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Apologies to diarypostNDo other FAs (especislly younger) struggle with this, or am I just a pussy?

Why can I tacitly admit to finding bigger girls attractive (IE agreeing with friends that we wouldn't mind dating a slightly heavier girl), and even flat out admit to another (admiteddly bi so less likely to judge proclivities I reckon) that I found our BBW classmate (280 at least, 300~ at the most) attractive and wanted to know if she were single, but in situations where a friend is getting clowned on for going out with a bigger girl, or lamenting that he could connect with a girl romantically but could 't see himself datimg due to being 300+ lbs (lucky bastard), I freeze up and immediately fear repercussions if I speak my mind?

Maybe it's just some remnant of trauma from my past experiences that fuels this fear, but it wouldn't surprise me since I have a lot of neuroses to begin with, but I'm still deeply contemplating whether or not I want to take that same friend who was lamenting that girl (tbh I don't know if he wasn't attracted to her so he broke it off or was and just feared rejection - I'm kinda leaning the latter), how girls like threadpic are pretty close to my ideal, as are models like Alex Storm, and that while I can be attracted to thinner girls like my last fling, it's generally a big exception mostly built off of emotional chemistry? (Although there are once in a blue moon events like with Charli XCX)?

Again, is this a normal fear that FAs face?
Nobody actually gives a fuck what you like. If you openly fuck fat chicks your friends will talk less shit than if you try to deny it. Everyone has their thing. Yours is just obvious during everyday life.

When I met a new group of friends they were all laughing about this 350ish girl that ran through everyone in their frat. They showed me a Pic and she was a bombshell, total catch in the eyes of any FA. I was like hell yeah I'd hit that. And they just said God damn dude, good for you.

It's not that deep
Off topic but do you have more pics of that baddie by chance?
>>51278 (OP)
> I freeze up and immediately fear repercussions if I speak my mind?

Who cares what they think? Are you going to know them in 5 years? 10 years? Probably not. I can't think of a single person from any place I've gone to school, or worked at that I still talk to.

> Maybe it's just some remnant of trauma from my past experiences that fuels this fear.

You need to get over this irrational fear. I'll quote something from the book, Dune, because I think it's sound advice.

>"Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past me I will turn to see fear's path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."
This isn’t complicated: you’re a loser.
—You’re a loser who knows he’s a loser. (You know it, I know it, the girls know it too buddy),
—You’re a loser who think fat women are easier to get with (being a loser that sounds good to you).
—You’re a loser whose afraid people will think you’re dating fat women because you’re a loser (which IS the case).

Fucking fat women is cool as shit when Chad does it because he likes fat women and does not give a shit.
You’re just a loser. Everyone can tell you’re a loser and dating a fat chick won’t change that. If you were less of a loser you’d at least get your dick wet instead of fearing people knowing your a loser.
Hey, just making sure you still remember little ol me and my previous request for more of the girl in your original post. She should be the answer you look to tbh, you’d have to be crazy to not wanna tap that
Gonna be real, no one in real life cares if you like fat woman dude, don't be a damn creep and you good.
Was thinking the same back in school
Everyone talking about the girls they found hot (obviously the skinny ones I had zero interest in)
I just stayed quiet, too afraid to be the weirdo who likes fat girls..
Thinking I was maybe like one of 5 people in the world who are like this

Also missed a chance of that one girl (literally the only fatty around) who was clearly into me a lot

Been staring at each other all the time, she was walking by in an extra jiggly way once, noticed how I loved things bending under her and all that stuff
She was wearing super tight shorts in summer
Very fat for early and mid teenage years
From today's knowledge I'd say she was certainly 260 to 280 at roughly 5'4" at 5th-9th grade age (that's when she left school)
All in all she was absolutely fire

Not only did I waste that chance, but I also totally ignored the fact that she was all into me as well
And I was short, not exactly handsome and far from self confident

Things had to change, I can't hide who I am, as I'm not ever gonna change anyway

So I decided to not give a fuck anymore and instead of wasting my life I decided to live it the way I should

This led to being married to a 400 lbs woman nowadays and I'm the most proud guy ever walking around with her in public
In fact I kinda love people staring now

