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Vanilla got close but she wasn’t really modeling or looking to reach 1000 lbs. MzFluff passed 900 but never made it. Celestial has talked about getting up to 2000 lbs but I don’t think she’ll get to 1000.

Think we’ll see a model who, I guess, wants to reach 1000? Mayra did it but she wasn’t a model at all. Who do you think has the best shot? Or is it probably someone we haven’t heard of yet?
Short answer is no. There are not that many people in recorded history who weighed a half ton and regardless of how much some girls in this scene insist they want that, it’s all a fantasy. Yes even Celestial who I think is mostly just mentally ill. Also keep in mind there is some recent awareness that models are faking their weight anyway. It’s a TV program. A movie.
>>51659 (OP)
On the male side, Superxlchubboy already reached over 1000 pounds at one point. That being said, it's easier to men to reach that weight because they tend to be taller. IMO if we ever see a 1000 pound female model, it would be someone similarly tall like Vanilla Hippo but with a more favorable fat distribution. I think Haley has the potential, but I doubt she would willingly get that large, unless something unexpected happens or she remains unusually mobile and healthy while gaining.
I guess I'm not ruling it out completely but it doesn't seem realistic. The combination of diet, genetics, bodily dimensions (people forget what a UNIT Vanilla Hippo actually was, she's 6'2"!), lifestyle, socioeconomic background, substance abuse, water retention, and other conditions it takes to make like a 700 pound person, let alone a half ton one. Vanilla was the perfect storm and even she topped out in the 900s, although in her case I'm willing to concede that familial intervention and the reality TV circus are what prevented her from getting any bigger. I think if she had sat at home and kept modeling she could have touched 1,000 pounds but who the hell knows.
Maybe Echo could reach that size depending on how the water retention dice roll. Last time we heard from her, she seemed to be between 700 and 800 pounds and she's already pretty comfortable with immobility. Same thing with MzFluff. I don't think either of them have children who would scare them into losing weight.
Echo's been in an assisted living type situation for a few years. She's never gonna be skinny but you can bet she's being looked after closely enough that getting markedly fatter is almost certainly off the table.
Yeah, let's not pretend that Echo is going to be permitted to get that huge again. Not unless someone starts sneaking in McDonald's on the regular.
I also forgot about Juliet Summers, who allegedly peaked in the 800s before she died. She was a lot more attuned to feedism than Vanilla was but was also depressed and helplessly addicted to food (she eventually showed up here and admitted as such, also popped up on Feabie around this time, seemed like a really sweet person).

This is one of her videos at 800 pounds: https://stufferdb.com/picture?/225473/category/1345 According to a screenshot of her Feabie profile on stufferdb she was only 5'6" so I feel like this was the absolute max her body could handle or pretty close to it. FatMissT is in a similar boat right now IMO.
it’s possible there’s a bedbound trailer trash monstrosity or two out there that could be nearing a half ton that we just don’t know about but yeah I think VanillaHippo was the closest thing we’re gonna have to a chance. I do think 600 and 700 pound girls will become slightly more common, just a hunch
I have been involved in this community for 25 years now and there are literally only 5 women I can think of that genuinely wanted immobility. Betsy, Heather, Ash, Jiggly Bombshell, and a woman named Carolyn Owens. I was personal good friends with Jiggly and she literally got as big as she could get before she was literally going to die. It's going to take somebody that is a death feedist that is willing to truly go for it, with a combo of a feeder that is willing to push her overboard to get there. I truly thought thats where we were headed with Adeline.
I think Adeline was in the same camp as Vanilla Hippo: "Dear God I'm too big and I keep getting bigger, may as well make some money off it while I can"
ArealFG was over 1,000
Rose colored glasses

Adeline is another case where you have to assume when she was younger she enjoyed indulging in the fat kink stuff but it was exacerbated by depression and addiction the further she took it. If I was her I’d have left the boyfriend/husband by now
She got to 821. It's in the documentary.
So I logged into my dummy account on Feabie for the first time in forever and curiosity got the better of me. Clicked on VanillaHippo's page - she looks fucking ghastly now at 440 pounds, but interestingly enough in a rant from a while ago about her standing in the community, she dropped that she weighed 998 pounds at one point. Suddenly I don't think it's out of the question that she touched a half ton, even if there's no recorded evidence. Fluctuating 2 extra pounds here and there is nothing at that size.
Frankly even if you're fighting for your life at that size...

