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Do any of the rest of you take the time to at least appreciate that our fixation exists in reality?

In the before times, only those in the position of wealth or royalty could even have a partner of considerable size. There’s women out there in line at McDonald’s with curves finer than the most coveted concubines of a kings’ court, just out there for all to appreciate.

For all the shit furries get, I do spare a thought for the fact that they have to settle for someone in a costume. Yes they pretend they’re the characters they portray, yet ultimately it remains a facsimile of their desire, able to be held in hand but still leaving something to be desired.
The fact that my fetish exists in reality makes it worse.
I have two responses to this:

On one hand, I am glad I have a fetish that actually exists IRL. However I do find it a bit frustrating how rare attractive BBWs seem to be IRL, at least where I live. Hell, even when I visited the US recently, I didn't see very many. I think this perception probably stems from watching too much fat porn, but still. I consider myself lucky to have dated a few BBWs.
I also consider myself lucky that I'm not fixated on weight gain - don't get me wrong, I do find it hot, but I don't *need* it to get off. I think my romantic life would be even more frustrating if I did. (In other words, of course weight gain exists IRL, but I think actually finding a feedee would be nigh-impossible)

My second point is less specific to fat fetishism, but still tangentially related: I don't really understand how people can have fetishes for things that don't exist IRL. Furries are one example (as you said), but there are many others. Things like giantesses, vore, inflation, even things completely unrelated to fat, like hypnosis etc. Honestly, I find such things cringeworthy, but I'm trying not to judge. How frustrating would it be to only be able to get aroused by something that's completely impossible in the real world? Did people have these sorts of fixations before the invention of the internet? It baffles me.
>>51572 (OP)
Nah. Literally so many people I know have the fear of their wife/gf getting fat or getting “fatfished” on Tinder or only matching with fatties. It’s nice to never have to worry about that. If you choose to date thin people and deny yourself what you like due to societal pressure, that’s your own fault for missing out
Yeah it’s kind of clutch that there are people who like fat girls and girls who like getting fat now that you mention it
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Regarding OPs topic of furries:

Gene editing is not particularly difficult.
It is a matter of channeling power to such topics.


CRISPR can easily cause immortality. So many animals live over 300 years. Such as Arctic Sharks and Turtles.
Cheers to my worlds wealth being directed to sanity.

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