
(460 KB, 1999x1999, IMG_8863.webp)
Don’t you think it’s interesting how we all found this website? And became grouped with other men around the world with same sexual kinks/fetishes? It’s fascinating how the human brain works to subconsciously deliver a message. Glad to have found my people
Welcome to bbw-chan, now giiiit out. Immediately)
I see it as the natural outcome of an economic phenomenon: a porn industry exists > in that industry, there's a niche of fat admirers > bbw porn (any kind) is produced > some aren't willing to pay for it > this site is created to share content.
>>52244 (OP)
I think the most fascinating thing is how the internet managed to connect us all.
Also the fact that there are people willing to spend money on keeping this site alive.
mega based autist
OP and others, take notes

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