Come on, what's two pounds? That could be a large meal and a minute on the scale. May as well say you did it.
There are medical staff on Reddit (not on this scene at all) who report enough 1000+ that it’s probably only a matter of time
I'm betting on FatMissT
My guess is she was in the hospital when this happened and was being heavily monitored so big meals were out of the question. But, hey, they probably had to give her a LOT of IV fluids to keep her hydrated in there and it wasn't like she was doing a lot to work off the water weight. Again this is just an educated guess but it's really easy to picture this happening. I know from experience she had a few hospital pics on her OF that she said were from when she was at her biggest but her body was, frankly, so out of control she probably didn't even know she got or had been even heavier.

Haven't seen a new pic of her in a while but some folks on other boards think she's starting to lose weight. Potentially with her combination of youth and sedentary lifestyle she could hit another level but just personally I think 750ish is it for her.
Hmm, link to what you're thinking of?
>>51659 (OP)
I'm predicting celestial will probably die pretty soon, her health in recent videos is dire in a way that isn't just acting.
lol unfortunately the headcanon of VH getting pumped up over the half a ton mark in the hospital is too hot for words and going immediately into my fap rotation

Is supersoft a candidate for this? She’s 27 and allegedly 700 pounds, married to a feeder. Scooter bound and looks like any given part of her could legit burst from being so fat
So to clarify some of the Vanilla Hippo theorizing in thread I went to the My 600 Pound Life subreddit (you wanna talk about a bunch of fucking losers, at least we’re honest about fetishizing fat women instead of treating them like sideshow freaks) and apparently in her episode she gains 140 pounds during a 6 week hospital stay. Which is so insane I don’t even know if I believe it, feels very much like reality TV dramatization but that does tell us if she wanted food during her hospitalizations it wasn’t impossible to get it, I guess?
She is exaggerating her weight. I subscribed to her previously and her highest recorded weigh in is in the 600s although I don’t recall the exact number. I have long suspected her husband has a pretty strict hold on her social media persona and is largely making her do this for his own pleasure but that’s another story.
There is no way in hell she writes her own video and photo descriptions on OF. It's all clearly written by a guy with the kink so this comes as no surprise to me. Tbh, as hot as I find her, I would also not be shocked to learn that she's barely literate.
Yeah I'm gonna call bullshit on that one. I have never seen the show but I have zero doubts that was a stunt to make her look worse or her situation look even more tragic and extreme. Reality TV viewers eat that kind of slop up. 140 pounds in six weeks? You'd fucking die, lmao.
She nearly was and they wouldn't fake this at a hospital the doctor operates at. He berated her telling her she was incredibly close to dying. Did emergency surgery when she wouldn't have been approved by normal circumstances. That doctor has turned away patients for being too large.
Really doubt she fabricated the weight but the bios are fake.
Vanilla Hippo was probably around 300Kg, maybe to 350, but she was most likely below 400Kg

Huh, what’s going on with her?
In our current crop of models, I think the most likely one is Hayley. She’s tall, very young (23 I believe) and already up nearly 200 pounds in 3 years. She’s on track to blow past 700 by 2025 and continuing at this rate would take only a few more years. 1000 could be possible if she keeps steadily gaining before 30
A trashy and exploitive reality TV show wouldn’t lie for the sake of drama? Ok dawg.

Yeah she’s got the kind of big broad frame for it but the amount she’s been growing feels unsustainable. Especially where her stuff doesn’t have overtly feedist tones, I just get the sense she doesn’t give a fuck
Yes and no. I feel with ussbbws it's a double edged sword. On the one hand gaining this fast like Hayley or Dumplin is really unhealthy, but if your goal is 1000lbs or some other peak fatness I think that since Hayley and Dumplin already have crossed some critical point of obesity at which you can already only stay at for so long, I feel that if you don't keep a fast gaining pace you might be forced to abort your mission prematurely due to serious health conditions which come with time or even worse if you drop dead like Kass.
>>51659 (OP)
With the scene shifting away from ssbbws to skinny fats and mid sized bbws I think the chances of seeing a 1000 lb model is nill, honestly this community has peaked when it's comes to the size of these women and the only place to go is smaller.
I don't know if this because I don't have any first hand experience, but from what I read, it felt like the 90s era SSBBW community was more obsessed with size than now. You had famous models like ARealFG and Teighlor that were immobile at one point.
Echo at peak fatness definitely felt like a throwback to that era but in HD. Small fats are definitely popular now amongst a lot of the younger fat admirers. I gotta believe though with the trend of people getting fatter in general that we’ll see some behemoths. Keep the faith boys

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