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Since Sleepy Joe finally did the right thing and retired, the democrats have less than 4 months to build up Kamala's reputation.....which means that Trump went from surviving an assassination attempt to winning the election in the span of 1 week.
Honestly, no matter who you support in this race for office, I guess it's extremely hard to realize you're not at a 100% and you're not capable of being president for another term

Sure, it's been pretty obvious especially this year, but i think it is something anyone should respect

It's like elderly people giving their driving license away, just in huge and more meaningful
Probably one of the hardest things to do and I can't even imagine what that is like..

Now I wonder who the Dems will pull out of the hat as new candidate
Will they really go for Harris who will most likely have a really hard time competing against Trump, or will they come up with someone completely different to build a strong competitor campaign..

I feel like if they chose Harris, they wouldn't stand a chance since she's not popular enough to catch swing voters or even a small amount of Republicans

But who knows..
However, Trump has a really good position to start from and the democrats are great at weakening themselves at the moment..

All of this judging from an outside of the US pov
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I, Willy Wonka, have decided to announce my run for presidency this year.
I know people keep saying they have issues with Kamala (who is the most likely nominee at this point) but frankly the undecided voters were looking for an excuse not to vote for Trump OR Biden. The people who have a problem with her were going to have some issue with any candidate the Democrats run anyway.

4 months is plenty of time to make the case for anyone. It's not like we're not all talking about the Election anyway.
Undecideds hate Kamala Harris cause she's part of the California elite telling other states what to do. Complicating things is that voters like Joe Biden while donors hate him. She's a literal who to the moderates and rural population the press is trying to court. This just reeks of the worst excess of clueless execs withholding aid to the middle class and threatening to destroy democracy till they get what they want. She pretty much has two months to make her case since us normies are on vacation. This just a ratings stunt for MSNBC and CNN.

I can honestly see Joe Biden spiting the DNC by depriving them of their glory, he really hates progressives more than Trump and has been cursing them out in private. Kamala is known as an office bully who's worse than Trump so I can see millennials going MAGA. Democrats don't have the smarts like the left in Britain and France to pull off a snap election, and the youth want to play videogames
Most of the US is on summer vacation, German anon. It's way too early to tell what impact that Kamala Harris might have. She could simply self destruct since only 8 percent of the population supports her. Democrats forgot that Independents they're supposed to court also vote Republican. I argue data gurus are trying to subvert democracy and undermine the country by having private billionaires pick their candidate. Trump could simply win African Americans like Nixon, which is what happened cause Democrats simply can't learn a lesson to save their life.
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No so fast, Wonka! I, Dick Solomon, not only announce my run for presidency, but also for Supreme leader of Earth! Ha ha!

My Platform is simple, YOU GET TO VOTE FOR ME! ME!
>>51943 (OP)
> winning the election

He's running scared from the very idea of a debate with Harris, and you somehow think he's already won?
I don't care for either Trump nor Biden, but this basically gave Trump the W. Freed from all of his felonies, got shot and a badass snapshot spread across the internet, and now Biden stepped out. They basically gave Trump a clear hallway back into the office.

The Democrats probably wrote that statement and told Biden they don't want him running again. If they go with Kamala Harris, they are fucked. People are not going to vote a woman, a BLACK woman to run the country that's just facts. Unless they got someone they've been hiding in their back pocket the whole time, Trump will be the 2nd ever to have 2 terms that aren't back-to-back after Grover Cleveland. It is certainly Joever.
This is Biden's, or his staffs own fault. They could've just waited till the fall to debate, but his tard wranglers decided to go to CNN without the commission and got mad when Trump beat them at an unsanctioned brawl. Harris is a horrifically bad idea cause now Manchin, Newsome, and others want to fight Kamala at the DNC in Chicago.
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Black Men identify with Sasuke Uchiha and the Akatsuki now. They're bigger weebs who want Tenkaichi
You never know tbh
Obama (black) and Hillary Cinton (woman) both won the popular vote when they were the Democratic presidential candidates, so if Kamala loses it will be because America doesn't want her, not because she's black and/or a woman
Democrats don't want her. Manpower is way too low across-the-board for Harris to win, so this will just pit the few working men against women for votes that can tilt election in Trump's favor.
I will be voting for Kamala. She's My President.

For realz tho, the republicans want to ban porn and make it illegal to consume, and I can't allow that. I need porn.
Porn stars live in Republican districts to be away from their manchild Disney adult fan base. They hate progressive DAs for simping

>>He's running scared from the very idea of a debate with Harris, and you somehow think he's already won?

If he had no problem beating Clinton then he'll wipe the floor with Harris. Face it, the democrats have been nose diving for a long time now.
Trump is winning by 5 points. I had to make an educated guess and assume the same will happen cause there's no human element to the left. It's all data that can be manipulated. Harris can't win cause normies don't know who she is
I forgot Joe left the war in the middle east on. I expect Netanyahu and Zelensky to burn Europe to the ground, or they will drop white phosphorus over the Middle East and Russia
I suppose you can vote left if you want Kisame17 preg pics that will be gone under Project 2025
58 of your "Safe GOP" seats have gone blue at least once in the past two elections. Bait.

The Clinton campaign's problem was that they didn't actually believe Trump could win until he did. The Biden campaign didn't make that mistake, and there's no reason to think the Harris campaign will.

Trump, meanwhile, will get a brighter spotlight put on his advanced age, obvious mental decline, and wanton criminality.

There's a damn good chance that Trump loses the popular vote three times in a row. "Democrats in decline" is just copium.
Interesting point. Prosecutor versus Criminal. I didn’t think of that.
(1.2 MB, 1920x1080, A moment before disaster.png)
That's nice, Mr. Solomon, but I have many things you don't. I'll be running my platform on:
>A lifetime supply of chocolate for every US taxpayer
>Government mandated blueberry GFs
>Lower taxes for all candy companies, including the Nestle candy company
>An Oompa Loompa for every home
I will undoubtedly win.
(1.2 MB, 1920x1080, A moment before disaster.png)
That's nice, Mr. Solomon, but I have many things you don't. I'll be running my platform on:
>A lifetime supply of chocolate for every US taxpayer
>Government mandated giant blueberry GFs
>Lower taxes for all candy companies, including the Nestle candy company
>An Oompa Loompa for every home
I will undoubtedly win the 2024 election! Kamala Harris? Donald Trump? You?!

I am Willy fucking Wonka, the amazing chocolatier. The smartest man's who ever lived! I can solve world hunger with the press of a button.
...What does any of this have to do with BBW?
(642 KB, 930x1080, Blueberry.webm)
>...What does any of this have to do with BBW?
(1.1 MB, 930x1080, Blueberry.webm)
>...What does any of this have to do with BBW?
Kamala is a coastal elite with no experience. It's too late for momentum as she pretty much has 2 months. This is more half baked so I am guessing Trump will win cause data gurus have the impulse if a toddler and no people skills
Moot point. RNC had Kid Rock and Hulk Hogan. Kamala's biggest obstacle is that normies hate prosecutors and she just doesn't have people skills to win over whites who think she'll put them in prison. Believe me, this is just television execs having more bad ideas or just waffle stomping, or Kisameposting on Sunday. Young Thug, TI, and Fat Joe hate prosecutors like Kopmala Harris cause she goes after their nice Miami mansions
I am planning on seeing Twisters soon. I don't know what's really going on other than television has gotten autistic. Execs are scared Zoomers are listen to TikTok and kids are watching YouTube instead of what some boomer thinks. I bothered to sign to get RFK on the ballot in my home state. I guess execs want the Kisame17 audience which is why Deadpool with beer, or WB is merging with everything now.
>>51994 I see your point. Wonka has my vote.
I don't know, I went back to medicating myself and looking to keep myself in stasis until Fall
2 high to 2 memes. I have been dreaming of deer, bear, and armadillo, and the beach. Have fun with your short bus entertainment
I am convinced whites are 1 trick ponies. The joke devalues overtime DEI hire
>>51943 (OP)
Trump is winning New Hampshire, which means RFK will siphon more votes from the left and had him an election. All cause Democrats threatened Biden with the 25th Amendment
RFK Jr may be the dark horse in all this. But honestly the only way he's getting votes is if people don't like either candidate, which is the case right now (if it's Kamala v Trump) if you take out far right/left supporters. But when was the last time an independent party became president? His chances are next to none unless he works with democrats, which will ultimately hurt him.
Democrats are losing because the party is copying China and Russia's communism without the personality cult of Xi-Putin. China values the family while Russia has unlimited petroleum to fund the war. Kamala doesn't have a personality cult to rally people around. She doesn't even have paramilitary death squads like Thatcher to wage a war on MAGA. All they have is Schumer-Nancy double crossing both sides for power.
As someone from outside the US looking in, a lot of western societies including yours and mine (UK) seem to have a problem with the inmates running the asylum.

Look at the oil protesters. Look at the Palestine protesters. Look at all the westerners going abroad to do this shit in places like Japan, ruining the perception of normal people to normal people. Look at all the people getting away with assaulting and harassing one another in public to the point Oblivion NPC is a meme with months of content online.

No wonder people want Trump back in. There haven't been consequences for people's realworld fuck ups since January 6th.

You're more likely to get cancelled for a non issue online than punished for a crime you commit irl, despite the fact you live in the real world and not online.

MGS2 was right, social media fucked us up to the point I was sure Trump was going to win just because he's got a villain arc on the way. Now he's got plot armor I'm willing to bet money in him winning again. Anything that happened after that shot is a reaction to it and the problem with the Democrats is they're too fucking set in their ways inhaling copium to accept that.
Americans are traveling abroad cause it's cheaper to live. My coworkers went to El Salvador cause it's safer and they have relatives there. The meat in Thailand is better than the stuff processed in the states Latin Americans and Asians are just flat out too well behaved to believe in the dysfunction. My other coworker is going back to South Carolina simply cause the cost of living is cheaper down there. Democrats are losing because prosecutors refuse to put the rioters in jail. I am considering saving up for a place to stay, and maybe find ways to raise money. They've been vocal about not wanting to wear the PFLAG merch.

I don't know what the world is like, but I can guessing it's disgusted by chan culture, and Trump looks like a serious adult when next to Democrats who seem to prize pop concerts and TikTok over policies. All I know is I want to travel again
>>51943 (OP)
It's all fake. The numbers are inflated and the crowds are tiny. Spoof my IP, look at where I am, tell me I'm a liar 🇺🇲
Impressive, this is the most sperg-filled thread I've created so far. Keep up the good work boys. Once this hits about 100 or so replies I'll come back and read through it. TTFN
Fuck terrorist Trump.
Everything I was saying said better than me. Especially the food argument - I've noticed in America most of your basic shit has corn sugar in it to the point a loaf of bread tastes like cake yet your chocolate tastes rancid.

Not to mention the cost of food. Might as well go to Mexico or El Salvador since it tastes better and costs far less. Not to mention healthier.

You're absolutely right that Trump looks serious compared to the Democrats - they look like the poster boys for DEI especially after that hearing yesterday with Mrs. Pringles head of the SS.
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>>A lifetime supply of chocolate for every US taxpayer
Whoa. He's got my vote.
If she really is dumb enough to pick Pritzker and Shapiro, I can see the country shifting red. Same goes for Newsome. Kamala is just not likeable with the suburban base and newscasters are just trying too hard to reclaim their spot on the rumor well. Mr and Ms Black regular likes the conservatives too. They're not going to give up cheaper cost of living for a performance artist. Bowman and Bush are getting voted out because people are tried of the F-Trump message. It's just F-Bush filtered by an AI. Hochul couldn't sell congestion pricing and electric cars cause it's expensive and would raise taxes on Democrats as opposed to conservatives who don't live in the cities.
> (Blueberry!?! Humans will vote for someone just because they'll give them fruit!)

*Ahem* Alright not only will I, the High Commander give you Blueberries I'll give you Strawberries too! Maybe even Blackberries and Raspberries!

