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Can you believe that Boberry weighed 500 pounds by the time she graduated high school? Imagine seeing her in your class.

Who was the fattest girl you've ever seen in school? I remember in college I saw this girl who was probably 5'0" tall and looked like she weighed 300 pounds on that frame. She had a pear shaped body with a belly that sagged over her crotch and a big ass.
One of the girls in high school with me was probably classifiable as morbidly obese. Don't know how much she weighed since I was a noob to the fetish at the time and haven't seen her in close to ten years, but she was shaped like a big ball.

All I remember about her specifically is a story where she fell down the stairs and landed on somebody. Lucky man.
No I can't believe it!
It are probably the obligatory 200lbs added...

On TikTok is @iamchlseyh
This is what a quarter tone (or 500lb) woman really looks like, as reference...
I mean iamchelseyh

But she is even losing weight
She has a very different shape.
There was a stand for some IT studies in my town square for a local uni and there was a girl there looking pretty much exactly like a nerdy early Foxxie Roxxie, probably around 350-380 pounds? Even her clothes was very typical for BBW models 10-15 years ago. Super cute, seen her around town before but never in places where I could have chatted her up.

Sadly as I approached her stand instead this stereotypical neckbeard guy came up to me to talk despite him clearly having no interest in telling me anything about their school. Too bad because that body would've been enough motivation to go back to school.
Hate to say it but she graduated high school in like 2003/04 IIRC, which isn’t much different than me, and I’m from the same general region and same state as her.

Times were more hostile to fatties. This was the Abercrombie era. Her size would have been kryptonite at any non ghetto high school. Every big girl at my high school was essentially a poor outcast relative to the main demographic. Even if you found her hot, no one would have wanted to sabotage their own social life over it.
That nobodies deny, although she is just overall at least 1 1/2 times as big and neither of these women has lypedimia to contain enough (fluid) in the legs to make it competitive

If your eyes work and you open minded (if like or not), when everybody sees who is comfortable the biggest out there
>>52768 (OP)
Not a student but there was a school therapist at my high school who pretty much had the Boberry build (except was blonde and white), I'd estimate she was about 470 pounds or so. Probably what got me into this, actually.
Why don't you see weight loss profiles on IG, if you think every model is lying?
It sounds like something out of a WG fan fic, but there was a girl that was easily 400+ in our high school freshman and sophomore year. She missed a step going down the staircase and they had to call the EMS to come pick her up. We never saw her again.
Damn, what did she look like? Did you personally witness the incident?
Because I have it not (don't use it)...
Ok, then see weight loss channels on TT.
I wasn't there but I saw the after math. Everybody heard a loud thud and you could help but hear her crying. As if being 400+ lbs in high school wasn't bad enough, now she is on the floor, can't get up, is legit hurt, and everybody is staring and gathered around her. It had to be traumatizing.

She was very top heavy, kinda built like a Reenaye Starr. Extremely nice girl the few times I talked to her, but I get the impression she wasn't the smartest. Wish I was as open about my fetish as I am now back then. I would have dated her up. I did date the chubby girl on the volleyball team back then.
What was her day to day mobility like at that size?
What was her day to day mobility like at that size? Did you ever see her at gym class?
Zamknij mordę, kilotrollu!!

Mam nadzieję, że ponad 200-kilogramowa kobieta przygniecie cię, kiedy najmniej będziesz się tego spodziewał.
(Not Japanese, just here on vacation)

