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Hey everyone, I’ve got a question: what do women think about guys who are into BBWs? Do they see them as 'creepy' or what?
I’ve always wondered about this. I mean, while chubby women, BBWs, and SSBBWs are beautiful, it’s also true that outsiders might see it as some sort of sexualization or fetishization, making it seem like the attraction is only based on looks.
Given that body shaming is mostly done by other women, many of them must speak ill of us behind our backs.
It's a mixed bag in my experience.

Skinny women almost invariably think it's weird/creepy. The only exceptions I can think of are women who are themselves slim but have fat friends/sisters, so maybe there's a bit more empathy there?

Fat women can go either way. I feel like that's a topic that's been done to death on this board, but in brief, some of them appreciate it and others think it's weird/creepy/gross/you're fetishizing them etc.

I think this guy is on to something too. There are plenty of guys - particularly "alpha" guys - who hate fat women (even on this board where they jerk off to fat women but hate them at the same time), but nobody hates fat women more than other women.
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Keep your attention/energy/soul/dimensions for thinking about the girl you’re wanting. Everyone is unique in infinite multiverses of ways.
>>53753 (OP)
I think it depends how you go about it. I hate how liking bigger girls is a fat "fetish", the word just gives it this malice, dark, untrustworthy undertones that make it out to be something sinister, that we only like them because they are fat. But that's not true. You aren't attracted to women that are just fat, there are plenty of unattractive fat women. You don't just look at a lump of fat and get an instant boner do you? No, it's her pretty face, smile and personality etc and who also happens to be big. That's all there is to it. No one bats an eye if someone is into Asian girls or girls with glasses or women being into tall men or hairy men, its only when it's fat its called a 'fetish'. Its just another physical descriptor

It's best to avoid bringing having a fat 'fetish' up altogether. Just say if ever asked that you prefer bigger girls or plus size girls. People might find it a bit unusual at first but as long as you are respectful and just leave it at that most people just get over it and move on. The problem lies when you make it creepy like you start talking about how much you love belly and want to funnel feed her or some shit like that. THEN you are creepy. Just like how most women do not like being sexualised, fat women don't either

And when dating/getting involved with fat women don't bring it up. She will get the message soon after you are not able to keep your hands off her, touching her all over enthusiastically. People who aren't into fat women are never as enthusiastic when being intimate with them. To them the fat is like an obstacle to overcome, not an aspect to be enjoyed. She will take notice and you won't ever have to say it out loud. Just make sure to stop touching places she might be uncomfortable with at first. Respect her boundaries and if its your first time with her, DON'T go straight for the belly or playing with any other non-standard erotic spot of the body. You gotta start plain and acceptable like boobs and ass then you can see try other things lightly as you both get more comfortable. Once you both are more comfortable with each other after seeing each other for a longer time, big girls will usually let you touch whatever or do whatever you want, like sit on you, crush you with their thighs maybe even let you feed them if you introduce it very slowly. They may even start to really enjoy it for themselves and you won't come off as creepy at all if you just take your time. Plus when complementing things you like about them, tailor the complements specifically to them. For example say I love YOUR thighs or I think YOUR belly is cute. Don't say I love fat women's thighs or I love a big belly. Then they will really feel like they are being fetishised as that complement could apply to anyone else who also has those features.

Date them out in the open, treat them normal. You would be considered far more of creep if you dated them in private and hid them away. Have her meet people you know, the more people see her the less strange it becomes.

Long story short, you only come across as creepy if you make it creepy. Just be upfront and honest about what you like, don't talk about why you like it in a sexual way, take things slow and be seen to treat your partners as you would another women who would be skinny
>>53753 (OP)
Most likely you'll be looked as a weirdo and depending on the person, you'll never hear the end of it.

Also fat women won't like it either because most don't even like themselves. They'll believe you only like them because they're fat. It's extremely rare to see a random fat woman who actually likes being fat. Another thing is that people are completely different when horny. We get horny by fat women, but deep down we know it's unhealthy as fuck. Imagine how a fat woman feel. She'll struggle with simple tasks because she's fat and even though she may like it when she's horny, she'll hate it when she has to do anything productive or even fitting in a seat.

