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Hi guys,
I have never had a gf.
I was pretty ashamed about this preference most of my life, and only started dating in the last 3 years.

The late start, combined with me being an introvert, the problems of the current dating scene and hard depressive period in the middle (due to multiple events in my life), didn't really help me so far to get into serious relationships.

I didn't have that much luck to socialize with girls during my degree (due to the demands and barely any girls that studied with me).

I'm about to finish my degree this summer, and my work fields as a geologist( mainly construction, city planning and natural resources extraction) aren't filled with women, to say the least.

Now with me being 25, and coming to the realization that i need to start change my dating strategy of i want to get married at a reasonable age, i would be glad if y'all could share your wisdom advices regarding plus size dating.

Hopefully other people would also be able to use those advices.

Best regards,
Tinder but pay for the subscription. If you’re into big girls set it for locations down south. You’ll have to visit them but it’s worth it.

Also set it to the nearest largest city you’re in and just put the body preferences to what you want.

You’re also not a late bloomer, you’re good. Women like dudes who are more established anyways.
As a fellow introvert who hates going out I've only ever had luck with online dating. None of the decent ones (Hinge, tinder, and bumble, hinge being the only one that works for me) have body filters (not sure what the anon above is going on about) but you'll come across some chubby girls regardless. In my experience every girl ends up looking substantially fatter irl so dont discount girls who look too thin in their pics.
> Tinder but pay for the subscription
Notice the flag. Hes not going to be paying for anything.
From your experience, did it also worked abroad?
1. Lmao
2. I'm at the age that most options look viable.
Man, I feel this. Be lucky you're trying at 25, I just turned 30 and am in a bit of a similar boat. Kinda feels like the ship has mostly sailed for me at this point.
>>52329 (OP)
>Now with me being 25

"Late bloomer" my ass lol. You're still a kid. Stop acting like you're in your late 60s or something and be more social. Your career involves you visiting cities and different places, brush up on your pickup lines and go from there.
Agree with other dudes, the world is yours at 25 assuming the work isn't overwhelming you. Also you're at the stage where age doesn't really matter anymore and plenty of good women in their 30's that might be interested in something serious will be available.

Always found geology to be interesting, used to work at a smelting plant so I worked with plenty of geologists but life took me in another direction.
There are plenty of women that could be posted here in my experience that didn't lose their virginity until their mid-20s. I actually went on a date with someone a little while ago - 28 and this was her first date. Ever.

Put some effort into your appearance and sign up for dating apps, also find a few places you enjoy going to socially. You'll be fine.
So dating apps is basically it? Which one did you find BBWs one out of curiosity?
I haven't seen a larger proportion of big girls on any particular app. The difference between each is moreso the type of girl you will find there.
At least in my city, Tinder is 90% normals, Bumble has a lot of artsy types, and Hinge is full of rich girls.
To find big girls on any of these you have to put some time into teaching their algorithm that that's what you're looking for.
How high is the occurrence of "adjusted" educated women in age categories 20-24 & 25-29 that are actually willing to entertain FWB relationships? I've never met women that are interested in random hook ups like you'll hear about in some anecdotes here sometimes.
This has basically been my experience as well. I would add that I had a much better success rate with Tinder over all the other apps, probably just because there's a lot more people on it compared to the others.
My total is 12.
From Tinder: 2 SSBBWs, 5 BBWs, 3 skinny girls
From Hinge: 1 BBW
From Bumble: 1 SSBBW
The one from Hinge was rich like you said. She was a big shot solicitor and I was basically just her boy toy lol. The sex was excellent but sadly she ghosted me in the end. We used to just eat a shitload of dominos and fuck, it was great.
The one from Bumble was nice I guess but a total normie. She wanted kids ASAP which kinda freaked me out so I bailed.

If you wanna know my secret: As long as you don't come across like a complete coomer, you would be amazed how many girls think you're prince charming lol
hopefully you would find your love soon

thanks my dude.
i was thinking of moving for a while to norway to gain experience as it's full of jobs for geologists.

depends on how liberal they are.
tbh i never looked for casual sex like more secular peers of mine.

i really hope so tbh, as i get the look from time (i'm somewhat fit with fairly wide shoulders), but i always never able to get beyond a date every once of a while.
any advices of how to dress (other than the classic jeans+polo shirt)?
>tbh i never looked for casual sex like more secular peers of mine.
Same. I've always wanted a meaningful relationship.
Dating apps and just try and match already fat girls. If you openly and publicly date fat girls and BBWs you’re 75% there. They will notice and likely appreciate it. Don’t do that secret shit where you don’t want to date them or be in public, they sniff that shit out a mile away. An already fat girl is likely open to gaining more or at least willing to indulge suggestions of stuffings now and then. Trying to get a skinny girl fat outside of the fetish (and even in it as there are a lot of fake gainers or gain a few lbs and get scared) you are going to have a bad time, even if it is the hottest transformation.

