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I'm happy I no longer look at porn.
Living a good life. Create a Apostolic Christian FA culture. Feels good.
Just peaking site because of boredom made recoil. I'm playing Halo 2 after my work day ended.
If you all want to join my discord server hit me up. It's cleab and good for all my fellow Catholic and Orthos, and friendly prots.
I apologize for the typos but I think you get the point, We must make a alternative FA culture unshackled from porn If you wonder why I am on soap box on a chan site. It's because this the only place we be open as FAs. Take care guys.
This is seriously underrated topic. Pregnancy gains are a serious deal. Catholic traditions are pretty great for getting your wife under your thumb, dependent upon you, fat, pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen.
That is too controlling, I want her to enjoy being a spoiled stay-at-home mom
> I want her to enjoy being a spoiled stay-at-home mom
Just marry some pink haired feminist then.
lol no. You misunderstand. I mean you don't need to be controlling if she likes being a SAHM.
Dude you know nothing about women or Catholicism.
>Catholic for ten years
On the girls part, a gentleman doesn't kiss and tell.
Everyone, this guy is a schizo.

He doesn't have a job.

He lives with his parents.

He makes his poor elderly mom make all his meals.

He creeps on any woman who smiles at him.

He's not even Catholic, he's a sedevacantist.

Boo this manchild!
no fucking way, you're telling me the guy who wants to make an alternative kink culture "unshackled from porn" and based on religion fucking sucks? how is this possible, i figured this guy had everything figured out and put together
Kisame here. That might change when Trump wins and VP Vance makes him get a job for that protestant work ethic.
He's just parroting Project 2025, which prohibits pornography and made up by think tanks
Catholicism is all about drinking after work and worshiping some incomprehensible Latin cult
The Catholic Church and the Archdiocese in America hate each other. Americans Catholics are seen as boorish loudmouths who mix crass commercialism with terrorism. The Catholic Church just want to modernize since Latin Americans and Asians are replacing the Italians, Irish, Brits and Greeks who don't attend church.
The American Catholic church (or at least most of it) is basically it's own religion at this point. Go anywhere else in the world and see how Catholics act. It's been slowly going this way since the 1980s.
American Catholics are nerds who want like obscure trivia. There's almost like Jews who want Kabbalah mysticism or Ben Shapiro who wants to be Jewish so he can be a tycoon. It's the same reason JD Vance comes off as fake. He can't sell the 80s as a time of drugs and vice
If you want a serious answer, Christians are lazy bums nowadays who don't work and think corporations are going to pay them 70k. They're being replaced with immigrants cause CEOs don't care for their conspiracy, they're just selling an agenda made up by Fox News. The evangelicals that Catholics court vote left too
Fuck off, David. Go back to your war crime Apolgia you fucking faggot. I fucking am in welding school and he sells drugs to addicts.
Get fucked faggot.
Actually no. Pay no action to the disguting pervert who sells drugs. I live rent-free in his head. He's deluded. He's also a Marine Arty guy who thinks pulling a cord makes you a badass I have a job and a life. And no I am not a creep. He is. This man is a schizo. I am not a sede and never will be.
Go back to the VA psych ward faggot.

P.S. I pay rent to my parents.
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Imagine being Marine Arty man, having a wife and three kids. Imagine being so insecure you have to bully a welding student for telling you to stop treat your wife like a cum dumpster, which you do, after grooming her into enjoying it.
You also accused me of being a fag for saying your behavior is fucking revolting. You literally have a shit fetish.
You really are glutton for punishment aren't you?
Before you guys ask, yes I am unfortunate to know this idoit personally.
FYI he is in favour of ignoring the laws of war and murdering civilians.
Oh shit, he's almost 30 and is finally paying rent!

