
Looks like a very accomplished shooter. Congratulations so her.
The truth is I'm working two jobs and barely have enough time to even watch TV nowadays. But good for the Olympics to have a catagory that you barely have to physcially train for. I'm pretty sure every triggered-happy American would love to participate in.
The Olympics don't matter. They rape proof the beds and serve them crappy foods to deter the sex that goes in at these games cause old money types see athletes as whores. They don't want Djokovic getting a fat fetish, just look at how France lost the vault cause their guys was full mast
She has the biggest tits (and ass and belly) I've ever seen in the Olympics. Unfortunately, that's not saying much. i wonder what woman had the biggest tits ever in the Olympics. Same for ass.
I wonder how many assassinations shes done
>>52820 (OP)
IOC is the most corrupt thing on the planet. Did you see how they were treating the Taiwanese fans? Every time they held up and poster or someone cheered them on they had their shit ripped apart and stolen or they were escorted out. What the hell treatment is that
She’s a Mormon so there’s that

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