Ha ha ha! Your move, Wonka! And as we speak, I have my Campaign Manager Harry working on my Slogan! I bet you don't even have one!
> If she really is dumb enough to pick Pritzker and Shapiro
Shapiro might get the new vote. I’d hoped Stephanik had locked in their support with the college admin stunt but if the Ds put a J on the ticket DJT might be in for some Trouble (capital T, and that rhymes with "P" and that stands for poo)
Tfw you agree with Kisame
I flat out think the elites are detached from reality. Kamala is just boomer over the top worship for authority. Independents and neocons aren't going to flock to her, or vote for Commiefornian who wants to troon kids and blow money on health care. They're conflating apathy with enthusiasm.
See I'm opposite here. If she gets the nomination Kamala will win in a landslide. People are too stupid and will blindly follow the message of "if you are against me you're racist. Elect the first black woman as president today!"
It'll be all over for Trump at that point on election night.
Pro-tip: if you're using words like Commiefornian and Troon, you don't have an idea of what independents want. You flat out don't have a pulse on the third of America that is actually torn on politics.
Trooning and Commiefornia are just school board politics. Trump liberated America from the tyranny of PTA meetings, school board tribalism. Ron already had his charter schools, seminary schools, and ivy leagues. I don't think Kamala Harris is going to change mayoral control of public schools. Teachers unions vote Republican to protect their racket.
Millennials and GenZ don't care for Kamala Harris. Dems who enroll their children at 50k prep schools, 20k yeshivas are losing to poor fags. It's like how the Taliban and Hamas beat Israel cause poorfags took construction, OSHA, and engineering to demolish hastily made boondoggles like Tel-Aviv
Trooning and Commiefornia are luxuries.. they're not necessities. Kamala is like a Porsche or a Mercedes Benz, a luxury Democrats use to show off their affluent lifestyle.
> If she gets the nomination Kamala will win in a landslide. People are too stupid and will blindly follow the message of "if you are against me you're racist. Elect the first black woman as president today!"
It'll be all over for Trump at that point on election night.

Fundamentally disagree. Even if voting Trump over Kamala made you a racist - even if somehow it actually did - voting is private. The voting system works in part on the idea no one can trace back any one vote to you. Not without a degree of effort that vastly outweighs the outcome for everyone except maybe 10 people in the world.

No one thought Brexit would pass until it did because the swing voters said they were for Europe and immigration but obviously felt different in the booth on the day.
If Kamala stays away from the "First Woman President" or "First Indian/Jamaican President" messaging, then she's not going to turn off voters who are triggered by that messaging.
That's the problem: she's an immigrant in a country where Americans are coveting Europe's policies instead of American style Reganism, Bushism. How is an obese immigrant supposed to appeal to African Americans, most of whom are rejecting sugary commercialism for pilates, yoga, and vegetarianism?
>If Kamala stays away from the "First Woman President" or "First Indian/Jamaican President" messaging, then she's not going to turn off voters who are triggered by that messaging.

True - but it's not just Kamala who has to stick to that. It's every dim cunt Democrat demagogue who also needs to understand that. And I can't see that happening.
Fine I will be nice, she got roped into another rope a dope debate with Fox News. I guess MSNBC and CNN can't afford another one in their virtual reality rooms. We're living in an age where people are bickering about black TMNT April and Korean Lois.
Biden lost in the first place because he refused to listen to his policy wonks while the ex Trump' staff guided him on foreign policy. His wife, son, and a small circle dictated of elites. The media has the mental capacity of theater nerds, pelting the correspondent staff with dumb questions that made Trump WH tard wranglers seem lucid hindsight.
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I just don't see how Kamala can top Biden going full schizo under the I-95 at Philly.
Idk. I watched JD Vance talk the other day. Hes a nerd.
Weird looking terminally online loser, basically poison to normies. (I’d know I am one).

DJT: “One 5’7” teddy bear spouting watered down Andrew Tate culture war bullshit please”.
I am a millennial just like Vance and turn 34 in Nov. I don't recall Andrew Tate ever being popular. He's just not a violent aspie that made Anakin popular, an edgelord like Sasuke or the Akatsuki, or even believable like Harry Potter. I don't think conservatives can harness the base that watches anime. JD Vance is fake like Amy Chua. Gaetz is more believable cause he's got charisma
I flat out don't think JD Vance's fragile ego can handle Kagome, Chun Li, or Mai Shiranui being stronger than a man. He's those Christians who think CS Lewis and Tolkien are good, assuming his parents didn't forbid him since those are witchcraft. It's like how Hitler likes to LARP as Odin or Bannon thinks he's a warrior despite being a fat slob. Watch as Republicans abandon him cause he's too nerdy
JD Vance is just another millennial who never had a dad. His mom was too big a drunken whore to stop banging random men and raise her kid.
This is what happens when you let Reddit/4chan raise your unwanted, effeminate unathletic boys.
JD Vance is just another millennial who never had a dad. His mom was too big a drunken whore to stop banging random men and raise her kid.
This is what happens when you let Reddit/4chan raise your unwanted, effeminate unathletic boys.

BBW-Channer VP when?
The left hates Kamala Harris because she cares about Israel. She's not going to give up drone bombing Hamas. He's scaring nerds into voting red
Vance is one those old right paleoconservatives who seem to have a fat woman fetish. Nixon would hate him for marrying a curry eater
Kamala is a cop, a Zionist, and a huge fan of venn diagram analysis of complex issues.
None of these things will stop institutional democrats from voting for her, and may even draw in votes from suburban parents.
Netanyahu is such a whiny manchild that he makes Putin and Trump look disciplined. How long is he going to demand toy missiles and toy helicopters? He's driving the victims into the arms of the rapist. I can honestly see the preg community being drafted into WWIII
Baby-boomers and zoomers hate the terminally online vote. Both age groups need toy keys jingle in front of them just to get the country blue. JD Vance terrifies them because right leaning millennials with their internet humor and Kisameposting are closer to becoming VP for forum years.
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True government is exclusive collectives of infinite organically equal leaders and infinite dimensions of infinite simultaneous directions of infinite verities of progresses/wills/loves.

The fattest societies of the most refined truest FAT. Society is a meme and I want my exclusive societies to have the greatest verity of mutualistic preferences. To achieve loves that are greater than the sum of the combined loves.

IE free cloned-meat/cultured-meat.
And things like utmost abundance of truest community where everyone gets sorted to whomever each person is wanting.

A democracy of vibes. A democracy of energy. Feelings are people. Opinions are people. Energy is people. Vibes are people.
Being with truest vibes is desired by any truest self.
Vance is losing because his backstory is simply he's mad his dad left him behind at a Walbums or K-Mart without a fat crackwhore and now he's going to make everyone sad. He's just not an entertaining sociopath like Cartman to get people to like him. Trump is only winning cause people don't want lowbrow black entertainment
(6 KB, 303x166, dick.jpg)
Alright Wonka! I've returned with my new slogan:
I maybe a little dick, but I have, BIG DREAMS!

Little Dick

Now everyone, vote for me!!!!!!!!!!

Also, I have it on good authority that your chocolate is actually cut with dark chocolate! Counterfeit chocolate!
Why is there a thread about the next president of the United states on a bbw forum. wtf. Are yall seriously so far down the politics rabbit hole that you cant stop thinking about politics for 20 minutes just to jack off? Why did the mods even leave this up in the first place?

What type of person goes on a site called "bbw-chan" and thinks "yeah this is a great place to discuss politics"

I'm just genuinely baffled. Y'all have to be some sort of mentally ill
Actually Hunter Biden’s laptop is what got me into porn. Dudes packing schmeat.
Congress can't decide if Trump is too fat to fit in the beast, or he didn't get hit by a sniper's bullet cause he dodged despite being obese. Conservatives are also complaining that the fat, lesbians, Jewish woman at the Olympics is a sign the west has fallen. I've been talking politics because the left threatened to commit elder abuse against Biden if he doesn't drop out and replaced him with Kamala. I think it's surreal that the news cares about the TikTok audience.

BBWchan is related because JD Vance is closer to becoming president and he can't lie about hanging out on /v/ and keeps citing /pol/. It's like how Tucker Carlson went to /d/ on Fox News. Conservatives are confirmed to be on Grindr which means they're also luring BBwchan and FurAffinity
Entertainment nowadays is restricted and censored now. I sat thru Twisters and it couldn't capture the corniness of the original movie. Even Mai has to cover up as to not offend people. I am too busy wondering if things were too extreme
Remember when no one gave a shit about politics 10-15 years ago? That was a great time. Remember when people would also derail political threads because talking politics was lol. lmao even?

What are you up to, anon? I'm playing some old computer game from the 90s for the heck of it.
America had access to cheap entrainment and imports in the past. All those hobbies became expensive because politicians complain that millennials weren't buying union made domestic goods and demanded tariffs. People are talking politics now cause Andrew Tate, Ben Shapiro, Tucker Carlson are occupying the web to air their grievance against the system.
Still wondering if my taste in breast expansion is too extreme.
JD Vance lacked a father figure in his life. Hes not the type of man who can handle a fat bitch, or look himself in the mirror afterwards. Nikki Haley had my vote because she’s got low key dominatrix vibes.
I’m a suburban moderate white man. Right now Trumps packing a phat ass, and has 3 different baby mommas, plus buying pussy from Stormy Daniel’s and Epstein…extravagant high heel shoes, deceptive hair styles, too much colorful makeup…Trumps just too hood for me.
> Trumps packing a phat ass
His chopper walks got me legit hard watching that fat bulbous gyatt waddle up steps.
Progressives hate white men and think they will drag down Kamala Harris. I can see them self destruct if she chooses an old white guy
My pastor pointed out that the left hates whites too much. I think those whites will just flock to Trump along with blacks. Kamala Harris just does nothing for Mr and Ms Black regular.
> Progressives hate white men
Progressives are just entitled white men with a humiliation kink they’re gonna love seeing an old white man get bossed around by Madam Harris.
The progressives have accepted that the only way Kamala will be palatable to anyone right of center that's undecided will be to have a VP that's a boring white man. It's not going to be Buttigieg, despite the stumping he's been doing on Fox News. Genuinely, no one on the left is expecting Harris to kowtow to the progressive agenda and it's laughable that you're getting your political insight from church of all places.
The press is an echo chamber right now my dude. She's not going to pick a white man because blacks don't like progressives. I know people want Kisame-Kamala as this ultra liberal, but the Sikhs and Muslims don't like her. Progressives and pro Gaza have accused each other of being a war criminal.
Your takes are weird, man.
Would you rather I humor you and say Kamala is going to win low income voters? Normal people will self destruct once order is gone and chaos reigns.
I'd rather you take your medicine instead of spouting weird unhinged shit like "Normal people will self destruct once order is gone and chaos reigns," like it's some kind of prophecy. I know I'm shouting into the void but really, no one is taking anything you're saying seriously. What happened to Self-Medicating Kisame?
Who you talking to anon? Kamala is a weirdo. It's also a Tuesday.
The Olympics are playing right now and last weeks was the RNC. I don't see how the DNC is going to top Kid Rock and Hulk Hogan. Normies are rehashing the same tired Donald is crazy critiques. Even his nephew complains he's not racist, he's schizo which means they can't call him out. Meanwhile Elon Musk is whining his son trooned to look like Hanson.
If you want a serious answer, people aren't consuming the products and not buying$17 Big Macs, which points to Trump winning.
I am well. I am on summer vacation and went to IHOP. I don't know what this KOSA bill is since I am not terminally online and artists don't want me to buy art anyways.
Honestly the high price of fast food hurts Trump.
All his isolationist policies and FED based charity for the stock market were fun during Obama’s economic recovery, but today, idk if Americans could handle paying 1750$ for an American made TV
I work at Shake Shack. The high food prices exist to pay workers wages and fast food gets rated on safety and not customers. We're not going back to putting transfats in food just because tards want $2 off on their Five Guys. This hurt Biden more because his base always wants the expensive stuff. We're not importing Kobe Wagyu, Italian Espresso, Korean food cause people want expensive stuff.
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Recently Lebanon and Syria were randomly attacked and now Türkiye is sending millions of paramilitary into Lebanon with support from the Lebanese government.
The 2k TV is justified because gaming and cable is digital now. Zoomers don't like the old 4:3 format which is why One Piece is getting remade along with other anime. Human nature might say Trump wins because the left cannot handle shopping at Costco, Walmart or BJs
Who does this help?
The pro-WWIII crowd probably likes Trump, and their not unreasonable to think so. Idk if this is or isn’t a ringing endorsement for Biden’s strategy of provisionally arming Bibi.
Kamala has the lead in the polls but the border and the war will just shift it towards Trump cause he's available. Democrats are actually behind and cramming the next 90 days.
Glowies think Trump will be assassinated and dodge, there by winning the election. I just think terminally online pollsters could be oversampling memes and high on their farts
>Still wondering if my taste in breast expansion is too extreme.
I'm going to go with it isn't. Then again, what do I know, I'm an ass man, not a breast man. In assman land, there's no such thing as too big an ass.
I still think she's going to be dumb enough to pick Shapiro. These white guys begging for Kamala are oblivious to how weird they are.
Shapiro isn’t white, he’s Jewish
I think she's making the same errors Hillary is making. I guess Democrats got rid of the geeks who did their homework for the bunga-bunga party, but they're overestimating the number of people answering the phone and underestimating the number of people who don't vote. Kamala is still a literal who cause the left is insulated now
>>Shapiro isn’t white, he’s Jewish

Tell me you didn't just confuse religion with race.
He did. Something a schizo like me wouldn't do.
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20,000 kids were killed. This is just surgery.
Conscripts are hostages.

