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Lily seems to either be having a really hard time or a psychotic break, I can't tell.

I hope she's okay, she's really pretty and I subscribe to her every couple months.

Her latest update on OF is wild, I feel awful. She posted something else like this a while back but less severe and deleted it later so idk.
>>51788 (OP)
Sounds like she had a bad breakup with someone who probably sustained her financially. I too hope she ends up ok.
>>51788 (OP)
Schizos think Trump is going to ban pornography, ignoring the fact that Democrats are throwing Biden under the bus. I don't know what the Project 2025 is and I doubt the Heritage Foundation cares. The new right wants to bring back unfettered neo liberalism similar to Reagan. Amber Rose spoke at the RNC cause she wants the town rapist.
The insane, over blown fear of project 2025 is absurd. It's just liberal talking points because their policies have failed and it's all they have left to stand on. FEAR! Don't be a tool.
The fear is that millennials are now fast track to become no.2 guy in the executive branch and boomers don't know how to respond. Millennials are now showing conservatives tendencies instead of dude weed man. I think entertainment cares more about paycheck that government.

Boyfriend who's a burger flipper couldn't sustain both of them financially, so they had an argument and he dipped. It happens every single time and these women never think to have emergency savings for when they do end up kicked out.

Also anyone who actually believes in Project 2025 is retarded. The organization behind it has been around for 50 and has done jack shit. Those fuckers can barely keep their little organization afloat financially.
Kisame here, I am a burger flipper who works dogfry. Burger flippers make 24-26k but recently all that health care and technology has concentrated on expanding into Israel, France, Thailand cause Americans are very stingy
I think the left and right are jelly that Trump got protected by a fat woman in shades
To elaborate, restaurant workers don't like entertainers cause they always want free shit and are fake. Those bunga bunga parties are going away cause they can't afford the high city rent and law enforcement doesn't want the roasties
There is nothing conservative about a guy with Indian wife who went to Yale
Except, y'know, his political career.
> nothing conservative about a guy with Indian wife who went to Yale
Well, you’ve obviously never met an Indian person or been to a college.
>>51788 (OP)
No, a just an all-too-typical Gen Zer who sees a few people making a living selling themselves on the internet in various ways and thought it was a valid career choice. Get a fucking job.
Yale is the second most conservative Ivy after Dartmouth. The modern conservative movement started there.

Most Indians I know are conservative, though not MAGA (because they're not the same thing if you think that words actually matter).
Conservatives in the northeast love the Ivy Leagues cause they were seminary schools before becoming secular. There's a lot of old money families who don't like their southern counterparts for being uneducated boors. They enroll their children in elite schools in Jersey, Manhattan and CT.
Amber Rose gave a speech at the Republican convention. I don't think their platform is focused on eliminating porn. Time to face facts, Dem's are no longer the cool party. LOL

He probably thinks all Indians are like Apu from the Simpsons and worship a cow.


Those people are scared that they have to sign up to Pornhub with their ID. When in reality No one gives a fuck if they watch porn.
God damn mental illness in these girls is so fucking hot.
lol everyone talking about politics on a BBW Chan thread l
She just posted a weigh in. Honestly she’s hot but disappointing. I thought she’d be bigger. She’s only 50lbs away from my wife who doesn’t look as big as her, wondering if she’s just really good at angles. Anyways, weigh in was mid 300s
Gotta factor in that she’s super short.

Is this your first day or something?
I’m just saying, she looked/looks close to 400 if not more than 400. That belly hang is insane. She’d post on her insta about family giving her shit. 350 is small fry today.
Ofc not it’s just funny whenever threads turn into political debates
I get where you’re coming from, my wife is 450 and has huge legs, so she doesn’t quite look as chunky as someone with mainly just a big belly. Big Cutie Ellie has an enormous belly but tiny legs so is only 420 or whatever.
Amber Rose is the face of the party. Maybe if they graft implants on Chelsea Charms, Biden can win
Kisame here. All the entertainers are going for the GOP for lower property taxes. I still think JD Vance is a heel most likely copying El Salvador and Hungary. I don't hate Tucker cause he did that trip to Europe and Brazil, is happy
Libs have been seething that their Paypal Porn money went into funding JD Vance rise to fame Instead of copying China, or trooning. Nevermind trooning to make people workers at an assembly plant is pure totalitarian nightmare
The federal government doesn’t dictate property taxes, smartypants
her twitter just said shes bald now
Honestly her pulling a Jae really makes me wanna start a thread on here discussing how basically all fat women mentally ill in one way or another.

I mean c'mon Jae has multiple illnesses and does group therapy, I believe both Delilah and Dumplin have BPD (among other things), Lily is also clearly mentally unwell, Hayley seems kind of child like so maybe has Autism or at least isn't neurotypical, most of the women who stayed at creepy German guys/Stefans House aka. Pearadise seem to be mentally unstable in one way or another, squishy brat changing her her color every other vid also seems sus.... And this list goes on and on :/
but they so hot, germanwings

less you won do thread on all jaes illnesses
I’m with you on the mental illness. I’m pretty sure Delilah lives in housing for disabled people based on her videos.

I hate to admit it but honestly the mental instability makes it all the more hotter. I use to date this girl who was mid 400s and she was absolutely off her rocker. Like stay up all night, obsess over things, had zero money management skills.

Leads me to my next point, a lot of these girls have ZERO money management skills. Some of them have to be raking it in. Haley for example based on her views of her videos which curvage displays, has to be making six figures, but what’s to show for it?

