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My Gf's dad took me aside to thank me for sticking with his daughter even though shes gained 100-ish pounds since we got together. Treated me like a saint, even though Im (partially) the reason she got so big. Was the greatest performance of my career.

How have people around you/your partner's reacted to their WG?
My ex’s immigrant mom once told me she blamed me for her daughter “eating like a pig” and tried to convince me to help her get my ex on some weird traditional diet. Got another40 pounds on her before things ended between us. She’s still a total bbw, hope her mom curses me every time she sees how fat her daughter is
3 of my ex-partner's family have blamed me directly for her weight gain, including my current. Odd thing about that is I've been also blamed for one of her cousin's MASSIVE weight gain by her mother because we are open about liking to be fat and that "gave her the confidence" to get fatter.
I can't relate because every immigrant on LI is a 200-250lb person who sings soft rock, or a woman with a dump truck in leggings

Define/quantify massive lol

120 pounds or so
I realised in my 20s if you want to date a 400lb + girl make sure they don't still live with their parents. Man was I hated by one mother. All comes with the territory.

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