Saying this to your partner it depends. She may be willing to give it a shot if she's skinny or if she's fat, she may accept it. But majority of the time they'll think you're weird, or they may try it out but stop before things get going. Unless she's super submissive and is willing to do anything to make you happy, but y'know how modern women are these days.

And some fat models are doing this for the money anyway, that's why you see so many quit. They are putting their lives at risk and most prioritize that over ruining themselves over a fetish. It's extremely rare for you to find somebody that likes this shit. The most you'll get is a chubby women without sexualizing their body, and once you do that it's already over.
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Well, well, well, what do we have here?
She is an artist who creates art inspired by body positivity.
>Skinny women almost invariably think it's weird/creepy.

Not in my experience — overall I've gotten more positive feedback from thinner women. My wife has outed me a few times, her thin sister knows about it. A while back I told a thin female friend about it and word got around. I've also had social media interactions where it's come up.

The funniest/worst example was a friend of my wife's who framed it like I was this enlightened male who could see inner beauty. Besides being a direct diss at my wife ("You're disgusting but he doesn't mind") it was just plain wrong. I objectify women every hour of every day. They just happen to be fat.

Fat women have been a mixed bag. Some are intrigued, some very receptive, but many have been turned off by it. Seems self-defeating but I kinda get it. Most fat women don't like being fat, and they don't want it to be highlighted, much less fetishized for it. It's a tricky dance; I imagine it's the same for guys who are into, say, Asians or huge boobs.
That's all there is to it. No one bats an eye if someone is into Asian girls or girls with glasses or women being into tall men or hairy men, its only when it's fat its called a 'fetish'. Its just another physical descriptor

This is what I've been telling people for years, but put better.

We don't call men who like only fit women, fit-chasers, and we don't call men who only like thin women thin-chasers. So why is it when a man likes big women that suddenly "no that's wrong".
I appreciate the advice but I've been around the block; I learned most of this shit the hard way.
I never tell girls I have a fat fetish unprompted. When it comes up, I usually just tell them I prefer big girls and leave it at that.
There were two girls I did tell. One was very enthusiastic about it. The other said it was "boring".
>Most fat women don't like being fat, and they don't want it to be highlighted, much less fetishized for it.
Ding ding ding! Correctamundo.
>I was this enlightened male who could see inner beauty
Honestly I think even some fat girls see it this way. They want a guy who just doesn't care about their fat, not a guy who actually likes it.

Part of the problem here (IMO) is that when a girl says she "doesn't want to be fetishized", that's all well and good, but some of them have a very low bar for what they consider "being fetishized". For some of them "fetishization" is literally just liking their body. I've been with girls who wouldn't even let me touch their belly during sex. And I appreciate what >>53763 is saying about working up to that point etc, but honestly, unless I really like the girl, I just don't have the patience for that shit.
>>53753 (OP)
it doesnt matter waht women, or anyone, thinks about anything ever. if you care about that then youll never be happy. with that said, if you are asking cause youre trying to get laid, then just approach any girl youre into (presumably a fat girl), and DO NOT BRING UP THE FETISH. just act normal, pretend shes a thinno, yorue a thinno, everyones a thinno and the fetish doesnt even exist. just act like everythings completely the exact same as if there was not fetish or fat at all. if she rejects you, which she probly will cause fat girls are fucking insane, just take the L and move on to the next one. if youre in an area with no fat girls, then just give up and commit suicide. or move to where more fattys are
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LOL this chick acts like her art isnt a direct copy of the google art style, the most corporate lifeless corporation ever. self important lady i promise no fat fetishists are following you, you just hate your body and want to take it out on men. your art sucks
>>53753 (OP)
I fucking hate men in general, but at least they're sometimes frisky coomers who draw nice fetish art for me to look at
Are you one of those "AlL mEn ArE tRaSh!" Stans?
Oh look, it's one of those "not all men" troglodytes. You should be gelded by the government for being mentally primitive, you subhuman knuckle-dragging babboon
Sounds like you've already gelded yourself, troon. You can't escape your genetics so you might as well fast forward to the part where the paramedics find your corpse face down in a toilet.
I think it's really funny that any fat women would get angry that men interested in them find them sexually attractive. What, the men that are supposed to date them need to be disgusted with them like everyone else and yet love them in spite of this?
You really should kill yourself, you transphobic sack of shit.
Nobody likes trannies you fucking mongoloid. I would say kill yourself but chances are you already removed yourself from the gene pool.
(314 KB, 599x510, BmUTLZMCUAAryuq.png)
>>Nobody likes trannies
nobody except closet gay transphobic wankers apparently.
In what world is having sex with a cross-dressing black male prostitute an arrestable offence? smh truly the land of the free
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Trans, screw off from my world.