But yeah that’s literally it. If you are even average to moderately good looking and willing to date chubby to BBWs, you’re basically in. Bonus if you’re fit, vain sure and maybe “hypocritical” but most fat girls LOVE a fit dude and the clout (even if imaginary to them) of pulling a conventionally hot guy while fat.
>>tbh i never looked for casual sex like more secular peers of mine.
>Same. I've always wanted a meaningful relationship.
Dudes just admit you’re gay and trying to convince your fat mom you aren’t.
What sort of faggoty ass shit is this? “I’d love to fuck a pussy but only if I’m taking her on dates and paying for her stuff”.

Just admit you don’t like pussy and get you some fat-guy dick. (Of if you’re the Israeli here just shove jagged objects up men’s assholes)
Get out of here you rotten fuck, being unable to conceive of why a man would want companionship and not just a cheap fuck says more about you than them.
He's probably actually gay. What straight man is thinking of "fat-guy dick". lol! lmao even.
> He's probably actually gay
Not insulted, I’m not a bigot like you.
Your problem is you’re bigoted against your closeted self.
Fucking retard here says: “I’m such a good boy I’d never even want extramarital sex mommy”’and somehow got offended by being called homosexual (which it’s fine if you are, no problemo)
what is this autism
It depends on whether or not you're a feeder. If you just want a fat chick, just indicate on normie dating sites you like big girls....if you want a feedee tho, go to feabie.

By the time someone is in their mid 20s...they've likely already found out whether or not their into feedism.

Regardless of whether or not you're a feeder...the main thing is just to try the girls you're pursuing as regular people.

Like that's all it is really. Just be honest about what you want from the get go, and look for girls that share someone of your hobbies and interests...then just be yourself and don't be a dick.
this guy can't comprehend the fact that most people want to have sex and meaningful relationships, not just lifeless one night stands.

i'm pretty open on going out and dating chubby and somewhat fat girls (ssbbw aren't my thing).

yeah, as much as a thin girl becoming hourglass/ pear shaped chubster is hot, they are usually gonna feel unhealthy and hate themselves.

i'm overall falling over your criteria, so i hope i might find a good partner soon.

nah, i'm just a FA- like the shape(amplification of attractive body parts),softness and they are usually nicer ( and probably because most of the women in my family are thick/ chubby).

any good places to meet girls in general, from your
>this guy can't comprehend the fact that most people want to have sex and meaningful relationships, not just lifeless one night stands.
Ok, But are you one of those Israelis who thinks raping men’s buttholes makes you not gay? You guys gotta be bringing HIV and god knows what back to your wives.

>>nah, i'm just a FA

Tbh, I'd still recommend feabie since you're asking for advice on a space like this...like guys who just have a slight preference or something aren't posting on BBW fetish boards.

Start with feabie but just use it like use any other dating site and treat the women you're interest like normal people and with respect.
Tbh i saw other guys that are like me in this board, weirdly enough.
It’s totally a thing in their culture to have gay rape fetish sex while being “straight”. Part of it is prison gay rape as their sorta was conscripted military serfs others are just gay and using the military to rape men with impunity.
Still sad how often they bring back HIV and what else to Israeli women.
> Tbh i saw other guys that are like me in this board, weirdly enough.
You mean gay?
if u wana be a real asshole, go on okcupid, connect with dirt poor Philippine/Indonesian/Vietnamese/ etc. girl who will do ANYTHING to get a green card in America, force her to get fat for you lol
thanks, although i'm not an american lol.

do you guys have better things to contribute to this discussion, or you guys wanna to continue importing stuff from /pol/?

like fr, i opened this thread because i'm trying to get dating advice, with the hope that people in a situation close to mine would use them.

the fact that you guys instantly started talking about you being coombrains who can't comprehend the fact that sex is only a part of a relationship, and started calling others gay/ arab rapers, is sad and pathetic.

please stop polluting this tread with your non-sense
> and started calling others gay/ arab rapers, is sad and pathetic.
This is exactly what a gay rapist would say.
Just don't respond to his posts, he wants attention.
Neither one of you two are putting forward a compelling defense FYI. It’s ok to be gay and have a rape fetish, but get consent first man.
just go on wooplus lots of fat women on there if you're not an unc or creep. they might not be into feederism but are fat
Male, 31 and newly divorced. I have no idea how to get back in the dating pool. I've been with the same person for 9 years. I have no idea what dating is anymore.