The USA is infinite equal leaders. We solve because we adapt and grow beyond dichotomy.

If someone at a coffee shop gives you the choices only between a coffee with poison in it or a coffee with gravel in it, you leave the coffee shop.

Costco and Walmart are going out of business in my area.
I love gen Z

Indigenous people should be let in.
Also so many Slavs and Phoenicians!!

I have so much respect for the Central Americans and South Americans helping millions of people escape war.
The people are also welcome to Canada! Do not block the people we want from getting here.
We want THE true refugees, not thieves.

How do we improve the economy so feederism etc is stronger?

The Soviet Union is organizing a Olympics that also has cooking contests included as well as all sorts of things. I would enjoy a feederism Olympics.
It's mostly due to a listeria outbreak among meat. America would have to import from Asia or find a halal guy with access to it. Everyone wants Trader Joe's or Whole Foods.
I hate to be the one to tell you this, but the ones that say things like "Jews aren't considered white" are typically in the KKK.
I am flat out indifferent.
The left forgets that ignorant people or schizos like me don't care about race. Then again, the left still covets the suburbs more than the big cities. They're trying to break Kamala into flannel and the mom jeans with the Toyota Sienna or Nissan Quest to sell her to conservatives. There's no other way to explain it as pollsters being closeted fat fetishes.
I am sure Trump will win. The betting markets aren't a good indicator of the candidates, but I can see online media having a gambling addiction
The republicans gotta stop acting so weird.
This weird thing is gonna bring them down if they can’t stop being weirdos in public.
I live in Nassau, Republicans are repaving the roads and buildings new apartments. I guess civil servant work keeps them occupied
We're whatever you need us to be, depending on the situation. The far right says we're not white, lest we spoil their vision of the US and Europe as White Christian Utopia. The far left says we're white because it fits their narrative of Israelis as occupiers/colonialists.
I bet the Free Palestine protestors are going to scare voters into voting Trump.
The problem with the press is that there's too many armchair strategists who want to mumble about the border, the war, or the Olympics. They are screaming into the void.
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No. We aren’t like yall. We reject invasive things. Also things like wholefoods are also going out of business in our area. We care. We give our money to true local brands. We also reject cursed food.

We do not have dichotomy issues. We are infinite simultaneous directions of progress.

None of my people are “Christian”. Please leave.

My peoples choices are not limited to merely voting. My people are also the true Yankees and the indigenous and the brave gallant Dixi with the proud auspicious pentagram flying high across so many southern nations. Any true Yankee has no attention for dichotomy and is instead a force of pure infinitely multidimensional abstract willpower of infinitely undefinable direction. We are our idealism.

I ask the spirit of sovl kino vibes that autistic trolly girls instead are the users of this forum.
> I bet the Free Palestine protestors are going to scare voters into voting Trump.
I’d have agreed before this week of watching the israeli knesset defend the use of an electric rape stick to tear apart detainees anus.
It’s a bad look for the Jews to be raping men, seems really homo. Gay as fuck.
Normies don't care for local or soul. That's for people with no day job and terminally online.
I stand corrected, Israel can totally continue with their Grindr far right dates.
Which is par for the course for the watermelon warriors. They think Biden is bad? Trump is as hardcore a Zionist as Golda Meir — he's the one who moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, and his son-in-law/chief advisor/middle east expert is on the record supporting real, actual Palestinian genocide. Miriam Adelson, his biggest individual donor, is even more hardcore.

>None of my people are “Christian”.

Who gives a fuck?

The great thing about a liberal democracy like Israel is that being "gay as fuck" is not a negative. That's Hamas' hangup. Anyway, what would you do to a man who raped a 14 year old girl in front of her family then killed her? The punishment should fit the crime.
(* One of the few things Fatah and Hamas agree upon is that Jerusalem should be the capital of a future Palestinian state. The US moving its embassy there is a tacit admission that that will never happen. Not to mention more than half of the city (including the embassy location) is inside what most of the world considers illegally occupied territory.)
Trump is still winning PA, GA, NV, and AZ. The working class cares about jobs
Trump will probably win but let's not pretend there's anything but grievance politics and fascist power worship behind it. The working class always loses under Republicans.
> The working class cares about jobs
And the voters class cares about inflation.
Which is why Papa Powell is standing pat. Housing markets gonna rip in sept when rates drop too.
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Nobody cares about inflation cause its dumb.
>Wha!? Food prices are up!? Car prices are up? His credit is better than me?

It's DBZ levels of dumb
He'll win because progressives are begging Kamala to not elect Shapiro as VP, and buy astronaut Kelly. I can see her picking the Jew
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Nah, were the norm, yall arent. Caring about soul is normal. Not wanting invaders is normal.

Being a zombie slave is not normal.

Ew, no. Not ok. Die.

My people are also the true Yankees and we all give a fuck.

Ew, are you actually defending rape? Die.

I have no idea why yall zombies are on my internet instead of everyone else that should be instead.

And just because people were nice to Jews once doesnt mean theyre your zombie slave, yall are going to get bitten so hard for that yall have no idea. Things have long changed forever. We all are wondering how our misplaced kindness lead to genocide.

Qud is Qud. So many other peoples that are ancient peoples of the land exist as well.
Screw off!

All my people care about ECONOMIES.

None of those places are controlled by a federal government
The economy is a boring topic for Americans and mostly for idea guys who want to replace classics with modernism. Only the most bizarre Europhiles care about the economy so they can larp as upper middle class in Vienna
Kamala has a higher turnover rate than Trump in terms of staff. She'll crash around September or October
You can tell something really triggers our resident schizophrenic when he replies more than once to something. I got 5 replies before someone broke the chain.
If Kamala chooses Kelly as VP it's over for Trump. She will win in a massive landslide and the clock to end America will be ramped up.
I doubt she'll pick Kelly. The ads focus more on one wage and hard work.
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Ahem... hello, ladies and gentlemen, girls and boys, and dudes of all teenages, as well as the, uh, gals. My name is Christian Chandler; I am here, and y'all are there. [chuckles] This message is for everyone of the present and the future, beyond this date: August 2nd, 2024th.

I am high-functioning autistic, and in my 42 years, I have seen and learned so much. And today, I am announcing my run for Pres-for President of the United States.

As your presidential candidate, I will now state how I feel, what we can do to improve this, these nations, these states. For one thing, we got so many poor people out on the streets. I mean, we have soup kitchens and we have soup beds. We should really combine the two into SOUP HOTELS! So that there would be a bed for every homeless person until they can get back up on their own feet. Also, lower taxes. I will propose lower taxes, and we shall not have to pay so much. Five percent is okay, but why not two point five percent? And we will not cut off any benefits for the old people. They are good. And we shall give them plenty of money so they can afford the medications and services to keep them alive, because we do not pay for when we are sick, we pay for our good health! And we only pay after we're healthy. We're in good health. We pay to stay alive, we do not pay to die.

And, speaking of which, too much violence goes on within these city streets. I will propose only gun distribution to the official authority, which shall be the post-, which shall be within the police departments. Nowhere else. And all guns owned by locals, community people, shall be taken away. At least the bullets. When the bullets are necessary, or when there is an outbreak of violence from another nation or planet, then we shall issue the bullets. At all-, at free stations, to be opened immediately. Otherwise we'll send in our special troops. Our special force.

. . .

And also . . ., we will be okay to have the gays *grins* within our community, we will be okay to have the gays within our community. In all states! There will be gay marriage ability for every state within the United Nations. I mean, keep it to yourselves in your room, just don't force it upon everybody, 'cause mup- the- mag- what may be right for you, may not be right for most. For some. You take the good from the bad and then you get an opening statement like mine.

People need to appreciate life, so we will not have to face death. I lost my train of thought there, but that's okay. I am only human! We are all human! I am a noble, honest person. No matter what e'erbody else may say, even on the Internet, and my opponent, Señor Cachez de Clyyyyde. He tells liiies about me! And so do the trolls that have be-trolled me over the Internet. Their jeers, and non-cheers, do not go appreciated. Because it is not everybody who can take a joke. Even when it's at their own expense.

And with that, I will propose Internet securities, reinforced by the FBI, and there will be patrol stations of the Trollbusters around these United States. Any repor-, any troll activity that you may be suspicious of an individual, you report to your local authority! And they will tell, and then they will inform the local FBI station within that state. And then they will investigate thoroughly! Over the wireless that is called the Internet! And they will trace the e-mails back to the origin home address or location. And they will be apprehended and fined or sentenced, depending on how CRUEL they are to the victim.

I stand strong, I stand firm, I AM A NOBLE LEADER! And if I am elected, I will do my best to keep our America strong and sound, and not go down the drain. I'm sorry, Obama, I did vote for you, but I gotta agree with my father, you are bringing us, somuss- some of the situations downhill. But I have nothing against you because I did vote for you. And I liked your documentary on A&E. I would shake your hand at the first opportunity I would to meet you, Mr. President.

And thou- er- fore, I shall conclude my opening statement. In the candisacy of the President, I say, I will do my best! And I am not lazy! Thank you.
I don't know what's going on either. I am debating whether to focus on pregnancy or B.E.
>My people are also the true Yankees and we all give a fuck.

Mine are the true Red Sox.

>Ew, are you actually defending rape? Die.

Are you defending men who rape children? Good to know which side you're on.

>I have no idea why yall zombies are on my internet instead of everyone else that should be instead.

Schizophrenia speaks.

>And just because people were nice to Jews once doesnt mean theyre your zombie slave, yall are going to get bitten so hard for that yall have no idea. Things have long changed forever.

I'm not worried. People were never nice to Jews, the Final Solution was the capper to 2,000 years of brutal subjugation in Europe, the Middle East, and Central Asia. The guilt over the Holocaust was always gonna be finite.

The lesson is that if a group 1) pledges to eliminate you, and 2) follows through, you fight back with everything you have and show no mercy. Fuck "proportionality." Israel will continue to bomb Gaza and assassinate Hamas leadership til they're broken and the population rejects the goal of no Jews "from the river to the sea." Don't you wonder why no Arab country has intervened? Because they know Palestinians had three chances to have their own state based on pre-1967 borders and chose all or nothing instead. So they'll have nothing.

>We all are wondering how our misplaced kindness lead to genocide.

"We all"? You've never done shit.
>>Ew, are you actually defending rape? Die.
>Are you defending men who rape children?
Israel rape-squads are holding thousands of children hostage in their detainment camps naked in cages and are without a doubt raping them.

Israel is the child rape capital of the world and their armed forces are made up of chomos with dual citizens fleeing prosecution. (e.g, Dan "I wouldn't be where I am today without the state of Israel." Schneider, Mossad’s Epstein and Weinstein).

Jews are just lucky to be a football in this election, the demmys are saying being a pedophile is a sexual orientation and only an issue if there’s a lack of consent. Meanwhile the elephants are placating actual Nazis and funding Israel’s war crimes and ethnic cleansing because of the BoR (Book of Revelations). This impending economic crash and immigration crisis is gonna need a scapegoat and well hopefully have a Christian nation by then and the rat catchers can enact the lords solution to this problem.
Don't care, wondering if I should get the Tacoma. Let High Empress Kamala handle it
Cybertruck. Rivian is nice enough if you’re a little light in the loafers.
EVs are only functional for buses as the fares will pay off the loan in time for service. It's flat out impractical as a personal vehicle cause that would require converting a house to a battery. Diesel is cheaper. The Cybertruck and Rivian are just bloated Zakus
Moot point, she picked Shapiro because Dems are cartoon supervillains
Vance is already losing because he mastered the art of being an angry parent while coveting the VP position. Only Asians do that at Costco or the parking lot. Trump must've chilled out after having five children, three wives, and two playboy bunnies.

