
(22 KB, 286x396, 41401_2012_Article_BFaps2011153_Fig4_HTML.jpg) (186 KB, 509x321, Stages-of-lipedema-LI-Examples-of-the-four-stages-of-LI-as-the-disease-progresses.png) (204 KB, 554x847, IJWH-106227-F01.jpg) (100 KB, 438x1080, 441539128_18439126306007864_5961858069193150012_n.jpg)
How does one even find a girl with lipedema? It's only prevalent in about 10 percent of women, and even then...it takes a long while to progress to stage 4 when they become true behemoths.

are there any signs to look for to know if a girl is in the early stages? Is it something that only happens to fat girls?
Ah yes, cellulitis and gaping open wounds filled with pus. How attractive.
Pronounced pear shape — thin on top, thick on bottom but not athletic. Lots of dimples and cellulite on her thighs and ass. Cankles.

It doesn't only affect fat women, but it's more obvious with fat women because it's a fat disorder and fat women carry more fat.

That said, stage 3+ lipedema is no picnic, as there can be a lot of pain, fatigue, and mobility issues. So your dream behemoth might not let you near her a lot of the time and she's not gonna be a lot of fun outside the bedroom either.
>>53291 (OP)
Just don't, lipedema fat is completely different to normal fat, its diseased and feels lumpy and hard. If you try to squish her thigh it'll feel solid and just hurt her.
>>53291 (OP)

There's women shaped like this on the app Wooplus. I fucked one similar to the first pic but goddammit was she the whiniest, most self-loathing depressed bitch I ever put up with to smash

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