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People always say “there’s always more fish in the sea” when someone is dealing with dating trouble but, I feel like that doesn’t apply nearly as much for a lot of us here.

My situation, I’ve known a woman for a long time who blew the fuck up the last few years and must weigh around 500 pounds. She’s young and really pretty, and extremely well-adjusted for someone who let themselves get as fat as she is. Sadly I fucked up my chance to try and be with her and now she’s taken. That was a long time ago now and I’m still not over it. I can’t find anybody nearly as big and pretty as her, and it’s honestly getting really hard to deal with.

Point is, “There’s always more fish in the sea” is basically completely untrue for people like us. And it sucks.

Do other people here ever get down about this? I’ve been struggling with this a lot and I feel like I’ll never be satisfied, because people like the woman I mentioned are rarer than unicorns. And I feel like anything less is settling, and I’ll just regret it my whole life.

If anybody else has had this kind of mindset before, have you gotten out of it? If so, how? I genuinely don’t really know what to do with myself at this point.
>>52491 (OP)
>If anybody else has had this kind of mindset before, have you gotten out of it? If so, how?

Met another woman. Then I forgot all about the fat nurse, and can even see now just how awful and crazy the nurse was in retrospect.
Trust me this is not just an FA problem, and unfortunately there's no answer. You get over it like a death, where you live the best life you can and day by day it gets easier to manage. All while leaving yourself open and available to someone who might not check all the boxes, but will give you love and fulfillment in ways you may not even understand in your current mindset.
>Trust me this is not just an FA problem
This is also a young man problem. How old are you anyway?
You got oneitis. If this women were worth being with you wouldn’t have fumbled it.

Every time you see a hot woman whose single know there are plenty of me out there she’d happily date again who are tired of her shit.

500 pound women are fun to fuck, no lie. Dating them is hell. They’re mostly brain dead consumer types with no drive or skills. You will be bored out of your min watching her sit around, eating cheese puffs and watching bravo. There’s also the mobility and hygiene issues, and the intersection of those two issues and repeated sanitizations of the tub (which you will have to clean everything. she will struggle to change her underwear much less clean the house). In reality, its no dream no matter how much you sit around fantasizing about “the one”.
>If this woman were worth being with you wouldn't have fumbled it
The fuck does this mean? Huh? How does that work? Everyone who's ever fumbled a woman they find hot doesn't actually want to be with them? That's stupid as hell, and sounds like you're coping for your own failures.

>Every time you see a hot woman whose single know there are plenty of me out there she’d happily date again who are tired of her shit.
I don't understand this? People aren't allowed to be single without automatically being considered undesirable?

>They're mostly braindead consumer types with no drive or skills
I literally said that she isn't? That's like, a big part of the pain of this. She's not like that.

Your comment is ridiculously unhelpful.
Man, I don't know how to take this. I guess that's good? But idk it also kinda sucks.

I hope I can have a similar experience to you.
>>52491 (OP)
I will agree with you that girls over 500 lbs that aren’t seriously fucked in the head or have serious physical or mental issues is truly a unicorn, especially single. I searched for quite a long time and found my girl on WooPlus and now we’re married. Hopefully you can find someone, but totally feel for you that she’s not just “some girl” and you have a connection beyond her being huge. To this day I still think about the big girls in school I had crushes on and wonder what some of them are doing now. I don’t know that you ever truly get over it, but try your hardest to find someone whether online or IRL…I’m happier than I’ve ever been.
>>52491 (OP)
I should also mention I’m 44, been married before and it took me this long to truly figure out what I wanted in a significant other.
Good for you, I'm glad you found someone. I'm about to turn 30 and have had no luck for years
> She's not like that.
They are like that once you get to know them.
> 500 lbs that aren’t seriously fucked in the head or have serious physical or mental issues is truly a unicorn
Unicorns don’t exist.
Sooner or later you realize it’s not all it’s cracked up to be and she’s not who you’re imagining she is. Hopefully by then you haven’t bought 2 Frenchie puppies and ruined your best years along with god knows how many bathtubs. It’s a thankless job marrying these women.
Jesus christ dude who the fuck hurt you? I thought I was negative and bitter but god damn you suck.
Not him but he's right. There is so such thing as a sane, well adjusted 500 pound woman. Even girls half that size almost all have some sort of trauma buried deep down inside that they deal with by binge eating. If you think otherwise, you're either blind, retarded, or have never dated any fat women.
1. You have to have a really high bar for what constitutes sanity if you’re going to say most 250 lbs people are not.
2. At the end of the day, nobody is perfect? Plenty of people would claim you aren’t sane or well-adjusted because you have a fat fetish and spend your time on a Chan board dedicated to obese women. So really who even fucking cares?
>>52491 (OP)

It's the same thing as non-FAs have to do, OP: literally just get over it.

Start looking for a chick into feedism that wants to get that big.

Like there's not some magic cheat-code with this fetish. Aside from taking mobility/weight-concerns into account when doing things...literally you just have to treat fat women the same as you would non-fat women in terms of decency and respect.
>Literally just get over it
That's not how people work.
>Start looking for a chick who's into feedism that wants to get that big
How? That's like finding a unicorn. Don't see how I'm supposed to do that.