A group of Trump loyalists and the Heritage Foundation literally released a damn near 900page screed full of insane shit like banning all porn and basing government policy off of a a collection of fairytales written by scribes and sheephearders from the late-bronze and early-iron ages.

Jfc some of y'alls brains don't even generate less energy than the bunch of potatoes needed to run Doom.
Communists don't even like pornography to begin with. China and Russia already purged the adulterers from their ranks cause those are feudalistic desires where a man can own women like property. It's the same reason Jadeite gets rejected by the Sailor Scouts and Queen Beryl, he's incompetent. I think the left needs to understand that nobody cares about A Handmaidens Tail cause it's mostly for ugly women rationalizing why didn't get pregnant. It's the same reason nobody's rushing to adapt all the other bland historical fiction novels about women being used as baby factories, or why the Hunger Games and Harry Potter fizzled despite zoomers watching Attack on Titan, Naruto.
Sasuke wants to assassinate the world leaders and he can back it up with the power. By contrast, bland mediocre protagonist in Handmaidens Tai, Hunger Games is passive and doesn't do anything. How is it that the left makes conservatives gestating on the bed of Hummer, Dodge Ram sound so boring? Bill Clinton is right, the left can't sell pussy to pridetroppers

Why are you talking about communists and then immediately reference China and Russia lol?

China is literally a state-controlled capitalist hellscape and Russia is a right-wing autocracy.
Both are communist countries just like Venezuela. You just hate Project 2025 cause you're one of those loser DSAs who don't work. Nobody is going to take way your porn.
Watch, once Empress Kamala wins, you nerds will look for some other monster to justify your existence while she makes your work double shift at the steel mill.
Look up a list of the most profitable multimedia franchises and tell me where you made your mistake lol
High budget pornography doesn't make money anymore. That's why Taimanin Asagi went legit. The 50k fans aren't enough to sustain the franchise
> Look up a list of the most profitable multimedia franchises and tell me where you made your mistake lol
Once again Hollywood is just a cabal of IDF operatives, they don’t reflect the population of this Christian nation nor its values. Another scourge of illegitimate wealth that hopefully Trumps executive party can force the Jew owners of Netflix and Hollyweird to sell to Bezos (Amazon had good enough streaming we don’t need these civil defense liabilities running anti Christian propaganda)
Nobody's popular crazy to purchase a plot of land to create a town that revolves around media. Tel Aviv is the closest you can get.
Project 2025 wants to make porn illegal...
Nobody cares for porn. Even Mai Shiranui's breasts are censored cause Capcom doesn't want to lose the eSports money and advertising.
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I am Americans and we are an economy.
All is connected. Economy also affects whether fun interesting people are on here or not.

My people are have infinite leaders and no attention for dichotomy nonsense.

I choose that yall are broken instead, ew.

I love the infinite diversity of soul, and I don’t like yalls vibes, and yall hurt true diversity and are now continuing to threaten to hurt innocent people.

And ews are the ones who raped children. Death to anyone who protects the fag-cults called churches and all that other shit.
Did “your people” cut your balls off and you try to cope by being their dog?
Reminder that you goons aren’t volunteers. If conscription didn’t exist, yall would do nothing.

Christianity: lets all only think about one ew fag and die. Christianity only exists via tumour like spam and lack of all else.

Viva Philistina

Paganism: lets think about anything, including our own girls that love us and maybe achieve divinity via multidimensional science and CRISPR etc whatever, yin-yang

Nah, we’re just going to do EV.
Most vehicles around 1914 were electric, including trains.
We do not want your stolen desert gas and poison world, parasite.
Putting a plug in an outlet is not impractical.

Also regards to the people who suffer because of the classism of vehicle ownership. Too often people are stuck in regions that people don’t want to be in.
Respects to the Soviet union giving free cars.
Will start giving out free electric old style VW camper-vans {with solar panel roofs} for all the radical pagan Philistina Mestizo Gothicccs were letting in.

Any of the dichotomy is bogus meant to rot our world.

Give attention the infinite equal true leaders and vast verities of anarcho collectives with greater power than any of what positions of power the parasites stole.

Nope. China is communist. Regardless of how fat some of the cats have gotten.

Cheers to Hell.

Russia is vast anarcho collectives of infinite directions. Every city is a separate nation.
Infinite verities of unity and infinite verities of non-unity simultaneously exist.

No. None of my world is the “Christians”. Begone forever, ew fags.

Cheers to the hammer and nails.

LA is being taken over by Nippon and other East-Asians and hordes of southern autismi sovl. Pay the debts IN GOLD. My peoples media is infinitely diverse. The cheapest videos indigenous make tend to have greater quality than the most expensive films.
I see divine things growing everywhere.

Yaffa decides.

Ok but MY fascists are the ones that are consolidating all power and industries.

And my anarcho~fascist~nazi~soviet~progressives are infinite verities of progressives. We grow. And our progressivism is different.
I flat out don't care for the left consolidating power in Canada or global politics. I am sure some terrorist will play Kisame17, but it doesn't change the fact the left are running on fumes with their too big to fail ideas.
Get a job, moocher
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Get shot, parasite/invader. My people only serve my people. We are the only wealth.

I hope a true channer traces where you and your parasite pestilence tumour peoples stolen dens are and exterminates yall.

I never welcomed you here. You are well aware you are not of my chan-websites and world/internet/communities.
You scare off the true vibes so it’s my responsibility for all the masses of people who want to be here instead to inform you that you must die.

But don’t be offended, yall are the only thing opposing cloned-meat and all the other progress making all naturally free because y’all fear goodness as goodness liberates people from your eternally broken ewish egotrip. Since you have no issue with animals being harmed then it’s surely ok that you are harmed by your same logic, porkchop.

Y’all fear every other community. That is so disgusting.
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Don't worry mods. Pregchan is having their dumb slap fight cause their favorite heel doesn't exist anymore. It's going to be funny when Kopmala sics the swat team
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20,000 kids and the free will of everyone who follows love instead of golem, will sic yall zombie pestilent parasites.

I am the true channers. Y’all merely are trying to kill the internet as fast as y’all can.
Muslims are just moderates who voted blue.
How long are gays and conservatives going to argue? Us mentally ill people have been going to Starbucks lately

"Nobody cares for porn," I say...on a forum dedicated to a niche porn fetish.

Jfc. You're the poster boy for why more women should swallow.
Communists like Maduro have always jailed dissenters. Also, Nu-Russia was made possible by destabilizing the Soviet Union, allowing people like Putin to consolidate power with the businessmen while nobody's looking. It's like how Xi consolidated power and made Shanghai financial capital
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Communist countries have high literacy rate and high health thanks to fascists liking Castro and Maduro over America with it's dumb neoliberalism. You're just have no ounce of charisma like the Unabomber or Ruby Ridge guy to inspire a milita movement. Even Osama Bin Laden had four wives and had access to hentai, you mean to tell me you can't get a fat woman ro to care about your dumb Project 2025? Eisenhower-Nixon was right to laugh at the bohemian grove while Truman was right to call Oppenheimer a fucking crybaby and firing Macarthur
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I wished Biden suspended habeas corpus to put Schumer in his place and threaten to have the secret service break Paul's legs to show Nancy who's top dog. I hope Trump does win to send paramilitary death squads to gun liberals down

NGL, it's honestely impressive how you can point out how the destabilization of the USSR lead to Putin's rise and also how centrilised education leads to higher literacy and health rates....and yet still be fucking dumb enough to think that any of the countries/countries lead by leaders you mentioned were communist.

You just want F. Scott Fitzgerald style socialism. Not actual communism where a cult of personality rules. You're just a poser
What's a matter? Micheal Moore is not making his crappy movies?

...Socialism? Michael Moore? What on earth? Thought we were talking about some form of communism, bro...
You're arguing with the disability diversity hire at Shake Shack, man. Just let it go.
Don't listen to him. The tard wants to destroy the Starbucks in Lower Manhattan or something. I guess Adams cutting services must've made him snapped. People are magically turning Republican nowadays.

The Trevor Project doesn't like you. You question their authority like Adorno.

Point taken...but I have to disagree: there's no way that dumbfuck has the mental stability to actually have a job.
I hold a job, welfare queen, why don't you stop mooching and get one? Nobody cares about your dumb Project 2025
I am the based black guy that these progressive types always seem to want to vote blue cause their own white lib base votes Republican to keep their property values up. Even Mike Tyson said that these fascists like Berlusconi seem to like boxers
I know what I am talking about cause the squad got hit with a lawsuit by their own constituents for inciting a riot at Columbia U. There's no MAGA they can blame it on so the center left and radical left are too fractured to rally behind their leader
The problem is that data made it easy to predict Trump will win. There's no magical swing vote, or mythical middle class.
Muslims hate American music because it's vulgar and primitive. Taylor Swift is unpopular for her bland music and she's Miley Cyrus without the baggage. Just don't play music in their area, and they won't stab you
Not sure why people here are pro trump. /pol/ wants to round up guys that like BBW's and SSBBW's and rope them. they literally consider us as degenerates
Harris is a prosecutor who wants to do the same thing. It's just like how Adams wants to make fat a crime
The era of the shock jock is over, with it is trashy American cuisine like McDonald and Burger King going down the tube. I concede Harris will make fat Americans work 70 hour shifts in a fit of brutal efficiency

Because they're fucking idiots with either no political literacy...or they're literally facsists who want the U.S. to become a Christian Theocracy.
The NY metro area is more Sikh and Muslim now. I haven't seen the hunger games fired up. Even Kamala picked Walz cause she doesn't want an over the top urbanite like Shapiro upstaging her.
Normies don't care for politics. These old white guys talking about Trump, the border, and crime, are alienating people who don't watch news voraciously or live along I-95. Even left wing journalism is on the decline cause nobody wants their hyperbolic Trump fanfiction
Even I am aware I am extreme on ideas and need to tone it down
Well she chose a guy who allowed his state to be nearly destroyed by the riots. She definitely is going to lose now.
Democrats are the party of school faculty now and they want a teacher, coach, advisor who somehow works well with others. I argue she'll lose cause normies want a break from education. The party'a biggest problem is that it's stuck in 2000s, willfully ignoring Smashmouth, Linkin Park, or Avenge Sevenfold aren't playing.
Let's face it, students are overachievers who get straight As and burn out before college nowadays. The last thing they need is a principal-VP.
No one has the authority to send in the National Guard unless asked by the mayor. Otherwise why didn't Trump do it himself? Everyone in MN knows this which is why Walz won reelection by 8 points that same year.
State troopers, small town cops, and the military hate each other. Military are usually fat guys who argue for gun control while getting a DUI driving their Jeeps, Dodge Rams, which angers state troopers and police. Not helped by fat military guys calling cops fascist. Small town cops don't care for race riots since they see it more indictive of big city cops being too aggressive as opposed to letting people off with a warning.
Israelis are rioting for the god given right to rape Muslims to death right now.
I don’t think Trump slobbing over Bibi’s knob is gonna win over anyone but the “grab him by the anus” crowd of suburbanites with bad oral hygiene.
Because Trump's base is incels, and this board is mostly incels. It's at LEAST 60% incels here, and that's being generous. MAGA/fascism is built on unfuckable men. Incels are the foundation of fascism, its bedrock. This is a species wide, global fact. So that explains why so many here support trump.

As to why they seem to actually believe he will win, contrary to all the evidence, is less clear to me. Maybe incels are inherently detached from reality and therefore immune to all facts and evidence. Maybe it's just low IQ cope. Maybe fascists are all in an echo chamber of delusion. Either way, Trump is the only president ever whose polls went DOWN after getting shot, Harris has more money, higher approval and more enthusiasm, all the betting markets favor her, and yes, the polls show her slightly ahead, even though the polls are all fake nonsense.
Trump voters are blue collar guys who don't work in finance and pretty much own the used car, shopping centers, restaurants that the left seem to love. There's also policemen who side with him cause the GOP is still stuck in country club gentiles who live in wealthy neighborhoods.

