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Any manlets here? Just curious about how dating treats you with bigger girls. It seems like to me that it's even more difficult since a lot of BBW's have so many insecure issues that they want to be with someone bigger.

I bring it up because I matched with this girl last year, she was probably nearing SSBBW at that point. Anyways she had a pretty face, and plump thighs and ass like I love...pretty good tits. But she was like 5'10 5'11 and I'm only 5'6

Anyways we talked for a couple of days and had a date set, she thought I was cute and was really into me. Right before the date was set, she asked my height and I told her and she broke the date.

Said because of her big size, it makes her feel huge being next to a small man. It was really a punch in the gut. It's especially sucky since being this small with a bigger girl is really taking the giantess fetish to a whole new level.

Anyways, if any manlets here...how do you convince a girl out of that thinking? Or is it possible?
First of all
I'm 5'4, married to an ssbbw

To answer your questions
For some it is basically impossible to convince them
You could be the best partner they'll ever have, but they won't see it at all

But some others are either open minded or don't care at all, if you're hitting jackpot they even like it (the very rare case of a woman being into that stuff herself)

It's nothing else with skinny or normal girls
Some will never in their life give you a chance, and some don't care

Just the usual game we short guys have to play ;)

But to be fair, we only choose fat chicks either, so it's basically the same ^^

It's far from impossible to get a big woman on your side, even tho you might not think like that in the beginning

I married an ssbbw and made her love me, and she wasn't even the only or first woman of that kind interested in me despite knowing my height and being taller

So there's plenty of possibilities waiting out there ;)

There's two things to add:
When online dating show your height right away, so that you don't have situations like that (but accept a little less initial chatting) and only get woman who really don't mind right away

And don't be "that short guy"
I'm sure you got plenty of things to offer
Show all of that and don't ever let that I never get any hits because I'm short vibe, or that im not self confident vibe, be your main thing
>Anyways, if any manlets here...how do you convince a girl out of that thinking? Or is it possible?

It's impossible.
You can't convince 95% of guys here to date a skinny girl.

Honestly I don't know how many fat girls are willing to date guys under 5' 7" (if that's what you'd consider a manlet; over 5' 8" is kinda average here).

As a short guy, I haven't had problems but I assume it's a disadvantage in some cases. Some could argue they prefer taller guys so they don't look that big compared to their bf and others could argue that fat girls could think they have to settle with any guy that's fine for them since most guys don't like fat girls.

IMHO reality is as diverse as opinions are. I wouldn't care about that specific experience. There are plenty of fat girls with diverse preferences. Keep looking for the fat girl of your dreams.
As a fellow little fella™ (5'6") here, why the hell wouldn't you ost your height in your dating profiles? I feel like that's catfishing as much as fat folks who post only face pics or old/doctored photos. If you're up front and comfortable with your height, no one else will be.

I guess looks, physique, and charm factor into that as well. I should count myself lucky that the other good factors about me compensate for the fact that I'm just a wee lil' guy, a buck-fifty soaking wet on a day I've eaten a lot. That said, I've still never had trouble with larger women. I've dated/slept with plenty of women who were many hundreds or percent heavier than me, and some were even taller. My experience is, if you're not weird about it and show no hangups about your height, no others will; but, I was always very straightforward about my diminutive stature, so maybe I weeded out the people who would/could have been weird about it.

Just own it. There's nothing wrong with being a short king. Most women I've been with, whether 200 or 500lbs believes that "you're all the same height when you're horizontal" (I don't agree based on belly and booty height of my sexual partners, but I get where they're coming from).

I will say, I understand the pressured women feel (especially HUGE women) to be 'small', or at the very least smaller than their significant others. It's a BS patriarchal beauty standard/societal expectation, but it's not on you to make people process that shit. If they're not comfortable with that, I don't think they should be dating anyone until they processes those feelings.

I had one very toxic ex when I was first dating (who wasn't even that fat, mayyybe 220 lbs at her highest) that said she always felt like a 'sausage kaiju' when she was next to me, despite being just about the same height. But I was lean/thin, and also more attractive than her usual/previous partners were, so SHE was the one who was so self conscious that she self-destructed and took the relationship with it.