Typical degenerate sede.
>Called a degenerate
>By a drug dealer
Shut the fuck the fuck up you POG.
You literally are a drug dealer. Also Hello Mike.
Shut the fuck up you POG.
You are a literal drug dealer.
>called a Degenerate by a drug dealer
>not a seed
>has an actual job
Cool story bro,
Also, I was unemployed 2 years looking for work. happens to anyone. This guy is just butthurt I called him out for using his wife as a whore and him for being a drug dealer. He sells weed. That is his job.
I am in college learning welding.
Man are you a bitch.
Francis is the Pope
Also this retard supports murdering cops and thinks Trump is a communist.
Real winner here. I'd rather work minimum wage to put myself through college and live with my parents to save money then be A LITERAL FUCKING DRUG DEALER. This is who is speaking. A drug dealer. Calling me a degnerate.
FFS you have no self awareness do you? He also criticized Kimberly Guilfoyle and called her a slut.
When his wife is a Catidee level whore.
Anyway, anyone else want to speak? Maybe the Mexican dude with the Giant Filipina gf?
Anyone Catholics struggle with a porn addiction.
> Maybe the Mexican dude with the Giant Filipina gf?
You rang? We met at a Halloween party and now have an open relationship. AMA
Eh, I'm not sure if it's you. Just have to deal with this guy.
Seems I cooked his ass.
I am convinced Lee Greenwood is suffering from elder abuse and knows 1 song. Just like how Kid Rock knows 1 song. If it wasn't for Hulk Hogan and Trump it would have been a dud.
Is this why we can't have Motorhead, Twisted Sister, or KISS at the RNC?
Trad Caths are hated cause you pissed away all the good will John Paul II with Benedict XVI and Bill Donahue, ruined mob movies by identifying with the Godfather,
Who is this?
Motorhead retire my dude.
After Lemmy, Fast Eddie Clarke and Phil the Filthy animal Taylor all died.
I want something that isn't fucking robo boomer. Bring back the Beastie Boys.
Stop derailing my post.

Yeah, but what about Evil Eddy? Who will stop that mad man when he flips the switch! What a bitch!
You didn't. I actually have a job and a life lmao.

Where at in your schizo little mind are you getting this drug dealing and treating my wife like a whore bit?

Watching welding videos on TikTok isn't college.
Kisame here. I don't know what's going on. I am most likely taking a leave till fall
You clearly don't think you are bullying people on a chan site.
That is your job.
I don't even have tiktok you fucking faggot.
I haven't spoken to you in two years. Things change. You are fucking embarrassed yourself you shiting eat wierdo.
And by whore, I don't mean you pimp her out.
I mean you act like you are her pimp. Not her husband.
You literally bragged to me about how she let you fuck her in the ass and sucks your dick.
boy this thread sure is extremely normal
I like how if an American mentions religion in a thread on /gen/, it instantly turns into a schizo containment thread.
All the schizos I know went to do something else. Catholics are crumbling cause they forget the schizos like Joe Biden knows how to maintain their fragile structure. Ron and Vance are the Marine correspondent, JAG they wanted. Now Catholics are getting that totalitarian state they hated
> shiting eat wierdo.
And by whore, I don't mean you pimp her out.
I mean you act like you are her pimp.
Why does this boberry rumour come up on every board?
Fat women love toilet humor
Latin Americans are also contributing to the growth of Evangelical churches.
>he's a sedevacantist
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this is the most entertaining thread in a long while
>>51522 (OP)
I'am I a retard for liking OP's idea ?
>>51900 Ignore the schizos.
I have a US marine who is clearly gay who is stalking me, I know him two years ago when I eas undeployed and I am at a technical college learning to weld
Not Mary. This US Marines Armiena wife. He eating to eating her ass.
>>52255 No it's a good idea. I could do a flame-bait thread about how this guy is a faggot who is stalking me when he was three small sons and an Armenian whore he met in college for a wife. But I would rather ignore the schizo who calls me a man-child for living with my parents in this shitty economy. I insisted on paying rent when my parents said I didn't need to so I can pay my fair share. I go to college and am learning welding. Ignore him. He's insane. Iwas unp;pyed a the time, no shame in that. He's just nuts. He admit he grows weed and also has a canddle making business, That was years ago so maybe he does something else.
I couldn't care less.
I want to meet other Christian here who like my idea.
Who's in?
You want the discord link homes?
The Catholic church is growing in TLM commuties.
What a moron.
I am not a sede. Francis is Pope.
Shut up.
Yeah sure thanks
TLM is Cancer and anyone who attends a TLM isn't a Catholic, they're basically a sede.