Harris is liked by educators mostly because she punishes parents for truancy, assaults, and keeps the rabble out of the school board. Her numbers are only going up with the educated attorneys, lawyers and church goers at the expense of progressives like Cori Bush, Bowman, and AOC. Deep down Democrats want to win the suburbs and making it more like Hosftra or Northern leading to LIU and NYIT. You're just the uncultured swine whom they don't want which is why there's no bus service in these college towns you covet.
Axios and Bloomberg are laying off their staff cause there's just no appetite for liberal news.
It is not enough for educated urbanites to write about how the conservative views are obsolete in the hopes of informing the public. Especially when committees are ousting the left from their districts, leaving it ripe for the right to take over. All in all, Harris-Walz will lose if only because newscasters are commiting fraud or because journalism itself is stuck in the late twentieth century with no photographers or sensationalism to pitch itself to readers
Finally, someone talking fucking sense. If this board was your only means of discourse about the election, you'd be convinced Trump was inevitable and Harris is floundering. In actuality, these takes are from the most unhinged people who would rather drink battery acid than admit they're wrong. The loudest voices are basement-dwelling schizos who live in a completely separate reality and translate their ramblings through ChatGPT to sound coherent since they masturbated through English class.

The election analysis here is the furthest thing from the truth - Harris has been gaining momentum at breakneck pace and just tossed rocket fuel in the tank by picking Walz as VP. Trump has never been less coherent and frantic in his time in the public eye and Vance is actively turning people away with how uncharismatic he is. It's like '08 Obama going up against John Wayne Gacy. I genuinely don't see how the Republicans win this one but I'm happy to hear how they can pull it off if whichever pants-shitting retard can string a coherent line of thought to explain it and not just toss out a bunch of gibberish.
Jake Tapper told strategist James Carville that Trump was up. The voting base doesn't watch MSNBC, NBC, CBS, or ABC. You are also proving my point that Dems are stuck in 2008 with their Honda Fit, Toyota Camry, Cadillacs. Polls could just be inflating Kamala's numbers. Even Nate Silver is accusing 538 of copying him.
Us serial killers know that Democrats are falling back on their strategy of playing kingmaker, a dubious move that can backfire.
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Right on fucking cue. Don't you have a custard machine to lose a hand in?
The left doesn't consume the media. They're losing to TikTok, Twitch, and /v/. People are more distracted now. Even I went to see Deadpool-Wolverine, Twisters, and other movies.
Still mad that the lefty AGs are terminating your grift for the crime of corrupting the youth?
Just put my fries in the bag.
Walz is a loser cause he keep taking the loser pragmatic approach and has no counter against unorthodox techniques. It's the same reason America lost to Bloods, Crips, Vietnam and Afghanistan, the military is not trained to handle civilian forces in unstable terrain.
Still mad your favorite ethnostate is making rape legal?
Seriously, you’re side is raping men to death and confused why you’re called gay.
I don't follow the news.
Your obsession with Jews raping men is a closet with no door on it.
The Desperation Dance. He's failed many, many times in his life. Here we go again.
I don't know what he's trying to imply. Christianity is getting lamer with its victim hood mentality
Republicans for Harris are alienating the swing voters with their grievance against Trump. Just look at how the Lincoln Project flipped Virginia red cause their black ops operation scared suburbanites into voting Youngkin.
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Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good evening. I am Dr. Frasier Crane, and I am delighted to be here with you today. For many years, I have dedicated my life to understanding the human mind, offering advice, and helping people navigate the complexities of their lives. Today, I stand before you with a new purpose and a renewed sense of commitment to our great nation.

It is with great honor and humility that I announce my candidacy for the President of the United States.

Throughout my career as a psychiatrist and radio host, I have listened to the voices of countless individuals, each with their unique stories, struggles, and dreams. I have come to understand that our nation is a tapestry of diverse experiences, and it is this diversity that makes us strong. However, we face challenges that require thoughtful leadership, compassion, and a deep understanding of the human condition.

My vision for America is one where every citizen has the opportunity to thrive, where mental health is prioritized, and where we come together to build a society that values empathy, integrity, and progress. I believe in the power of dialogue, the importance of education, and the necessity of healthcare for all. I am committed to addressing the issues that matter most to you – from economic stability and environmental sustainability to social justice and national security.

As your President, I will work tirelessly to bridge the divides that separate us, to foster a sense of community, and to ensure that every voice is heard. Together, we can create a future that is brighter, more inclusive, and filled with promise.

Thank you for your support, your trust, and your belief in the possibility of a better tomorrow. Let us embark on this journey together, with hope in our hearts and determination in our minds.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Frasier Crane
Kelsey Grammer is Republican like Hulk Hogan, Vince McMahon, and Loeffer.
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Obviously the Branch Davidians deserved to get shot. And everyone would admit so if we were slightly more surgical about it. Though it sure seems the parasite cultist known as Christians use “their own people” as hostages often so how often is it collateral or the Christians throwing “their” hostages into the fire.

Also, conscripts/drafted are hostages.

Cheers to the victims at Jonestown
Part of the problem is that the press don't have data due to WB reporting a 10 billion loss. I am going to have to assume that Trump will be ahead and the press cannot afford a Kamala Harris presidency
The far right like Patriot Front, Proud Boys, Oath keepers are just controlled opposition like Tucker Carlson. The press likes conspiracy theories cause they're massive attention whores living in Dallas. Gaza protestors are already interrupting Kamala Harris in Michigan cause she's the man or the system these rage against the machine types hate.
I finally figures out what's going on. Trump is winning 1/3 of Blacks, 1/2 Hispanics, and most Americans. He can pull ahead
Your post loses credibility by including the unironic, actually exposed fed op that is the Patriot Front
There is no ops. I flat out don't think conspiracy nuts hold power anymore. The far right are just controlled opposition to the press and a distraction from WB's loss. Even the My Pillow guy is not doing his thing. Those influencers just don't have money
Actually exposed by who? Alex Jones? Q? Are the guys stinking up downtown Nashville all govt ops?

MAGAs keep saying organized white power groups don't exist while thousands upon thousands of people barf up the most vicious racist shit 24/7 online, including here. Doesn't seem implausible a small percentage of them would take their insecurities offline.
Nashville is where they take titcows, bulk them up on BBQ and beer so they end up with Christina Hendricks proportions. Far right are better /ck/ than gays who want that Old Wild West-European theater
The feds already arrested the Smartmatic voting machines guy so Trump can win the election fair and square. I know is the Philippines but Florida is a glowie state
(23 KB, 440x327, Salem.webp)
Greetings, humans and fellow magical beings,

It is with great excitement and a touch of feline finesse that I, Salem Saberhagen, announce my candidacy for the presidency! 🐾

As many of you know, I have a rich history of leadership and magical prowess. From my days as a powerful warlock to my current role as Sabrina Spellman’s trusted advisor, I have always been at the forefront of change and innovation. Now, I am ready to bring my unique perspective and unparalleled wisdom to the highest office in the land.

My Platform:

Magical Equality: Ensuring that all magical and non-magical beings have equal rights and opportunities.

Environmental Protection: Using my powers to safeguard our planet and promote sustainable practices.

Education for All: Implementing programs that blend magical and traditional education, preparing our youth for a bright future.

Healthcare Reform: Providing access to both magical and conventional healthcare for all citizens.

Pawsitive Change: Promoting kindness, understanding, and cooperation among all creatures, great and small.

Join me in this magical journey to create a better, more enchanting world for everyone. Together, we can make history!

Vote Salem Saberhagen for President – because every great leader needs a little bit of magic. ✨

Yours magically, Salem Saberhagen

P.S. Don’t forget to stock up on tuna and catnip for the campaign trail! 🐟🌿
Zoomers don't know who Sabrina is.
Even Zaslav shut down Cartoon Network because normies want personal growth with their entrainment.
Mike Pence doesn't want to vote. He makes Trump looks normal with his fundie evangelism and desire to install a totalitarian state.
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Would you like the next Olympics to satisfy your desires for soulfulness?
Would you like the future to be the most soulful future?
The truest collectives desire to truest thrive.
Lets side with the people who see the world as an all, not a meal or a punching bag.
Lets side with idealists.

Ask what attention creates the greatest abundance of leaders and the greatest verity of directions of progress.

If I was observing the truest medias interpretation of my government, I would see infinite dimensions of progresses/wills.
When things suck, things get solved.

I think we can admit that some people tried to intentionally ruin some of the world. I hate that. Not ok.

I particularly side with those who are utmost aggressive about creating abundant non-religious community centers. I love friendship and I love lovers.
Alex Jones is waging a war on anime cause he can't go after gun control or the healthcare industry. I argue the far right is flailing cause they keep going after fun. It cements my point they're controlled opposition. Just like how Rahm Emmanuel is ignored cause normies don't care about the war in Israel, or the border.
Alex Jones is as much a current zeitgeist as Glen Beck or Rush Limbaugh. Travis Kelece has the peoples attention and they’re Morgan Wallen type conservatives. Which is to say they get drunk, say the n-word, throw a chair and check themselves into rehab. Johnny Cash must be spinning in his grave because country’s gone weird and Tim Walz is the middle American high school football coach I always wanted as a stern and traditional father figure but instead got drunken pedos for football coaches abusing their position like a common magahead.
Trump could simply win the mail in ballots and in person vote. I doubt schools are going to let Walz voters leave since school starts September, combined with all these religious holidays hindering their time till Ocity
*I mean October
>win the mail in ballots and in person vote

So all of them. The guy who never won the popular vote in both elections is going to somehow win it the third time around.

Real talk, what are you going to do when he dies? When the party doesn't have to kowtow to him? What will be your identity when you don't have to write fanfiction about Trump?
Desantis and Kemp are plotting to run in 2028. Besides, the Trump people are working for Ukraine now. I just go for instincts and guess Trump is winning because Democrats ousted Biden, will oust Harris if she conform. They're just imitating China forgetting Xi ousted HuJintao, or China has cobalt.
Kamala is doing well with academic women and high earning couples, but its not really much when factoring in the decline of college enrollment and departments getting closed, that lead erodes in favor of Trump
The military and Walz will never be cool with Gen Z who pretty much don't want to die for Israel, Ukraine. The government can barely take on zoomer shooters with a AR-15 or handle riots about the knife crime. An out of shape boomer who haven't been deployed to war can't reach the kids. Churches and Schoolteachers are already burnt out teaching these Call of Duty playing Gen Z
Even now, John Bolton is trying to claim terrorists are after concerts. Even if it's true, I can't mentally picture a terrorist at Madison Square Garden waiting by the hobo near Penn Station to attack.
So chill America, schizos aren't after your lame musicians like Taylor Swift, Bad Bunny, Megan The Stallion concerts.
>Trump went from surviving an assassination attempt to winning the election

I wouldn't want to bet the mortgage on November 5 rn, but man did that OP age like a mayfly. Easy come, easy go.
Trump could be winning partially because RFK is off the ballot in NY due to not being a resident, and partially because the DNC is knocking out progressives, centrist, and activists. So what should be an easy win for Dems is maybe if only the party's self dealing is alienating the voters they need. They could oust RFK at other ballots, but RFK Jr could turn this into a drawn out legal battle that hands Trump winning
Kamala winning hinges on AOC and Ohmar winning seats as opposed to bland mediocre centrist. It's been peaceful lately.
(22 KB, 800x440, Frank.webp)
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Holy Crap, look at all these other idiots running.

Listen up! This is Frank Barone, and I’ve got something to say. After years of dealing with my family, I’ve decided it’s time to take on a new challenge. That’s right, I’m running for President of the United States.

Why? Because if I can handle Marie, Raymond, and Robert, I can handle anything this country throws at me. Plus it's a good way to get away from the Wife.

Here’s what you can expect from a Frank Barone presidency:

No Nonsense: Geez-a-loo there are a lot of crybabies in this country today. Listen. I’m not here to sugarcoat things. You’ll get the truth, whether you like it or not!

Common Sense Policies: Enough with the fancy talk. Half this country don't know a Monkey's Wrench from a a monkey's ass! Let’s get back to basics and do what’s right for the people. I have strict no idiots policy!

Family Values: If there’s one thing I know, it’s family. And I’ll make sure every American family gets the support they need.

Humor and Heart: Life’s too short to be serious all the time. Expect a good laugh and a lot of heart from your President.

So, vote for Frank Barone. Because if I can survive my family and 45 years of Marriage to Marie, I can lead this country.