There was a girl at my small university who was well known for having a feeding and weight gain fetish. She was likely 500 lbs by graduation. I would've asked her out on a Cici's Pizza date if she wasn't dating someone already. It's really surprising how she dated like three different guys considering how small the school was. It helped me realize how many people are into shit like this.
How did people end up knowing she enjoys feeding and weight gain?
I knew two.
One was about 400-450 I’d guess. She was in band with me, we got new marching uniforms our freshman year and I remember hearing her crying because she couldn’t fit into them. I heard her mom ended up having to make one huge uniform from two of the larger ones.
The other one I only ever saw, but she also had to be in the 400-450 range. Short and massive. I saw her slowly waddling into class one time while I was getting on the bus to go to a different high school for physics. Could hardly believe my eyes, I’ve tried looking her up in my yearbooks and stuff but I don’t know her name and haven’t been able to find her.
Because she flat-out said so. She didn't have any shame about it and just said that she was in a feeding relationship with her bf at the time. Of course, that got the typical "he's manipulating you!" spiel from the usual types, even though she was gaining before ever dating anyone.
Pics or it didn’t happen.
This would make both parties social outcasts in America and absolute pariahs in the East.
I take it you must be in your 40s. Most younger people aren't gaslit into having to pretend to like thin women not most people don't even think you are weird with all the crazy sexual deviants running around these days
> Most younger people aren't gaslit into having to pretend to like thin women
Japanese people are not going to accept a 500 pound child.
That story is beyond belief, fiction.
I think the post you're referring has previously stated that they aren't actually Japanese.
Sorry next time I'll attach a Subway Surfers gif to my post so you can actually read it
Living in a smaller town myself, its funny how multiple of the biggest girls I've dated have also dated the same 2-3 dudes as several of the other SSBBW's I've dated .

Obviously most people don't care enough about you to make that connection, but I've definitely seen a pattern among several friends so it's definitely way more common than people think.
I always thought it’d be something to form a feeder mafia and pass around girls, fattening them up on again off again relationships between the group of guys.
Oh man one of these 2-3 guys sent me a friend request. I thought it was just because he was jealous but maybe that's what he really wanted.
It's that way within the industry too. There's maybe a handful of guys that go around dating the prominent SSBBW models. Like Adeline's current partner used to be Letakelsie's boyfriend. It's either there aren't as many of us as we think or 8 guys have all the rizz.
It's kinda the same reason why celebs date other celebs. Once you're "in the club", you have street cred. And you've established that you can date a 500lb woman, your dick works, you know the limitations, and are mature enough to not leak pics/vids/stories of past relationships. If you are 500lb+, your social circle is probably pretty small. If a dude approaches you who you can quickly vet as being "in the scene", that makes it easier.
It's the latter. I've dated a model and been to bashes/parties... 99% of yall have zero rizz and zero self-awareness, which is the prerequisite to any kind of game. Just standing still and blatantly oggling every girl in the room, maybe (slowly, awkwardly) walking up and saying something offputting like hey im a huge fan and walking away. The handful of guys who date/marry the models can also pull skinny girls, because we have put in the work to actualy be able to do this crazy thing called "interact with other human beings irl"
If someone has the live stream and bed videos for boberry can u plz send them
This 100%. You need to be able to go to bar and pull a hot skinny girl if you’re going to be going after 500+ models.
Similar situation here. I used to go to a lot of bashes, hung out with some well-known models and dated one of them, although I married a (fat) civilian and I'm not in the scene any more. I think a lot of guys get bamboozled by the "Internet microcelebrity" effect where they think these girls are much more famous, exclusive and unattainable than they actually are. And like you said, it's amazing how many guys at bashes just stand on the sidelines and don't make any effort to actually practice ordinary social interaction. Treat it like any other party with a bunch of people you've never met before, put some effort into being social and introducing yourself to people (male as well as female.) If you're a familiar face and people can vouch for you, that will unlock a lot.
And to add, you don't need to be some sort of playboy superchad to do this. I'm an average guy in looks and income and couldn't pull a conventional 10/10 in a normie bar setting, but just by by being a normal guy who takes care of his appearance and can socialize without being a weirdo, you can go a lot farther than you realize if you're willing to put yourself out there as an FA who's not a horny creep. Like I said, people see these girls on the internet and think they're "celebrities," but realize that to 99.99% of the population outside of our tiny niche fetish, even the top tier models are gross and undesirable fat woman. Guys set themselves up for failure by thinking it's going to be like fighting off the paparazzi to get a shot at Taylor Swift or something.
Like and respect women as people. Be interested in what they have to say. That's what women pick up on. Everything else — money, looks, alpha energy — is gravy but not essential.

