
(56 KB, 750x1000, bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg)
Howdy fellow degenerates.

Wanted to get your thoughts as I re-enter the dating pool; following the end of a decade plus relationship.

During the course of my time with my bbw ex, I definitely came to terms with my preference for fatter women. (To the extents where she ended up teetering into ssbbw terrain, and I would say I probably enter into "feeder" realms too.)

Mind you, both prior to that relationship; and in a couple of the one-off engagements I've had since, I also was with "regular" size women.

I say this, because I'm still far from an old man, and I know I'm more suited for monogamy than casual hookups.

That said, aside from my issues; which I took time to work on, part of what affected things with my ex was her love/hate relationship with her weight, which impacted her self-esteem and libido, plus some semi and unrelated mental health issues.

What's your advice/takes on the prospects of finding (and having a fulfilling relationship with) a fatter woman; ideally one who'd enjoy getting further plumped up as time went on?

Given I'm not looking to repeat the mistakes of the past, how to I find a relationship where the inevitable drama life throws at all of us doesn't manifest in my partner resenting herself, her body, and me? (I don't believe I'm a callous, unkind, or inconsiderate)

Or should I put some degree of sexual fulfillment to the side in the hopes that a "smaller" woman might not present the same problems? (I'm not naive enough to think anyone is without baggage or gets out of life unscathed)

Any constructive replies would be greatly appreciated.
>>52695 (OP)
Get into the best shape you can. Be a fun person who enjoys a little pot and beer/wine and can cook. Date nerdy women who are struggling with diet culture but don’t have the best self esteem yet. You should try to be in great shape and not be a neurotic loser.

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