Thank you, and God bless America!
ChatGPT prompting is weird.
Gay as shit Republican nonsense.
IIRC, a lot of these comedians are conservatives from Queens and LI. Ray is questionable considering he is a whiny manchild instead of being angry and driving along the Southern State, or Jericho Turnpike. I think he'll vote for Trump. I can confirm that Nassau is hyper patriotic and it's common to see military men get their food. I guess conservatives are gay with their obsession with Ms-13, making the Bloods, Crips and Hells Angel's look like chad.
I can confirm that conservatives are getting weird with their anger.
I am close to going on vacation

At this point I'd say it's a toss-up. Trump would probably win if he simply shut his mouth, but then he wouldn't be Trump.

Kamala's been good at getting just enough media coverage to remind you she exists, but not enough to become annoying. I'm curious where things go once Trump inevitably claws back the attention and gets all cameras pointed at him. If sucking all the air out of the room helps him or hurts him when his opponents aren't afraid to throw punches back and push him to escalate his rhetoric.
Trump is winning in the first place cause of the dumb slap fight between the feds, local police over traffic. Only autistics want to work for government and none of them have people skills to operate.
I am planning on detaching from the news around September so I can become a normie. There's just no need for schizos like mr
The biggest problem with Kamala voters is that they just want to make America a gated suburb and pretend major cities don't exist. Watch, two years into Kamala, they will be crawling to get baby into the NYC, LA scene they control only to find MAGA owning all the properties
> Kamala voters is that they just want to make America a gated suburb and pretend major cities don't exist
Probably the craziest thing I’ve read on this site. Dumbocrats want to let Indian doctors and Asian scientists own all the suburban properties while foreign investors buy up the downtown investment scene.
Kamala is learning from Clinton in the sense that she's not being overbearing, she's not treating this campaign like it's her turn to be in charge, and she's not beating it over anyone's head that she a woman and a minority.

Trump on the other hand? He is his own worst enemy. He's not an outsider anymore, he has a record to run on, and he's not aware that his go-to stump classics are boring people. Hell, people at his rallies are leaving early. Normal people who ask him questions quickly learn he's full of hot air. I don't think he realizes how much he's been played out with all the rambling.
I still think Trump will win because he has a record to run with. I can just point to a chart and say that progressives are losing 10 billion with their mandates and people aren't in the mood to eat at Times Square McDonald's, or Hollywood, or San Francisco. All these start ups are heading to Texas and Georgia. The problem is that the left and anti Trump conservatives want to transform America into some fairy tail kingdom, but they're only 10 percent of the population.
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Democrats problem is that they want patriotism without schizophrenia So no matter how hard the party tries, they can't be unfiltered crazy like Reagan.

I had enough time to think on it and I find the online right more boring than Trump. They're boycotting Dunkin. They're just not compelling like the Unabomber or Ruby Ridge guy.
Crime is lame. It's either DUIs, rape, or fentanyl addict raped a female cop so hard she's brainwashed.
"Past their release date" = not a thing. A prosecutor or state AG doesn't have that power. However if they committed crimes in prison, they may see additional time added to their sentences. They all claim to be there "for a bag of weed" but in fact to get a significant sentence in California you need to hurt someone, sell or traffic significant amount of narcotics, or be a career thief.

Harris did put a lot of criminals in prison, much to Trump's frustration. BLM/George Floyd overreaction by white liberals and young, bourgie POC gentrifiers diverted 1,000s of convicted criminals from incarceration, and decriminalized felonies like burglary and even assault. Naturally the crime rate spiked across the US and only now that sanity is reasserting itself with enforcement and prosecution has it gone back down again.

I hope Harris finds the guts to own her record, because that will drag Trump-leaning black, Asian, and hispanic people back to the Democratic party. As the people most affected by crime, the majority of working POCs don't want to be profiled and harrassed by police, but they do want crimes to be prosecuted and criminals to go to prison. I believe it's possible to do both.
I voted for Trump and I don't believe in crime. The war on drugs are over so there's nothing for me to worry about. I don't have any anxieties about America. Harris' biggest problem to me is that she has to persuade the anti-war protestors to vote for her. The trump voters you seek live in the suburbs and fat removed from whatever dysfunction is happening in Manhattan, or stay in Brooklyn-Queens
Kisame, the irony of your constant allusions to NYC boroughs in your political "analysis" is NY is going to swing for Harris without question. It's a guarantee. Whatever reservations you think suburban voters have over Harris in favor of Trump are drowned out by the blue voters in the city limits.

In short, your political acumen is crap since it's only applicable to the minority party where you live. You're a red blip in a neutron star of blue.
A lot of us don't know who Kamala is. You're talking as if I consume Fox News and live in constant fear of the economy. People like me are not manic enough to buy into the border, abortion, or culture wars. It's like Disney, they don't care if you die at their restaurants.
As for politics, nobody's swinging for anybody anymore. Democrats are fighting each other cause the center left wants to be wealthy, anti war left wants to fight over Israel. A lot of us who voted for Trump don't care cause this is more the DNC playing politics with the Muslims, Sikhs who live in the area.
People are logical and cerebral now with detail oriented polices. There's no need for freewheeling people like Kisame operating art anymore
I am "unserious" according to Kamala Harris. I doubt she wants my unserious games just like the other artists. It's up to them
I think pollsters need a hobby because it's only the second week of August. Harris is losing cause the party is playing catch up and that's not factoring in the protestors waiting till school starts to vandalize campus.
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Harris isn’t winning. Trump and Vance are just losing.
Trumps a grumpy old diaper wearing politician, what happened to the spunky dude who grabbed life by the pussy.

Who cares if he fucked a couch, JD is a DnD nerd from the 80s.
Vance is that guy from high school who would shit his pants and sit in it until the period was over because he studied hard for the test. If he wasn’t able to grow a beard he’d look like a fucking shrimp fetus.
The problem is that Democrats themselves are micromanaging the economy to the point people are putting two and two together and figuring out the left is causing disasters. Trump is right that Harris will cause a shortage of food, energy, and goods because the US is 1/3 a continent, making it hard for Washington to centralize distribution. Silent Cal was the last president to create a surplus along with Eisenhower, the latter required kicking women out the workforce to make men gave jobs after WWII after the boys come home from war. I don't think we'll kick out minorities and women for the benefit of Americans
As a nerd, I say that era of domineering behavior is over cause staffers are terrified of it
> Democrats themselves are micromanaging the economy to the point people are putting two and two together and figuring out the left is causing disasters
You’re retarded.
I stood in breadlines at sunrise during Donny’s rein.
Donald killed the economy and saved it with bailouts that sent inflation skyrocketing.
Don couldn’t just sit down in his big boy pants and let Papa Powell run the show without micromanaging the wizard of wall street.
Biden let the adults run the economy without being an angry mom like Trump and my 401k has never looked more fuckable.
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The federal government has no control over the economy. They way you talk the economy is as if it's sorcery. Again, Democrats have themselves to blame. Importing Kobe beef and Wagyu, coffee from Italy, bread from Europe is more time and labour. You just want the feds to wave the wand, which is just Sith level sorcery
Wow. Republicans got weird. I remember when they were just uptight money managers who didn’t want to pay for public education. Now it’s a bunch of petite dictators claiming economics is witchcraft and homeschooling their kids evangelical.
Ok if Trump could stfu and keep his speeches to under 30 minutes he may pull off a comeback. Right now he is literally handing Kamala the election but remember it's the rally crowd sizes that matter!!!
>Harris isn’t winning. Trump and Vance are just losing.

Exactly. I'm 90% left/liberal so no one has to twist my arm to vote for Harris but the amount of projection going on is amazing. She's a mediocre speaker at best, unaccomplished, and critically vague on policy and ideology, yet you'd think this was the second coming of JFK. It proves how desperate people were for a new(ish) face. Only in politics is "youth" represented by a pair of late Boomers.

If you want to see food shortages, wait til Trump gets his tariffs. As >>53241 says, he's already proven himself incompetent in a crisis. You want to see how he does in a world war? A civil war?

Do you think he knows he's gonna lose and so he's trying to pull his base together so he can start a media company, or some other venture?
The economy you talk about is witchcraft. Americans didn't like it when conservatives managed money, and people who I buy art from didn't like my shrewd businessman approach as Kisame17 even though I explained it was necessary. Now hyperpreg is up $200 cause artists keep bloating and inflating without Kisame17, turning a $50 into $200 cause they can't be bothered to negotiate.

Food shortages are primarily due to Boar's Head having a listeria outbreak, Boston Market using Costco's chicken, and women wanting to eat at whole foods or trader Joe's, stuff that are imported and didn't pass inspection cause Mr and Ms Snob wants exotic food they're allergic to. Normies don't care for tariffs cause the auto industry does it and Japanese industry already regulate the shit out of emissions, cramming people into a Honda Fit. Disney doesn't care you eat their exotic food, their lawyers can say it's your fault.
The tax cuts that Kamala proposed aren't coming back. Shell end up hurting the queer community with those austerity measures as well as low income families since they'll eat the cuts
Wall Street isn't coming back. Just look at Hochul, she had to cut that nerd garbage about congestion pricing to not scare away the hedge fund guys living in Jersey if she wants those Tudors and colonials to sell. Normies aren't going to cram into Metro North and Amtrak just because some college professors wants to save five minutes off their commute to NYU.
>Do you think he knows he's gonna lose and so he's trying to pull his base together so he can start a media company, or some other venture?

I think he knows his chances of winning are slipping so he's pivoting to calling the election illegitimate. For the third time. Mind you, before he can make any moves to any kind of new venture, he's running to keep himself out of prison. Dude still has court cases for charges he can pardon himself of if he wins, much to the denial of people here. Instead he's doubling down on his approach with longer stumping and it's just not what the public wants.

I agree with your take on Kamala, echoing your sentiment on the electorate needing a fresh face. NOBODY wanted a rematch of 2020, and frankly the first side to blink was going to get a boost from that. Kamala isn't anything special but her social media team just needed to hype up that she's different and the base would stole that fire well into election day.

Sidenote? It's almost pitiful how much of a lead balloon JD Vance turned out to be. That's killing Trump's chances just as much as his waning ability to read a room.
I disagree with your take about Kamala Harris because she's not a fresh face and much of her ascent is due to Nancy Pelosi pushing Joe Biden out when the president had no intention to quit. The protestors are not fooled by Kamala's charisma and have more serious demands for Gaza that can be hard countered by AIPAC. The media touted Ron Desantis and Nikki Haley as the anti Trump choice and their projection had no appeal cause voters don't care about beltway politics. Yesterday a black lady at my workplace snapped cause we had CNN on and she rambled about how they lied and to change the channel to non offensive sports. So by temperament, people are siding with Trump and could be waiting until early voting to do so.

