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I’m just going to blog in this thread.

Farmers better be the richest peoples because how often do we see cities of people eating and doing fake jobs? I want a purge. We also never needed people to own markets, that’s parasitism. Cut the middleman. So many “businesses” are merely parasites. I want abundance of indoor farmers~markets etc sort of things. That lowers prices and increases all qualities, as well as supports the true&diverse economy. Doctors should also be richer and available for people without cost. Police on the other hand are best if they’re not doing it for the money, IE paid in the improvement in society itself. Police in my sort of truest nations are a paramilitary that actively solve all and value soulfulness as currency and achieved
~idealism as currency and community quality as currency. A true police force seriously gatekeeps out “police” who aren’t idealistic. Also any true university is free.

Like wow, we seriously need a massive amount of true police on anti-parasite duty 24/7. A police force doesn’t function without the idealism. Sub-standard idealism doesn’t do deep enough solving. Substandard idealism of paramilitary is why some universities were made not free.
I don’t really need anyone having jobs except really farmers. And people who make money by playing some of my economies like a game, should be removed from my economy.
Things like UBI is innate to my economies. My peoples are best doing what my peoples enjoy, especially doing nothing and loving. my peoples loitering around is infinite verities of generacy.
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In a highly functioning version of my societies, typically the vast majority of people are just loitering around all day. Loitering around, being with friends and such, that’s a people that quickly develop standards of idealism and ways to solve and enforce such standards.
Any ideal is an Idealism, some positivity is required for every positive choice.

I feel the strongest societies facilitate the vastest diversity of unassociated stories.
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Farmers tend to do what farmers tend to do in order to create a people. It’s apart of the greater generacy where work actually amounts to something and eventually ceases to be work.

If a people are prevented from loitering/making infinite~dimensions~of~generacy, that prevention tends to be because of invasion.
An economy is a collective soul. We should ask ourselves what’s good for the soul.
Creating a society were God rules and fat happy people thrive would be nice. .
You keep saying trespass like that means something, you slack-jawed retard.
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Says someone who knows they’re trespassing.

Get karma, along with anyone associated with you, vibe parasites.

If the internet was a typical house party, you’d be inside the oven or gatekeeped until presumably leaving the community no choice but to impale you outside the house for all to see as a warning sign to others.

We know what you are. You’re why fun people avoid this place. I hear 20,000 Philistina kids got killed by you deranged goons. People aren’t surprised when seeing you lowlifes wandering around 4chan like it’s a warzone.
But I hear hundreds of y’all get killed a day, so I still speak because I feel the internet and the world is getting better.
>speaking Nazi propaganda
>"y-you’re why fun people avoid t-this place!"

Take a shower and eat a salad, sweaty. I bet you're not even from a part of Canada people want to go to.
It’s not Nazi propaganda Jews did just kill 20k children while blowing up their homes, schools, hospitals, water treatment facilities.
All obvious war crimes, all clearly ethnic cleansing. Looks like the Nazi were right about the Jews.
Take a shower
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Nah, you’re going into the showers, invader.

You’re fully aware that you’re an invader that isn’t welcome in any of my communities. And you’re fully aware you’re merely here to attack this community. And you’re fully aware that you’re here to harm innocent people by damaging communities.

All matters.

Thanks for being here, true channer.
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>shows up out of nowhere
>starts talking about his communities
>immediately tries to "other" people
There are other Nazis that did this way more artfully because they know how to be subtle when being pervasive. You sound like a teenager that just got off a Crowder binge watch. Come back when your balls drop.

As much as I'm for Palestine, aligning myself with Nazis is not how it's done. You're a retard.
The fetish community became weird. It's like an assisted living facility
It isn't nazism to hate the jews for doing an ethnic cleansing, but a common sense reaction to the immorality of apartheid systems.
That said, this canadian guy is a fanatical paranoid schizo. Bro should go armed to his next gay protest to protect the cause and keep his people safe
The Nazis weren’t right about the genocide, ethnic cleansing is never ok and in America we need to protect the rule of law by Christian ethics of compassion and charity (which are alien to Jews).
It’s a fact the Nazis were right that “the Jews are powered by the blood of children”,100% a metaphor describes Zionism and Jewish law.
Nobody likes Israel enough to defend it. Netanyahu stays in power by using Christian Fundamentalists in America and appearing before the Cowboys game. My fundamentalist pastor doesn't care, Christianity cares about Vietnam, Manilla, and China. They're now using Joe Rogan and whatever N Korean with an awesome rack to get people to vote whatever. Meanwhile, Trump is winning cause he trolls these assassins so hard despite subsisting on McDonald's.

I think Canuck cuck could be those Catholics who hate liberalism. Then again, the Klan was based on Christian law and mellowed out. Catholics are just mad the goth chick didn't blow them
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Leave my internet, Jew-faggot invaders. None of my world is ewfag apocalypse-worshipers. Y’all aren’t of any of my peoples.


Get shot like the rest of y’all.

Scaring the girls away.

And only jews are afraid of nations&societies/NAZISM because y’all already condemned the world to apocalypse and are merely trying to treat it like a temporary carnival ride. Y’all scared of the empowerment of anyone who isn’t Jewish.

Y’all are jokes that grew legs
>the world is going to be destroyed by our fag so you have to worship our fag.
Unbelievable. And you get upset when we kill you. Victory to Hell and all undoing to your fag ew and your fag ew apocalypse. Victory to the world and the worlds communities. What a joke.

I’m probably talking to the last of the VPN IDF hostages/conscripts. Yall unironically murdered kids for your egotrip. I hope an Iranian and an Ottomin and a Latin hunt yall down quick.
>Using Assassin's Creed to show us you're bad-ass

Oh my god you ARE 16 aren't you
I'm gay and my dick is small

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