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Is anyone else super disappointed and grossed out with how much weight Lauren Lush has lost? She looks like an empty ball sack now or a deflated balloon. So gross… not only that I also heard she put down Kaybearcutie95 for actually gaining weight and was fat shaming her! lauren lush was a scammer fake from the start.
Unfortunately deflation is the end game, in a best case scenario. Sudden or prolonged death are the other options. Carrying 100's of pounds isn't sustainable.

Fallout starts around the mid 30's. By the early 40's, one of the paths is well underway. I encourage young men to seriously consider marrying into the fetish. The prime years are 18-35. With marriage happening later these days, it buys only a short window of additional ssbbw fun time. Then you are either a caretaker or a with a deflated partner.

Most people in a medical state to require caretaking aren't very happy. Doting on an angry or depressed person gets old fast.
Yeah she looks terrible. When she left the first time it was clear she wasn't into this. Had to find an excuse to continue doing this when she came back. Mixed pregnancies with gaining and sold a lie. She should be removed from Curvage.
Yeah she looks like an empty ball sack of overly tanned ugliness now
She doesnt look so bad. I was expecting her to be one of those people who go from 350 to 130. Honestly I dont mind the squishy look so much as long as theres still some fluff its not too bad.
Melted candle aside: isn’t she a victim of human trafficking and abuse?
I remember when she hit the scene her stuff was like revenge porn from a abusive bf who forced her to gain.
Probably bullshit she made up.
If you’re still into this droopy skinned popped balloon more power to you. I like my girls plump and actually gaining.
If Curvage had standards they would drop her but since they don't they'll just let her keep on modeling for them in spite of the fact she's no longer a fat chick
The owner of curvage is a fucking moron for keeping her on that page. Get rid of her already she’s nothing more than gross saggy grandma skin.
By curvage keeping her after she did this shows that the site is becoming shit. She needs to get fired.
If I had my way Curvage would get rid of every model south of Hayley's weight. Why would Lauren need to leave when there are way smaller models than her on that site? If seems like there's no obstruction to upload vids there if you do stuff that plays into the fetish even while being skinny af like RP or Overeating. She still has a body that hits the spot for certain people in this places and the contrast in her collabs is hot.

I'm probably replying to a model with a vendetta against her since your the fourth anon calling for Curvage to remove her, very believeable.
Fuck Lauren lush
I think Lauren Lush lost too much weight to be a curvage model. She looks fucking popped its gross saggy skin ew. And the surgery to remove that is even grosser. She is disgusting now 🤢 🤮
She’s an eye sore now
Lauren yuck 🤢 🤮
Yeah its one thing to have lost weight and scam your audience
its another thing to have a fake/rotten personality too which i’ve heard from a few people
I would much rather a model announce their retirement e.g mochi babii or say they need to lose weight than to keep scamming with the illusion that you’re still eligible for this fetish at all let alone curvage
but to even compare mochi babii is disrespectful to her because she provided nothing but consistent quality content with great value for money back to back for 3-4 years (excluding her break)
better to choose your end than to have your end choose you
Does Lauren actually have a shitty personality or is this just bitterness over her weight loss and obvious disinterest in this space outside of being a source of income?

Not defending her (I think she should get the excess skin removed. It would do wonders for her if she doesn’t plan to regain weight.) but I see way more vitriol over Lauren than other models that lose weight and I’m not 100% sure why.
I feel like Lauren should definitely be removed from Curvage. I thought this the first time when she "got caught" and abandoned her page. When she returned she was significantly heavier. Curvage is about bbw's not skinny women who pretend, and fat women who are mainly loose skin.
You can tell the owner of this site has no clue what his audience wants and is in it for profit only.
Truthfully it comes down to the massive Simps for Lauren have to be swayed to stop spending money on every single video of hers. Then she will finally bow out.
Until then, Lauren needs to eat a Cheeseburger, or maybe a few dozen.
Lauren 10000% has a shitty personality and deserves all the hate possible from this community. She shames other models for actually gaining weight and she needs to go asap.
Also all girls that get the loose skin removed look even grosser afterwards. They are covered with ugly scars, get a new fake disgusting bellybutton to replace the old one and its just an all out disgusting thing to see in general. Trust me once these girls lose weight and remove the lose skin they are good for no one but the desperate bottom feeders that have given up on getting anything they actually want. Lauren Lush needs to go away and get the fuck out of this community at this point.

I think it's mostly bitterness by the last group of anons who finally realized that she wasn't actually into the fetish and that the reality is, she was just some random chick who got fat after getting knocked up.

And like it or not, Curvage isn't a feedism focused website and literally hasn't been since when it was just a forum called Fat Celebs.

FFS, they literally don't even allow topless content, much less full nudity. It's a softcore, skinny fat and barely-BBW centric space.
It other words the website is trash just like Lauren Loose skin is. Throw her ugly ass out of the scene already.
Fuck you Lauren Lush piece if shit
Lauren Lush used to he hot and now she is just another ugly saggy skin ugly bitch who lost all her weight and expects us all not to notice how gross looking she is now. 🤮
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She looks like a nasty old saggy granny next to dumplin. Lauren Lush is just a gross saggy skinned mess 🤢 🤮 curvage really needs to fucking rid of her already!
Lauren ugly
I hope she quits the site and gets out of our sight
God Lauren Lush is so fucking gross now I hate her get that piece of shit off curvage already!
lauren is the most disgusting person ever
dumplin is so secxy in that pic it makes me forget the nasty lauren exists
Getting rid of Lauren lush and deleting her off curvage would be the best thing for all of us. She is such a nasty droopy saggy skinned grandma looking creature now.
Lauren Lush I fucking hate that ugly bitch
Laurel Lush is so lovely.