J.D. Vance is a millennial conservative that the right wanted. He just doesn't drone on like Ben Shapiro and isn't a raging misogynist like Andrew Tate or Alex Jones. He's also not a spaz like Mike Pence who wants to bear trap a woman's ovaries to prevent an abortion. As for Trump's court cases, he'll get out of jail cause Democrats will need a war criminal to do their dirty work or prevent Kemp or Desantis from seizing power in 2028. Even my coworker magically turned Republican and went back to South Carolina cause cause African Americans want to be traditional instead of rapper or gangster.
Even in Nassau County, culture wars politics are infesting the county seat with ban on transgender and masks to deter crime. Really it's out of fear Nassau will turn blue despite the county being red for a good century.
Trumps pro Netandyahoo take for Israel is gonna cost him. Harris only swings at softballs and says she doesn’t want either side to rape their POWs to death.
Trumps in bed with dirty Zionists and seeing what Bibi’s war is going to the Israeli economy isn’t helping Don look decent.
The klansmen voters doesn’t want their welfare checks paying for Jewish space lasers. Even apartheid brat Elon musk is trying to throw the Jews under the bus and claim he’s always been against genocide and war crimes.
I flat out don't think the war will have an impact on Trump. It's just like how Ukraine is seizing Russian territory nowadays cause it's bored. I am uptight money manager that the costs will just spiral out of control since Hamas can't get House of Saud or Iran to do anything and the Taliban are busy
Democrats are booting third part candidate from the ballot cause it's a 50/50 race. Socialists can take 5 points off Harris and hand the election to Trump
Ukraine invading Russians is a bad look for Trump. Bring Putin’s puppet was a lot cooler before Russian POWs were the ones getting raped to death by western female cadets with a hot metal rod.
Ukrainians vote Republican or hold conservative values due to Helenski being a financial capital that sends money to Russia. The war is an error on Putin's part due to him not understanding that nobody wants rubles or Japanese yen, they want the dollar.
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Here's the problem I have with Democrats. They want to get rid of the weirdos and replace them with Mr. Normal who costs 50k to 100k with their expensive lifestyle. All their economic solutions won't work cause Mr normal snob doesn't want to improve but Mr weirdo can. So productivity goes down and so does property values cause Mr normal doesn't shop at Sunrise Mall and blows $100k on a car to show up. It's the same reason Butch wins while Tom loses. Tom is corny and cant catch a mouse, but Butch can.
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In laymans terms, there's nothing wrong with America. Democrats are no longer the plucky heroic rebels. The party has gotten old and covet order. They're the empire being invaded by rebels who want financial backing for Gaza. Monotonous things like health care, housing doesn't appeal to rebels
I am too busy debating going back to medicine and sever my ties to the internet as Kisame17
>In laymans terms, there's nothing wrong with America. Democrats are no longer the plucky heroic rebels
Cope. Seethe harder faggot.
The republicans thought they were gonna drain the swamp.
Now Lt Bone Spurs is endorsed by Starbbies and the Apartheid Nepo Baby.
Republicans thought they morphed from old guard of the colonialist-capitalism into the rebels but instead are looking to earn their title of American Taliban with Project 2025.
Nobody cares about that nerd garbage like Project 2025, or culture wars. Those angry 100k protesters are targeting Democrats over Gaza in Chicago, not imaginary conservatives
>Nobody cares about that nerd garbage like Project 2025

Holy shit do you talk to anyone? Do you have any friends? This is why no one here takes you seriously. You assume everyone is off their meds like you.
Says the guy obsessing over imaginary Project 2025. Nobody cares. It's like Bowman, they kicked him out cause he's a snob and not culture warrior
>imaginary Project 2025. Nobody cares.
See this is why you’re gay. Because you’re in the closet, not because you like fisting your own asshole.
It would look a lot less impotent if Trump’s team could just own saying “we want a Christian Theocracy” instead of pretending they don’t but even their own team is releasing the receipts.
The Emperor Has No Clothes, retard. You can't just say it's imaginary when there's a paper and media trail. This isn't Fox News where people take what you say at face value.
It is imaginary. Democrats control the house and Senate so it's their responsibility. Imaginary Project 2025 and policy pushing man aren't going magically transform Washington into a totalitarian state. You read too much garbage. As I said, the 100k protestors are targeting Democrats cause they are the empire. You are just lazy and mad you're not a snob
You want it to be imaginary because it makes your side look like Christian megalomaniacal fanatics. It's real and your lead balloon of a VP wrote the foreword.
NY nowadays is Muslim and Sikh, none of which are the cartoon super villains who you describe. Try interacting with actual POC, instead of being an incel. I have not seen anything resembling Christian. Even Halloween is being shove aside to make way for the Chinese Lunar New Year and Diwali
What Christian? Mike Pence doesn't want anything to do with MAGA and he wants to bear trap women's ovaries.
All the imaginary fundies you want flipped their house for a profit and are living in Florida or Georgia, far removed from politics
Face it, liberals added guardrails and people are still committing race riots because people are bored with safety
I bet if you give Mr. Normal the job of the presidency, he will self destruct cause of high food prices, high auto rates, and energy prices with neocons or Mitch McConnell telling them they can't print more money to solve the economics crisis. Even Don Lemon is finding people voting for Trump in Jersey because CNN can't explain why the economy is booming
> What Christian? Mike Pence
Kisami here: Waitstaff doesn’t want to work the Sunday lunch shift because the church going crowd doesn’t tip.
Mike Pence’s gift after leaving the White House was having his own supporters hang him a noose.
Who are you talking about? All the preparations for the fall semester are done.
Lol why do all these guys look the same. Scraggly kkk/nazi beard and low-IQ narcissist eyes. No wonder they never get laid and vote for the guys wearing makeup. Incels are the foundation of fascism.
I freely admit I dony know what's going between this and gays getting beaten up at the Shack in DC.
I am already planning a mini vacation September
This meme in particular is such a misread of general attitude it screams cope. I can't even be mad at it.
Conservative meme culture is bizarre. The core argument is always “here is something I wish libs said or think so that I could show them how stupid it is. Definitely would make a bad president/politician.” And it’s with zero self awareness about the piles of return fodder Trump and crew have supplied in the meantime.

Sometimes I think people forget that government is about figuring out how to build thriving nation, not a sport on TV where you’re supposed to just root for your “side”
Kisame here, conservatives are basing their identities on sitcoms and millennials are the adults. They remember the years of Dubya and Trump not being bad. Trump is complicated cause Nassau is 60 Republican and 40 Democrat.
I am thoroughly convinced that conservatives really want the pregnancy fetish and breast expansion fetish crowd, but something is keeping them from being degenerate. It doesn't help these comedians always come out with weird stories like Rob Schneider sending his daughter to fat camp.
I think Democrats need to chill with that Project 2025 talk. They could scare voters into voting Trump. Conservatives at least had Kid Rock. Can't they get the Motley Crue?
Are Democrats just going to copy Republicans and bring up Epstein?
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I was worried pro-Hamas protestors would fuck things up yesterday but once again they stooped below expectations, managing just a couple thousand cosplaying dipshits from a metro of 9 million. Powers That Be need to keep in mind how narrow and weak the watermelon warriors are as a political force and ignore them.

And if Michigan Muslims want to stay home and let Trump win, they only need to look at how successful the Palestinians have been with their 80 year legacy of choosing all or nothing.
Believe me, Muslims will hand the election to Trump. Us MAGA schizos are busy with work. They've been attacking Democrats at colleges, Starbucks, and other institutions.
Lefty protestors have always been roughly a paltry 2,000 to Trump's 10,000 who actually drive on a Saturday to see the guy speak. Free Palestine is just too uncharismatic to get people to care
What is it about Kamala that triggers right wingers biological urges?
They're insecure and thus afraid of women and POCs, and hate them as a result.
Democrats care about guns, abortion, and immigration in a very manic and bipolar way. I guess they can't be coherent
Republicans aren't going to vote for Harris. The evangelicals think court thinks college is trying to indoctrinate their children into being gay and atheist. Democrats are stuck in 2008 to vote. Gen Z doesn't even like Richard Dawkins or Obama enough to vote for Harris
Kisame, YOU are manic, bipolar and incoherent. The dems are just corporate shills. You need to spend more time meditating and doing deep breathing exercies, my friend, and you need to interact with people irl
I am barely on FurAffinity because the site is shut down. I am not in Picarto. What do you want from Kisame of the old internet?
Macdonald's is already partnering with manga like Jutusu Kaisen and My Hero Academia to promote the manga. Shake Shack is already working with Nintendo to target the Chris Chan audience. They're not interested in fetish artists cause you don't want to cooperate with corporations
Let's face it, the Burger market is lucrative and peak ancaps. We're like South African warlords, decimating enemies of capitalism. Once Gaza is decimated, we will buy the land cheap and install a burger joint
Democrats don't like you cause you keep making fun of the mentally handicapped like Kisame, or Coach Walz son. It doesn't matter if you art is good when your social skills are poor.
Look, if Democrats are serious about winning, then the party is going to have to stop copying totalitarian states like China, Venezuela, or El Salvador, and do something original. Canada is barely functioning because communists keep using government to sabotage labor strikes instead of letting them play out over the next two months cause they can't for their imports to come.
Beyonce again? Can't Democrats get My Chemical Romance, System of a Down, or Gorillaz to play? At least get Alicia Keys
No offense anon but the Pro Palestine activist you're trying to court doesn't like you. The Muslim Brotherhood was founded because it founded American culture to be shallow and inauthentic to them, which caused Sunni and Wahhabism to become popular and lead to the Taliban. Your knowledge of hard intellectualism is doubtful at best and at worst are driving moderates into a frenzy. You are part of the American military industrial complex. It's the same reason Kamala and Walz are losing.
I don't want to promote conservative causes. Iikapie got banned cause nobody wanted a conservative take on cartoons. If conservatives stopped being dracula when exposed to colors, they could get art. He can work at Chick Fila A with the weird kid named Enoch
Not only am I tired of that shit, I'm also tired of the right too.

I don't know how people can care this fucking much about politics on either side. You all need a hobby.
I am busy trying to save up for a car to make quicker trips. I guess the media is inflating their numbers to make Kamala seem like the leader. We're not productive in the states due to a labor shortage
Labor shortage is a phrase made up by Juventud Guerrera; it’s a wage shortage
I mean there's not enough manpower to keep up with the needs and demands of the customers.
RFK thinks that big pharma and food are making Americans fat, he wants to put them on a diet and weight loss drugs. Do conspiracy nuts have a fat fetish?
Thanks to the obsession with mental health, it's going to take three months to make hyperpreg picks and work at the Shake Shack. I am backed up cause government oversights
Oh snap 🫰
Wages are reasonable. Hyperpreg never bothered to complain when I paid them. People are getting fired faster now $16/hr cause they can't complete work on time
Let's face it, America had it too good under Trump with those 6k stimulus checks, rent freezes, pandemic loans, unemployment and veteran benefits. If McConnel and conservatives didn't complain that government was handing out benefits that paid more than 20k restaurant workers, Trump would win a second term. Kamala is only winning cause she's turning Republican along with Adams and cutting benefits and civil servants
>America had it too good under Trump with those 6k stimulus checks, rent freezes, pandemic loans

It's so retarded how you acknowledge that these things happened during a pandemic, as if to say you want a global pandemic to happen again to get these pittances just so your team can win.
I flat out don't care for the pandemic. Europe already got their mass stabbings, war with Russia, and time honored tradition of anti-Semitism. Even the courts are tired of Andrew Tate cause he's fucking boring.
Europe is already arresting their users for the crime of using technology to question the authority of government. If Harris wins, basketball American and Jose will get beaten by a SWAT team for the crime of criticizing socialist president and MAGA who operates the small business.
>America had it too good under Trump with those 6k stimulus checks, rent freezes, pandemic loans, unemployment and veteran benefits.

Trump was only president for 9 months of the Pandemic.
>I flat out don't care for the pandemic

If you aren't going to factor in the Covid-19, quite possibly the most unique world event to happen to a sitting US President in modern times, then I genuinely don't care what you have to say. That's like ignoring 9/11 when talking about George W Bush. So you can either get serious or you can keep masturbating into the custard machine, wagie.
Democrats had Biden and threw him away cause he was a Catholic conservative with high standards who alienated the celebrities used to not having a president act as a parent. He could beat Trump conventionally but neocons and anti Trumpers made it about themselves. I like to think Merrick Garland ran out of 1/6ers and prosecuted P Diddy, Sean Kingston for the crime of showing off their wealth.

I don't care about COVID-19. Old people are frustrated with technology, mail in ballots, early voting and shrinking food. They could simply be voting for Trump cause Harris plans price controls that will decimate Kroger's. People only liked Dubya cause he had people skills. John Bolton, Liz Cheney couldn't persuade people to fight their shadow wars cause they're not people person.
I don't have to care about Covid cause Nassau County banned the mask due
I always had my suspicions, but this thread confirms how absolutely retarded the average bbwchan user is.
Arab Americans feel that Americans on the left just wants to kill them and that friction will be enough to swing to Trump. They're not falling for the counterculture gimmick.
Normies are tired of Europe and it's women bashing. Even the courts are taking away Andrew Tate's toys cause he's not funny like Berlusconi.

