
(27 KB, 390x280, young-husband-hugs-wife-holds-260nw-2040050921.jpg)
I've been reading the stories that get post on here and there's a lot of people with years long relationships saying they don't tell their partners/wives about their feederism kink. Why? I don't think it's one reason so I want to know
>>51623 (OP)

I told my gf about my feedism kink pretty early into our relationship and it's been incredible. Follow your hearts.
I imagine partners worrying they'll think you went out with them solely to practice your kinks on them. They may not be comfortable with their fatness and feel uncomfortable being called fat, being worshipped for their fat and being encouraged to put on more fat.

There's a fear just of being seen as a creepy pervert who wants to date fat women and fatten them up to immobility. Just the fear they may not be on board with these fantasies or be comfortable with their bodies enough to go about them.
They could also be concerned about the health aspects of this kink and not be comfortable eating fatty, sugary foods or eating themselves to immobility.
Same. Life is too short. And there are plenty of ways about talking about this that aren’t creepy as fuck. Besides, it’s better to have them hear your view on it than make up their own imagined assumptions when they find out eventually anyway.
So how should we bring this kink up to a partner?
I do. I also tell them about this place.
What did they think about this place
I told her about it, after our 2nd sexual encounter. She said she always felt something, and it seemed like a gave her the key to understand it all.

Ffwd to 1.5 years later (now), we've broken up in part due to this. She had Crohn's and was alternating between wanting to manage her eating for that and eating whatever she wanted. I tried to support her the best I could. She had a lot of questions regarding my side of the kink, and I tried to answer always to the best of my abilities (even if the Q's were sometimes very vague) but she never felt satisfied with the answers I had for her. Said she always felt like there was more to it for some reason and that i didn't educate her on the matter properly (?). At one point she also decided that she wanted to lose weight, yet I would get fucking texts at work about how she ordered KFC and couldn't wait for me to be home so we could fuck. At times the whole thing left a sour aftertaste, even if it was hot in the moment.

All in all, I regret telling her. I can hold up my end of the deal I think, being cautious, supportive, etc but I can't make her love herself. Towards the end she hated herself and cried about how she let herself go, yet wouldn't for the life of her come with me to the gym or just to hike or something. Didn't help that one of her coping mechanisms was eating either. She said that I can't blame her for not being able to break the pavlovian reflexes... I didn't blame her, but I did point out to her as gently as I could when she made choices that were opposing here larger idea about what she wanted to do with her body.

She said she's happy I told her and me lying would've been worse, but I honestly feel like that's a fucking lie. Other times since the breakup she's expressed that I, me explicitly ruined her body and her sexuality and that I traumatized her. Recently she admitted that she was willing, consenting and cooperating but still added that she did it because she thought it would please me (???) I genuinely tried my best, but I'll admit that at times I couldn't resist her when she was playing with me. I should've had more willpower, but who's to say that wouldn't have destabilized the relationship earlier. Also she's told her new boyfriend about the whole thing, whom I know closely and he knows some of my friends so I've considered roping myself because that's just fucked in and of itself.

Anyhoo. I broke up with her like 3 months ago (there was a lot of stuff outside this kink that made me unhappy in the relationship, for example her narcissistic tendencies) and still can't get over it, all the while she's already halfway into a relationship with the dude which started a week after we parted ways. I shouldn't be jealous of her finding somebody like that so quick because I know she sure as shit isn't over me, but fuck me. It hurts.

It would've been such a shame to not tell my partner.
She weighed 300 pounds when we first met. Although at that time when we were discussing the kind of men that usually show an interest in her, she said that she didn't like the idea of fat fetishists coming on to her. She mentioned that she had lost over 40 pounds before she had met me, all of her jeans had extra buttons installed so that they could be fastened tighter, and even then they were still loose. Despite this, once I felt that our relationship was comfortable enough I explained that I want her fatter.
Fast forward two years and she is now closing in on 400 pounds. Those previously loose jeans have now long since been relegated to the back of the wardbrobe and have now been substituted with much larger sizes. She has embraced every aspect of feedism all whilst enjoying her growing body more than ever.
There isn't a single topic, plan or fantasy I can't discuss with her and I cannot imagine living any other way.
This is the way.

1) Build a relationship with a woman who doesn’t have extreme hang ups

2) Don’t be afraid to tell her at the appropriate time

3) Build trust regarding sexual and non-sexual things alike through a genuine and honest relationship

Not the guy you were responding too, but I did tell my gf about this place. Though she found it nice at first, mainly on /bbwdraw/, she stopped going here because all of the rampant toxicity and negativity that exists here. Which I think is valid, that's the reason I try to limit my time on here as well.

