
Rest in piece, brother.
>>52855 (OP)

Why? Dragoneer was really sick and trying to get a prognosis, but had to deal with a ton of hurdles trying to get insurance.
>>52855 (OP)
While the death of Dragoneer is unexpected and America's shitty healthcare system played a part in it, why do you feel the need to samefag on fucking bbw-chan? Do you not understand what a post ID is? Your IP address doesn't change with every new post you make, OP. I thought you already understood this.

Fucking short bus rider.
Kisame here. I have United Healthcare. Millennials just have poor habits that makes them age faster. He could be having a heat stroke.
>He could be having a heat stroke.
Dragoneer is fucking dead. He can't be having a heat stroke now because he is fucking dead. The man is a 400+ lb corpse.
Like I said, it could be a stroke since millennials have poor habits.
All the wealthy furries in the military, health care industry, pretty much left the site.
All the RNs, LPNs, want to stay in the university hospital system. They're not giving up all that pricey real estate. Where I live, NYU bought the old Sears and Lord and Taylors to expand into the area. They're trying to get the back of NCC.
>it could be a stroke since millennials have poor habits.
The only furry that had a stroke recently was Kazecat, and he's a millennial. Dragoneer had a lung infection, likely blastomycosis, and couldn't afford the treatment because of how outrageously expensive it is. $1590.40 for a single visit, mate.
>All the wealthy furries in the military, health care industry, pretty much left the site.
What site? Furaffinity? Can't they put their wealth together and make a better website if Furaffinity finally goes under?
I shut off my accountant brain. 1.5k is not a big deal since it's how much I make in a month. It's not that expensive compared to the 7k on a down for a car. I don't know how much FurAffinity is worth. Just like Chris-Chan, it could simply be cheap to maintain.
>1.5k is ... how much I make in a month.

The most plausible thing you've ever written.
>>52855 (OP)
currently on hold waiting to schedule a ct scan for gastro issues that could be really serious. fuck. RIP fur friend im not into the subculture but reading the blusky made me sad. Sounded like a good guy

>>Fucking short bus rider.

He didn't even wait more than 2 minutes to reply to himself lol.

Also couldn't he had just flew to a country that has free or really cheap healthcare to foreigners? The amount of figthing and toothpulling Americans go through with their health care providers is idiotic when a plane ticket and a passport is a lot cheaper than an appointment.

Unless his condition prevented him from boarding a plane, then I don't see how he never thought of taking a trip to Cuba, Brazil, or even Canada to get fixed up.
Furries are common in the south and typically travel between Virginia, Texas, and Florida where they do orgies at Hyatt. Their bodies give out at 40 cause of all the hedonism. Dragoneer was like Chris Chan, but Chris Chan had lawyers who can plea the insanity and get him to prison with healthcare, but it boils down to conservatives hate furries

I don't speak retard so I can't comprehend what you just said. Anyways, I fail to see how he couldn't hop on a plane and go overseas to see a doctor. Even a car ride to Canada would've been a lot better than going back and forth with his healthcare provider only to ending up getting denied.
Dude that anon does this shit all the time ignore it he is a troll.
Again he's like Chris Chan. They would put him in a mental hospital and get him on a rigid strict plan with supervision. Healthcare providers won't approve of flights just to get around paper work. Also, the healthcare system went down according to my mom cause the software company that had files went offline late July, backing them up by three months
The east coast tend to focus more on institutionalizing the mentally ill over west coast homeopathy.

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