Thinking "yeah look at me, look at my wife
This super hot double belly and all these rolls are mine and I effing love it"

And not one negative comment had ever been made

Sure, people may think their stuff behind my back
But honestly
Who cares, and most importantly
They have no clue what they're missing out

Long story short
Live your life, go with the fat girls
You don't live for other people's comments or thoughts

And even if there are some, you just gotta remember these guys won't ever experience that feeling of a soft fat girl that is all yours :)
Nope unfortunately, just found her on MyBodyGallery.
Fuck it, I'm asking out this cute arabic BBW who's been making eyes at me and chatting me up next time I attend club on campus. You're a genius.
Damn, you remember the height and weight you input by chance?
Damn I was thinking 5’8 260… thanks bro
Oh.. and seriously. Don’t sweat liking fat girls… depending on how big we’re talking it’s gross and understandable at best. I kinda chickened out a bit bc my friends know I like plus size - chubby which is true. But I left out the part where I would let DestinyBBW drop her belly on my face. In my defense, my SSBBW attraction comes and goes, but any size from Ashley Graham to Thicccollegegirl is always gonna do it for me. If you don’t wanna fully commit just do what I did, it’s completely watertight and works 1/1 times guaranteed by yours truly. Now if you’ll excuse me. I’ll be paying a visit to uh.. mybodygallery
Once again tho, there are WAY WAY WAYYYYYY WAYYYYYYYYYY WAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY and I can’t stress this enough: WAAAAAYYY worse things to be into than fat girls. They’re just like normal girls, except bigger and the sooner you realize that the better off you’ll be
gross at worst and understandable at best* I thought I was cooking so hard with that one I forgot to proofread…
good luck. Let us know how it goes
btw, at what province are you at? I am in Quebec (vpn from the states) and there are a few bbw's out here
>I'm asking out this cute arabic BBW who's been making eyes at me and chatting me up next time I attend club on campus
I hope that we aren't on the same campus lol, there's one here as well
I won't ask her out just in case. Good luck OP!
Oh nvm, I misread haha. Western Canada, I'll say, so you still have your shot!
Thanks for slapping some sense into me, all; I had a talk with her and we have even more in common than I'd thought; we're gonna go out together sometime next week :)
It’s always funny to me watching these low tier Brads debate wifing up a hoe who’s def getting better Chaddick on the regs. Good luck, hopefully she still respects you after seeing you naked.
No problem! Thanks! I'll give it a shot as well!
Great stuff! Good luck! Let us know how it goes
Dude, what the fuck is your problem? You've literally done nothing constructive except prance around like an ass. Go back to reddit
I’m just saying 9/10 some mid tier dude is waffling about being caught dating a fat chick he’s crushing on the decent frats blumpkin queen.
You're a sub 8 male Jimmy, Cidny doesn't want you
No. I’m doing quite well with women. Part of being tall, successful and having a giant dick is people think it’s quirky and cool when you’re into obese women. You guys are neurotic losers.
Hey Jimmy you wanna join antifa?
Antifa? That Fox News boogie man was a 2020 meme.
Get with the program, it’s “migrant crime” that’s gonna rape your cousin/Mountain-Dee-Jawwed-child-bride.
>>51278 (OP)
i mean yeah i dealt with it too when i was like 19 but also imagine being a fat woman and being with someone who is scared to be seen with you...
As someone who wishes they could do over college you should enjoy your time there while you can. You're attracted to fat girls anon and that's not gonna change. How long are you gonna let your life be ruled by people who judge you? Seriously, you will fucking hate yourself if there are opportunities in college that you don't take because you're concerned with how you look to other people.
I have bad social anxiety too, but at a certain point you gotta pull the bandaid off. And when you do, and you get to the other side, you'll realize that it wasn't bad at all and you've been worrying over very little. Anxiety sucks, don't let it sap your joy away.

and now i just read this after typing all that. godspeed anon
I didn’t read all this so not sure if it has been said yet, but here’s what it comes down to. Imagine missing out on something you like because you are afraid of what others think.

You will regret it forever when older, because as you get older you already naturally care less what others think.
> Imagine missing out on something you like because you are afraid of what others think.
What if you care more about what the cool dudes think of you than getting your dick wet?

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