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to get her to gain weight in the round, pregnant looking shape. Think ffafeed or msmacandcheese. I have absolutely zero knowledge in terms of nutrition and weight gain or types of fat or any of that stuff. My plan right now is just to give her as much ice cream and half and half as I possibly can. Anyone have any other advice?
>>51054 (OP)
I think binge eating is the way to go to get a large gut. Sugar also helps I think. My ex had a massive gut like a beer belly and had a binge eating disorder and if you see how mochiibabii gained she got a massive gut from doing massive stuffings constantly. Only issue is it could get expensive compared to something like drinking heavy cream every day
I gave my baby a bottle of perc 20s I got prescribed but didn’t need. She gained like 20 pounds of pure belly weight and then lost it just as fast.
I'll make it simple. There are two kinds of fat: subcontentious and visceral

Subcontentious is the soft, all-over kind
Visceral is the round belly kind

Visceral fat can be gained through fatty foods, processed foods, sugary foods, and binge eating of said foods

Subcontentious comes from most everything else (at least in women)
Oh, and visceral comes from alcohol too
Opioids. lol, but that’s always worked for me.
Perfect. Visceral fat is exactly what I’m looking for. I’m going to feed her as much Krispy Kreme and bacon and cream as I can. It’s too bad pregnancy seems to be the real magic bullet for this shape. Seems like they keep the gut and tits 90 percent of the time.

Opioids are a bit much for me lol. I wish there was an opposite of Ozempic!
I’m telling you. I gave my girl a bottle of pills I got after a surgery and she put on a solid 20 pounds in a few weeks. Lost it just as fast tho.
Seems like people gain in the stomach too when they gain really fast. As if they are gaining faster than the body knows what to do with it, so it just adds to the gut. Probably coincidence tho

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