How does one broach the topic of enjoying larger women TO a large woman without coming across as a pervert or creep? How does one even say, "Hey, you're hot" without feeling like a fetishist? I don't want a girl to feel like I'm objectifying her because I find her attractive because she's overweight.
Dating apps are your best bet. You’re not always going to get matches, but you just gotta give it time. On the brightside, you’re only 25. You can still go for girls a few years younger than you, but once you hit 30 that dating pool will shrink.

And a word of advice, don’t ever get into a serious relationship with a girl who has BPD. Dont care how hot she is, how sweet she is at first, or what she’s willing to do in bed, just stay away. They will absolutely ruin you, trust me.
I was married for 11 years and got divorced in 2020. Found my current wife on WooPlus. Girls there are more up front about being fat and know guys there love fat girls. So you don’t really need to TELL them hey I think you’re hot.
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Similar age and situation to OP

Didn't really have much dating experience until this past year

There is fuck all selection at my college. I only have slightly autistic traits but I am fine one on one or in groups on a night out/activity but I cannot insert myself in conversations I have not been invited to or starting conversations with strangers, there needs to be a proper “in” if that makes sense so I can’t just go up to every big girl I like the look of on the street and start talking
Plus I am 5’6”/168cm with a big forehead 💀 and with dating apps being very looks focused I don’t find much success as guys here who don’t have those problems. Hinge tends to work for me the best but I have literally gotten 0 matches on Tinder and I even ran out of people to swipe on. Woo plus got me no matches either and Feabie is an absolute disaster that whole website puts me off so bad, I had zero success and the options in all of Ireland are very very limited. To really find anyone you need to widen your search but matches are often very far away because I run out of people on all apps. I literally only swipe on bigger girls

So, my questions are:
Is it worth travelling? I don’t want to be driving for hours to meet someone and then find out I am not into them (I would feel obliged to drive out to meet them first being a guy). I also really don’t want to date super long distance say in mainland Europe or Britain unless there was like a guarantee with an absolute dream girl. I’m a belly and thighs guy and those types of women are very rare in my part of the country and you might only see like a handful the entire year you are going about your day. I’m also not a big texter and much prefer to meet people in person. Meeting in person works better to my favour anyway and it is hard to keep up long term through text. I can keep it up for a few days but when I am on the fence whether I am into them or not I don’t feel as motivated to meet up if they live far away

Tips for online dating? First off, what pictures, prompts or bios should you use? I have normal pictures up with some friends, my dog, parade etc but I don’t seem to get very far. You can definitely tell from my profile what I look like, body shape and all but that sometimes doesn’t seem to be the case for some profiles of the women and it’s hard to judge sometimes. Like for instance I matched with a girl who had only 2 blurry photos of her face on her profile but you could tell she was plus size. After a few days of talking and getting on well I just casually asked if she had any more pictures of herself of her maybe out with friends or some places she had travelled to. She then basically called off everything and said she wasn’t ready for a relationship yet. I asked if my question crossed a line and she said no but just told me she wasn’t ready for one. Does this happen a lot? What are some of your experiences? Was there a better way to find out what she looks like? I already asked for her insta but she never gave it. Do you just have to take a gamble and potentially travel far even when you don’t really know what they look like?

Lad, where are you finding these women because I can't 😭. SSBBW and all. I have sifted through nearly all of Munster and only a handful of plus size women but none anyway near SSBBW level

Also, just an observation but why do so many of them have awful tattoo and always want to get more of them?
I am the guy you are replying to (I don't know if I will still have the same poster ID - probably not, but I am him).

There is a lot to address here.