Thankfully Pope Francis is taking steps to banning it and will Pope Slap traddies the fuck out of the RCC.

Also Fuck Cardinal Sarah, and fuck the now dead Cardinal Ottoviani. That second asshole bitched and moaned because the BC Commission didn't go his way.
TLM are like Mormons who stay in Utah, or Fundies who stay in Dallas while going to Manilla and larp as Manny Pacquiao
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Scram faggots

None of y’all are welcome in my communities

Cheers to the girl channers/goddesses/queens

And cheers to the 20,000 Philistina that would be alive if y’all weren’t trying to ruin the internets vibes.

Victory to Hell.

Death to the pestilence.
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Victory to pagans. Paganism: Each love is a soul and infinite multiverses. Yin-yang.

I hate fag males and your fag male topics that obstruct the other growth, yall will never be welcome.
Oh it's one of those loser Palestinians. Still cranky white phosphorus is raining down?
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Cheers to hunters. Do we have to trace IPs and root people out just for the true worlds internet to truly thrive? Cheers to the anarchy of my peoples infinite united wills.

Y’all are nothing but a tumour blob of spam
Who is we? You take your meds Kisame?
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We are going to kill you.

I suppose you are an IDF conscript unironically chained to spamming my forums to death to try to rape the world.

Be hunted. Be eradicated.

20,000 kids are willing karma and the true future.
Don't listen to him mods, he drives a Volkswagen and is whipped by his Muslim GF who will throw him out. Have fun, Zionist

No...being unemployed for 2 years doesn't happen to anyone. There are plenty of entry level jobs you can get while you continue to look for something better.

If you're out of a job for more than like 3 months you're either lazy or have some mental /physical health issues you're dealing with. The latter is understandable, the former is not.

Too add to this fact...the fact you claim to be "in college learning welding"...get off your ass and fucking get a general laboror job then. You don't have to have any experience and in doing so you'll often work jobs where you're helping out trained welders.
None of these terminally online posters hold a job.
Man gotta love bbwchan I hate the internet.
LOL look what we have here a fucking comedian

My dude, I have an entry-level Job.
No one was hiring at first.
I just bit the bullet lowered my standards and got a job in the service industry while I am in college
Speak for yourself nigga. My days are spent working and my free time is lifting and recreation.
To all the Non-terminal online coomers.
Hate to see this is derailed.
I'll wait patiently to get this off the ground.
Is this Dave or someone else? If this is someone else, no man I was looking for general labour jobs and couldn't find any.

The Schizo Marine sells drugs and candles lol. Anyway to all the shall I say not terminal coomers who may have a porn problem nd wish to stop.
I'll catch you down the road.
Likely after I finish Trade School.
Wild how people self-own here. It's anonymous, no one has to know they're losers yet they tell us all about it.
I already have one shit-eater.
Go back to your whore wife
>Admit I work in the service industry. Whill
I work through college.
Pick one faggot
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Leave our community immediately you stupid parasites. Death to all Christians. Y’all stole community centers but can’t stay among your own because y’all so wretched?
We have non-faggy energy to enjoy that is guaranteed better without y’all. Go exctinct. Girls hate yall.
Y’all are why some girls are starving.
Y’all are why some girls are forced to work to survive.
Lowliest parasites. Y’all fear my peoples most humble vibes and that’s why y’all tried to invade OUR forum with your putridness.
Ah yes, Schizo posting at it's finest.

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