My attention always to the most bigoted feminists ever.

We obviously have only certain people welcome to our house party. Y’all who aren’t welcome are aware.

No. Leave our internet.
Leave my world.

>also ews that write news about ews as if they’re apart of the non-ews

>”today the French opening ceremony” -picture of ews-

The REAL opening ceremony wasn’t on any ewish media. Y’all seem to have tried to concoct some idea of a bizarre fake world that coincides with your apocalypse cult.

Get off your VPN and leave your bombed out bunker and get shot, IDF goon.

The world is eternal.

Real girls are never pro-trans.
You can say jew, anon. Stop being a zoomer who self-censors everything
(359 KB, 1104x827, manual.jpg)
i really like the picture you posted with those hot androgynous amazon warrior queens. fapping rn tbh.

also i't like to tell you that the feelings, fantasies and emotions that overcome you late at night and make you clandestinely touch your cute little peepee night are totally natural and normal for a "boy" of your kind.

Just relax. Maybe wear a nice pink butt plug, it might help you loosen up a bit and relax your constipated outlook on things :)

now fly and sparkle, my cute little pixie! get out of the closet, you got this!

picture is related: practice time <3
>>53753 (OP)
I would imagine it depnds on the extent of fetishism. Very few people actually like being "fetishized", so the same way that skiny women would like to know that you'd love them if they gained a few pounds, larger women probably don't want to be with someone who'll stop finding them attractive if they lose weight.

When I was dating my GF in college I was told by another chick that we were very cute together, though she was just little over 200lbs so within the Chubby/BBW range.
If you yourself are decently put together and don't bring sexual stuff in public, nobody will bat an eye. If you bring up that you "like bigger girls" while going after women around 300lbs, that's where men & women I think will think less of you because they'll think you're looking to fullfil a fetish rather than a genuine relationship (even if you might be looking for both). Feederism is one fetish that I would not be confirtable with, you are to an extrent slowly damaging another person's body for sexual grafitication.
I blame the belief that everything is a social construction, except for whatever reason when it comes to sexual orientation.
>We don't call men who like only fit women, fit-chasers, and we don't call men who only like thin women thin-chasers. So why is it when a man likes big women that suddenly "no that's wrong".

I agree with you to a degree but I think the reason people think it's "wrong" is because most other common preferences are for physical characteristics that are either a neutral or a positive on someone's health/wellness. Big boobs signify fertility. Glasses signify intelligence. (Not saying these things are true, but it's the subconscious bias). Liking a specific ethnicity of person can be seen as weird, but is still considered relatively harmless.

Liking fat is considered transgressive largely because modern society has hyper-internalized that fat people are unhealthy, lazy, have no self control, are low income or low education, etc. So if you're into fat, you're bucking societal norms on how we're "supposed to" see overweight people. And as a species, we're evolutionarily programmed to be suspicious/rejecting of people who ignore societal norms.

For the record I think most of the social perceptions are bullshit and like I said I agree with you, in an perfect world liking fat women should just be seen as a preference equivalent to liking athletic women or blondes or whatever.

It's complicated.
There's a clear difference between your so-called "bullshit societal perceptions" and "common preferences" in that you attach negative cultural connotations to fatness, without considering that such connotations are not universal or on the level of the "common preferences". You can speak only for yourself ameritard, not for the masses of individuals from more tolerant cultures.
99% of fat women hate their bodies more than you or I have ever hated anything. If fat was jews, fat women would make the nazis seem like a human rights organization. If fat was mexicans, fat women would make trump famous for saying "tear down this wall!"