First of all, with your woes with dating apps, I have two main points to address.
A big problem with online dating in Ireland in general is lack of population, which is severely exacerbated by living/swiping literally anywhere outside Dublin. I have the luxury of living in Dublin. But I will say this again about Tinder - it sucks (all dating apps do) but it is essentially the most viable in Ireland because it has the largest number of users by a large margin.
This is by no means insurmountable (especially if you are willing to date big girls, which you obviously are), but I won't lie, it is a big hurdle to overcome. I'm not saying this to be cruel, but I'm sure you are well aware of what I'm getting at. My advice is to be honest - it sounds like you are being honest with these girls about your height, but I'm saying this anyway. I am 6'5", which I'm aware is probably a big part of why I've had success. Amusingly, women on dating apps have accused me of lying about that, but fuck 'em lol.

>Is it worth travelling?
You need to answer that question for yourself. But if you live in bumfuck Munster, travelling is basically a requirement. Having a car is a massive advantage for online dating regardless of where you live (and again not to be cruel but it goes a long way to offsetting the 5'6" debuff), but especially if you live in a rural/low population area.

>I don’t want to be driving for hours to meet someone and then find out I am not into them. [...]. I also really don’t want to date super long distance [...] unless there was like a guarantee with an absolute dream girl.
Then maybe online dating isn't for you.
>I’m also not a big texter and much prefer to meet people in person. Meeting in person works better to my favour anyway and it is hard to keep up long term through text. I can keep it up for a few days but when I am on the fence whether I am into them or not I don’t feel as motivated to meet up if they live far away
Then maybe online dating isn't for you.
Both of these paragraphs make me think that you are the kind of person who doesn't like the whole process of online dating, but feels as though he is too shy to approach women IRL. Again, I am not saying this to be cruel. I've been there myself, I am saying this from a perspective of empathy. I can't tell you how to solve that conundrum. That's something you need to figure out for yourself.

>Tips for online dating? First off, what pictures, prompts or bios should you use?
My advice is to use good quality (as in high resolution, well lit) photos. Have a photo of you, just you, as your first photo. Not you just taking a selfie in the bathroom, bedroom or gym (although a gym selfie may be a forgivable sin if you are very physically fit, depending on the kind of girl you are trying to attract). Get your mate to take a good photo of you while you're at the pub, or doing some kind of activity. Your subsequent photos should ideally show you doing activities with your friends. Again, even just going to the pub will do, but if you have any kind of skill or talent (e.g. playing guitar), use that to your advantage. I would also advise you to only have about 3 to 5 photos. Having fewer than 3 photos will make girls think you're either a fake account or some other kind of spoofer. Having too many photos (especially using all 10 slots or whatever the maximum is) will make them think you're trying too hard.

For bios, my advice is to keep it short and sweet.
At one stage I had a fairly long, detailed bio with my interests etc. I matched with a girl who asked me some questions to which my answer was "oh, I said that in my bio", to which she replied "I'm not reading all that shite lol". And hey, you will probably say the same thing to this post lmao - but when she said it about my Tinder bio, I took it on board and I still consider it good advice for a Tinder bio.
Something short, pithy, witty, amusing and descriptive is ideal but obviously much easier said than done. Avoid self-deprecating humour, clichés, or (above all) listing things your turnoffs. If you want to put in your profile that you like big women, you can try that; but I've personally had mixed results with that tbh.

>Like for instance I matched with a girl who had only 2 blurry photos of her face on her profile [...] Was there a better way to find out what she looks like?
You're looking at that situation completely arseways, no offence. Yet again, I am not trying to be cruel here. The correct thing to do in this situation is to not match with girls like that in the first place. Also the fact that you asked for her insta and she didn't give it? That's when you unmatch (assuming you asked her after already chatting for a few days - but again, I would not have matched with blurry photo girl in the first place). It might sound cruel but you need to have a mercenary attitude. You need to be like "fuck this girl, she's a melter, unmatch, let's go for the next one".

>Also, just an observation but why do so many of them have awful tattoo and always want to get more of them?
For the third time: Then maybe online dating isn't for you. I jest, but tattoos are something you're just going to need to bite the bullet with, or else severely limit your potential candidates. If you straight up tell girls you hate tattoos, that will most likely go very badly for you (refer again to my advice on not putting your turnoffs in your bio). The trick there is to just swipe left on a girl who exhibits a turnoff, rather than wasting time and energy talking to her because you're hoping for a crumb of pussy. I am aware that it may not be immediately apparent that she has tattoos, but you need to decide for yourself if that's a dealbreaker or something you can live with.

