
>>51070 (OP)
I'm going to assume wildcat made this
(421 KB, 2000x1333, cleaning-person.jpeg)
It's free real estate.

>[BBWCHAN] (centered)
What is BBWchan?
BBWchan is a simple image-based bulletin board where anyone can post comments and share images. There are boards dedicated to a variety of topics, from overweight and obesity to hygiene, inflation, and furries. Users do not need to register an account before participating in the community. Feel free to click on a board below that interests you and jump right in!
Be sure to familiarize yourself with the [Rules] before posting, and read the [FAQ] if you wish to learn more about how to use the site.
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/bbw/ /c/ /f/ /i/ /s/ /z/ (the alphabetical order is important)
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/bbw/ is for BBWchan discussions and socializing, /c/ stands for chubby and smallfat, /f/ stands for fat and bigfat, /i/ for inflation and pregnancy, /s/ for slob and lack of hygiene, and /z/ for furries in the zoo.
Here's a list of generalized threads ("generals") for every single board proposed above:
/draw/ - for drawing requests and sharing drawings, one big rule is "don't bump requests"
/edit/ and color - for editing or coloring requests and sharing edits and recolors
/write/ - writing requests and sharing written stories
/cap/tions - captions are the best of both /edit/ with /write/ worlds
/gif/ - animations and movies, no real life gif, webm, video files
/games/ - fan-made games and modding, but franchises and companies get their own threads
/beg/ - you moochers
/lost/ - lost content and archives
/art/ists' thread - artists who don't have enough content for 400 posts get one thread
/irl/ - real life content, otherwise same as above
/rp/ - roleplay thread
/mime/ing or /pret/ending - for pretenders and fat, preg and fur suits
/oc/ - original characters
/com/munity - fetish communities
/male/ - maybe two threads, one for real life, and one for drawn, edited, and written works
/ai/ threads - one for art and another one for chats, stories, and voices

Here's one exclusive for the future /bbw/:
/pol/itics - you get ONE thread for politics

It goes without saying that the generals above aren't stickied and take up about 10% of a catalog leaving the rest to the userbase.
Why yes I'm bored to bits. How could you tell?
Wildcat is dead.
Okay, then this is a TenureGiver thread.
The one that killed him. And is dancing on his grave as we speak.
>>51070 (OP)
Someone said the n-word, it's so joever, democracy died in silence, how I am supposed to jerk off to this degenerate fetish when the wrong thinking chuds won't bend the knee?
(423 KB, 480x480, 1721559301810228.webm)
>Someone said the n-word
Oh no. Not the n-word. This isn't very wholesome Keanu Reeves big chungus. I am shaking rn.
They used to call this sort of cleanup thing a good old purge
But not anymore. Also, the clean up is making the censorship and moderation policies large and immense,
We have standards of energy, thus better energy grows
What do you mean by "censorship", OP?
>moderation policies
BBW-Chan has rules.

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