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/gen I've got a question.
I have a girlfriend who is now actively gaining weight which is great. We're really starting from 0 for she is very skinny and there isn't really anything that could indicate what she might look like when she gets bigger. I love all bellies but I don't love them equally and if I could I would like to prevent a double belly. How do double bellies form? Does it have anything to do with the type of pants you wear? Is there anything one could do to influence the shape of a belly? Like i said we're at absolute 0 so if this were possible I would have to act now before it's too late.
If you had ever fucked a double belly you wouldn't have made this post
Agreed, double bellies are the best IMO. The lower belly is pure flab and is free to hang lower. And the rolls that form make great handles.
I think double bellies are mostly genetic so if she looks like she'll get one, there's no way to prevent it. If you really don't want her to have one don't make her wear anything too tight on her belly and try not to sit forward as much. Like I said it's genetics so you either win or lose.
>>52054 (OP)
It is 100% genetics and there’s nothing you can do about it
>>52054 (OP)
100% genetics
i think the type of food may decide whether its subcutaneous or visceral, but the way the fat lays and where and the texture differs a lot by race and genetics
keeps things interesting
OP here.
I hypothesise that persistent stuffing and really going all in for those explosive newbie gains might just do the trick? Bellies of stuffers are often times way more round than the average gainer. If we get that belly stretching it might not have time to adjust to whatever shape genetics had in mind. Also no sane serious stuffer ever bends forwards. Doing much pondering.
I promise you it's genetics. It has to do with body shape and ratios between chest, waist, and hips. Also can be affected by whether the hips sit high or low, all kinds of shit. The key is learning to identify what will turn into a double belly early on. I couldnt explain it over text, but you can tell. My ex had a double belly and got up to 325 but seeing pics of before I knew them at 180 you could tell what would come even though it wasnt there yet.
>>52054 (OP)
Gain more weight faster and faster. Very rapid Weight gain tends to result in HUGE pot bellies and the very least temporally.
tangential, but why do some girls have really soft feeling fat and others have harder, firmer feeling fat? is there a way to influence what kind of fat a girl has?
Wel there is visceral fat and subcutaneous fat, one is definitely less healthy but does lead to rounder more bloated look bellies generally. And that you kan influence.
What the other guy said. Also, gaining, then losing some, then gaining again changes their shape and makes them softer most of the time. Unless they hold it all in their stomach like a rock

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