*Screams from the haters got a nice ring to it*
If by lovely you mean saggy skinned and old as fuck looking from it sure?
Wish curvage would remove the ugly old droopy skinned hag
Lauren Lush has never looked as ugly as she does now holy fuck. I feel bad for her man having an ugly deflated balloon for a wife.
Hi Lauren Lush you ugly ass welcome to bbw chan
you really exemplify how pathetic men can be

all these daily rage posts because your fav e-girl lost weight

newsflash: all (fat) girls either on or offline will lose weight at some point or lose beauty in a different way
U seen tense
Yup this is definitely Lauren lush and one of her friends coming to the rescue. Why don’t you just do us all a favor and quit curvage already?
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>>newsflash: all (fat) girls either on or offline will lose weight at some point or lose beauty in a different way

pls. don't confront these fucking retards with reality. it'll only make them even more angry.
Lauren lush Is fun to hate because she’s an effigy for every fat drunken hoe we’ve all known, seen and avoided getting sexually assaulted by while too drunk to consent.
Lauren Lush is objectively unattractive.
At any weight she’s a solid 5/10 before makeup (and her style couldn’t be more typical of the consumerist middle American hoe).
She’s spent her entire life around manipulating men’s attention and attraction. It’s funny because she’s now used up, uglier than ever and desperately trying to recoup some money for her efforts.
I can’t imagine how sad her 40s will be. And this is funny. We all saw these girls doing this hoe shit and wondered: what’s the long game here?
Nailed it. I also find it funny how she comments in here with her friends to try and make us not notice how much uglier she has gotten due to her massive weight loss.
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Even her face has gotten more droopy and retarded looking from the weight loss. Fucking hate this ugly scammer bitch
When she was younger, she would have totally been the type of girl I would encounter in college when I would come home for a break and go to a house party in my hometown.

It was always a bunch of people home from college, mixed in with a bunch of trashy girls you would’ve never spent any time around in high school, but here they are talking to you about how they are pretending to go to the local JC working shitty retail and doing fuck all with their lives after high school.

They were all starting to get chubby (I liked that part), getting in drama-filled situations, wore a shitload of “not like other girls” makeup, etc.

What she’s doing now is totally consistent with what happened to them - a few unplanned kids, get properly obese, and then turn into a disgusting sack of bones while they’re trying to recapture a physique they never even had in their prime while the rest of their looks, and lives, are sliding into mid-late 30s stagnation.
Yeah I definitely see that. She looks so gross and straggly and droopy. She is all saggy droopy skinned and next comes her cutting up her body to remove the excess skin and then she will have a huge scar along with one of those creepy remade bellybuttons. Yuck yuck yuck 🤮
Does anyone know why she lost weight? Health problems?
I’m in the late 20s part of this now. Graduated college and moved to the city. Moved back to my hometown recently and everyone is huge and I’m here for it. Dreading when they hit 30 and all do Ozympic.

There’s some girls that were already big and now are fucking huge. I’d imagine they’ll get WLS at some point, dreading that too.
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She looks like a gross opened spread out parachute on that ping pong table. This ugly bitch can be like a flying squirrel with all that loose skin. 🤮
She lost it because she didn’t like being big and thinks being thin looks better.
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honeestly curious: can somebody with deep knowledge of the human psyche enlighten me on the question why this pack of limp dicked retards chose this specific pornm actress as a projection canvas for their hatred?

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tbh I don't get why this thread is so vitriolic. Like, I get that people here are more into porn/content than the average person, but it's the one rule where "Don't like a model, don't watch their shit" really applies, because you're watching for aesthetics and fantasy stuff.

For content sake. Here's some Lauren Lush classic content (2020-ish), some of which I bought years back


My whole take on Lush is still, essentially, she had some good clips and was hot at times, but her weight fluctuation is really become impossible to ignore.

I will say I'm not really sure what she's still doing making clips and hanging out with the other models, but I can't get mad at her.
> why this pack of limp dicked retards chose this specific pornm actress as a projection canvas for their hatred
I could ask the same question for why your Nazi-ancestors thought they had anything to celebrate based on your sub-human manlet genes.
Anyway, you probably wouldn’t understand as it’s an American thing. These sort of women are the epitome of the strip mall white-liberal-feminisms-consumerism nexus.
Nobody talks like this in real life, faggot.
What a shame… she went from hot to not at all…
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This is what we have to look forward to with Lauren Lush now 🤮 🤮 🤮
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Skin removal is where Lauren Lush is headed next and I bet she can’t wait to get as disgusting as this lady 🤮
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Lauren lush fucking sucks now. I used to be such a big fan until she became and empty ball sack.
Lauren lush fucking sucks I hate her now wtf she's so disgusting now terrible
Took the words right out of my mouth
Lauren Lush is such a fake piece of shit. She needs to go!
This thread needs to go.
It reads like one guy using different access points to make it seem like more people are complaining about her. It reeks of desperation.
Mods are asleep at the wheel.
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i agree that this thread is annoying. but shit being annoying alone doesn't justify censorship.

also it's an interesting testament of the mindstate of a typical male failure in the year 2024. interesting. instead of shaping up, brushing their teeth, washing their asshole, and learning how to hold an actual conversation with a (fat) women irl, this person chose starting and maintaining long idiotic threads where they whine and nag like a bitch as a strategy to succeed in life.

kinda fascinating. what do they expect? that some woman will pity fuck them just to make them shut up because they can't take the wails any more? mods please don't delete this thread. there is a lot to be learned here.
There’s no conspiracy, it’s just that…
a lot of us dislike Lauren lots for being a scammer
Agreed. I honestly believe all the people that are sticking up for her are either all lauren lush herself or her own personal friends posting.

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