I'm not saying it's easy to get over someone...but it's just a part of life that you literally have to do, my dude. It's super hard and it sucks...but it's the best thing for your mental health.

As for finding a feedist who wants to be 500lbs or more...look on feabie. As shitty as the site is, that's the place where you can outright state what your preference is without getting judged.

Yeah, there aren't that many women who are out there who want to get that big...but they *do* exist. You just gotta be upfront up about your expectations on your profile and in conversation *when* the topic of gaining finally comes up--a woman who is a feedee is still a woman. You don't start off an interaction with kink shit, you start it off the same way you would with any other women: find common ground and interests. After that's established is when the kink shit comes in. It's hard, but not impossible.
To follow this up, the fucking worst thing you could do is find a fat chick on a normie dating site and try to convince to try out feedism.

Given your size preference, it'll be a waste of time and energy.
>it’s just a part of life that you literally have to do
I’m aware that I have to, and I want to, but I can’t. That’s a big part of the problem, is that I don’t know what to do to get over it and the rarity of someone like her doesn’t help at all.

>find someone on Feabie
So I have to find someone who’s big and into it
Hope we also have some common interests and compatibility
And be more appealing than the horde of men that are also messaging her on that hellsite

I wish this shit didn’t immediate come across as completely impossible

I've been in your shoes before. You just have to focus on your self for a bit.

It's not easy, but learning to be comfortable with yourself and being single is a huge thing that really will help.

As for the whole "horde of men" thing...2 things:

1.) You'd be surprised at the amount of legit feeders who want a chick to hit 500+lbs....

2.) There's a good number of said feeders that are completely inept in terms of social skills and have nothing to offer outside of maybe money.

Seriously, it's possible. Tbh, while the pool of women is obviously a lot smaller...having self-confidence and a good sense of humor while treating said women with respect goes a LONG fucking way lol.
> ruined your best years along with god knows how many bathtubs
God this is scary: my girl just outgrew our toilet/bidet.
She’s really sweet and smart and honestly kinda getting erect cleaning the tub knowing she’s this fat and out of control.
You sound miserable and insufferable. I’m sure like attracts like.
Tried searching on Feabie
-interested in men
-within a reasonable age range for my age
Got so few results I couldn't even scroll
Yeah it's feeling impossible, dude. Wish I could gouge out the part of my brain that likes this stuff.
My dear friend, it seems that you liked her weight and large size more than her. My story is somewhat similar to yours, I was a teenager with a girl who was very big, almost 600 pounds, I really liked her incredible mobility for her weight. We ended like any other relationship and when I started dating skinny or normal weight girls sometimes I missed her a lot and it was common for me to compare them to that girl. 3 years later I met who my wife is today, although she does not weigh 600 pounds, she is quite big and weighs around 400 pounds and I love her very much. What I recommend is that you go out and meet more women and don't stay stuck in the same place, someone will arrive to occupy that empty space that that girl left in you, greetings
> I was a teenager with a girl who was very big, almost 600 pounds
In Uruguay?
Yes, in Uruguay. I cannot share their social networks through this community. In Brazil there are many too my friend, it's just knowing how to search well.
Getting a fat chick to begin with is great, but we can be easily fooled by our sexual desires. Can testify on this, had a relationship with a girl who was beautifully fat but she wasn't the one. I loved her and couldn't really let go of her because exactly because of there not being many more fish in the sea for us. But it was her attractive fat and the hot sex we had that kept us together mostly in the end. But that's not a basis for a good relationship. If you meat the person that's truly the one, she's fatten up for you. If she doesn't she isn't the one. Date girls that aren't fat, and if you truly match, they'll get fat for you. Otherwise you just don't really match in the end and there's a contradiction that will keep sharpening until it can no longer be ignored and gets resolved one way or the other.
From everything I've heard from people, getting a skinny girl who is willing to get fat for you is essentially impossible, especially if you're aiming for ssbbw levels. No amount of chemistry will make someone who's in relatively good health completely throw that away. Especially when you're already almost 30.
OP needs to focus on himself, join a gym, get fit, get a bit ripped and you'll have a choice fat girls.

When my ex left me in 2005 it absolutely killed me for a year. She was 5"0 350lb, super fat but curvy in all the right places. It literally was going to a gym and getting really fit that got me over her enough to move on. I dated several 400lb girls after that, tried long distance thing with a 600lb woman, but I couldn't justify travelling every weekend and let it fade.

