone like Sadie or Bobbi Jo but she's never expressed difficulty wiping and I've never experienced her having poor hygiene in general.
A lot of girls do seem to have a hard time with it but now I think it has more to do with laziness than anything. I met up with a very popular bbw model, huuuuge butt, and I literally couldn’t smell her while I was sticking my face in her ass. So if she could figure it out I don’t see why everyone else can’t.
Dual wipe. full reach like normal people would do(there is a tool they could use such as a grabber like device and tools such as that) and the other is the "front wipe" where you bend over and reach between your legs and wipe that way you get more coverage.

The largest woman i was with did that.
>>5590 (OP)
All of these issues could be alleviated if we just started using bidets.
Fuck you we use dry paper to clean wet messes in this freedom loving country
The two biggest girls I’ve been with were barely above 5’ and one was 375ish and the other over 400. Neither of them had any foul smell in the slightest. It comes down to laziness really.

I have a friend who always makes comments about how girls with (not fat) with big butts or puffy pussies come with stank because those are “sweat traps.” No buddy, I think you just wind up with girls that don’t fuckin’ bathe or clean themselves.
The bidet terrifies anybody who's not Italian or Turkish. I've read some interesting theories but no one can agree on why that is. Probably it's seen as a wasteful luxury.

There's your solution, ladies. Just shower or squirt water up your ass after shitting. Don't stop eating, don't lose weight, don't question your life decisions, just do constant damage control.


Try using soap, dumbass.


I bet her pussy smelled just AMAZING with all that back-to-front wiping. I can't imagine a big fat bitch can wipe front to back easily with her giant ham hock arm between her legs.

If those of you who claim you've had sex with a woman over 300 pounds are telling the truth, (I can't imagine you'd lie to brag about something like that) please cease and desist. The more you lower your standards, the fatter every woman is going to get and normal men will have no choice but to just fuck down or stay celibate. Why lose weight and take care of yourself when some dipshit will fuck you and feed you cheesy potatoes all day long?
your anger is feeding me

apart from that I’m a fatty. I weigh 420ish right now. I have a shelf ass but luckily I’m flexible and can twist around and wipe normally. I use baby wipes and go in with TP to make sure everything is dry. Even if I wasn’t fat I’d still use wipes or get a bidet. Wiping shit off your ass with just some dry toilet paper seems revolting. Sure I get the sweat smell If I’ve been doing stuff during the day like most people. I take a lot of pride in my hygiene so I shower daily and like to use spray deodorant in all the creases I have which keeps them dry and smelling just fine.
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First, nice weight.

Second, thanks for sharing how you stay clean. It's neat to know.
>The more you lower your standards, the fatter every woman is going to get and normal men will have no choice but to just fuck down or stay celibate.
Good. More women for me. Stay mad.
>use soap dumbass

I'm not even sure that is the best method. You would need a seperate bar just for your ass, which would not go over well with your SO.
>your anger is feeding me

Yeah and let's be honest, you've been fed enough.

>I weigh 420ish right now
>If I’ve been doing stuff during the day like most people

Do please enlighten me what "stuff" you do during the day, like most people. When you say "most", do you mean other landwhales, or normal people? What the fuck do you do, other than just laying in bed eating garbage?

>You would need a seperate bar just for your ass

Stop using bar soap. Use body wash, you poor piece of crap.

>which would not go over well with your SO

Don't say SO, faggot. This isn't Reddit. Who the fuck shares their soap? It shouldn't be unfathomable that two people can live together and have their own soap.

I think what you meant to say is, your parents would get mad at you if they washed their face with the single bar of family soap, and smelled your ass on it.
lots of tiny dick malding energy itp
Usually things like walk my dog twice a day, I have a little garden I tend to. Usually do some sort of chores during the day. Sometimes I like to do yoga and work out with resistance bands. There isn’t much else to do right now. Don’t know why you’re on here if you’re so upset with fat people and our mere existence.
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Just let anon be. We don't get garden variety trolls here. We get mediocrities. The ones who can't get noticed on larger boards.

7 1/2 inches normally, but the highest I've been was 8 inches on the nose. I went 5 days without masturbating and then saw my first Shylark video, was really turned on.

>and then I wake up from my dream and go back to eating fried butter

I really don't believe any of that.

> Don’t know why you’re on here if you’re so upset with fat people and our mere existence.

When you say "here" do you mean this site? Or this board? I come to the site for the tits board, usually, for copywritten shit I can't be bothered paying for. The rest of the site is pretty disgusting.

I'm not upset at fat people though. I really don't care, I just like trolling. I lost my virginity to a fat girl, lol. We still keep in touch.