If it keeps most of the political spam isolated in one thread then I'm not complaining.
Honestly, there are more Arab voters than Jewish ones. The Jappy American Jews lean hard right (ironic they support Nazis). Kamala is losing voters by enabling the white Jewish apartheid state (they competed in Eurovison. They’re white).
When I noticed all news on trump is only ever negative, that's when I knew I had to vote for him.
And if you don't realize that, you're the retarded one.
Jewish people vote more Left in America. Saying you’re Black so you think this way.If you’re Arab you think this way. Everyone is different.
Ron is running on fumes. He wanted to build golf courses and theme parks in-state land, making Trump look reasonable.
Arabs are taking over Bay Ridge, Jamaica, Long Island, and all the other parts of the city that Jews neglected yet profess to know. Nobody wants to eat at a Diner anymore owned by Greeks. I am just taking a gamble on voting for Trump and getting my car.
Must be his 4-D chess lol

Think about how much shit Jeffrey Dahmer got from the media. Must mean he’s amazing.
Democrats are busy suing the Georgia Board cause it has MAGA, not getting MAGA can process faster than their army of senior citizens
American Cable News is on the decline because its expensive to cover both candidates with the manpower and time editing for today's stories. Trump could simply be winning because ratings are actually declining.
Blacks are voting for Trump with their wallets and don't know who Kamala is.
Blacks are not voting for Trump.
Trumps too in bed with the Gay Jewish Militants (Israelis) and Vance with the Catholics for either of them to be seen as anything but GAY. Liking man ass, having a fetish for raping men’s and boys buttholes is not alpha or cool, it’s gay as shit.
Brothers are not gonna vote for some flaming faggot in a red hat.
Americans care more about whether there's a stop and shop or Krogers in their neighborhood. That hyperbolic European parliamentary style of liberal austerity and social conservatism doesn't appeal to Trump voters. African Americans are super Catholics and super protestants, the exact base Trump appeals to. No sane person wants that schizo P Diddy stuff
Thank god the courts got rid of Andrew Tate and his faux bro attitude along with Orban with his Nazi fetish
The only person with a Nazi fetish is your faggot in chief Mr “Poisoning the blood” of our country and his fat little techboy bitch with his “blood and soil” speech.
Just suck a dick you gaywad. Your side of bootlicking middle managers is fucking gay as shit.
Part of the problem is that the left is recycling old news and old enemies. Arabs aren't falling for your faux bro socialism. Even companies are removing DEI. MAGA has moved on from 1/6. The internet doesn't care about your weed man ideals. Trump will still win it only cause the left won't admit they slacked off during the summer and are rushing thru fall to catch up
I am planning to watch Beetlejuice 2, Joker II this fall. The news can scream into the Amazon Prime, Disney Plus, HBO max void they created for all I care
Even CNN admits that Trump won't go on trial at least until 2026, which damages the credibility of the Justice Department ordering a speedy trial in 30 or less in a manner similar to Dominoes. So really, the legal system is undermining itself in a case to prosecuted Trump. He's not a supervillain, it's just that DC-Virigina can't stop acting like wealthy southern gentry landowners for five minutes
> damages the credibility of the Justice Department ordering a speedy trial
Ok, we got a legal scholar here.
So. Doc, why did Trumps legal team delay every step?
Since SCOTUS said the president is immune, I’m hoping Kamala does what Trump wanted Pence to do and just throws out the election and arrests her opponent. Legally, Trump’s not entitled to a trial as he is a terrorist who tried to start a civil war, hence he’s a POW (who we should borrow Israel’s playbook and stick jagged metal up Trumps faggoty ass).
Democrats keep dismantling the old controls of power, Joe Biden is no longer president, and Kamala wants to get rid of Merrick Garland. Really it's just that the justice system is full of seniors who don't buy into DOJ's crusade against imaginary crime. Crime is at an all time low. Trump has been delaying to court system since the 80s. It's just that normies don't care for the courts like Trump, or DC.
Another problem is that terrorists are aging boomers like the Gilgo Beach killer. They're just not entertaining psychopaths like the Unabomber, Ruby Ridge guy. Even Alex Jones isn't fun cause he wants to live in his Dallas like all the other conservative talk icons who aren't in Palm Beach
Trump is already supporting mail in ballots in PA. Is Queen Kamala going to get the peasantry to show up?
(562 KB, 1115x835, 2A4F1EB9-3E86-45C2-A75E-609C648A0070.jpeg)
Viva PhilistinaZZ.
Victory to the true world.

Standards of soulfulness/love is why true life exists.
How many ways do we have to say NO to the zombie parasite deranged rapist faggot hypocrites of some ridiculous cult that believes in apocalypse instead of a future for the world? The amount of resistance that the diversity of soul gets from the ewish fagdom enforcers is absurd.
(81 KB, 736x772, F38514E4-043B-45C9-BC53-931F1EB4CED4.jpeg)
I respect that Kamila hates the trans cult. Just like the rest of the world.
After all, anything else could be an invasive cult, so why do we endure topics that undermine the will of girls?
We could have ANYTHING else being talked about. I don’t think ANY girls of the world EVER wanted to hear about any of that shit EVER.
An unwelcome topic is an unwelcome topic, but then it gets PUSHED on an audience? That’s an attempt to rape our souls.

My absolute emphasis on that we could be hearing ANY other topic.
ANY fucking OTHER topic.

How hard do we have to bite?
We said STOP.

And look what happened to 4chan! 24/7 they are trying to RAPE.

Whatever happened to growth and change and the societies that lovers believe in?

Why do I have to fight so hard just to vibe with my friends? Who keeps letting invaders into our worlds? Where’s the gatekeepers? Where’s the people who live for a world with a future? I am not apart of the mortal egotripping trespassing parasite collective. I am fucking trying to build ever lovelier love with my multiverses of friends.

I remember the ABUNDANCE of diverse content on the internet. I remember the SOVL and the growth. The connections, the generacy, the memes, the feels, the friendship collectives, the COMMUNITY?!

SCREW OFF to whoever I intend that statement to.
I ask the divinity of all love itself that my text does exactly what I truest intend.
I think data could be fabricating Kamala's rise to power. I don't buy into the culture wars as I just want my pickup or muscle car.
(334 KB, 750x1123, 81BB4BDD-3B00-4E9D-B3A6-4D1B63D22325.jpeg)
>I just want my faggotness

Regards to a different verity of traffic.

So many reasons why my cities are cutting off roads, airports, and ports.

Besides, my peoples are governed by anarchy. We don’t have a culture war.
>I respect that Kamila hates the trans cult.

Please fucking kill yourself, you waste of protein.
Americans don't consume the news like they did in the past. Kamala is losing cause policy wonks and economists don't like price controls. Her plot would hurt the minorities since it means no more Shacks or Burgers at Oakland or LA, cities that rely on commuters and fast casual dining crowds
No one thinks about girl-dick more than supposedly straight conservatives.
But these are men that sit around fantasizing about raping POWs.
Conservatives are weird.
(82 KB, 500x663, 23CAD5F2-C244-4784-BBEF-F8A7E7E4B30F.jpeg)
Anyone who supports the trans cult must die.
We reject y’all.

Other people exist with other stories.
Such as girls.

Anyone associated with you never had aspects of our societies via consent. Call me europe and the indigenous and really anyone that has standards.

We are never of you.

My slightest of vibes isn’t for you.

We said go away so many times. And y’all insisted on repeatedly bothering us and scaring away the true community. We locked the door to our private house party and then y’all tried to break the door down.
Just get shot by a girl. Immediately.

No means no. We’re not your friends. We don’t like y’all even to the slightest, and we’re not going to be victims of your parasitic energy.
We care.

There is no government.

Holocaust Holocaust Holocaust.

And no means no.
Death to the trans cults and the ews cults. Same shit. None of my people are conservakikes.

Death to the alien invaders.
You paint things that aren’t ok as if they’re a norm. Sus.
Trump is hated by America for acting like a NYer outside the city. Getting into fights with army staff, insiders, and threatening conservative talk radio. The right needs to hate fuck Kamala Harris.
Kamala is up among women and minorites, two groups that vote Democrat. Progressives make up 1% and are concentrated in Seattle, Portland, or Boston
(619 KB, 1000x1277, BD4B2100-0B12-4D55-BD16-AC25B8D35559.jpeg)
You’re making up a fake world, ew.

Every region is a separate nation with infinite verities of anarcho~governments.

Kosher is illegal.
Kosher is poison.
It’s especially illegal to give people kosher without people knowing.

Kosher is not associated with any true brand.
None of the true versions of my peoples brands are Kosher.

Beware of the (U) label, it’s cultist shit, it’s not associated with (R).
Nothing Kosher is registered with my peoples collectives.

(R) is meant to differentiate between fake brands that steal a brand name. But that’s exactly what kosher “brands” did. Regardless if they doodle the (R) on it also or not.

We don’t know how much Kosher funded the genocide that murdered 20,000 Philistina kids.

Also due to corruption we no longer recognize many so called boarders and boundaries. As well as the validity of what a “citizen” is.


And regards to the dismantling of the concepts of money and property. And true collectives naturally evolve past need of money. Those who rely on the idea of money are relying on a system that exists to subvert the true will.
Things like UBI are innate in thriving societies. For example, any of the most powerful European Anarcho~Socialist collectives throughout time had things like UBI and enough gatekeeping of the party to make sure the energy goes to the intended people. We naturally are many exclusive collectives apart of greater exclusive collectives. France had giant cauldrons of Wicca~spelled free French Onion soup in the centers of town daily during times of highest birthrate. That was natural as animals natural as animals are let to wander and copiously breed and thus produce milk and eggs copiously
(162 KB, 720x882, 22D62752-E390-4282-8425-E4950BA4422F.jpeg) (102 KB, 750x1379, C338F109-D630-4CFA-B65D-B4E939C41946.jpeg) (619 KB, 1000x1277, A0B6FCA7-51EE-41F3-9699-B8779FBE9960.jpeg)
You’re making up a fake world, ew.

Every region is a separate nation with infinite verities of anarcho~governments.

Leave my internet/world, trespasser.

Hey gatekeepers, remove these creepy goons.
The only reason some of the world/internet
sucks is because you creeps are scaring everyone else off and the true world needs to remove all y’all immediately.
Any true channer is aware of what’s what.

Kosher is illegal.
Kosher is poison.
It’s especially illegal to give people kosher without people knowing.

Kosher is not associated with any true brand.
None of the true versions of my peoples brands are Kosher.

Beware of the (U) label, it’s cultist shit, it’s not associated with (R).
Nothing Kosher is registered with my peoples collectives.

(R) is meant to differentiate between fake brands that steal a brand name. But that’s exactly what kosher “brands” did. Regardless if they doodle the (R) on it also or not.

We don’t know how much Kosher funded the genocide that murdered 20,000 Philistina kids.

Also due to corruption we no longer recognize many so called boarders and boundaries. As well as the validity of what a “citizen” is.


And regards to the dismantling of the concepts of money and property. And true collectives naturally evolve past need of money. Those who rely on the idea of money are relying on a system that exists to subvert the true will.
Things like UBI are innate in thriving societies. For example, any of the most powerful European Anarcho~Socialist collectives throughout time had things like UBI and enough gatekeeping of the party to make sure the energy goes to the intended people. We naturally are many exclusive collectives apart of greater exclusive collectives. France had giant cauldrons of Wicca~spelled free French Onion soup in the centers of towns daily during times of highest birthrate. That was as natural as animals being let to wander free and copiously breed and thus naturally produce milk and eggs copiously
(325 KB, 608x977, EF6620C0-BA54-41C2-BE30-29D288078FB3.jpeg)
The USA is *infinite* anarcho collectives/governments

But yes, the most radical girls discord groups of lesbian yuri bigots are the internet government

Etc etc etc etc etc etc
Yeah congratulations for literally throwing away the election during the debate. The fact he knew Kamala would bait him, and he still lost his cool shows he won't win this election.
I have never seen him so triggered. Dude was panicking on nearly every answer by the end.

The moderators gave him the final say in every topic and he still couldn't come out on top. Big fuckin yikes.
I think Trump did what he needed to do. Kamala's trolling is just not enough to put her over the top. I know libs think they're smart, but this past month Hochul-Adams got caught in the double whammy of communism in the state, and the feds doing a raid. Kamala's problem is that she's just not smart as Obama to persuade undecideds to show up. Trump is always going to be temperamental. I don't know what these elderly GOP pundits are expecting. I actually live in the East Coast and say Trump is still winning cause normies care about the economy. He's not hostile to Kamala Harris and it wasn't the knockout punch of 2020. Democrats aren't the suave sophisticated double agent they see in their mind.

I still think the race is flat out too fluid and the news are just filling time between now and Election Day. Kamala's just copying Trump, soon she's going to cheat on her taxes, bet on sports, and cheat on her spouses like Trump. Voters want Trump, not a celebrity impersonator. I don't think you understand how baffling it is that Hollywood is making a movie about him. So yeah, Trump didn't go for the jugular, but now that media is mad cause the race is like 2016 instead of 2024
Assuming the CIA are running the Kamala campaign, I expect her to lose cause their army of social aspies can't explain why food prices are so high and they're too chicken shit to go up against a teen with a AR-15.

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