Finally there is one big topic I need to address that you did not address in your post. Age. How old are you? I started using Tinder when I was 18 and didn't get a date until I was 22. I'm 27 now. Those 12 dates I went on were spread out over 5 years. IMO online dating is completely fucking useless as a straight guy in his late teens / early twenties unless you are exceptionally handsome. People will say that about online dating in general, and perhaps they are right, but IMO the problem is severely exacerbated by youth.

Finally finally, the trick with online dating is to not take it too seriously. Put effort in, sure, but don't put all your eggs in one basket. Online dating is something you should have chugging along in the background while you actually do shit and meet people IRL. And when I say "don't take it too seriously", you should consciously give off that vibe in your profile and messages too. Don't be rude or disrespectful, but don't come across as desperate either. That is one of the most important things. Women can smell desperation (especially IRL but also through your phone screen) like a shark smells blood in the water, and brother, nothing in the world turns them off more.
Thanks for the detailed and honest reply, I appreciate it. I should have clarified as well, I’m 22

I assumed you were Dublin alright and 6’5? You lucky fucker 😭. Yeah, I know the height isn’t great but I don’t hide it, can’t anyway on Hinge. I do have a car as well but petrol isn’t cheap. I’d say max 40 minute drive in any direction I would consider from my hometown. I’m quite near Cork so I’ve a bit more selection and meeting in the city is handy but I’m already after running out of people on each of the apps

> Then maybe online dating isn't for you
It has its pros and cons. There is so little plus size women here it makes it slightly easier to find them but obviously not being the most sought after type of guy on dating apps makes this a bit harder to match with also. It would be far better if I could meet people through class or a college social night or club but I haven’t been to too many and none of then had plus size girls. Like I said I’d need there to be like an opening or in a group I am part of (I think this is called warm approach I’m not too sure). I have gotten dates with 2 girls this way (not plus size and didn’t work out but sure look). I only once asked a girl out I didn’t know or have any connection with at a bar. She actually spoke to me originally and left (just conversation). I thought I lost her but I saw her again another 2 times and on the last time going to the toilet I told myself if she is still there when I come out, I need to get her contact details and I did. She was super my type and we went on 2 dates but things didn’t work out (I tend to fumble a decent bit 😂). It also was one of the most awkward things for me to do since I never had the balls ever to do something like that. These 3 instances happened when I was on Erasmus and I was always surrounded by other Erasmus students and it was super easy to meet new people everyday as there was always someone you knew going out drinking but here in Ireland its not the same. I don’t really have any college friends or events I really go to. My main mates are in my hometown so I didn’t need to mingle as much as I did when I was on my own abroad. Plus like I said, there isn’t really any plus size girls at my college so when I came home from Erasmus I relied more on dating apps

> Online dating
You’re right about me going about it the wrong way sometimes. I tend to now and again take what I can get since the selection is so scarce, it feels like no one might come along that I like. I have gotten a handful of dates in the past year off Hinge, 2 lasting a few months and others just a bit of action. I don’t wear my turnoffs on my sleeve and tattoos aren’t a dealbreaker they just throw me off a bit. I try my best to not take things too seriously. I try to mess around and have a bit of banter if I can but I can’t flirt for my life. I also nerd out hard on geography, culture and history if she is from another country or has those interests. If she says no to a further date I don’t usually get too pressed but then again there hasn’t really been anyone I was super super into to really care, bar that girl that spoke to me in the bar on Erasmus and another girl who I was with for a while. She had to move away but that’s a different story. I also tend to keep my preferences to myself and only give up the ghost about liking plus size women if they push it. I treat them like any other woman (side tip for anyone reading but if you’re on a date always have your girl on the inside of the footpath and make a conscious effort to switch hands when holding if you two cross the street. Bitches love that), I just have trouble making “moves” sometimes or escalating.

But yeah that’s pretty much it. I’d say I’ll just stick it out for now. I don’t want to be going up to Dublin for dates its just too far. I’ll try and meet more people in real life if I can. Thanks again
Dude. You’re a midget. Take steroids or get rich/famous.
The fact you think that you’d be able to score at a club or on vacation is fucking hilarious.
You weren’t dealt a good hand, but this isn’t gonna make up for it.
No woman will ever, ever want you for casual sex and they will cringe at being seen with you in public (especially fat women, tiny dudes make them look fatter and the guys cant get their dicks past the fat).
Stop height mogging this poor beta. So what if he’s not on the Sigma grind train to gains.
Height, money, alfalfa doesn’t matter.
Scoring babes is easy, especially if they’re drinking hard: Like and respect women as people. Be interested in what they have to say. That's what women pick up on.
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Sorry dude but you missed the Tinder-train.

