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Me personally, most of my close friends and family know but I don't go telling everyone about it.
I fully intend on taking this secret to the grave
I mean it's not something I tell people but it's not something I hide either.
Most people are too busy with their own lives to care too much about you anyways. The previous 3 girls I've dated have all been short, fat blondes my own age & ethnicity, then one of my closest friends wants to introduce me to this girl who he thinks I'm gonna like.. she's a significantly younger tall skinny girl with dyed read hair from a completely different place in the world???
Is like autism and special interest, you like something it but you know it will bore people or make you feel weird because is out of the norm. I'm happy just enjoying it by myself with the casual online discussion/conversation.
Not really. As a bigger guy my partners have all been bigger women so people don't bat an eye when they see us together
There's this real big dude in my hometown, and we've dated at least 3 of the same 300+ pound girls

No idea if he's got the fetish or if he's just really into looksmatching, I guess that's at least the bonus of being a fat guy if you're insecure about it.
Most people who know me well have figured out I'm an FA and I've told a few outright. Though I admit I've downplayed just how far my preferences go. I'm not proud but I find it embarassing to admit 350+ lb women turn me on. To me that's where "preference" edges into "fetish," and most people don't share their fetishes with anyone but their intimate partners. And anonymous freaks like you guys lol.

The outright fetish aspects — WG and feedism — are strictly confidential. I've never shared them with anyone IRL, even LTRs. Not just out of embarassment but because I think they're sadistic and morbid and I don't want to be thought of as a sadistic or morbid person.

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