You really just need to get confidence in yourself, and casually date.
I am in pretty good shape. I just honestly can't find big girls. And I'm not a socially inept loser, I've had girls who were into me but they're all skinny as hell. Tried dating a couple but I wasn't very attracted to them at all.
I’ve done it a few times and got bored before moving on to the next girl. I’m 6’3”, 210 pounds and got a 7+ inch dick.
I’ve honestly had more of a problem with skinny/thicc women gaining considerable amount of weight to get me to start/keep dating them despite being toxic situationships.
Look I had my entire plumbing system smashed to shit by sweetpeaches666. Paid for a new hardcore shower out of pocket and now look at me.
I don't believe that women gained weight just for the chance of getting to date you lmao
> women gained weight just for the chance of getting to date you lmao
OK, but really how many plates can you lift? How many grams of protein do you eat a day?
if yoy really can’t imagine a chubby FWB trying to upgrade to girlfriend status by porking out, I’m sorry. Having women want to be attractive for you is awesome and everyone should get it to some extent.
Can confirm that some chicks are horny and/or desperate enough to do this

Had one fwb who was already pretty big, knew that I had entered an actual relationship with another girl, started messaging me that she missed me and her ass was gonna get even fatter, etc etc
>started messaging me that she missed me and her ass was gonna get even fatter, etc etc
It’s kinda scary what the fetish can make you do. I’d be getting texts from a toxic ex like “you wouldn’t believe how fat I’m getting” from new numbers and shit. Girl had the biggest ass too. Of course I caved.
Alright, I guess I was wrong then. In my experience, women aren’t willing to do this. Guess I might just not be good enough to make it feel worth it for them idk
Being normal/overweight and gaining, let's say, 30 lb, is a textbook redflag anyways (though incredibly hot).
How do I make a woman gain weight for me like that? Is this just a case of being tall and hot and the girl being desperate or you managed to psychologically groom them into it?

I mean, doesnt any person have to be attracted to someone to really go above and beyond like that? Chicks are into all different kinds of guys. You have to find the right one who's willing to do the right stuff. This girl I was talking about was head over heels for me, she found her giant ass to be inconvenient but she knew I loved it. Didn't really have much in the way of close friends or family so she probably thought "fuck it, I'll get fatter for him if he'll stick around"

She was such a catch but she lived far away and was a little too clingy, such a shame that never worked out
Post some pics of these chicks man take a screensoht on snap and post it
Too bad it didn't work out, indeed.
Thanks for the answer
> Chicks are into all different kinds of guys.
Actually, they aren’t. But that’s kinda the reason it works so well. How many women do you know getting into relationships with tall successful in shape men?
If you’re in demand, price goes up. Ask Issac Newton, that’s the law of gravity buddy.
1. You’re wrong, women definitely do like different types of guys
2. Really convenient that you fall into the category (supposedly) that gets ALL the women, huh?
3. Saying shit like this is just being a dick, considering people can’t change their fucking height, dickshit. People are looking for advice, not to be shat on.
> 1. You’re wrong, women definitely do like different types of guys
Women like all types of men with masculine features like a tall muscular body, big dick and winning personality.
> 3. Saying shit like this is just being a dick, considering people can’t change their fucking height, dickshit. People are looking for advice, not to be shat on.
Dude just consume porn. You’re not built for this game.
You don't understand women or Newtonian physics lol.
I'm 5'11", weigh 130 lbs (underweight, no muscle at all) and I'm average in most ways. I've had 2 long term relationships where my gf gained weight for me (5'4" and 124 -> 211 lbs on the first, 5'8" and 440 -> 510 on the 2nd). Plus had a few short term situationships in between the LTRs, where the girls were cool with the fetish and would indulge it for me.

If you want the cheatcode, it's that you need to find girls that are into BDSM and become comfortable being dominant. It's like every other skill, you get better the more you practice it. It's so much easier when you have free reign and consent to make your girl as fat as you want. And then with the BDSM dynamic, they'll end up getting turned on by your control over them too, so it's chill. Highly recommend it. And you don't need to be ripped or whatever, just develop confidence, emotional intelligence and good social skills.
You know I look at threads like these and think man what if I took yalls advice did the exact opposite and well I can hold a conversation with a woman especially big woman decently well no dates but progress is progress thanks gents.
Lmao genuinely that's how I feel about most of the responses to this thread.
It’s all a mixed bag of advice.
Some of its golden advice if your Chad trying to date the fat/fetish version of Stacy or casually fuck the fat Becky.
The advice to be nice and simp hard is pretty solid advice for mid-low tier Brads (5’11” and not-obese for instance is still well above average for an American male) trying to date an alt girl with a slight case of PCOS/lipedemia.
The best advice is know your role, stay in your lane and know if that juice is worth the squeeze *for you*.
Fair enough though I find even though I'am as you put a low tier Brad 5'9 obese I can still talk to girls way above my weight sometimes literally. It's mostly about approach and confidence and also I find at least here in the south no one minds if your a FA or feedist. Just groom smile and not act like a creep. I'm also autistic yet I can hold my own with practice so it can be done gents.
> low tier Brad
Which is not an insult. It’s means “solidly above average”, totally “boyfriend material” and Bears are almost always from stable upper middle class families and are career men.
Fat women are legitimately lucky to date/marry a Brad. (Especially as they age).
Basically fat fetish Brad’s only gripe is being not getting fat pussy thrown at him like Chad does, to the point Chads can score casual often, lie and cheat and women will push the envelope of what fetish shit they will tolerate and embrace.
Eh I didn't take it as an insult I have been called worse. As for fetish stuff I basically treat my sexuality as a normal thing turns out people tend to favor secure people regardless also makes you more authentic and people feel less uncomfortable around you.

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