>The ones who can't get noticed on larger boards.

I troll on larger boards too. Any port in a storm really. It's redundant to say that all you get is mediocre trolls though. That's all trolls are, really. Just losers who like to start nonsense fights and flame wars.

I just wanted to post to say I'll leave you back to your discussion. Just tired of checking all the threads I've trolled, so I'll probably just go back to lurking for porn.

Remember, fighting on the internet is like competing in the special olympics. Whoever wins is still retarded.
>Don't stop eating, don't lose weight, don't question your life decisions, just do constant damage control.
Anon I don't know how else to tell you this as a fellow American, but we as a society need to learn how to wipe less and use water more efficiently. The sheer amount of panic buying we saw in the early days of the pandemic-driven lockdowns were a sorry state of affairs. You don't have to be fat in order to practice better sanitation, but if you are fat and don't then just what the fuck are you doing?
confirmed mad and balding
I have an air force friend who is currently stationed in Okinawa and he lovingly refers to Japan as the "Land of the Bidets"–I imagine once he moves back one the first things he's gonna install in his new place is a bidet wand. They're pretty cheap, like $40 to $50; you can install it yourself. My father on the other hand worked as government contractor in the middle east in the previous decade and he actively refuses to get one because it's unamerican I guess? Something about Saudi luxuries; probably islamophobia.
If his only exposure to Arabs is the Sauds, can we really blame him? He might be bigoted for all I know, but there's truth with a little bit of irony mixed in there. They make Trump look like Frank Lloyd Wright.

The reaction against the Sauds is cool and good, and eventually some clever dick will campaign on pulling out from the mideast -- and mean it (This has nothing to did with the bidet, which is slowly catching on via internet.)
It wasn't his only exposure to the Arab world. According to him he didn't come across many bidets in Iraq or Afghanistan; his time spent in Qatar though was the shortest of his career and one thing that stood out to him was those high tech all-in-one toilet/bidet hybrids that you see in places like Japan. Definitely a luxury hotel item, but he gave me an anecdote that you could usually tell when someone has used a bidet by how wet their thawbs were because some people evidently didn't bother to wipe afterward which I was like, okay? Don't know what I'm gonna do with this information; I just wanna have an easier time cleaning my ass lol
>I troll on larger boards too. Any port in a storm really. It's redundant to say that all you get is mediocre trolls though. That's all trolls are, really. Just losers who like to start nonsense fights and flame wars.

if you're aware that you're being an idiot and a loser, then why the hell are you doing it? i can understand the non-self-aware trolls doing it, but you seem to realize that it's a waste of everyone's time. so what is the point here exactly lol
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>decadent Westernized Saudi elite hypocrites washing themselves with bidets instead of using a handful of sand like the Prophet did

and they wonder why the masses flock to the banner of jihad
who was it anon
>>5590 (OP)
Dated a famous SSBBW who broke her arm once.
I wiped for her. It was erotic AF!
Dated another SSBBW in college who was all back. She only wore spandex.
I french kissed her chocolate starfish, and she got aroused and farted on me as I did.
We broke out into passionate love making.
I was going at her from behind while she was on her stomach.
She gently pulled me in with her hand because she could tell I was about to come.
I pulled out in fear because I thought I was in danger of knocking her up.
I wasn't.
Saddest day of my life.
Also, years later, I still can't find her on social media.
Oh, Nancy. I was a stupid kid. I had a shot at happiness with her.
Get me the friggin' hot tub time machine!
Who is it?
I never understood this, how the hell do you even find these women let alone meet up for sex with one?
Chiming in on this because I've dated a pretty good number of SSBBWs (and married one) so I have a bit of experience to stand on.

Basically here's the deal: everyone's hygiene standards are different and you're gonna come across some of everything. Depending on how "familiar" she smells you could either vibe on it or not. Generally I find that pubic hair tends to hang onto smells a bit longer, so I find shaved coochie (and ass) a bit easier to eat, but YMMV on that one.

The biggest SSBBW I was ever with (just under 500 lbs) was super fastidious about her cleanliness and always insisted on having time to be "ready" (i.e. showered and shaved) before we met for sex. So of course she was super yummy.

I also had a lot of fun with women who let me bathe them beforehand; it would just be a fun foreplay activity and I'd make them cum a few times in the soapy bath or shower before we'd get into squeaky clean fun elsewhere.
How did you come to this website, let alone this board on this website, if you clearly have no interest in fat chicks?
It's what happens when people live in denial of their true sexual urges and try to suppress them. This guy is here to masturbate to fat women and then pretend like he didn't just do that by acting all disgusted to compensate for the shame he feels, because he lets his dude-bro normie friends dictate his personality.

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