It can be very draining without you even realizing.

It's definitely key to not be creepy about it. It's honestly best to test the waters and go very slow. Just express that you like her body. Ask for consent to touch certain parts in certain ways (ex. Squishing stomach fat). Then if she seems comfortable with it, you can disclose more about it. Such as you liking fat bodies, maybe saying you find the act of feeding her sweet treats sensual and romantic.

And obviously get her full consent every step of the way. If there is ever a point where she isn't comfortable, you just have to acknowledge that and evaluate whether you are satisfied with the relationship in that state, or would rather be with someone who reciprocates the kink more.
Sad to read that, anon.
It sucks because some girls (like guys, too) are so manipulative that they'll blame you for stuff like that, even if they put no effort on improving their health. Nonetheless, it makes sense with the stuff you said about her being narcissistic.
It took me 10 years to tell my gf. Sad? I guess.

I regret not telling her earlier, only because she always says to me, "I wish you had told me earlier!" Why? Because our sex life is so much better now.

I was definitely nervous about telling her, but she was NOT that weirded out and I explained that it's probably one of the most common male fetishes. So, not really that weird after all. Right?

I understand why women are weirded out, but if the bottom line is better sex and more affection than it's quite amazing what people will agree to in a relationship.

Also, we are pretty moderate about it. She likes that she doesn't have to watch her figure, and I like the fact that she's slowly getting chubbier naturally.
Understandable. Unless she knows a bit about imageboards and the toxicity that tends to hang around them, that outcome is not unusual

In retrospect it can be "sad", because of the idea of missed opportunities from not sharing it sooner. But I'm always a "Better late than never" kinda guy, so the fact that you guys are sharing and partaking in it now is awesome!

I think a lot of people on this board would be happier if they accepted this kink is a part of themselves, and be willing to share it with their partners. It's perfectly valid to still be nervous about it. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't, as is life. But I would be much happier with someone that reciprocates my kinks than someone who doesn't.
I wonder how the topic of immobility is handled. Is it never brought up, or kept as a fantasy. Or just keep goals to a little extra weight and not have your GF/Wife not be 600+ lbs.?

I know it's one thing to engage in junk food feed sessions as foreplay and fantasizing about your love interest to be 500+ lbs. and another to do it on a day to day basis.
My dad knew, my mom shamed me about it when she looked at my internet search history when I was like 12.

Most of my family is dead now, the remaining alive ones are chill AF and don’t care. My dad’s side of the family is full of bigger folks.
I missed out on so much. I was pretty openly into BBWs but i NEVER told anyone about my weight gain fetish until my fiance, it was a few years in. I never felt weird about being into fat chicks but weight gain made me feel like a freak. I had never heard of anyone who was into it and never thought I would get a girl who was so I just suppressed it. I fucked a ton of fat chicks but not once got to indulge in some feederism. My fiance will let be do a few things here and there but I dont think she is going to gain weight intentionally for me anytime soon. That said, she is doing a great job of gaining unintentionally but she hates it. I love her to death I wouldnt leave her for a fetish, but if we split ima go make some bitches fat.

I think the number of women that actually willingly want to be fattened up to immobility is incredibly small. You need a crippling food addiction and a number of enablers for this to occur.

For lots of BBWs, I think it's part of a fantasy between themselves and their partners. Or a marketing ploy that we fall for. Remember Lilith the Cenobite?

I imagine that immobility will be brought up. After all, how many models talk about how they'll become bedbound fatties? Or art ending with women being immobile?

I thought about how to bring this up in relationships. Most of the time, it will be agreed to keep it as a fantasy?
Every one found it confusing to use but they were normies used to 2chan or 4chan so no surprises here.
I dunno, i think this is incredibly stupid, trying to conceal your desires, you have only one life after all. It pleases me to know that so many guys in hear are actually exposing their kinks, you are absolut chads.
For me, i think it works best to tell everyone that i just love fatties, but share my kink only with the closest friends.
And of course i am telling about it to any of my partners, but, again, not right away.

For me, it is talked about with my partner as an external aspect of the kink and kept as fantasy. She is well aware that the "being fed into immobility" is a large niche (oxymoronic but best way I can describe it) in feedism. But I never brought it up in a "I want to do this to you" kind of way. It was mainly brought up by her as she set the boundary that she doesn't want to be 500lbs+. Which personally, that aligns with what I want as well.

But sometimes when we dirty talk or share art with each other we dabble in the immobility fantasy because it can be fun, at the end of the day. In her own words, "It's fun to fantasize about, but not so much in reality".

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