I'm 23, 175 cm and skinny fat. While not super short it's enough to be mogged by most dudes at the club. Until I was about 21 I matched and met a bunch of girls on Tinder, had sex with some 10 of them. Probably lived in a way more rural area than Munster and with my parents so matched with many more girls that agreed to hook up but we never got the logistics to work. I had already by then heard Tinder had gotten worse, but it still worked semi decently for me.

Anyways in early 2022 I got a nice BBW girlfriend from Tinder, dream girl and all of that, so I delete my user, we're together for a few months. She breaks up. When I redownload Tinder.. nothing. I get maybe one or two low quality matches per month until I get banned for some nonsense reason. (had a picture where a gun was shown in the background). Didn't bother making a new account because it had become useless anyways. Flash forward to a few months ago, I was in Netherlands traveling solo, realised some company could be fun and redownloaded it after buying a prepaid SIM and new email. I make a new user and ...1 match in 3 days. Delete again.

Then now a month ago I was on a work trip to Helsinki and alone, I see a shop selling prepaids for 6€ decide fuck it why not give Tinder a last chance and make a proper try hard profile. Within two days I get 30 likes, about 15 in Helsinki the first day and 15 in another larger Finnish city the day after. I finally thought I had done something right and hit the jackpot. However on 3rd day I go to yet another city for a few days and then suddenly.. nothing, like an on-off switch I suddenly got no attention here. Traveled home and the same, 2 weeks later not a single match except a female friend that liked me for the lulz, so well, I deleted it again.

I guess maybe if you time it correctly like I did you can take advantage of the noob boost, but it would be stupid having to download and redownload the app every week. At least my plan forward is just to hang at bars hoping I'd meet some sexy obese student nurses.

See plenty of big girls out and about at bars here, can't imagine Ireland can be that much worse. If anything else fails as long as they don't look occupied you can go up to pretty much anyone and hit them with the I'm sorry, but have we talked before?. Even if it is in fact a total stranger, most people don't remember every single person they've talked with and it might pique their interest. It's a good opportunity to ask them for their name, location or occupation and just in general start a conversation.
Honestly I'm debating on trying out hinge and tinder again with all this talk about them. I've been trying bumble all summer and I've only gotten 1 decently chubby girl. It's been about a year since I got banned off hinge and tinder because I got banned off of one of their sister apps (my dumbass was on blk as a white guy). Not sure if I need to get a new phone or what. Though if all else fails my college has a lot of decently chubby girls, so maybe ill just try cold approaches.
>Take steroids or get rich/famous
Got it, thanks. Also I never mentioned scoring on vacation and by clubs I meant college clubs (like the chess club, movies club etc) not a nightclub
>No woman will ever, ever want you for casual sex
A few have and I didn't receive any complaints from your mother

It gets into muddy waters if there is hard drinking, I tend to say away just in case but I appreciate the idea of just treating women with respect and genuinely taking interest in what they have to say

Thanks Norwegian anon. Yeah the apps can be strange. Tinder definitely has it out for me because my first account got banned and whenever I get a new number I forget which email I used and it links the banned email to the new number and even when I switch the email it has already made the connection. Maybe, I could be wrong. I definitely have to work on my cold approach, I might give the "I'm sorry, but have we talked before?" line a go.

>I got banned off of one of their sister apps (my dumbass was on blk as a white guy)
Game is game I respect the hustle. I was tempted to join Muzz even though Muslim women are literally forbidden to marry outside of their faith
bruh just go on wooplus no need for all these paragraphs from guys who never been on dates.

Theres a bunch of desperate fat women there who are willing to go out with normal looking guys. got my ssbbw gf there who i will probably break up with in a few months because shes too fat for me nowadays
Despite me writing over 1000 words of advice, this is true as well. Tinder dried up big time. I've been off the apps since the start of this year but shit was getting really dry by the end. I just wasn't getting likes or matches anymore, no matter if I made new accounts or what. Getting a gf from Tinder before the pandemic was like getting on the last chopper out of Saigon lol

I will freely admit that I wrote *way* too much (although I have been on dates, fuck you lol), but Wooplus flat out doesn't work in Ireland cos our population is too small. There's like 5 women being simped over by hundreds of men. Feabie is the exact same
every other girl on wooplus has kids lmao

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