On the flip side, any woman who'll respond positively to being negged or dominated, or who prioritizes looks or money, is not someone you want to be with.
> Like and respect women as people. Be interested in what they have to say. That's what women pick up on.
Have you ever talked to fat women about their sexual experiences, because “like and respect” got nothing to do with it.
The meta is: Show up to the bar/club/party, be a in shape norme who isn’t some autistic fetish weirdo. Fat girls know their place in the ecosystem, they exist to satisfy regular guys and not expect to date them.
Whatever a woman's sexual history, like and respect has everything to do with it if you want sex and dating to be a positive experience and not go through life an angry, empty, miserable asshole like you.

(FYI, you don't come off as cool or worldly; you come off as an incel with a stack of "pickup artist" books on his nightstand next to the tissue box.)
> not go through life an angry, empty, miserable asshole like you.
Projection much bro?
Every fat woman will tell you about this aspect of their lives. They might be your short-king fetish queen online but IRL your a hobbit and she’s a whale.
And every whale can tell you about how they passed up relationships with simping shorties to get railed by Chad whose cheating on his skinny wife.
I'm decades married and you don't sound like you've ever interacted with a member of the opposite sex. "Like and respect women"? You won't believe this, but nothing makes most normal women run colder than simps who make a concerted effort to be "noble respecters of women" or "equals". Despite passionate claims to the contrary, actual non-pathetic, worthwhile women hate each other. They're in competition with each other, and if you have something legitimate to offer, maybe they'll be competing over you. In which case the last fucking thing they want is a limp male feminist who treats their competition as even human. I'll clue you in to something else, too. Women who respond positively to being dominated are the most natural, in tune with themselves women out there. People are very different than what you're obviously being conditioned to believe.
I don’t believe for a fucking second that you’re married.
That's on you, champ.
> I don’t believe for a fucking second that you’re married.
Dude just pay for sex or something. You’re a lost cause. Go on Tinder with some Chad/Hrad photos and catfish some fat chicks and see how it really is. No ones telling you to abuse women, but if you’re out of her league in every measurable way *act like it* (be dominant: physically, socially, financially, mentally. If you aren’t, yes your advice of “act like a simping bitch” will earn you the right to buy her gifts and do her homework).
I love how sad you are that you can’t imagine men being able to marry obese women.
No, it's totally normal to refer to yourself as "decades married," that's how people talk. I know for a fact he's been successfully hating and dominating his wife since the Clinton administration.

This is who you want to listen to: happy, fulfilled, not doing women's homework or buying them gifts.
Seriously. I’m happily married with kids.
My wife has a great career and perfect body for me.
But she still knows she’s a fatty that’s lucky to be married to a tall in shape masculine man. A man that out earns her and cuts the lawn and shovels the snow…she knows I’m better than her and everything she appreciates is granted at my discretion as charity because she’s a good wife and I love her.
It’s in no way 50:50, she knew who she was swiping for and what the competition is offering a guy like me (plus at near 40 I’m surrounded by fat milf corporate Beckie’s 9-5 MTF).
Women IRL know they aren’t gonna pull a masculine man who likes to get treated like a bitch-ass-loser.
>your advice of "act like a simping bitch"
Dude who the fuck do you think I am? That was my first message on this thread lmao I don't think simping is the way. But treating fat women like dirt and like you're a god to them is fucking retarded and I can't believe someone who openly feels that way is actually married because I've NEVER met a woman who is ok being treated like that.
> can't believe someone who openly feels that way is actually married because I've NEVER met a woman who is ok being treated like that
It’s called a traditional relationship you dipshit
Naw. Based on what you've said, you're just trash bro. You're either great at hiding it, or she just doesn't have the self esteem to kick you to the curb. Sad, but do you.
Dude, you’re a complete loser. Being “respectful” isn’t going to make up for your short soft body, bitch personality, and complete lack of ambition or success.
The real world is gonna chew you up if you don’t learn to stand on your own two feet you little bitch.
Can someone plz post the newest videos for boberry
Plz drop new boberry videos

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