They hate their bodies so much that they genuinely, actually choose to believe they are living in a different reality, and are the most delusional people alive. A world where contradiction doesn't exist; where they are simultaneously thin, fat, worthy of love for who they are on the inside and their body doesn't matter, their bodies are sexy, don't need society's approval, deserve society's approval, are healthy, don't need to exercise, don't need to change their diet, are currently on a diet, don't need to lose weight, are currently losing weight, the men can only get off to thin women should be able to get off to them, and that the men who can only get off to fat women are gross. None of it makes sense because it's 100% delusion.

The 1% of fat women who don't mind being fat are happy, fulfilled and get laid significantly more than thin women do.
I hate to acknowledge how accurate this is. And unfortunately it's justified, no matter how much we admire and support them. Even beyond health/mobility or any other practical issues, the way most of society looks at fat women is unbelievably brutal. The shit that gets said out loud is just the tip of the iceberg. Even fat women look down at other fat women.
>Even fat women look down at other fat women.

Bring up an SSBBW when talking to a BBW - guarantee they will eventually confess they're happy they're not THAT fat. Even among the fat community, there's othering.
Fat is like Jewishness. It’s normal enough but indicative of greedy morality and poor genetics.
Poor people are fat for they’re lazier than greedy.
Yet obesity rates are fairly low among Jews, huh. It's because you're lazy and stupid and unaccomplished as a result, and thus resent others you perceive as successful.
> obesity rates are fairly low among Jews
What does that have to do with Jewishness and obesity being outward facing signals for poor genetics and poor morality?
>Fat ... indicative of greedy morality and poor genetics
>Jewishness ... indicative of greedy morality and poor genetics

Yet relatively few Jews are fat. Doesn't add up.

Then again, you wrote this sentence:

>Poor people are fat for they’re lazier than greedy.

Because you're stupid.
Don't you have a rowof schoolbusses full of Palestinian children to bomb, you nazi jew? Gtfo here. Fucking jews
High IQ isn't a sign of morality.
I dunno, antisemite and the alt right are being ignored by MAGA. Trump is throwing those wacky evangelicals under the bus cause he doesn't want to play by their rules. That Russia fed money must be worthless. I can see Trump winning if only because his handlers are doing a good job keeping him out of prison
as others have said, it's mostly presentation. the line between 'it's a fetish' and 'it's a type' really comes down to how you act for something like this. most people like when they're your type, relatively few like being your fetish. the difference is that being someone's type means you have a better chance at winning them over with your other qualities, but being someone's fetish means your other qualities are much less important.

think about it this way: imagine you have persistent acne. it's probably something you're insecure about. if an attractive woman says she thinks acne is cute, you might take that as a win, because hey, you might be able to score. but if she talks about it at length, maybe even says she wants to make sure you don't practice skincare, that you should eat an oilier diet to promote acne, you'd get creeped out. if it's an insecurity, you like a little compliment because it makes the insecurity seem like less of a burden, but the more emphasis someone adds, the more it feels as though your acne is the only thing that matters. that's not great even if you also have an acne fetish, and if you don't it's crushing.

this is basically true of all dating tbh. if you're looking for a relationship, you probably want to at least feel as if you're winning on your personality. even if they're totally conventionally attractive, most people will want to feel as if they're also a catch beneath the looks. for fat people, they aren't conventionally attractive, so they REALLY want to feel like they're valuable beyond appearance.
Consider that high testosterone men are more predisposed to liking fat women. Neanderthals had higher testosterone levels during puberty, and made the famously fat venus figurines. BRCA genes show a strong common ancestry between Neanderthals and Ashkenazi. Ancient Egyptians practiced feederism as a cultural practice, fatness equalling beauty. If scripture is to believed, that Jews lived in Egypt, it's likely they would have retained some cultural practices.

The above evidence can only be explained by the theory that fat fetishism is a Jewish conspiracy. Forcibly starving Gazans is therefore not only injury, but insult to the beauty of their women also.

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