The only ones who do it smart and I think are mentally sound are the ones of the likes of Emma, Lisa Lou, etc. They give me vibes of just regular fat chicks who are in this to make money. They have a social life, they get dicked down on the regular, and will eventually quit the scene.
> The only ones who do it smart and I think are mentally sound are the ones of the likes of Emma, Lisa Lou
Idk what pictures of Lisa you think she looks sane in. Girl blew up looking comatose.
I doubt that porn stars have mental illness. I argue the medical industry is using entertainers to bloat their budgets and shill social security. The internet is oversaturated with influencers chasing clout on social media. It more that influencers lie about their wealth, status, cheat on their taxes like the Donald. Normies want to watch Netflix. It's imitators are just running a money laundering scheme
Mental illness runs rampant in all parts of this community and it's under discussed. Not going to. get into the game of diagnosing people from afar but a lot of these girls have to be clinically depressed at the very least.

Lisa generally seems like she has her shit mostly together in relation to her peers but when she got bangs I immediately started wondering if she's okay lmao
She's a rad fem. Rad fems like Larping as Andrea Dworkin, Valerie Solanas. They never made it past the 70s cause A Handmaidens Tail, Hunger Games, Twilight, Harry Potter stopped making new content. After all, red fems aren't going to give up that nice colonial or tudor for the roasties in the slums. They are or were mentally ill, but people ignored them cause they want coomers
Mental illness is a pyramid scheme to get people to go back to church and become wealthy successful businessmen. We used to put fat women in Christian where they get beaten up for being harlots but it was too brutal for them.
You got to understand, Jordan Peterson is just coming up with mental illness to rationalize his failed keto diet. It's just like how Maslow wants to fuck his cousin and Jung wants to fuck his student. That's addition to these troubled teen camps that beat fat slurs for being sexually dysfunctional
That leads me to another question, are these girls actually getting boyfriends/dick?

If you go off of their onlyfans or social pages, they’re with some scummy guys, or some losers. Having that been said, do they de value themselves because of their weight, or do we hold them in a higher light because of this fetish, when they’re actually fairly lazy, mentally not correct girls?

Almost every girl I’ve dated in this scene, or that’s been 400+ has never been in a real relationship, or had normal non fetish/weird sex. I have a real job, not rich by all means, but a white collar job, and most women have never been with someone with one.
> Almost every girl I’ve dated in this scene, or that’s been 400+ has never been in a real relationship, or had normal non fetish/weird sex.
Because they don't want to date fat guys.
Many of them have or are dating bigger dudes (including myself) swole bros just can’t cope with the fact that many of these ladies don’t give two shits about their fag physiques 🤷‍♂️
Yeah of course. The real world considers them a low value freak show. And even if you take the weight aside, the community holds them up because we just get to look at them and don’t have to actually spend time around them getting to know them and realize what utter trash most of them are.

Most of these girls aren’t being home to mom just because they’re fat or do porn. They’re not bring home to mom because they are low value partners with nothing to offer.
> Almost every girl I’ve dated in this scene, or that’s been 400+ has never been in a real relationship, or had normal non fetish/weird sex. I have a real job, not rich by all means, but a white collar job, and most women have never been with someone with one.

This is pretty normal for women who are obese because of something in their lives being profoundly fucked up: abuse, trauma, anxiety, agoraphobia, and compulsive eating as a coping mechanism.
There are attractive educated fat women. They tend to be high tier hoes as there dudes with fat fetishes in all walks of life cheating on their wives or insecurely in relationships branch swinging to not be a fat hoe but instead someone’s prized pig of a girlfriend.
Fat nerds can sometimes be cute.
There are also the rare fat women who are legitimately into having an hourglass figures, oversized assets, of blimp bimbo feedee shit. Those women tend to be better educated and more attractive or crazy, it’s 5050.
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Women don't want to be the loser. They want to be the winner

Just wait until she hears that Biden stepped down.
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>>51788 (OP)
I think her boyfriend might have been paying for some important meds of hers that she can't afford to take anymore or something bc what in the actual fuck is this doing in the feed of pics and vids that I jerk off to

I really hope Lily gets better and back to posting her usual fat p, cute, funny little self bc this bender she is on lately is legit disturbing
*fat, cute, funny (p was a typo)
>$16.66 subscription price
I mean I'd renew but if she's gonna act like she's possessed then I'll sit this out until she's back to normal...
She went apeshit on OF calling us all scumbags and how we’re the reason she can’t afford anything. How content creators work so hard to get us off and we just steal their shit.

Idk, if you were that good you wouldn’t be jerkbate, you would’ve been wifed up.
She's retarded anon. Guys don't care for roasties
This is proof I am convinced her meltdown is a way to have everyone who has subscribed to her unsubscribe. When the membership is low she will complain whoa is me and officially quit. That way there is a "reason" besides taking accountability that her ex relationship is hurting her mind.
Truly sad state. Hope she can get some counseling
Is getting content without paying really stealing? It's whoever who bought the vid decision to even share the content so there's really no stealing involve unless you are selling it.
Copying and illegally distributing (this includes sharing) someone’s copyright content is 100% stealing, anon.

There’s a reason websites and filehosters immediately fold when a DMCA gets filed, and it isn’t because of guilt or a change of heart.
Looks like Lilly found this thread…
she was tagging elon musk and grimes a bunch post the other day. wasnt Jodie doing the same thing when she went off the rails? he really does attract the mentally ill lol. havent seen a melt down like this in a while. were not at Britt levels yet hopefully we dont get there.feels like we are like at 20% give or take.
Is Britt still certifiable or did she get things under control. Havent heard about her in a while

no clue, ill be optimistic and assume she is better now. possibly got some help i hope.

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