
(3.0 MB, 900x6270, the_19_sexiest_fat_archetypes_by_galago_d7r6c51 (1).png)
Saw there used to be a thread on this that died, and was kinda disappointed to see it get forgotten.

So thread summery: What are your favorite tropes in this kink? This can be very broad, anything from fantasy stuff, roleplay, erotica, or IRL feedism. Tropes being any types of cliches, themes, subkinks, or anything that you see in FA-related content that you go feral for.

Pic only semi-related. While stereotypes are a trope, they aren't the only ones.
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An example I remember people mentioning in the last thread: Worldwide/global weight gain.

I love seeing the impacts of obesity on a broad scale, and how it impacts people in a much bigger way. An example might be that The Fairly OddParents episode which has one of these episodes. There are a few fics and other media with this too, and ocassionally a model tries to make a model vaguely related to this idea.
• Stuck (doorways, chairs, cars, etc)
• Struggling/out of breath
• Clothes don't fit
• Embarrassment/public humiliation
• Unintentional weight gain/re-gain
I love maxing out or breaking scales. Especially analog ones. Some that come to mind - Donna Simpson when she was on big hot bombshells stepping on two 300lb capacity scales, maxing both out simultaneously, then stepping full weight on each and they collapse in the middle. Ash also has a great scale crush video where it bends the metal underneath. Don’t know why but I find that incredibly hot.
I love denial of weight gain, or even just moving the goal post of what one considers fat. A girl becoming 300 lbs and just referring to herself as a bit chubby is hot af! Leads nicely into ill fitting clothes and constant snacking.
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Bit of a weird one I know, but honestly, I LOVE Body Positivity / Fat Liberation / Health At Every Size stuff.

Like idk if it's a confidence thing (seeing bigguns who know that they are big, and actually are proud about flaunting it), a taboo thing (thinking fatness is healthy, while stuffing themselves on unhealthy food like crazy) or something else entirely. Either way, it's very hot to me as a concept. Mostly see it in Fat acceptance models who are open to being a bit more forward with some pics/content, but ocasionally seen in some erotica stories, and usually makes for a hot little cliche.

Not trying to make this one of those "DEA HAES" threads (take that to the drama/controversial thread) but stuff like the Tess post and others from people like her make me swoon.

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