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I realise how arrogant this sounds but it's a genuine question I've been pondering.

If there were a venn diagram of all the women I've met who I've found sexy and all the women I've met who were interested in me, there would be almost no overlap.

But while that would make sense for a lot of men, I'm not going for thin blonde barbie dolls, I'm interested in chubby and skinny fat women especially if they hold most their weight in their belly. Not huge BBW but still a physique which most women would rather not have and which has never really been embraced by the body positivity movements but that's another topic.
I've tried being with thinner women and I found out the soft way that it doesn't work.

Meanwhile I'm tall, fit looking and classically handsome.

This doesn't go to say I'm entitled to chubby women's affection, and I don't actually think I'm comparatively better looking than them since naturally I find them really sexy, but something is holding me back from connecting with them.

I never seem to match with chubby women even though my profile is wholesome, they never seem to smile at me when I'm out, yet a lot of thinner women do.

I was talking to a chubbyish female friend recently about their experience with online dating and they told me that if a guy they consider to be attractive/fit swipes on them, they assume he's either just horny or he wants to make fun of them or he didn't mean to. Apparently she has had guys be quite rude to her about carrying a few extra pounds even though she's actually very attractive.

And I've heard of women who will deliberately date someone 'beneath' them so they feel more secure that he will never cheat.

I know everyone has types and being tall fit looking and traditional handsome isn't for everyone, but i never considered how it might actually be working against me.

If this is the case...what should I do about it?

Do I need to include something in my bio about how I actually prefer chubby women? (I'm being sarcastic but honestly it couldn't make things any worse)

The only way I got a date with someone I found really attractive this year was by just approaching her at the mall as she walked by, but this sort of approach is harder these days too. At least you can actually see what they look like though unlike with dating apps where its all smoke and mirrors.

There's already a lack of chubby/skinny fat women where I live and it sucks how hard it is to connect with them.

I tried feabie for a few years with no luck since there wasn't anybody locally.

I know it's a strange question but has anyone got any advice?
I've encountered this. I have like a 90% match rate with girls I'm into when I superlike, but a handful of times a cute fat asian shitposter will refuse to match even if I see them multiple times resetting my matches every few months.

Not sure there's much you can do, since saying you like bigger girls in your profile signals "FeTiShiSt!!!" to more than it doesn't
Not necessarily, see u/purplish_possum on Reddit.

Yeah you're doomed if you say you like chubby girls too because then they feel like a disgusting fetish object and it confirms that they're hideous if you show them attention (especially chubby girls who have gained weight recently and haven't accepted that they're bigger)

There have been a few women who are exactly my body type with weight in the belly and seem to have interesting personalities but I never matched with them, or we matched and they just ghosted me before we got around to meeting up.

It's sad because that's their natural body type and they assume every guy finds it gross yet they feel even more gross when a guy expresses that he finds their extra pounds sexy and often don't even give him a chance to.

A guy like you or I should in theory be like a dream come true to a chubby girl - she gets too feel adored and doesn't need to feel self conscious around her partner.

Yet it's often guys who prefer thin women who end up dating these girls. The number o times I've heard girls complain that their partner made a comment about their weight makes me want to explode.
>>50988 (OP)
Put a photo of your wearing a T-shirt with some writing like "I love fat b*tches" as your opening pic on dating apps ;)
Thank me later!
> Yeah you're doomed if you say you like chubby girls too
Not if she’s chubby and wants to fuck you. Then she’s happy you’re attracted to her.

> seem to have interesting personalities but I never matched with them, or we matched and they just ghosted me
Yep. That makes sense based on what you wrote here.

> yet they feel even more gross when a guy expresses that he finds their extra pounds sexy
No. The issue here is that you give off the worst energy. Maybe it’s autism, mental illness, or just being a jackass but having you be attracted to these girls grosses them out. It’s probably got nothing to do with her fat and everything to do with your personality.

> Yet it's often guys who prefer thin women who end up dating these girls
They choose to be with guys who aren’t neurotic losers assuming far chicks should be happy to date a man who isn’t fat but sucks ass.

Try dating uglier girls with worse personalities. You might have a shot there.
You don't even know me from a bar of soap you shitwit but it's fair to assume that the average bbwchan user is an autistic loser I suppose.

For the record though - no. Most women I see on dating apps are boring as batshit, either put in no effort or have no social skills, on dates I'm the one planning everything, asking questions, doing most of the flirting, while they sit back and enjoy the ride until they want to bail off.

Also have you seen the types of guys the average woman shacks up with? I know educated attractive women dating less attractive guys with no charisma and no ambition who treat them like crap. Women aren't some flawless judges of a man's character or value.
> Most women I see on dating apps are boring as batshit, either put in no effort or have no social skills, on dates I'm the one planning everything, asking questions, doing most of the flirting, while they sit back and enjoy the ride until they want to bail off.
Yes. We know, women don’t particularly like you. Incel post somewhere else.
>>50988 (OP)
Interesting observation, as online dating is the norm and you can't even rely on meeting in irl to strike up meet cutes. Take a look at women filming tiktoks in gyms just to get reactions and false accusations, it's clear they want this so they can filter men more easily. However, there is a method to the algorithm:

Much like YouTube, apps like Hinge are now saving metadata regarding your swipes and playing into the theory of the dating numbers system. Even if you don't believe it irl, these apps make this real in order to make matching easier, and ALLEGEDLY guys that rank high never meet chubby women because they have lower scores. Now, assuming your claim that you're a high ranker is true, there are ways you can lower your score so women can respond to you, including:

>gaining weight/losing muscle (not recommended)
>dressing down (business casual to casual, etc.)
>have a more unkempt hairstyle
>deliberately put red flags on your profile (chud stuff, nerdy hobbies, hint at an alternate sexuality not related to fat girls)
>put income lower than what you had previously, if at all
and if you're looking exclusively for foodies and fatties:
>hint that you're a good cook/foodie yourself

Hypothetically, this should drop your score low enough that you'll either see chubby hot girls or ugly skinnies, give or take some app quirks. Happy hunting.

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