And thank god she did lmao. You're not missing out if someone won't date you based on your size; that's their hangup, and they just did the work for you so it won't hurt later when things end because they can't handle being perceived as large.

These days, my ~400lb wife is so close to me in height, that we trade off who's taller based on who slept better the night before. lol We love our size contrast, and being able to see eye to eye makes kissing and most other forms of affection fun & easy.
Only "problem" I've had dating wise as a shorter guy is when you're sittting down and she's towering over you because of her fatness. Never really found a good solution to not make it awkward when she notices it, especially if she's a taller one in addition.
I’ve also found that us short kings have shorter dicks, not smaller, plenty of choad dickgods.
It’s just not the best tool for navigating past a fat ass and plush fupa.
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>>I’ve also found that us short kings have shorter dicks, not smaller, plenty of choad dickgods
how exactly did you find this out?

story time
OP is sus.
Bad vibes are sus

My peoples tsk and take extra precaution nowadays
See, I love when they tower over me while sitting, really shows how blubbery and fat the ass is
I call that a rumor
Height does not automatically influence that and I can assure you I do not have that problem (not bragging or anything, just mentioning it for anyone else reading it here)

If you're not affected yourself, this can be a little surprise for a woman you can use to your advantage, cause they do expect short dicks on short men apparently ^^
Short men def have shorter dicks. Shorter hands, shorter everything.
Nope. Dick size isn't related to height.
> Nope. Dick size isn't related to height.
Ok Napoleon, guess you’re right even tho it’s obvious that bigger people tend to have bigger hands, feet and dicks. That’s just obvious.
They’re also taller, smarter, more successful and better looking: it has to do with genderizing hormones and general health. Shorties are bad people but they’re wasteiods as far as the male archetype goes.
The shortking rage here is a bad look tho, just accept facts.
From your reaction and the hate you spilled it looks like your wife fucked a 5'3" guy. Sorry about that.
The shortking rage isn’t a good look for us little people. We’re hobbits, not goblins.
Shorties have little dicks. This is known. In America we have a thing called “gym class” as well as “showers”.
I note this is a thing in Japanese BBW porn. Either live action stuff or drawn Hentai, they really seem into stuff where a tiny, thin man is bossed around by tall BBWs. Like to make women 6-10 ft. (2m-3.05m tall and bossing around teensy 5ft-5ft 5in man. It amazes me because it plays into stereotypes that Japanese men are tiny and short and passive. Just amazes me to see people embrace stereotypes about them. It's like finding porn made by black people where the dude is sexually aggressive, endowed with a big penis and gets it on with a sassy jive talking black woman. Guess for short Japanese men, a bbw would be gigantic and overwhelm them and easily boss them around and them to be into the thought of a bigger woman bossing them around. I note this happens a lot more in Japanese BBW art over western stuff which doesn't indulge in this at all.
I don't know what you mean as Sailor Jupiter is considered big despite being 5`6. Trunks is considered big against despite being the same height as Sailor Jupiter.
Not in Mainstream works, porn with BBWs that Japanese creators made, it could be live action stuff, or drawn Hentai. Not protagonists/characters from mainstream anime like Dragon ball, sailor moon, Pokemon, One Piece, naruto, Bleach, My Hero Academia, Yu-Gi-Oh!,

I was saying that most BBW porn done by Japanese creators, when they have men, they tend to be short and bossed around by BBWs who the creators draw to be super tall in contrast with the tiny thin men in these stories. I noted that Heroherotom does this, as does Squarewave29 in some pieces and artist Namio Harukawa. Bits of live action porn from what I've seen also has this, the dudes gettng bossed around by BBWs. Feels sort of BDSMy.
I went with 5ft to 5 ft 5 in because that's pretty short. Though yeah, as you said, the art can often present characters as taller that what's in an official bio. Like it will say that a woman is short/medium height in an official bio, when the art draws her to be much taller and possessing long legs.

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